
Security Configuration

Security Configuration Options

To enable authentication and authorization, edit /opt/gpudb/core/etc/gpudb.conf and set the following properties:

  • require_authentication
    • true - need authentication through username/password or LDAP, no anonymous login
    • false - authentication is allowed, but non-authenticated users will be logged in as anonymous (default)
  • enable_authorization
    • true - enforce authorization permissions
    • false - no restrictions (default)

LDAP Integration

LDAP integration with Kinetica is accomplished through an Apache httpd proxy. This proxy comes packaged with Kinetica and can be found in /opt/gpudb/httpd. The OpenLDAP LDAP server daemon (slapd) is also included in this directory. There is a preconfigured httpd to work with this instance of slapd. To use an existing LDAP, the Location section of the /opt/gpudb/httpd/conf/httpd/httpd.conf file needs to be modified. Since this portion is controlled by Apache httpd, not Kinetica, see the Apache documentation for further details.

The included version of OpenLDAP can be started & initialized manually, using the commands:

$ sudo /opt/gpudb/httpd/ start
$ /opt/gpudb/httpd/openldap/

Note: Only run /opt/gpudb/httpd/openldap/ once, the first time OpenLDAP is started.

LDAP Users

Once connected to an LDAP server, LDAP users can be used for all Kinetica administration. First, a user with administrative permissions will need to be created within Kinetica that can be tied to an LDAP user.

To do this:

  • Log into gadmin with the Kinetica administration account ( admin / admin by default). If authentication has not yet been enabled, the username and password can be left blank.
  • From the Security menu, select Users
  • Click the New button
  • For Authentication, select External
  • Enter an LDAP username, preceded by @. This marks the user as an external LDAP user
  • For System Level Permission, select System Admin

Note: Although LDAP users are created with the username @<username>, they will log in with their regular username, without the @.