
Aggregate HistogramΒΆ

Performs a histogram calculation given a table, a column, and an interval function. The input parameter interval is used to produce bins of that size and the result, computed over the records falling within each bin, is returned. For each bin, the start value is inclusive, but the end value is exclusive--except for the very last bin for which the end value is also inclusive. The value returned for each bin is the number of records in it, except when a column name is provided as a value_column in input parameter options. In this latter case the sum of the values corresponding to the value_column is used as the result instead.

Input Parameter Description

Name Type Description
table_name string Name of the table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table or collection.
column_name string Name of a column or an expression of one or more column names over which the histogram will be calculated.
start double Lower end value of the histogram interval, inclusive.
end double Upper end value of the histogram interval, inclusive.
interval double The size of each bin within the start and end parameters.
options map of strings

Optional parameters. Default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys) Parameter Description
value_column The name of the column to use when calculating the bin values (values are summed). The column must be a numerical type (int, double, long, float).

Output Parameter Description

Name Type Description
counts array of doubles The array of calculated values that represents the histogram data points.
start double Value of input parameter start.
end double Value of input parameter end.