Source code for gpudb_multihead_io

# Python API file for inserting multiple records into GPUdb via one or more
# nodes/heads.
# Copyright (c) 2016 GIS Federal

from __future__ import print_function

import sys

# We'll need to do python 2 vs. 3 things in many places
IS_PYTHON_3 = (sys.version_info[0] >= 3) # checking the major component
IS_PYTHON_27_OR_ABOVE = sys.version_info >= (2, 7)

    from gpudb import GPUdb, GPUdbRecord, GPUdbRecordType, GPUdbColumnProperty
    from gpudb import GPUdbException, GPUdbConnectionException, RecordType
    from gpudb       import GPUdb, GPUdbRecord, GPUdbRecordType, GPUdbColumnProperty
    from gpudb       import GPUdbException, GPUdbConnectionException, RecordType

from avro import schema, datafile, io
import builtins
import datetime
import json
import logging
import random
import re
import struct
import time

from protocol import Record

    # if this fails, use the slower pure python implementation
    import mmh3 # murmur hash
    from mmh3 import hash_bytes, hash64 # murmur hash

    import os
    # The absolute path of this module for importing local packages
    gpudb_module_path = __file__
    if gpudb_module_path[len(gpudb_module_path)-3:] == "pyc": # allow symlinks to
        gpudb_module_path = gpudb_module_path[0:len(gpudb_module_path)-1]
    if os.path.islink(gpudb_module_path): # allow symlinks to
        gpudb_module_path = os.readlink(gpudb_module_path)
    gpudb_module_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(gpudb_module_path))

    # Search for our modules first, probably don't need imp or virt envs.
    if not gpudb_module_path + "/packages" in sys.path :
        sys.path.insert(1, gpudb_module_path + "/packages")

    # pure python implementation
    import pymmh3 as mmh3
# end try block

# Python version dependent imports
    import collections
    import ordereddict as collections # a separate package

    from urllib.parse import urlparse
    from urlparse import urlparse

# Handle basestring in python3
    long = int
    basestring = str
    class unicode:

# Logging
mh_io_log  = logging.getLogger( "gpudb.MultiHeadIO" )
handler    = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter  = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s",
                                 "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )
handler.setFormatter( formatter )
mh_io_log.addHandler( handler )
# Prevent logging statements from being duplicated
mh_io_log.propagate = False

# Some string constants used throughout the program
class C:
    """Some string constants used throughout the program."""

    # JSON dict keys
    _name   = "name"
    _type   = "type"
    _fields = "fields"
    _is_nullable = "is_nullable"

    # gpudb response status related dict keys
    _status_info = "status_info"
    _msg         = "message"
    _status      = "status"
    _error       = "ERROR"
    _ok          = "OK"

    # GPUdb /admin/show/shards response dict keys
    _shard_ranks = "rank"
    _shard_version = "version"

    # GPUdb /insert/records response constants
    _count_inserted = "count_inserted"
    _count_updated  = "count_updated"

    # GPUdb /insert/records and /get/records response common constants
    _info           = "info"
    _data_rerouted  = "data_rerouted"
    _true           = "true"

    # GPUdb /show/table response dict keys
    _table_names = "table_names"
    _table_properties   = "properties"
    _table_descriptions = "table_descriptions"
    _type_schemas  = "type_schemas"
    _pk        = "primary_key"
    _shard_key = "shard_key"

    # GPUdb /system/properties response dict keys
    _sys_properties    = "property_map"
    _multihead_enabled = "conf.enable_worker_http_servers"
    _worker_URLs       = "conf.worker_http_server_urls"
    _worker_IPs        = "conf.worker_http_server_ips"
    _worker_ports      = "conf.worker_http_server_ports"

    # Various string values
    _FALSE = "FALSE"
    _TRUE  = "TRUE"
    _False = "False"
    _True  = "True"
    _false = "false"
    _true  = "true"

# end class C

# Exception: InsertionException
# =============================
class InsertionException(Exception):
    """Handles errors during insertion of records into GPUdb.
    def __init__( self, message, records ):
        # call the base class constructor
        super(InsertionException, self).__init__( message )

        self.records = records
    # end __init__

    def get_records( self ):
        return self.records
    # end get_records
# end class InsertionException

# Public Class GPUdbWorkerList
# ============================

class GPUdbWorkerList:
    """A list of worker URLs to use for multi-head ingest."""

    def __init__( self, gpudb, ip_regex = None,
                  use_head_node_only = False ):
        """Automatically populates the GPUdbWorkerList object with the worker
        URLs for the GPUdb server to support multi-head ingest. (If the
        specified GPUdb instance has multi-head ingest disabled, the worker
        list will have the head node URL only and multi-head ingest will
        not be used.)

        Note that in some cases, workers may be configured to use more than one
        IP address, not all of which may be accessible to the client; this
        constructor uses the first IP returned by the server for each

        gpudb (GPUdb)
            The GPUdb client handle from which to obtain the worker URLs.
        ip_regex (str)
            Optional IP regular expression to match for the worker URLs.
        use_head_node_only (bool)
            Optional boolean flag indicating that only head node should be
            used (for whatever reason), instead of the workers utilizing the
            multi-head feature.
        # Validate the input parameter 'gpudb'
        assert isinstance(gpudb, GPUdb), ("Parameter 'gpudb' must be of "
                                          "type GPUdb; given %s"
                                          % type(gpudb) )
        # Validate the input parameter 'use_head_node_only'
        assert isinstance(use_head_node_only, bool), \
            ("Parameter 'use_head_node_only' must be a boolean value;  given "
             "%s" % str( type( use_head_node_only ) ) )

        self.worker_urls = []
        self.use_head_node_only = use_head_node_only
        self._ip_regex = ip_regex

        # Get system properties
        system_prop_rsp = gpudb.show_system_properties()
        if system_prop_rsp[ C._status_info ][ C._status ] == C._error:
            raise GPUdbException( "Unable to retrieve system properties; error:"
                                  " %s" % system_prop_rsp[ C._status_info ][ C._msg ] )

        system_properties = system_prop_rsp[ C._sys_properties ]

        # Is multi-head ingest enabled on the server?
        if C._multihead_enabled not in system_properties:
            raise GPUdbException( "Missing value for %s" % C._multihead_enabled)

        self._is_multihead_enabled = (system_properties[ C._multihead_enabled ] == C._TRUE)
        if not self._is_multihead_enabled:
            # Multihead ingest is not enabled.  Just return the main/only ingestor
            self.worker_urls.append( gpudb.get_url() )
            return # nothing to do

        # Head node-only usage is requested; so just return the head node
        if self.use_head_node_only:
            self.worker_urls.append( gpudb.get_url() )
            return # nothing to do

        # Get the worker URLs (per rank)
        if C._worker_URLs in system_properties:
            self.worker_URLs_per_rank = system_properties[ C._worker_URLs ].split( ";" )

            # Process the URLs per worker rank (ignoring rank-0)
            for i in list( range(1, len(self.worker_URLs_per_rank)) ):
                urls_per_rank = self.worker_URLs_per_rank[ i ]

                # Check if this rank has been removed
                if not urls_per_rank:
                    # We need an empty slot to indicate removed ranks
                    self.worker_urls.append( None )
                url_addresses_for_this_rank = urls_per_rank.split( "," )
                found = False

                # Check each URL
                for url_str in url_addresses_for_this_rank:
                    # Parse the URL
                    url = urlparse( url_str )
                    if ((not url.scheme) or (not url.hostname) or (not url.port)):
                        raise GPUdbException("Malformed URL: '{}'".format( url_str ) )

                    if not ip_regex: # no regex given
                        # so, include all IP addresses
                        self.worker_urls.append( url_str )
                        found = True
                        # skip the rest of IP addresses for this rank
                    else: # check for matching regex
                        match = re.match(ip_regex, url_str)
                        if match: # match found
                            self.worker_urls.append( url_str )
                            found = True
                            # skip the rest of IP addresses for this rank
                        # end found match
                    # end if-else
                # end inner loop

                # if no worker found for this rank, throw exception
                if not found:
                    raise GPUdbException("No matching URL found for worker"
                                     "%d." % i)
            # end inner loop
        else: # Need to process the separately given IP addresses and ports

            # Get the worker IP addresses (per rank)
            if C._worker_IPs not in system_properties:
                raise GPUdbException( "Missing value for %s" % C._worker_IPs)

            self.worker_IPs_per_rank = system_properties[ C._worker_IPs ].split( ";" )

            # Get the worker ports
            if C._worker_ports not in system_properties:
                raise GPUdbException( "Missing value for %s" % C._worker_ports)

            self.worker_ports = system_properties[ C._worker_ports ].split( ";" )

            # Check that the IP and port list lengths match
            if (len(self.worker_IPs_per_rank) != len(self.worker_ports)):
                raise GPUdbException("Inconsistent number of values for %s and %s."
                                 % (C._worker_IPs_per_rank, C._worker_ports) )

            # Get the protocol used for the client (HTTP or HTTPS?)
            protocol = "https://" if (gpudb.connection == "HTTPS") else "http://"

            # Process the IP addresses per worker rank (ignoring rank-0)
            for i in list( range(1, len(self.worker_IPs_per_rank)) ):
                ips_per_rank = self.worker_IPs_per_rank[ i ]

                # Check if this rank has been removed
                if not ips_per_rank:
                    # We need an empty slot to indicate removed ranks
                    self.worker_urls.append( None )

                ip_addresses_for_this_rank = ips_per_rank.split( "," )
                found = False

                # Check each IP address
                for ip_address in ip_addresses_for_this_rank:
                    # Validate the IP address's syntax
                    if not self.validate_ip_address( ip_address ):
                        raise GPUdbException( "Malformed IP address: %s" % ip_address )

                    # Generate the URL using the IP address and the port
                    url = (protocol + ip_address + ":" + self.worker_ports[i])

                    if (ip_regex == ""): # no regex given
                        # so, include all IP addresses
                        self.worker_urls.append( url )
                        found = True
                        # skip the rest of IP addresses for this rank
                    else: # check for matching regex
                        match = re.match(ip_regex, ip_address)
                        if match: # match found
                            self.worker_urls.append( url )
                            found = True
                            # skip the rest of IP addresses for this rank
                        # end found match
                    # end if-else
                # end inner loop

                # if no worker found for this rank, throw exception
                if not found:
                    raise GPUdbException("No matching IP address found for worker"
                                         "%d." % i)
            # end inner loop
        # end if-else

        # if no worker found, throw error
        if not self.worker_urls:
            raise GPUdbException( "No worker HTTP servers found." )
    # end GPUdbWorkerList __init__

    def validate_ip_address( self, ip_address ):
        """Validates the input string as an IP address (accepts IPv4 only).

        @param ip_address  String that needs to be validated.

        Returns true or false.
            parts = ip_address.split('.')
            # Accepting IPv4 for now only
            return ( (len(parts) == 4)
                     and all(0 <= int(part) < 256 for part in parts) )
        except ValueError:
            return False
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            return False
    # end validate_ip_address

    def get_worker_urls( self ):
        """Returns a list of the URLs for the GPUdb workers."""
        return self.worker_urls
    # end get_worker_urls

    def is_multihead_enabled( self ):
        """Returns whether multi-head I/O is enabled at the server."""
        return self._is_multihead_enabled
    # end is_multihead_enabled

    def get_ip_regex( self ):
        """Returns the IP regex, if any, used to create the worker list."""
        return self._ip_regex
    # end get_ip_regex
# end class GPUdbWorkerList

# Internal Class _ColumnTypeSize
# ==============================
class _ColumnTypeSize:
    """Contains type size information.
    CHAR1     =   1
    CHAR2     =   2
    CHAR4     =   4
    CHAR8     =   8
    CHAR16    =  16
    CHAR32    =  32
    CHAR64    =  64
    CHAR128   = 128
    CHAR256   = 256
    DATE      =   4
    DATETIME  =   8
    DECIMAL   =   8
    DOUBLE    =   8
    FLOAT     =   4
    INT       =   4
    INT8      =   1
    INT16     =   2
    IPV4      =   4
    LONG      =   8
    STRING    =   8
    TIME      =   4
    TIMESTAMP =   8
    ULONG     =   8

    # A dict mapping column types to its size in bytes
    column_type_sizes = collections.OrderedDict()
    column_type_sizes[ "char1"    ] =   1
    column_type_sizes[ "char2"    ] =   2
    column_type_sizes[ "char4"    ] =   4
    column_type_sizes[ "char8"    ] =   8
    column_type_sizes[ "char16"   ] =  16
    column_type_sizes[ "char32"   ] =  32
    column_type_sizes[ "char64"   ] =  64
    column_type_sizes[ "char128"  ] = 128
    column_type_sizes[ "char256"  ] = 256
    column_type_sizes[ "date"     ] =   4
    column_type_sizes[ "datetime" ] =   8
    column_type_sizes[ "decimal"  ] =   8
    column_type_sizes[ "ipv4"     ] =   4
    column_type_sizes[ "int8"     ] =   1
    column_type_sizes[ "int16"    ] =   2
    column_type_sizes[ "time"     ] =   4
    column_type_sizes[ "timestamp"] =   8
    column_type_sizes[ "int"      ] =   4
    column_type_sizes[ "double"   ] =   8
    column_type_sizes[ "float"    ] =   4
    column_type_sizes[ "long"     ] =   8
    column_type_sizes[ "string"   ] =   8
    column_type_sizes[ "ulong"    ] =   8
# end class _ColumnTypeSize

# Internal Class _RecordKey
# =========================
class _RecordKey:
    """Represents a record key for ingestion jobs to GPUdb.  It will
    be used to check for uniqueness before sending the insertion job
    to the server.

    def __init__( self, buffer_size ):
        """Initialize the RecordKey.
        if (buffer_size < 1):
            raise GPUdbException( "Buffer size must be greater than "
                                  "or equal to 1; given %d" % buffer_size )

        # self.record_key = {}
        self._current_size = 0
        self._buffer_size  = buffer_size
        self._buffer_value = bytearray()
        self._is_valid = True

        # The hash value for this record key (used internally in the python API)
        self._hash_code = 0

        # The hash value for routing the record to the appropriate GPUdb worker
        self._routing_hash = 0

        # Minimum and maximum supported years for the date format
        self._MIN_SUPPORTED_YEAR = 1000
        self._MAX_SUPPORTED_YEAR = 2900

        # Some regular expressions needed later
        self._ipv4_regex = re.compile( r"^(?P<a>\d{1,3})\.(?P<b>\d{1,3})\.(?P<c>\d{1,3})\.(?P<d>\d{1,3})$" )
        self._decimal_regex = re.compile( r"^\s*(?P<sign>[+-]?)((?P<int>\d+)(\.(?P<frac1>\d{0,4}))?|\.(?P<frac2>\d{1,4}))\s*\Z" )
    # end RecordKey __init__

    def is_valid( self ):   # read-only
        """Is the key valid?"""
        return self._is_valid
    # end is_valid

    def hash_code( self ):  # read-only
        """The hash code for the record key."""
        return self._hash_code
    # end hash_code

    def __is_buffer_full( self, throw_if_full = True ):
        """Internal function which checks whether the buffer is already full.
        if ( len( self._buffer_value ) == self._buffer_size ):
        # if (self._current_size == self._buffer_size):
            if throw_if_full:
                raise GPUdbException( "The buffer is already full!" )
            return True  # yes, buffer full, but we haven't thrown

        return False # buffer NOT full
    # end __is_buffer_full

    def __will_buffer_overflow( self, n, throw_if_overflow = True ):
        """Internal function which checks if the buffer will overflow
        if we attempt to add n more bytes.
        if not isinstance(n, int):
            raise GPUdbException( "Argument 'n' must be an integer, given %s"
                             % str( type( n ) ) )
        if (n < 0):
            raise GPUdbException( "Argument 'n' must be greater than or equal"
                              " to zero; given %d" % n )
        if ( (len( self._buffer_value ) + n) > self._buffer_size ):
        # if ( (self._current_size + n) > self._buffer_size ):
            if throw_if_overflow:
                raise GPUdbException( "The buffer (of size {s}) does not "
                                      "have sufficient room in it to put {n} "
                                      "more byte(s) (current size is {curr})."
                                      "".format( s    = self._buffer_size,
                                                 n    = n,
                                                 curr = len( self._buffer_value ) ) )
                                                 # curr = self._current_size ) )
            return True # yes, will overflow, but we haven't thrown

        return False # buffer will NOT overflow
    # end __will_buffer_overflow

    # We need different versions of the following 2 functions for python 2.x vs. 3.x
    # Note: Choosing to have two different definitions even though the difference
    #       is only in one line to avoid excessive python version check per func
    #       call.
    if IS_PYTHON_3:

        def add_charN( self, val, N ):
            """Add a charN string to the buffer (can be null)--N bytes.
            if (val and (len( val ) > N)): # not a null and too long
                raise GPUdbException( "Char{N} given too long a value: {val}"
                                      "".format( N = N, val = val ) )
            # charN is N bytes long
            self.__will_buffer_overflow( N )

            # Handle nulls
            if val is None:
                for i in list( range( 0, N ) ):
                    self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=b", 0 )
            # end if

            byte_count = len( val )

            # Trim the string if longer than
            if byte_count > N:
                byte_count = N

            # First, pad with any zeroes "at the end"
            for i in list( range(N, byte_count, -1) ):
                self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=b", 0 )

            # Then, put the string in little-endian order
            b = bytes( val[-1::-1], "utf-8" )
            self._buffer_value += b
        # end add_charN

    else: # python 2.x

        def add_charN( self, val, N ):
            """Add a charN string to the buffer (can be null)--N bytes.
            if (val and (len( val ) > N)): # not a null and too long
                raise GPUdbException( "Char{N} given too long a value: {val}"
                                      "".format( N = N, val = val ) )
            # charN is N bytes long
            self.__will_buffer_overflow( N )

            # Handle nulls
            if val is None:
                for i in list( range( 0, N ) ):
                    self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=b", 0 )
            # end if

            # Convert the string to little endian
            # -----------------------------------
            if isinstance( val, unicode ):
                val = str( val )
            byte_count = len( val )

            # Trim the string if longer than
            if byte_count > N:
                byte_count = N

            # First, pad with any zeroes "at the end"
            for i in list( range(N, byte_count, -1) ):
                self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=b", 0 )

            # Then, put the string in little-endian order
            self._buffer_value += val[-1::-1]
        # end add_charN

    # end if-else for python version

    def add_char1( self, val ):
        """Add a char1 string to the buffer (can be null)--one byte.
        self.add_charN( val, 1 )
    # end add_char1

    def add_char2( self, val ):
        """Add a char2 string to the buffer (can be null)--two bytes.
        self.add_charN( val, 2 )
    # end add_char2

    def add_char4( self, val ):
        """Add a char4 string to the buffer (can be null)--four bytes.
        self.add_charN( val, 4 )
    # end add_char4

    def add_char8( self, val ):
        """Add a char8 string to the buffer (can be null)--eight bytes.
        self.add_charN( val, 8 )
    # end add_char8

    def add_char16( self, val ):
        """Add a char16 string to the buffer (can be null)--16 bytes.
        self.add_charN( val, 16 )
    # end add_char16

    def add_char32( self, val ):
        """Add a char32 string to the buffer (can be null)--32 bytes.
        self.add_charN( val, 32 )
    # end add_char32

    def add_char64( self, val ):
        """Add a char64 string to the buffer (can be null)--64 bytes.
        self.add_charN( val, 64 )
    # end add_char64

    def add_char128( self, val ):
        """Add a char128 string to the buffer (can be null)--128 bytes.
        self.add_charN( val, 128 )
    # end add_char128

    def add_char256( self, val ):
        """Add a char256 string to the buffer (can be null)--256 bytes.
        self.add_charN( val, 256 )
    # end add_char256

    def add_double( self, val ):
        """Add a double to the buffer (can be null)--eight bytes.
        # Doubles are eight bytes long
        self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.DOUBLE )

        # Handle nulls
        if val is None:
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=d", 0 )
        # end if

        # Add the eight bytes of the double
        self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=d", float(val) )
    # end add_double

    def add_float( self, val ):
        """Add a float to the buffer (can be null)--four bytes.
        # Floats are four bytes long
        self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.FLOAT )

        # Handle nulls
        if val is None:
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=f", 0 )
        # end if

        # Add the four bytes of the float
        self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=f", float(val) )
    # end add_float

    def add_int( self, val ):
        """Add an integer to the buffer (can be null)--four bytes.
        # ints are four bytes long
        self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.INT )

        # Handle nulls
        if val is None:
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=i", 0 )
        # end if

        # Add each of the four bytes of the integer
        self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=i", int(val) )
    # end add_int

    def add_int8( self, val ):
        """Add an int8 to the buffer (can be null)--one byte.
        # int8s are one byte long
        self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.INT8 )

        # Handle nulls
        if val is None:
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=b", 0 )
        # end if

        # Add the byte of the int8
        self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=b", int(val) )
    # end add_int8

    def add_int16( self, val ):
        """Add an int16 to the buffer (can be null)--two bytes.
        # int16s two one byte long
        self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.INT16 )

        # Handle nulls
        if val is None:
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=h", 0 )
        # end if

        # Add the byte of the int8
        self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=h", int(val) )
    # end add_int8

    def add_long( self, val ):
        """Add a long to the buffer (can be null)--eight bytes.
        # Longs are eight bytes long
        self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.LONG )

        # Handle nulls
        if val is None:
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", 0 )
        # end if

        # Add the eight bytes of the long
        self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", long(val) )
    # end add_long

    # We need two different versions for this function based on the python version
    # Note: Choosing to have two different definitions even though the difference
    #       is only in one line to avoid excessive python version check per func
    #       call.
    if IS_PYTHON_3:
        def add_string( self, val ):
            """Add the hash value of the given string to the buffer (can be
            null)--eight bytes.
            # Longs are eight bytes long
            self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.STRING )

            # Handle nulls
            if val is None:
                # Adding a 0 long value
                self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", 0 )
            # end if

            # Hash the string value
            a = mmh3.hash64( bytes(val, "utf-8"), seed = 10 )

            hash_val = a[ 0 ] # the first half

            # Add the eight bytes of the long hash value
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", hash_val )
        # end add_string

    else: # Python 2.x
        def add_string( self, val ):
            """Add the hash value of the given string to the buffer (can be
            null)--eight bytes.
            # Longs are eight bytes long
            self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.STRING )

            # Handle nulls
            if val is None:
                # Adding a 0 long value
                self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", 0 )
            # end if

            # Hash the string value
            a = mmh3.hash64( val, seed = 10 )

            hash_val = a[ 0 ] # the first half

            # Add the eight bytes of the long hash value
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", hash_val )
        # end add_string
    # end add_string() python version specific

    def add_date( self, val ):
        """Add a date (given as a string or in a date stuct) to the buffer
        (can be null)--four bytes.

            val (str or
                The date to add; if string, then in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD".
                The year must be withing the range [1000, 2900].
        # ints are four bytes long
        self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.DATE )

        # Handle nulls
        if val is None:
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=i", 0 )
        # end if

        # For string values, convert to a date object
        if isinstance( val, basestring ):
                val = datetime.datetime.strptime( val, '%Y-%m-%d' ).date()
            except ValueError as e:
                # Date not in the correct format; so the key is invalid
                self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=i", 0 )
                self._is_valid = False
        # end if

        # The server supports years in the range [1000, 2900]
        if (val.year < self._MIN_SUPPORTED_YEAR) or (val.year > self._MAX_SUPPORTED_YEAR):
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=i", 0 )
            self._is_valid = False
        # end if

        # Encode the date struct's value properly
        time_tuple = val.timetuple()
        adjusted_day_of_week = ( ( ( time_tuple.tm_wday + 1 ) % 7 ) + 1 )
        date_integer = ( ( ( val.year - 1900 )  << 21 )
                         | ( val.month          << 17 )
                         | (            << 12 )
                         | ( (time_tuple.tm_yday) <<  3 )
                         # need to fix day-of-week to match the server's calculation
                         | adjusted_day_of_week )

        # Add each of the four bytes of the integer
        self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=i", date_integer )
    # end add_date

    def add_datetime( self, val ):
        """Add a datetime (given as a string or in a date stuct) to the buffer
        (can be null)--four bytes.

            val (str or
                The date to add; if string, then in the format of
                'YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM:SS[.mmm]]' where the time and the millisecond
                are optional.
                The allowable range is '1000-01-01 00:00:00.000' through
                '2900-01-01 23:59:59.999'.
                The year must be withing the range [1000, 2900].
        # ints are four bytes long
        self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.DATETIME )

        # Handle nulls
        if val is None:
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", 0 )
        # end if

        # For string values, convert to a date object
        if isinstance( val, basestring ):
                # Time is optional
                if ":" in val: # So, the time is given
                    # Handle the optional millisecond part
                    if "." in val:
                        # Convert the milliseconds to microseconds
                        val += "000"
                    else: # No milli seconds given
                        val += ".000"
                    # end if-else

                    val = datetime.datetime.strptime( val, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' )

                else: # only date, no time given
                    val = val.strip()
                    val = datetime.datetime.strptime( val, '%Y-%m-%d' )
            except ValueError as e:
                # Date not in the correct format; so the key is invalid
                self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", 0 )
                self._is_valid = False
        # end if

        # The server supports years in the range [1000, 2900]
        if (val.year < self._MIN_SUPPORTED_YEAR) or (val.year > self._MAX_SUPPORTED_YEAR):
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", 0 )
            self._is_valid = False
        # end if

        # Encode the date struct's value properly
        time_tuple = val.timetuple()
        # Need to fix day-of-week to match the server's calculation
        adjusted_day_of_week = int( ( ( time_tuple.tm_wday + 1 ) % 7 ) + 1 )

        # Encode the datetime just the way the server does it
        datetime_integer = ( ( ( val.year - 1900 )        << 53 )
                             + ( val.month                << 49 )
                             + (                  << 44 )
                             + ( val.hour                 << 39 )
                             + ( val.minute               << 33 )
                             + ( val.second               << 27 )
                             + ( int(val.microsecond / 1000) << 17 )
                             + ( time_tuple.tm_yday       <<  8 )
                             + ( adjusted_day_of_week     <<  5 ) )

        # Add each of the four bytes of the integer
        self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", datetime_integer )
    # end add_datetime

    def add_decimal( self, val ):
        """Add a decimal number to the buffer (can be null)--eight bytes.

            val (str)
                Must represent a decimal value up to 19 digits of precision and
                four digits of scale.
        # ints are four bytes long
        self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.DECIMAL )

        # Handle nulls
        if val is None:
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=Q", 0 )
        # end if

        # Parse the IPv4
        match = self._decimal_regex.match( val )
        if not match:
            # Incorrect format; so we have an invalid key
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", 0 )
            self._is_valid = False
        # end if

        # Parse the string to get the decimal value
        decimal_value = 0
            # Extract the integral and fractional parts, if any
            values = match.groupdict()
            integral_part = int( values[ "int" ] ) if values[ "int" ] else 0
            fraction      = values[ "frac1" ] if values[ "frac1" ] else \
                            ( values[ "frac2" ] if values[ "frac2" ] else "")
            sign = values[ "sign" ]

            # Get the integral part of the decimal value
            decimal_value = integral_part * 10000

            # Put together the integral and fractional part
            frac_len = len( fraction )
            if (frac_len > 0):
                fractional_part = int( fraction ) * (10**(4 - frac_len))
                decimal_value = (integral_part * 10000 ) + fractional_part
            # end if

            # Incorporate the sign
            if (sign == "-"):
                decimal_value = -decimal_value
            # Incorrect format; so we have an invalid key
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", 0 )
            self._is_valid = False
        # end try-catch

        # Add each of the four bytes of the integer
        self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", decimal_value )
    # end add_decimal

    def add_ipv4( self, val ):
        """Add a IPv4 address to the buffer (can be null)--four bytes.

            val (str)
                Must be in the form of "A.B.C.D" where A, B, C, and D are
                between 0 and 255, inclusive (e.g.
        # ints are four bytes long
        self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.IPV4 )

        # Handle nulls
        if val is None:
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=I", 0 )
        # end if

        # Parse the IPv4
        match = self._ipv4_regex.match( val )
        if not match:
            # Incorrect format; so we have an invalid key
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=I", 0 )
            self._is_valid = False
        # end if

        # Extract the four integers
        values = match.groupdict()
        a = int( values[ "a" ] )
        b = int( values[ "b" ] )
        c = int( values[ "c" ] )
        d = int( values[ "d" ] )

        # Check that the value does not exceed 255 (no minus
        # sign allowed in the regex, so no worries about negative values)
        if (a > 255) or (b > 255) or (c > 255) or (d > 255):
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=I", 0 )
            self._is_valid = False
        # end if

        # Deduce the integer representing the IPv4 address
        ipv4_integer = ( (   a << 24 )
                         | ( b << 16 )
                         | ( c <<  8 )
                         |   d )

        # Add each of the four bytes of the integer
        self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=I", ipv4_integer )
    # end add_ipv4

    def add_time( self, val ):
        """Add a time to the buffer (can be null)--four bytes.

            val (str)
                Must be in the form of "HH:MM:SS[.mmm]" where the
                millisdeconds are optional.
        # ints are four bytes long
        self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.TIME )

        # Handle nulls
        if val is None:
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=i", 0 )
        # end if

        # For string values, convert to a time object
        if isinstance( val, basestring ):
                if "." in val:
                    # Convert the milliseconds to microseconds
                    val += "000"
                else: # No milli seconds given
                    val += ".000"

                # Convert the string into a time object
                val = datetime.datetime.strptime( val, '%H:%M:%S.%f' ).time()
            except ValueError as e:
                # Date not in the correct format; so the key is invalid
                self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=i", 0 )
                self._is_valid = False
        # end if

        # Encode the time struct's value properly
        time_integer = ( ( val.hour   << 26 )
                         | ( val.minute << 20 )
                         | ( val.second << 14 )
                         | ( int(val.microsecond / 1000 ) <<  4 ) )

        # Add each of the four bytes of the integer
        self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=i", time_integer )
    # end add_time

    # We need different versions of the following 2 functions for python 2.x vs. 3.x
    # Note: Choosing to have two different definitions even though the difference
    #       is only in one line to avoid excessive python version check per func
    #       call.
    if IS_PYTHON_3:
        def add_timestamp( self, val ):
            """Add a long timestamp to the buffer (can be null)--eight bytes.

                val (long)
                    Timestamp from the epoch in milliseconds.
            # Longs are eight bytes long
            self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.TIMESTAMP )

            # Handle nulls
            if val is None:
                self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", 0 )
            # end if

            # Encode the timestamp for sharding purposes
            # ------------------------------------------
            # We need to extract the year, month, day, hour etc. fields
            # from the timestamp value PRECISELY the way the server does
            # it; python's datetime deviates every so slightly such that
            # sharding causes a problem.  So, we must use the crazy long
            # calculation below with many constants.
            # Note: Do NOT delete the comments below--they keep your sanity
            #       (nor the commented out lines)
            YEARS_PER_QUAD_YEAR = 4
            DAYS_PER_YEAR       = 365   # not leap year
            DAYS_PER_WEEK       = 7
            HOURS_PER_DAY       = 24
            MINUTES_PER_HOUR    = 60
            SECS_PER_MINUTE     = 60
            MSECS_PER_SEC       = 1000
            MSECS_PER_HOUR      = 3600000 # (MSECS_PER_MINUTE * MINUTES_PER_HOUR)
            MSECS_PER_DAY       = 86400000 # (MSECS_PER_HOUR * HOURS_PER_DAY)
            # MSECS_PER_YEAR      = 31536000000 # (DAYS_PER_YEAR * MSECS_PER_DAY)
            # MSECS_PER_QUAD_YEAR = 126230400000 # (MSECS_PER_DAY * DAYS_PER_QUAD_YEAR)
            YEARS_PER_CENTURY   = 100
            # EPOCH_YEAR          = 1970

            # MSECS_PER_CENTURY      = 3155673600000 # (DAYS_PER_CENTURY * MSECS_PER_DAY)
            # MSECS_PER_QUAD_CENTURY = 12622780800000  # (DAYS_PER_QUAD_CENTURY * MSECS_PER_DAY)

            # YEARS_TO_EPOCH = 1969 # (EPOCH_YEAR-1) # from year 1


            #                    + CENTURY_OF_QUAD_CENTURY_OFFSET*MSECS_PER_CENTURY
            #                    + QUAD_YEAR_OF_CENTURY_OFFSET*MSECS_PER_QUAD_YEAR
            #                    + YEAR_IN_QUAD_YEAR_OFFSET*MSECS_PER_YEAR)
            MS_EPOCH_OFFSET = 62135596800000

            JAN_1_0001_DAY_OF_WEEK = 1  # 0 based day of week - is a friday (as if gregorian calandar started in year 1)

            days_since_1 = (val + MS_EPOCH_OFFSET) // MSECS_PER_DAY
            quad_century = days_since_1  // DAYS_PER_QUAD_CENTURY
            day_of_quad_century = days_since_1 - (quad_century * DAYS_PER_QUAD_CENTURY)
            century_of_quad_century = day_of_quad_century // DAYS_PER_CENTURY
            if (century_of_quad_century == 4):
                century_of_quad_century = 3
            day_of_century = day_of_quad_century - (century_of_quad_century * DAYS_PER_CENTURY)
            quad_year_of_century = day_of_century // DAYS_PER_QUAD_YEAR
            day_of_quad_year = day_of_century - (quad_year_of_century * DAYS_PER_QUAD_YEAR)
            year_of_quad_year = day_of_quad_year // DAYS_PER_YEAR
            if (year_of_quad_year == 4):
                year_of_quad_year = 3

            # We need this extracted value
            day_of_year_field = int( day_of_quad_year - (year_of_quad_year * DAYS_PER_YEAR) + 1 )

            year = (YEARS_PER_QUAD_CENTURY * quad_century) \
                   + (YEARS_PER_CENTURY * century_of_quad_century) \
                   + (YEARS_PER_QUAD_YEAR * quad_year_of_century) \
                   + year_of_quad_year + 1

            # We also need this extracted value
            year_field = int(year - 1900)
            ly = 1 if ((year % YEARS_PER_QUAD_CENTURY) == 0) else \
                 ( 0 if ( (year % YEARS_PER_CENTURY) == 0) else \
                   ( 1 if ((year % YEARS_PER_QUAD_YEAR) == 0) else 0 ) )

            month_of_year_field = None
            dy = day_of_year_field
            if (dy <= 31):
                month_of_year_field = 1
            elif (dy <= (59 + ly )):
                dy -= 31;
                month_of_year_field = 2
            elif (dy <= (90 + ly)):
                dy -= (59 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 3
            elif (dy <= (120 + ly)):
                dy -= (90 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 4
            elif (dy <= (151 + ly)):
                dy -= (120 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 5
            elif (dy <= (181 + ly ) ):
                dy -= (151 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 6
            elif (dy <= (212 + ly) ):
                dy -= (181 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 7
            elif (dy <= (243 + ly) ):
                dy -= (212 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 8
            elif (dy <= (273 + ly) ):
                dy -= (243 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 9
            elif (dy <= (304 + ly) ):
                dy -= (273 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 10
            elif (dy <= (334 + ly) ):
                dy -= (304 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 11
                dy -= (334 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 12    # december

            # We need all of the following extracted values
            day_of_month_field = dy
            hour_field   = int(((val + MS_EPOCH_OFFSET) / MSECS_PER_HOUR) % HOURS_PER_DAY)
            minute_field = int(((val + MS_EPOCH_OFFSET) / MSECS_PER_MINUTE) % MINUTES_PER_HOUR)
            sec_field    = int(((val + MS_EPOCH_OFFSET) / MSECS_PER_SEC) % SECS_PER_MINUTE)
            msec_field   = int((val + MS_EPOCH_OFFSET) % MSECS_PER_SEC)
            days_since_0001_from_ms = (val + MS_EPOCH_OFFSET)/ MSECS_PER_DAY
            day_of_week_field = int( ((days_since_0001_from_ms + JAN_1_0001_DAY_OF_WEEK) % DAYS_PER_WEEK) + 1 )

            timestamp = ( (   year_field          << 53 )
                          | ( month_of_year_field << 49 )
                          | ( day_of_month_field  << 44 )
                          | ( hour_field          << 39 )
                          | ( minute_field        << 33 )
                          | ( sec_field           << 27 )
                          | ( msec_field          << 17 )
                          | ( day_of_year_field   <<  8 )
                          | ( day_of_week_field   <<  5 ) )

            # Add the eight bytes of the timestamp (long)
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", timestamp )
        # end add_timestamp

    else: # Python 2.x
        def add_timestamp( self, val ):
            """Add a long timestamp to the buffer (can be null)--eight bytes.

                val (long)
                    Timestamp from the epoch in milliseconds.
            # Longs are eight bytes long
            self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.TIMESTAMP )

            # Handle nulls
            if val is None:
                self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", 0 )
            # end if

            # Encode the timestamp for sharding purposes
            # ------------------------------------------
            # We need to extract the year, month, day, hour etc. fields
            # from the timestamp value PRECISELY the way the server does
            # it; python's datetime deviates every so slightly such that
            # sharding causes a problem.  So, we must use the crazy long
            # calculation below with many constants.
            # Note: Do NOT delete the comments below--they keep your sanity
            YEARS_PER_QUAD_YEAR = 4
            DAYS_PER_YEAR       = 365   # not leap year
            DAYS_PER_WEEK       = 7
            HOURS_PER_DAY       = 24
            MINUTES_PER_HOUR    = 60
            SECS_PER_MINUTE     = 60
            MSECS_PER_SEC       = 1000
            MSECS_PER_HOUR      = 3600000 # (MSECS_PER_MINUTE * MINUTES_PER_HOUR)
            MSECS_PER_DAY       = 86400000 # (MSECS_PER_HOUR * HOURS_PER_DAY)
            # MSECS_PER_YEAR      = 31536000000 # (DAYS_PER_YEAR * MSECS_PER_DAY)
            # MSECS_PER_QUAD_YEAR = 126230400000 # (MSECS_PER_DAY * DAYS_PER_QUAD_YEAR)
            YEARS_PER_CENTURY   = 100
            # EPOCH_YEAR          = 1970

            # MSECS_PER_CENTURY      = 3155673600000 # (DAYS_PER_CENTURY * MSECS_PER_DAY)
            # MSECS_PER_QUAD_CENTURY = 12622780800000  # (DAYS_PER_QUAD_CENTURY * MSECS_PER_DAY)

            # YEARS_TO_EPOCH = 1969 # (EPOCH_YEAR-1) # from year 1


            #                    + CENTURY_OF_QUAD_CENTURY_OFFSET*MSECS_PER_CENTURY
            #                    + QUAD_YEAR_OF_CENTURY_OFFSET*MSECS_PER_QUAD_YEAR
            #                    + YEAR_IN_QUAD_YEAR_OFFSET*MSECS_PER_YEAR)
            MS_EPOCH_OFFSET = 62135596800000

            JAN_1_0001_DAY_OF_WEEK = 1  # 0 based day of week - is a friday (as if gregorian calandar started in year 1)

            days_since_1 = (val + MS_EPOCH_OFFSET) / MSECS_PER_DAY
            quad_century = days_since_1  /DAYS_PER_QUAD_CENTURY
            day_of_quad_century = days_since_1 - (quad_century * DAYS_PER_QUAD_CENTURY)
            century_of_quad_century = day_of_quad_century / DAYS_PER_CENTURY
            if (century_of_quad_century == 4):
                century_of_quad_century = 3
            day_of_century = day_of_quad_century - (century_of_quad_century * DAYS_PER_CENTURY)
            quad_year_of_century = day_of_century / DAYS_PER_QUAD_YEAR
            day_of_quad_year = day_of_century - (quad_year_of_century * DAYS_PER_QUAD_YEAR)
            year_of_quad_year = day_of_quad_year / DAYS_PER_YEAR
            if (year_of_quad_year == 4):
                year_of_quad_year = 3

            # We need this extracted value
            day_of_year_field = int( day_of_quad_year - (year_of_quad_year * DAYS_PER_YEAR) + 1 )

            year = (YEARS_PER_QUAD_CENTURY * quad_century) \
                   + (YEARS_PER_CENTURY * century_of_quad_century) \
                   + (YEARS_PER_QUAD_YEAR * quad_year_of_century) \
                   + year_of_quad_year + 1

            # We also need this extracted value
            year_field = int(year - 1900)
            ly = 1 if ((year % YEARS_PER_QUAD_CENTURY) == 0) else \
                 ( 0 if ( (year % YEARS_PER_CENTURY) == 0) else \
                   ( 1 if ((year % YEARS_PER_QUAD_YEAR) == 0) else 0 ) )

            month_of_year_field = None
            dy = day_of_year_field
            if (dy <= 31):
                month_of_year_field = 1
            elif (dy <= (59 + ly )):
                dy -= 31;
                month_of_year_field = 2
            elif (dy <= (90 + ly)):
                dy -= (59 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 3
            elif (dy <= (120 + ly)):
                dy -= (90 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 4
            elif (dy <= (151 + ly)):
                dy -= (120 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 5
            elif (dy <= (181 + ly ) ):
                dy -= (151 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 6
            elif (dy <= (212 + ly) ):
                dy -= (181 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 7
            elif (dy <= (243 + ly) ):
                dy -= (212 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 8
            elif (dy <= (273 + ly) ):
                dy -= (243 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 9
            elif (dy <= (304 + ly) ):
                dy -= (273 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 10
            elif (dy <= (334 + ly) ):
                dy -= (304 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 11
                dy -= (334 + ly)
                month_of_year_field = 12    # december

            # We need all of the following extracted values
            day_of_month_field = dy
            hour_field   = int(((val + MS_EPOCH_OFFSET) / MSECS_PER_HOUR) % HOURS_PER_DAY)
            minute_field = int(((val + MS_EPOCH_OFFSET) / MSECS_PER_MINUTE) % MINUTES_PER_HOUR)
            sec_field    = int(((val + MS_EPOCH_OFFSET) / MSECS_PER_SEC) % SECS_PER_MINUTE)
            msec_field   = int((val + MS_EPOCH_OFFSET) % MSECS_PER_SEC)
            days_since_0001_from_ms = (val + MS_EPOCH_OFFSET)/ MSECS_PER_DAY
            day_of_week_field = int( ((days_since_0001_from_ms + JAN_1_0001_DAY_OF_WEEK) % DAYS_PER_WEEK) + 1 )

            timestamp = ( (   year_field          << 53 )
                          | ( month_of_year_field << 49 )
                          | ( day_of_month_field  << 44 )
                          | ( hour_field          << 39 )
                          | ( minute_field        << 33 )
                          | ( sec_field           << 27 )
                          | ( msec_field          << 17 )
                          | ( day_of_year_field   <<  8 )
                          | ( day_of_week_field   <<  5 ) )

            # Add the eight bytes of the timestamp (long)
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", timestamp )
        # end add_timestamp

    # end defining python version specific add_timestamp()

    def is_unsigned_long( value ):
        """Check if the given value is an unsigned long.  If parsable as
        as unsigned long, return the value; else, return False.  Note
        that it returns different types of things based on the parsing.
        # Length of the maximum unsigned long value
        max_len = 20

        str_len = len( value )
        if ( (str_len == 0) or (str_len > max_len) ):
            return False

        # Parse the value as a long
            ulong_value = value )
        except ValueError as e:
            return False

        # Make sure it's within the 64-bit unsigned long range
        if ( (ulong_value < 0) or (ulong_value > 18446744073709551615) ):
            return False

        return ulong_value
    # end is_unsigned_long

    def add_ulong( self, val ):
        """Add an unsigned long to the buffer (can be null)--eight bytes.
        Given value is a string; need to parse.  If not a valid unsigned
        long value, thrown an exception.

        @throws GPUdbException if the value cannot be parsed as unsigned long
        # Longs are eight bytes long
        self.__will_buffer_overflow( _ColumnTypeSize.ULONG )

        # Handle nulls
        if val is None:
            self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=q", 0 )
        # end if

        ulong_value = _RecordKey.is_unsigned_long( val )
        # Make sure that zero does not get falsely evaluated
        if ( isinstance(ulong_value, bool) and (ulong_value == False) ):
            raise GPUdbException( "Value '{}' could not be parsed as an unsigned"
                                  " long!".format( val ) )

        # Add the eight bytes of the unsigned long
        self._buffer_value += struct.pack( "=Q", ulong_value )
    # end add_ulong


    # We need different versions of the following 2 functions for python 2.x vs. 3.x
    # Note: Choosing to have two different definitions even though the difference
    #       is only in one line to avoid excessive python version check per func
    #       call.
    if IS_PYTHON_3:
        def compute_hashes( self ):
            """Compute the Murmur hash of the key.
            a = mmh3.hash64( self._buffer_value, seed = 10 )
            self._routing_hash = a[ 0 ] # the first half

            self._hash_code = int( self._routing_hash ^ ( self._routing_hash >> 32 ) )
        # end compute_hashes

    else: # Python 2.x
        def compute_hashes( self ):
            """Compute the Murmur hash of the key.
            a = mmh3.hash64( str( self._buffer_value ), seed = 10 )
            self._routing_hash = a[ 0 ] # the first half

            self._hash_code = int( self._routing_hash ^ ( self._routing_hash >> 32 ) )
        # end compute_hashes
    # end python version dependent definition

    def route( self, routing_table ):
        """Given a routing table, return the rank of the GPUdb server that
        this record key should be routed to.

        @param routing_table  A list of integers...

        @returns the rank of the GPUdb server that this record key should be
                 routed to.
        if not routing_table: # no routing info is provided
            return 0

        routing_table_len = len( routing_table )
        routing_index = (abs( self._routing_hash ) % routing_table_len )

        if (routing_index >= routing_table_len ):
            raise GPUdbException( "Computed routing index ({ind}) is out-of-bounds "
                                  "(table length {l})"
                                  "".format( ind = routing_index,
                                             l   = routing_table_len ) )

        # Return the nth element of routing_table where
        #    n == (record key hash) % (number of elements in routing_table)
        return routing_table[ routing_index ]
    # end route
# end class _RecordKey

# Internal Class _RecordKeyBuilder
# ================================
class _RecordKeyBuilder:
    """Creates RecordKey objects given a particular kind of table schema.

    # A dict mapping column type to _RecordKey appropriate add functions
    _column_type_add_functions = collections.OrderedDict()
    _column_type_add_functions[ "char1"     ] = _RecordKey.add_char1
    _column_type_add_functions[ "char2"     ] = _RecordKey.add_char2
    _column_type_add_functions[ "char4"     ] = _RecordKey.add_char4
    _column_type_add_functions[ "char8"     ] = _RecordKey.add_char8
    _column_type_add_functions[ "char16"    ] = _RecordKey.add_char16
    _column_type_add_functions[ "char32"    ] = _RecordKey.add_char32
    _column_type_add_functions[ "char64"    ] = _RecordKey.add_char64
    _column_type_add_functions[ "char128"   ] = _RecordKey.add_char128
    _column_type_add_functions[ "char256"   ] = _RecordKey.add_char256
    _column_type_add_functions[ "date"      ] = _RecordKey.add_date
    _column_type_add_functions[ "datetime"  ] = _RecordKey.add_datetime
    _column_type_add_functions[ "double"    ] = _RecordKey.add_double
    _column_type_add_functions[ "float"     ] = _RecordKey.add_float
    _column_type_add_functions[ "int"       ] = _RecordKey.add_int
    _column_type_add_functions[ "int8"      ] = _RecordKey.add_int8
    _column_type_add_functions[ "int16"     ] = _RecordKey.add_int16
    _column_type_add_functions[ "long"      ] = _RecordKey.add_long
    _column_type_add_functions[ "string"    ] = _RecordKey.add_string
    _column_type_add_functions[ "decimal"   ] = _RecordKey.add_decimal
    _column_type_add_functions[ "ipv4"      ] = _RecordKey.add_ipv4
    _column_type_add_functions[ "time"      ] = _RecordKey.add_time
    _column_type_add_functions[ "timestamp" ] = _RecordKey.add_timestamp
    _column_type_add_functions[ "ulong"     ] = _RecordKey.add_ulong

    # A dict for string types
    _string_types = [ "char1",  "char2",  "char4",  "char8",
                      "char16", "char32", "char64", "char128", "char256",
                      "date", "datetime", "decimal", "ipv4", "time",
                      "string" ]

    def __init__( self, record_type,
                  is_primary_key = False ):
        """Initializes a RecordKeyBuilder object.
        # Check the input parameter type 'record_type'
        if not isinstance(record_type, GPUdbRecordType):
            raise GPUdbException("Parameter 'record_type' must be of type "
                                 "GPUdbRecordType; given %s" % str( type( record_type ) ) )

        # Validate the boolean parameters
        if is_primary_key not in [True, False]:
            raise GPUdbException( "Constructor parameter 'is_primary_key' must be a "
                                  "boolean value; given: %s" % is_primary_key )

        # Save the record schema related information
        self._record_type         = record_type
        self._record_column_names = record_type.column_names
        self._column_properties   = record_type.column_properties

        # A list of which columns are primary/shard keys
        self.routing_key_indices = []
        self.key_columns_names = []
        self.key_schema_fields = []
        self.key_schema_str = None
        self._key_types = []

        # Go over all columns and see which ones are primary or shard keys
        for i in list( range(0, len( record_type.columns )) ):
            column_name = self._record_column_names[ i ]
            column_type = record_type.columns[ i ].column_type
            column_properties = self._column_properties[ column_name ] \
                                if (column_name in self._column_properties) else None

            is_key = False
            # Check for primary keys, if any
            if is_primary_key and column_properties and (C._pk in column_properties):
                is_key = True
            elif ( (not is_primary_key)
                   and column_properties and (C._shard_key in column_properties) ):
                # turned out to be a shard key
                is_key = True

            # Save the key index
            if is_key:
                self.routing_key_indices.append( i )
                self.key_columns_names.append( column_name )

                # Build the key schema fields
                key = collections.OrderedDict()
                key[ C._name ] = column_name
                key[ C._type ] = column_type
                key[ C._is_nullable ] = (GPUdbColumnProperty.NULLABLE in column_properties)
                self.key_schema_fields.append( key )
            # end if
        # end loop over columns

        # Check if it's a track-type
        track_type_special_columns = set(["TRACKID", "TIMESTAMP", "x", "y"])
        is_track_type = track_type_special_columns.issubset( self._record_column_names )
        if ((not is_primary_key) and is_track_type):
            track_id_index = self._record_column_names.index( "TRACKID" )
            if not self.routing_key_indices: # no pk/shard key found yet
                self.routing_key_indices.append( track_id_index )

                # Add the track ID to the schema fields for the keys
                key = collections.OrderedDict()
                key[ C._name ] = column_name
                key[ C._type ] = column_type
                self.key_schema_fields.append( key )
            elif ( (len( self.routing_key_indices ) != 1)
                   or (self.routing_key_indices[0] != track_id_index ) ):
                raise GPUdbException( "Cannot have a shard key other than "
                                      "'TRACKID' for track-type tables." )
        # end checking track-type tables

        self._key_buffer_size = 0
        if not self.routing_key_indices: # no pk/shard key found
            return None
        # end if

        # Calculate the buffer size for this type of objects/records
        # with the given primary (and/or) shard keys
        for i in self.routing_key_indices:
            column_name = self._record_column_names[ i ]
            column_type = record_type.columns[ i ].column_type
            column_properties = self._column_properties[ column_name ] \
                                if (column_name in self._column_properties) else None

            # Check for any property related to data types
            type_related_properties = set( column_properties ).intersection( _ColumnTypeSize.column_type_sizes.keys() )
            type_related_properties = list( type_related_properties )

            # Process any special property related to the data type
            if type_related_properties:
                # Check that only one type-related property found
                if (len(type_related_properties) > 1):
                    raise GPUdbException( "Column '%s' has multiple type-related properties "
                                          "(can have at most one): %s"
                                          "" % (column_name, str( type_related_properties ) ) )
                # Use the special property and its size for the data type
                column_type = type_related_properties[ 0 ]
            # end if

            # Increment the key's buffer size and save the column type
            self._key_buffer_size += _ColumnTypeSize.column_type_sizes[ column_type ]
            self._key_types.append( column_type )
        # end loop

        # Build the key schema
        key_schema_fields_str = []
        for key in self.key_schema_fields:
            key_name = key[ C._name ]
            key_type = key[ C._type ]
            if key[ C._is_nullable ]:
                key_type = '["{_t}", "null"]'.format( _t = key_type )
                key_type = '"{_t}"'.format( _t = key_type )
            key_field_description = ( '{{"name":"{key}", "type":{_t}}}'
                                      ''.format( key = key_name,
                                                 _t  = key_type ) )
            key_schema_fields_str.append( key_field_description )
        # end loop

        key_schema_fields_str = ",".join( key_schema_fields_str )
        key_schema_fields_str = key_schema_fields_str.replace(" ", "").replace("\n","")
        self.key_schema_str = ("""{ "type" : "record",
                                   "name" : "key_schema",
                                   "fields" : [%s] }""" \
                                       % key_schema_fields_str )
        self.key_schema_str = self.key_schema_str.replace(" ", "").replace("\n","")
        self.key_schema = schema.parse( self.key_schema_str )
    # end RecordKeyBuilder __init__

    def build( self, record ):
        """Builds a RecordKey object based on the input data and returns it.


            record (OrderedDict or GPUdbRecord)
                The object based on which the key is to be built.

            A _RecordKey object.
        # Nothing to do if the key size is zero!
        if (self._key_buffer_size == 0):
            return None

        # Extract the internal ordered dict if it's a GPUdbRecord
        if isinstance( record, GPUdbRecord ):
            record = record.column_values
        # end if

        # Check that we got a valid record by size
        if isinstance( record, (dict, GPUdbRecord, Record,
                                collections.OrderedDict) ):
            # Got a dict-compatible object; make sure we have the correct
            # number of columns (need to explicitly convert to a list for
            # python 3)
            record_keys = list( record.keys() )
            if ( record_keys != self._record_column_names):
                raise GPUdbException( "Given record must be of the type '{}'"
                                      " (with columns {}); given record has columns: {} "
                                      "".format( self._record_type.schema_string,
                                                 record_keys ) )
            # end if

            # Need to explicitly convert to a list for python 3
            column_values = list( record.values() )
        elif isinstance( record, list ):
            # Got a dict-compatible object; make sure we have the correct
            # number of columns
            num_columns = len(record)
            if ( num_columns != len(self._record_column_names)):
                raise GPUdbException( "Given record must be of the type '{}'"
                                      " (with columns {}); got a list of {}"
                                      " columns"
                                      "".format( self._record_type.schema_string,
                                                 num_columns ) )
            # end if

            column_values = record
            # We need to at least have a
            raise GPUdbException( "Give record must be a dict-compatible object "
                                  "(dict, OrderedDict, GPUdbRecord, Record) or "
                                  "a list; got {}".format( str(type( record )) ) )

        # Create and populate a RecordKey object
        record_key = _RecordKey( self._key_buffer_size )

        # Add each routing column's value to the key
        for i, key_idx in enumerate( self.routing_key_indices ):
            # Extract the value for the relevant routing column
            value = column_values[ key_idx ]

            # Based on the column's type, call the appropriate
            # Record.add_xxx() function
            col_type = self._key_types[ i ]
            self._column_type_add_functions[ col_type ]( record_key, value )
        # end loop

        # Compute the key hash and return the key
        return record_key
    # end build()

    def build_key_with_shard_values_only( self, key_values ):
        """Builds a RecordKey object based on the input data and returns it.


            key_values (list or dict)
                Values for the sharding columns either in a list (then is
                assumed to be in the order of the sharding keys in the record
                type) or a dict.  Must not have any missing key value or any
                extra column values.

            A _RecordKey object.
        # Nothing to do if the key size is zero!
        if (self._key_buffer_size == 0):
            return None

        # Type checking
        if ( (not isinstance(key_values, list))
             and (not isinstance(key_values, dict)) ):
            raise GPUdbException( "Argument 'key_values' must be either a list "
                                  "or a dict; given %s" % str(type( key_values )))

        # Make sure that there are the correct number of values given
        if ( len( key_values ) != len( self.key_columns_names ) ):
            raise GPUdbException( "Incorrect number of key values specified; expected "
                                  " %d, received %d" % ( len( self.key_columns_names ),
                                                         len( key_values ) ) )

        # If a dict is given, convert it into a list in the order of the key columns
        if isinstance( key_values, dict ):
                key_values = [ key_values[ _name ] for _name in self.key_columns_names  ]
            except KeyError as missing_key:
                # Did not find a column in the given values
                raise GPUdbException( "Missing value for column '%s' in input argument "
                                      "'key_values'" % missing_key)
        # end if

        # Create and populate a RecordKey object
        record_key = _RecordKey( self._key_buffer_size )

        # Add each routing column's value to the key
        for i in list( range( 0, len( self.routing_key_indices ) ) ):
            # Extract the value for the relevant routing column
            value = key_values[ i ]

            # Based on the column's type, call the appropriate
            # Record.add_xxx() function
            col_type = self._key_types[ i ]
            self._column_type_add_functions[ col_type ]( record_key, value )
        # end loop

        # Compute the key hash and return the key
        return record_key
    # end build_key_with_shard_values_only


    def build_expression_with_key_values_only( self, key_values ):
        """Builds an expressiong of the format "(x = 1) and is_null(y) and ..."
        where the column names would be the key's column names, and the values
        would be key's values, using the function 'is_null()' for null values.


            key_values (list or dict)
                Values for the sharding columns either in a list (then is
                assumed to be in the order of the sharding keys in the record
                type) or a dict.  Must not have any missing key value or any
                extra column values.

            A string with the expression built based on the input values.
        # Nothing to do if the key size is zero!
        if (self._key_buffer_size == 0):
            return None

        # Type checking
        if ( (not isinstance(key_values, list))
             and (not isinstance(key_values, dict)) ):
            raise GPUdbException( "Argument 'key_values' must be either a list "
                                  "or a dict; given %s" % str(type( key_values )))

        # Make sure that there are the correct number of values given
        if ( len( key_values ) != len( self.key_columns_names ) ):
            raise GPUdbException( "Incorrect number of key values specified; expected "
                                  " %d, received %d" % ( len( self.key_columns_names),
                                                         len( key_values ) ) )

        # If a dict is given, convert it into a list in the order of the key columns
        if isinstance( key_values, dict ):
                key_values = [ key_values[ _name ] for _name in self.key_columns_names  ]
            except KeyError as missing_key:
                # Did not find a column in the given values
                raise GPUdbException( "Missing value for column '%s' in input argument "
                                      "'key_values'" % missing_key)
        # end if

        # Generate the expression predicates per column
        predicates = []
        for i in list( range( 0, len( self.routing_key_indices ) ) ):
            # Extract the value for the relevant routing column
            key_value = key_values[ i ]
            col_type = self._key_types[ i ]
            col_name = self.key_columns_names[ i ]

            # Handle unsigned longs specially (only when it's not a null)
            if ( (col_type == "ulong") and (key_value is not None) ):
                ulong_value = _RecordKey.is_unsigned_long( key_value )
                # Make sure that zero does not get falsely evaluated
                if ( isinstance(ulong_value, bool) and (ulong_value == False) ):
                    raise GPUdbException( "Value '{}' could not be parsed as an unsigned"
                                          " long!".format( key_value ) )

                key_value = ulong_value
            # end if
            # Add the column's value (use function 'is_null()' if the value is a null,
            # otherwise just an equivalency, with double quotes for string types)
            if (key_value is None):
                # Handle nulls specially
                predicate = "is_null({n})".format( n = col_name) 
            elif (col_type in self._string_types):
                # String values need to be quoted
                predicate = '({n} = "{d}")'.format( n = col_name,
                                                    d = key_value )
                predicate = '({n} = {d})'.format( n = col_name,
                                                  d = key_value )

            predicates.append( predicate )
        # end loop

        # Put them together to form the overall expression
        expression = " and ".join( predicates )
        return expression
    # end build_expression_with_key_values_only

    def has_key( self ):
        """Checks whether this record has any key associated with it.
        return (len( self.key_columns_names ) > 0)
    # end has_key

    def has_same_key( self, other_record_key_builder ):
        """Checks if the given record key builder is equivalent
        to this one.
        return (self.key_schema_str == other_record_key_builder.key_schema_str)
    # end has_same_key

    def build_expression_with_dict( self, values_dict, extra_expression = "" ):
        """Builds an expressiong of the format "(x = 1) and is_null(y) and ..."
        where the column names would be the key's column names, and the values
        would be key's values, using the function 'is_null()' for null values,
        based on the given dict.


            values_dict (dict)
                Values for the sharding columns in a dict.  Does not do any
                check against any table's type; i.e. absolutely no error checking
                is done on the column names or the columns types or values.
            extra_expression (str)
                Any additional expression; default is an empty string

            A string with the expression built based on the input values.
        if not isinstance( values_dict, dict ):
            raise GPUdbException( "Must provide a dict, given '{}'"
                                  "".format( str(type(values_dict)) ) )

        # Build an expression with the given values, but take care of nulls
        expression_items = []
        for key, value in values_dict.items():
            # Ensure that there is a column with the given name
            col_name = key
            if ( col_name not in self._record_column_names ):
                raise GPUdbException( "No column with name with given key "
                                      "'{}' exists in the type"
                                      "".format( col_name ) )

            # Get the column's type
            col_type = self._record_type.get_column( col_name ).column_type

            # Generate the predicate based on the column value and/or type
            if col_name is None:
                # Handle nulls specially
                predicate = "is_null({})".format( col_name )
            elif (col_type in self._string_types):
                # String values need to be quoted
                predicate = '({n} = "{d}")'.format( n = col_name,
                                                    d = value )
                predicate = '({n} = {d})'.format( n = col_name,
                                                  d = value )

            # Add the predicate to the list of expressions to be used
            expression_items.append( predicate )
            # expression_items.append( "({} == {})".format( key, val ) )
        # end loop

        # Put the expression together
        expression = " and ".join( expression_items )

        if extra_expression:
            expression = "({}) and ({})".format( expression, extra_expression )

        return expression
    # end build_expression_with_dict

# end class _RecordKeyBuilder #########################

# Internal Class _WorkerQueue
# ===========================
class _WorkerQueue:
    """Maintains a queue for the worker nodes/ranks of the GPUdb server.

    def __init__( self,
                  url = "",
                  gpudb = None,
                  capacity = 10000,
                  has_primary_key = False,
                  update_on_existing_pk = False ):
        """Creates an insertion queue for a given worker rank.
        # Validate input parameter 'gpudb'; this param is needed only
        # for user auth etc. information
        if not isinstance(gpudb, GPUdb):
            raise GPUdbException("Parameter 'gpudb' must be of "
                                 "type GPUdb; given %s"
                                 % str( type( gpudb ) ) )

        # Validate the capacity
        if (capacity <= 0):
            raise GPUdbException( "Constructor parameter 'capacity' must be a"
                                  "non-zero positive value; given: %d" % capacity )
        # Validate the boolean parameters
        if has_primary_key not in [True, False]:
            raise GPUdbException( "Constructor parameter 'has_primary_key' must be a "
                                  "boolean value; given: %s" % has_primary_key )
        if update_on_existing_pk not in [True, False]:
            raise GPUdbException( "Constructor parameter 'update_on_existing_pk' must be a "
                                  "boolean value; given: %s" % update_on_existing_pk )

        url = str( url ) # in case it's unicode

        # Save the values
        self.url = url
        self.capacity = capacity
        self.has_primary_key = has_primary_key
        self.update_on_existing_pk = update_on_existing_pk

        # Create a gpudb instance (this can be a worker rank, so we can't
        # do any initial DB contact for regular endpoints
        self.gpudb = GPUdb( host = url,
                            encoding = gpudb.encoding,
                            connection = gpudb.connection, 
                            username = gpudb.username,
                            password = gpudb.password,
                            no_init_db_contact = True )

        # Initialize other members:
        # A queue for the data
        self.record_queue = []

        # A map of pk/shard key to queue index for that data
        # (if the table contains primary keys)
        self.primary_key_to_queue_index_map = None
        if self.has_primary_key:
            self.primary_key_to_queue_index_map = {}
    # end WorkerQueue __init__

    def insert( self, record, key ):
        """Insert a record into the queue (if it checks out).  Return
        the queue if it becomes full afterward.

            record (GPUdbRecord or OrderedDict)
                The record to be inserted.

            key (_RecordKey)
                A primary key, if any.

            The list of records (if the queue becomes full) or None.
        old_queue_length = len( self.record_queue )

        # Need to check a lot of stuff if the record has a valid primary key
        if (self.has_primary_key and key.is_valid):
            key_hash_code = key.hash_code

            if self.update_on_existing_pk:
                # Update on existing primary key (if key exists)
                if key_hash_code in self.primary_key_to_queue_index_map:
                    # Find the index for this key in the record queue
                    key_index = self.primary_key_to_queue_index_map[ key_hash_code ]
                    self.record_queue[ key_index ] = record
                else: # key does NOT exist
                    # Add the key to the queue and keep track of the queue
                    # index in the key->index map
                    self.record_queue.append( record )
                    self.primary_key_to_queue_index_map[ key_hash_code ] = old_queue_length
                # end inner if
            else: # if key already exists, do NOT insert this record
                if key_hash_code in self.primary_key_to_queue_index_map:
                    # Yes, the key exists, so, it's a problem
                    return None
                else: # key does not already exist
                    self.record_queue.append( record )
                    self.primary_key_to_queue_index_map[ key_hash_code ] = old_queue_length
            # end update on existing PK if-else
            # The table has no primary key; so no map to worry about
            self.record_queue.append( record )
        # end outer if-else

        # Flush the record queue when full capacity has been reached
        if (len( self.record_queue ) == self.capacity):
            # Return whatever flush returns (which is the current/old queue)
            return self.flush()
            # return none to indicate nothing to do
            return None
    # end insert

    def flush( self ):
        """Return the current (old) record queue and create a new empty one.

            A list of records to be inserted.
        old_queue = self.record_queue

        # Create a fresh new queue
        self.record_queue = []

        # if a key->record_queue_index map exists, clear it
        if self.primary_key_to_queue_index_map:
            self.primary_key_to_queue_index_map = {}

        return old_queue
    # end flush

    def get_url( self ):
        """Return the URL."""
        return self.url
    # end get_url

    def get_gpudb( self ):
        """Return the GPUdb handle for this worker."""
        return self.gpudb
    # end get_gpudb

# end class _WorkerQueue

[docs]class GPUdbIngestor: """ """ def __init__( self, gpudb, table_name, record_type, batch_size, options = None, workers = None, is_table_replicated = False ): """Initializes the GPUdbIngestor instance. Parameters: gpudb (GPUdb) The client handle through which the ingestion process is to be conducted. table_name (str) The name of the table into which records will be ingested. Must be an existing table. record_type (GPUdbRecordType) The type for the records which will be ingested; must match the type of the given table. batch_size (int) The size of the queues; when any queue (one per worker rank of the database server) attains the given size, the queued records will be automatically flushed. Until then, those records will be held client-side and not actually ingested. (Unless :meth:`.flush` is called, of course.) options (dict of str to str) Any insertion options to be passed onto the GPUdb server. Optional parameter. workers (GPUdbWorkerList) Optional parameter. A list of GPUdb worker rank addresses. is_table_replicated (bool) Optional boolean flag indicating whether the table is replicated; if True, then multi-head ingestion will not be used (but the head node would be used for ingestion instead). This is due to GPUdb not supporting multi-head ingestion on replicated tables. """ # Validate input parameter 'gpudb' if not isinstance(gpudb, GPUdb): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'gpudb' must be of " "type GPUdb; given %s" % str( type( gpudb ) ) ) # Validate input parameter 'table_name' if not isinstance(table_name, basestring): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'table_name' must be a" "string; given %s" % str( type( table_name ) ) ) # Validate input parameter 'record_type' if not isinstance( record_type, (GPUdbRecordType) ): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'record_type' must be of " "type GPUdbRecordType; given %s" % str( type( record_type ) ) ) # Validate input parameter 'batch_size' if ( not isinstance(batch_size, int) or (batch_size < 1) ): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'batch_size' must be greater" " than zero; given %d" % batch_size ) # Validate input parameter 'options' if not isinstance( options, (dict, type(None)) ): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'options' must be a" "dicitonary, if given; given %s" % str( type( options ) ) ) # Validate input parameter 'workers' if (workers and not isinstance(workers, GPUdbWorkerList)): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'workers' must be of type " "GPUdbWorkerList; given %s" % str( type( workers ) ) ) # Validate input parameter 'is_table_replicated' if not isinstance( is_table_replicated, bool ): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'is_table_replicated' must be of type " "a boolean value; given %s" % str( type( is_table_replicated ) ) ) # Save the parameter values self.gpudb = gpudb self.table_name = table_name self.record_type = record_type self.batch_size = batch_size self.options = options self.is_table_replicated = is_table_replicated self.worker_list = workers self.count_inserted = 0 self.count_updated = 0 # Keep track of how many times the db client has switched HA clusters # in order to decide later if it's time to update the worker queues self.num_ha_switches = self.gpudb.get_num_ha_switches() # Create the primary and shard key builders self.shard_key_builder = _RecordKeyBuilder( self.record_type ) self.primary_key_builder = _RecordKeyBuilder( self.record_type, is_primary_key = True ) # Save the appropriate key builders if self.primary_key_builder.has_key(): # If both pk and shard keys exist; check that they're not the same # If so, set them to be the same if ( not self.shard_key_builder.has_key() or self.shard_key_builder.has_same_key( self.primary_key_builder ) ): self.shard_key_builder = self.primary_key_builder else: self.primary_key_builder = None if not self.shard_key_builder.has_key(): self.shard_key_builder = None # end saving the key builders self.has_primary_key = (self.primary_key_builder is not None) # Set up the worker queues # ------------------------ # Boolean flag for primary key related info self.update_on_existing_pk = False if ( self.options and ("update_on_existing_pk" in self.options) ): self.update_on_existing_pk = (self.options[ "update_on_existing_pk" ] == "true") # end if self.worker_queues = [] # If no worker URLs are provided, get them from the server if not self.worker_list: # If the table is replicated, then we use only the head node self.worker_list = GPUdbWorkerList( self.gpudb, use_head_node_only = self.is_table_replicated ) # Create worker queues per worker URL for worker in self.worker_list.get_worker_urls(): # Handle removed ranks if not worker: self.worker_queues.append( None ) continue try: wq = _WorkerQueue( worker, self.gpudb, self.batch_size, has_primary_key = self.has_primary_key, update_on_existing_pk = self.update_on_existing_pk ) self.worker_queues.append( wq ) except Exception as e: raise GPUdbException( str(e) ) # end loop over workers # Get the number of workers if not self.worker_list: self.num_ranks = 1 else: self.num_ranks = len( self.worker_list.get_worker_urls() ) # Very important to know if multi-head IO is actually enabled # at the server self.is_multihead_enabled = self.worker_list.is_multihead_enabled() # Flag for whether to use sharding or not self.use_head_node = ( (not self.is_multihead_enabled) or self.is_table_replicated ) # Set the routing table, iff multi-head I/O is turned on # AND the table is not replicated self.routing_table = None self._shard_version = None self._shard_update_time = None if ( not self.use_head_node and (self.primary_key_builder or self.shard_key_builder) ): # Since it's the first time, there's no need to "REconstruct" # the queues self.__update_worker_queues( reconstruct_worker_queues = False ) # end if # end GPUdbIngestor __init__ def __update_worker_queues( self, reconstruct_worker_queues = True ): """Update the shard mapping for the ingestor. Parameters: reconstruct_worker_queues (bool) When True, the worker queues will be re-constructed based on the new cluster configuration. The records that are already in the existing queues will be re-processed to be saved in the new queues. Returns: A boolean flag indicating if the shard mapping was updated. """ try: # Get the sharding assignment ranks shard_info = self.gpudb.admin_show_shards() if not shard_info.is_ok(): raise GPUdbException( shard_info.get_error_msg() ) # Get the shard version new_shard_version = shard_info[ C._shard_version ] # No-op if the shard version hasn't changed (and it's not the first time) if self._shard_version and (self._shard_version == new_shard_version): # Also check if the db client has failed over to a different HA # ring node num_db_ha_switches = self.gpudb.get_num_ha_switches() if (self.num_ha_switches == num_db_ha_switches): return False # nothing to do # Update the HA ring node switch tracker self.num_ha_switches = num_db_ha_switches # Save the new shard version and also when we're updating the mapping self._shard_version = new_shard_version self._shard_update_time = time.time() # Subtract 1 from each value of the routing_table # (because the 1st worker rank is the 0th element in the worker list) self.routing_table = [(rank-1) for rank in shard_info[ C._shard_ranks ] ] except GPUdbException as ex: # Couldn't get the current shard assignment info; see if this is due # to cluster failure if ex.is_connection_failure(): # Check if the db client has failed over to a different HA # ring node if (self.num_ha_switches == self.gpudb.get_num_ha_switches()): return False # nothing to do; some other problem # Update the HA ring node switch tracker self.num_ha_switches = self.gpudb.get_num_ha_switches() else: # unknown error no handled here raise ex # end if # end except # The worker queues need to be re-constructed when asked for # iff multi-head i/o is enabled and the table is not replicated if reconstruct_worker_queues: self.__reconstruct_worker_queues_and_requeue_records() return True # the shard mapping was updated indeed # end __update_worker_queues def __reconstruct_worker_queues_and_requeue_records( self ): """Based on a freshly fetched worker list, re-constructs the worker queues and re-queues already queued records. """ # Re-construct the existing worker queues and re-shard the currently # queued records new_worker_queues = [] # Get the latest worker list (use whatever IP regex was used initially) new_worker_list = GPUdbWorkerList( self.gpudb, ip_regex = self.worker_list.get_ip_regex(), use_head_node_only = self.use_head_node ) if (new_worker_list == self.worker_list): return # nothing to do since the worker list did not change # Update the worker list self.worker_list = new_worker_list new_workers = self.worker_list.get_worker_urls() # Create worker queues per worker URL for worker in new_workers: # Handle removed ranks if not worker: new_worker_queues.append( None ) continue try: # adding a queue for a currently active rank wq = _WorkerQueue( worker, self.gpudb, self.batch_size, has_primary_key = self.has_primary_key, update_on_existing_pk = self.update_on_existing_pk ) new_worker_queues.append( wq ) except Exception as e: raise GPUdbException( str(e) ) # end loop over workers # Get the number of workers self.num_ranks = len( new_workers ) # Save the new queue for future use old_worker_queues = self.worker_queues self.worker_queues = new_worker_queues # Re-queue any existing queued records for old_queue in old_worker_queues: if old_queue: self.insert_records( old_queue.flush() ) # end loop # end __reconstruct_worker_queues_and_requeue_records
[docs] def get_gpudb( self ): """Return the instance of GPUdb client used by this ingestor.""" return self.gpudb
# end get_gpudb
[docs] def get_table_name( self ): """Return the GPUdb table associated with this ingestor.""" return self.table_name
# end get_table_name
[docs] def get_batch_size( self ): """Return the batch_size used for this ingestor.""" return self.batch_size
# end get_batch_size
[docs] def get_options( self ): """Return the options used for this ingestor.""" return self.options
# end get_options
[docs] def get_count_inserted( self ): """Return the number of records inserted thus far.""" return self.count_inserted
# end get_count_inserted
[docs] def get_count_updated( self ): """Return the number of records updated thus far.""" return self.count_updated
# end get_count_updated
[docs] def set_logger_level( self, log_level ): """Set the log level for the GPUdb multi-head i/o module. Parameters: log_level (int, long, or str) A valid log level for the logging module """ try: mh_io_log.setLevel( log_level ) except (ValueError, TypeError, Exception) as ex: raise GPUdbException("Invalid log level: '{}'".format( str(ex) ))
# end set_client_logger_level def __encode_data_for_insertion( self, records, record_encoding = "binary" ): """Encode the given records for insertion. Parameters: records (list) A list of un-encoded records. record_encoding (str) The encoding to use for the insertion. Allowed values are: * 'binary' * 'json' The default values is 'binary'. Returns: A list of encoded records. """ # Encode the object into binary if not already encoded if record_encoding == "binary": if isinstance( records[0], GPUdbRecord ): encoded_records = [ record.binary_data for record in records ] else: encoded_records = [ GPUdbRecord( self.record_type, record ).binary_data for record in records ] else: if isinstance( record, GPUdbRecord ): encoded_records = [ record.column_values for record in records ] else: encoded_records = records # end if-else return encoded_records # end __encode_data_for_insertion
[docs] def insert_record( self, record, record_encoding = "binary", is_data_encoded = True ): """Queues a record for insertion into GPUdb. If the queue reaches the {@link #get_batch_size batch size}, all records in the queue will be inserted into GPUdb before the method returns. If an error occurs while inserting the records, the records will no longer be in the queue nor in GPUdb; catch {@link InsertionException} to get the list of records that were being inserted if needed (for example, to retry). Parameters: record (dict, GPUdbRecord, collections.OrderedDict, Record) The record to insert. record_encoding (str) The encoding to use for the insertion. Allowed values are: * 'binary' * 'json' The default values is 'binary'. is_data_encoded (bool) Indicates if the data has already been encoded (so that we don't do double encoding). Use ONLY if the data has already been encoded. Default is False. @throws InsertionException if an error occurs while inserting. """ # If a dict is given, convert it into a GPUdbRecord object if isinstance( record, dict ): record = GPUdbRecord( self.record_type, record ) if not isinstance( is_data_encoded, bool ): raise GPUdbException( "Input parameter 'is_data_encoded' must be " "boolean; given '{}'" "".format( str(type( is_data_encoded )) ) ) if not isinstance(record, (list, GPUdbRecord, collections.OrderedDict)): raise GPUdbException( "Input parameter 'record' must be a GPUdbRecord or an " "OrderedDict; given %s" % str(type(record)) ) if record_encoding.lower() not in ("json", "binary"): raise GPUdbException( "Input parameter 'record_encoding' must be " "one of ['json', 'binary']; given '%s'" % record_encoding ) # Build the primary and/or shard key(s) for this record primary_key = None shard_key = None # Build the primary key if self.primary_key_builder: primary_key = record ) # Build the shard key if self.shard_key_builder: shard_key = record ) # Create a worker queue worker_queue = None # Get the index of the worker to be used if self.use_head_node: worker_index = 0 elif (not shard_key): worker_index = random.randint( 0, (self.num_ranks - 1) ) else: # Use the routing table and the shard key to find the right worker worker_index = shard_key.route( self.routing_table ) # end if-else # Check that the index is withing bounds if (worker_index >= len(self.worker_queues)): raise GPUdbException( "Sharded worker index is out of bound: {} " "(# worker ranks {})" "".format( worker_index, len(self.worker_queues) ) ) # Get the worker worker_queue = self.worker_queues[ worker_index ] # Insert the record for the worker queue queue = worker_queue.insert( record, primary_key ) # Flush, if necessary (when the worker queue returns a non-empty queue) if queue: self.__flush( queue, worker_queue.get_gpudb(), is_data_encoded = is_data_encoded )
# end insert_record
[docs] def insert_records( self, records, record_encoding = "binary", is_data_encoded = True ): """Queues a list of records for insertion into GPUdb. If any queue reaches the {@link #get_batch_size batch size}, all records in that queue will be inserted into GPUdb before the method returns. If an error occurs while inserting the queued records, the records will no longer be in that queue nor in GPUdb; catch {@link InsertionException} to get the list of records that were being inserted (including any from the queue in question and any remaining in the list not yet queued) if needed (for example, to retry). Note that depending on the number of records, multiple calls to GPUdb may occur. Parameters: records (GPUdbRecord, collections.OrderedDict, Record) The records to insert. record_encoding (str) The encoding to use for the insertion. Allowed values are: * 'binary' * 'json' The default values is 'binary'. is_data_encoded (bool) Indicates if the data has already been encoded (so that we don't do double encoding). Use ONLY if the data has already been encoded. Default is False. @throws InsertionException if an error occurs while inserting """ if not records: return # nothing to do! # If a single record is provided, promote it to a list records = records if isinstance( records, list ) else [ records ] if record_encoding not in ("json", "binary"): raise GPUdbException( "Input parameter 'record_encoding' must be " "one of ['json', 'binary']; given '%s'" % record_encoding ) if not isinstance( is_data_encoded, bool ): raise GPUdbException( "Input parameter 'is_data_encoded' must be " "boolean; given '{}'" "".format( str(type( is_data_encoded )) ) ) for record in records: try: self.insert_record( record, record_encoding, is_data_encoded = is_data_encoded ) except InsertionException as e: # Add the remaining records that could not be inserted uninserted_records = e.get_records() remaining_records = records[ records.index( record ) : ] uninserted_records.extend( remaining_records ) raise
# done handling the error case # end insert_records
[docs] def flush( self, forced_flush = True, is_data_encoded = True ): """Ensures that any queued records are inserted into GPUdb. If an error occurs while inserting the records from any queue, the records will no longer be in that queue nor in GPUdb; catch {@link InsertException} to get the list of records that were being inserted if needed (for example, to retry). Other queues may also still contain unflushed records if this occurs. Parameters: forced_flush (bool) Boolean flag indicating whether a user invoked this method or an internal method called it. is_data_encoded (bool) Indicates if the data has already been encoded (so that we don't do double encoding). Use ONLY if the data has already been encoded. Default is False. @throws InsertException if an error occurs while inserting records. """ for worker in self.worker_queues: if not worker: continue # skipping empty workers queue = worker.flush() # Actually insert the records self.__flush( queue, worker.get_gpudb(), forced_flush = forced_flush, is_data_encoded = is_data_encoded )
# end flush def __flush( self, queue, worker_gpudb, forced_flush = False, record_encoding = "binary", is_data_encoded = True ): """Internal method to flush--actually insert--the records to GPUdb. Parameters: queue (list) List of records to insert worker_gpudb (:class:`GPUdb`) The URL to which to send the records. forced_flush (bool) If True, then somebody intends to forcefully flush the given records. Default value is False. record_encoding (str) The encoding to use for the insertion. Allowed values are: * 'binary' * 'json' The default values is 'binary'. is_data_encoded (bool) Indicates if the data has already been encoded (so that we don't do double encoding). Use ONLY if the data has already been encoded. Default is False. """ if not queue: return # nothing to do if record_encoding.lower() not in ("json", "binary"): raise GPUdbException( "Input parameter 'record_encoding' must be " "one of ['json', 'binary']; given '%s'" % record_encoding ) try: # We may need the timestamp later insertion_attempt_timestamp = time.time() # Encode the data, if necessary if not is_data_encoded: encoded_data = self.__encode_data_for_insertion( queue, record_encoding = record_encoding ) else: # The data is already encoded encoded_data = queue # Insert the records insertion_succeeded = False try: insert_rsp = worker_gpudb.insert_records( table_name = self.table_name, data = encoded_data, record_type = self.record_type.record_type, options = self.options ) insertion_succeeded = insert_rsp.is_ok() error_msg = insert_rsp.get_error_msg() except GPUdbConnectionException as ex: error_msg = str( ex ) except GPUdbException as ex: error_msg = str( ex ) if not insertion_succeeded: # Insertion failed, but maybe due to shard mapping changes (due to # cluster reconfiguration)? Check if the mapping needs to be updated # or has been updated by another thread already after the # insertion was attemtped if (self.__update_worker_queues() or (insertion_attempt_timestamp < self._shard_update_time) ): # We need to try inserting the records again since no worker # queue has these records any more (but the records may # go to a worker queue different from the one they came from) self.insert_records( queue ) # If the user intends a forceful flush, then make sure that the # records get flushed if forced_flush: # This invocation of flush is internal self.flush( forced_flush = False ) else: # it's a genuine error (nothing to do with cluster re-configuration) raise InsertionException( error_msg, queue ) else: # insertion succeeded # Update the insert and update counts self.count_inserted += insert_rsp[ C._count_inserted ] self.count_updated += insert_rsp[ C._count_updated ] # Check if shard re-balancing is under way at the server; if so, # we need to update the shard mapping if ( (C._data_rerouted in and ([ C._data_rerouted ] == C._true) ) : self.__update_worker_queues() # end inner if # end if except InsertionException as e: raise InsertionException( str(e), queue )
# end __flush # end class GPUdbIngestor
[docs]class RecordRetriever: """Retrieves records from all worker ranks directly. If multi-head retrieval is not set up, then automatically retrieves records from the head node. """ def __init__( self, gpudb, table_name, record_type, workers = None, is_table_replicated = False ): """Initializes the RecordRetriever instance. Parameters: gpudb (GPUdb) The client handle through which the retrieval process is to be conducted. table_name (str) The name of the table from which records will be fetched. Must be an existing table. record_type (GPUdbRecordType) The type for the records which will be retrieved; must match the type of the given table. workers (GPUdbWorkerList) Optional parameter. A list of GPUdb worker rank addresses. is_table_replicated (bool) Optional boolean flag indicating whether the table is replicated; if True, then multi-head ingestion will not be used (but the head node would be used for ingestion instead). This is due to GPUdb not supporting multi-head retrieval on replicated tables which are un-sharded by design. """ # Validate input parameter 'gpudb' if not isinstance(gpudb, GPUdb): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'gpudb' must be of " "type GPUdb; given %s" % str( type( gpudb ) ) ) # Validate input parameter 'table_name' if not isinstance(table_name, basestring): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'table_name' must be a" "string; given %s" % str( type( table_name ) ) ) # Validate input parameter 'record_type' if not isinstance( record_type, GPUdbRecordType ): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'record_type' must be of " "type GPUdbRecordType; given %s" % str( type( record_type ) ) ) # Validate input parameter 'workers' if (workers and not isinstance(workers, GPUdbWorkerList)): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'workers' must be of type " "GPUdbWorkerList; given %s" % str( type( workers ) ) ) # Validate input parameter 'is_table_replicated' if not isinstance( is_table_replicated, bool ): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'is_table_replicated' must be of type " "a boolean value; given %s" % str( type( is_table_replicated ) ) ) # Save the parameter values self.gpudb = gpudb self.table_name = table_name self.record_type = record_type self.worker_list = workers self.is_table_replicated = is_table_replicated # Keep track of how many times the db client has switched HA clusters # in order to decide later if it's time to update the worker queues self.num_ha_switches = self.gpudb.get_num_ha_switches() # Create the shard key builder self.shard_key_builder = _RecordKeyBuilder( self.record_type ) # If no shard columns, then check if there are primary keys if not self.shard_key_builder.has_key(): self.shard_key_builder = _RecordKeyBuilder( self.record_type, is_primary_key = True ) if not self.shard_key_builder.has_key(): self.shard_key_builder = None # Set up the worker queues # ------------------------ # If no worker URLs are provided, get them from the server if not self.worker_list: self.worker_list = GPUdbWorkerList( self.gpudb, use_head_node_only = self.is_table_replicated ) # Create worker queues per worker URL self.worker_queues = [] for worker in self.worker_list.get_worker_urls(): # Handle removed ranks if not worker: self.worker_queues.append( None ) continue try: wq = _WorkerQueue( worker, self.gpudb, capacity = 1 ) # using one for now.......... self.worker_queues.append( wq ) except Exception as e: raise GPUdbException( str(e) ) # end loop over workers # Get the number of workers if not self.worker_list: self.num_ranks = 1 else: self.num_ranks = len( self.worker_list.get_worker_urls() ) # Very important to know if multi-head IO is actually enabled # at the server self.is_multihead_enabled = self.worker_list.is_multihead_enabled() # Flag for whether to use sharding or not self.use_head_node = ( (not self.is_multihead_enabled) or self.is_table_replicated ) self.routing_table = None self._shard_version = None self._shard_update_time = None if ( self.is_multihead_enabled and self.shard_key_builder ): # Since it's the first time, there's no need to "REconstruct" # the queues self.__update_worker_queues( reconstruct_worker_queues = False ) # end if # end RecordRetriever __init__ def __update_worker_queues( self, reconstruct_worker_queues = True ): """Update the shard mapping for the ingestor. Parameters: reconstruct_worker_queues (bool) When True, the worker queues will be re-constructed based on the new cluster configuration. The records that are already in the existing queues will be re-processed to be saved in the new queues. Returns: A boolean flag indicating if the shard mapping was updated. """ # Update the sharding, if it's different from before try: # Get the sharding assignment ranks shard_info = self.gpudb.admin_show_shards() if not shard_info.is_ok(): raise GPUdbException( shard_info.get_error_msg() ) # Get the shard version new_shard_version = shard_info[ C._shard_version ] # No-op if the shard version hasn't changed (and it's not the first time) if ( self._shard_version and (self._shard_version == new_shard_version) ): # Also check if the db client has failed over to a different HA # ring node num_db_ha_switches = self.gpudb.get_num_ha_switches() if (self.num_ha_switches == num_db_ha_switches): return False # nothing to do # Update the HA ring node switch tracker self.num_ha_switches = num_db_ha_switches # Save the new shard version and also when we're updating the mapping self._shard_version = new_shard_version self._shard_update_time = time.time() # Subtract 1 from each value of the routing_table # (because the 1st worker rank is the 0th element in the worker list) self.routing_table = [(rank-1) for rank in shard_info[ C._shard_ranks ] ] except GPUdbException as ex: # Couldn't get the current shard assignment info; see if this is due # to cluster failure if ex.is_connection_failure(): # Check if the db client has failed over to a different HA # ring node if (self.num_ha_switches == self.gpudb.get_num_ha_switches()): return False # nothing to do; some other problem # Update the HA ring node switch tracker self.num_ha_switches = self.gpudb.get_num_ha_switches() else: # unknown error no handled here raise ex # end if # end except # The worker queues need to be re-constructed when asked for # iff multi-head i/o is enabled and the table is not replicated if reconstruct_worker_queues: self.__reconstruct_worker_queues() return True # the shard mapping and/or worker queues was/were updated # end __update_worker_queues def __reconstruct_worker_queues( self ): """Based on a freshly fetched worker list, re-constructs the worker queues. """ # Re-construct the existing worker queues and re-shard the currently # queued records new_worker_queues = [] # Get the latest worker list (use whatever IP regex was used initially) new_worker_list = GPUdbWorkerList( self.gpudb, self.worker_list.get_ip_regex(), use_head_node_only = self.use_head_node ) if (new_worker_list == self.worker_list): return # nothing to do since the worker list did not change # Update the worker list self.worker_list = new_worker_list new_workers = self.worker_list.get_worker_urls() # Create worker queues per worker URL for worker in new_workers: # Handle removed ranks if not worker: new_worker_queues.append( None ) continue try: # adding a queue for a currently active rank wq = _WorkerQueue( worker, self.gpudb, capacity = 1 ) # using one for now.......... new_worker_queues.append( wq ) except Exception as e: raise GPUdbException( str(e) ) # end loop over workers # Get the number of workers self.num_ranks = len( new_workers ) # Save the new queue for future use self.worker_queues = new_worker_queues # end __reconstruct_worker_queues
[docs] def set_logger_level( self, log_level ): """Set the log level for the GPUdb multi-head i/o module. Parameters: log_level (int, long, or str) A valid log level for the logging module """ try: mh_io_log.setLevel( log_level ) except (ValueError, TypeError, Exception) as ex: raise GPUdbException("Invalid log level: '{}'".format( str(ex) ))
# end set_client_logger_level
[docs] def get_records_by_key( self, key_values, expression = "", options = None ): """Fetches the record(s) from the appropriate worker rank directly (or, if multi-head record retrieval is not set up, then from the head node) that map to the given shard key. Parameters: key_values (list or dict) Values for the sharding columns of the record to fetch either in a list (then it is assumed to be in the order of the sharding keys in the record type) or a dict. Must not have any missing sharding/primary column value or any extra column values. expression (str) Optional parameter. If given, it is passed to /get/records as a filter expression. options (dict of str to str or None) Any /get/records options to be passed onto the GPUdb server. Optional parameter. Returns: The decoded records. """ # Validate input parameter 'options' if not isinstance( options, (dict, type(None)) ): raise GPUdbException( "Parameter 'options' must be a" "dicitonary, if given; given %s" % str( type( options ) ) ) # If there is no shard key AND the column names aren't given, we can't do this if ( (not self.shard_key_builder) and (not isinstance( key_values, dict )) ): raise GPUdbException( "Cannot get key from unsharded table '%s'" % self.table_name ) # Create the expression based on the record's sharded columns' values # and any enveloping expression given by the user if isinstance( key_values, dict ): # We can build an expression if the column names are given # regardless of sharding on the table expression = self.shard_key_builder.build_expression_with_dict( key_values, expression ) elif not expression: expression = self.shard_key_builder.build_expression_with_key_values_only( key_values ) else: expression = ( "(" + self.shard_key_builder.build_expression_with_key_values_only( key_values ) + ") and (" + expression + ")" ) # end if # Set up the options if (options is None): options = {} options["expression"] = expression options["fast_index_lookup"] = "true" # We may need the timestamp later retrieval_attempt_timestamp = time.time() # Get the appropriate worker if self.use_head_node: # multi-head is turned off or it's a replicated table worker_index = 0 else: # use sharding to find the appropriate worker # Build the shard key shard_key = self.shard_key_builder.build_key_with_shard_values_only( key_values ) # Get the sharded worker worker_index = shard_key.route( self.routing_table ) # end if # Check that the index is withing bounds if (worker_index >= len(self.worker_queues)): raise GPUdbException( "Sharded worker index is out of bound: {} " "(# worker ranks {})" "".format( worker_index, len(self.worker_queues) ) ) # Get the worker worker_queue = self.worker_queues[ worker_index ] # Fetch the record(s) that map to this shard key retrieval_succeeded = False try: gr_rsp = worker_queue.get_gpudb().get_records( self.table_name, limit = self.gpudb.END_OF_SET, options = options, get_record_type = False ) retrieval_succeeded = gr_rsp.is_ok() error_msg = gr_rsp.get_error_msg() except GPUdbConnectionException as ex: error_msg = str( ex ) except GPUdbException as ex: error_msg = str( ex ) if not retrieval_succeeded: # Retrieval failed, but maybe due to shard mapping changes (due to # cluster reconfiguration)? Check if the mapping needs to be updated # or has been updated by another thread already after the # retrieval was attemtped if (self.__update_worker_queues() or (retrieval_attempt_timestamp < self._shard_update_time) ): # Re-try the retrieval gr_rsp = self.get_records_by_key( key_values, expression ) return gr_rsp else: # any other reason is a genuine error raise GPUdbException( error_msg ) # end inner if elif ( (C._data_rerouted in and ([ C._data_rerouted ] == C._true) ) : # Shard re-balancing is under way at the server; so, # we need to update the shard mapping self.__update_worker_queues() # end if # Decode the records (using the C-extension RecordType object) records = GPUdbRecord.decode_binary_data( self.record_type.record_type, gr_rsp["records_binary"] ) # Replace the encoded records in the response with the decoded records gr_rsp["data"] = records gr_rsp["records"] = records # TODO: Potential desired behavior # 1. return only the decoded records return gr_rsp
# end get_records_by_key # end class RecordRetriever