
Using Tableau with KineticaΒΆ

Tableau integrates with Kinetica through the Kinetica ODBC driver. Before continuing, please install this driver. You can download our ODBC driver for Windows from <>. Once you have installed the ODBC driver, follow the steps below to view your Kinetica data from Tableau.

Step 1

Create an ODBC DSN for your Kinetica instance/collection using the ODBC Data Sources Windows application.

Step 2

In Tableau, select the Kinetica DSN


Step 3

Once the ODBC connection has been made, you will see you collection in the Select Database options. Select the collection


Step 4

Select the table containing the data you want to view


Step 5

From a sheet, configure the fields as needed. In this example, we will set the "x" field as longitude and the "y" field as latitude.


Step 6

Now we can add the fields we want to view and the type of display
