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Functions | |
AdminOfflineResponse | adminOffline (const AdminOfflineRequest &request_) const |
Take the system offline. More... | |
AdminOfflineResponse & | adminOffline (const AdminOfflineRequest &request_, AdminOfflineResponse &response_) const |
Take the system offline. More... | |
AdminOfflineResponse | adminOffline (const bool offline, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Take the system offline. More... | |
AdminOfflineResponse & | adminOffline (const bool offline, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AdminOfflineResponse &response_) const |
Take the system offline. More... | |
AdminShutdownResponse | adminShutdown (const AdminShutdownRequest &request_) const |
Exits the database server application. More... | |
AdminShutdownResponse & | adminShutdown (const AdminShutdownRequest &request_, AdminShutdownResponse &response_) const |
Exits the database server application. More... | |
AdminShutdownResponse | adminShutdown (const std::string &exitType, const std::string &authorization, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Exits the database server application. More... | |
AdminShutdownResponse & | adminShutdown (const std::string &exitType, const std::string &authorization, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AdminShutdownResponse &response_) const |
Exits the database server application. More... | |
AdminVerifyDbResponse | adminVerifyDb (const AdminVerifyDbRequest &request_) const |
Verify database is in a consistent state. More... | |
AdminVerifyDbResponse & | adminVerifyDb (const AdminVerifyDbRequest &request_, AdminVerifyDbResponse &response_) const |
Verify database is in a consistent state. More... | |
AdminVerifyDbResponse | adminVerifyDb (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Verify database is in a consistent state. More... | |
AdminVerifyDbResponse & | adminVerifyDb (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AdminVerifyDbResponse &response_) const |
Verify database is in a consistent state. More... | |
AggregateConvexHullResponse | aggregateConvexHull (const AggregateConvexHullRequest &request_) const |
Calculates and returns the convex hull for the values in a table specified by tableName. More... | |
AggregateConvexHullResponse & | aggregateConvexHull (const AggregateConvexHullRequest &request_, AggregateConvexHullResponse &response_) const |
Calculates and returns the convex hull for the values in a table specified by tableName. More... | |
AggregateConvexHullResponse | aggregateConvexHull (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &xColumnName, const std::string &yColumnName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Calculates and returns the convex hull for the values in a table specified by tableName. More... | |
AggregateConvexHullResponse & | aggregateConvexHull (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &xColumnName, const std::string &yColumnName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AggregateConvexHullResponse &response_) const |
Calculates and returns the convex hull for the values in a table specified by tableName. More... | |
RawAggregateGroupByResponse | aggregateGroupByRaw (const AggregateGroupByRequest &request_) const |
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique combination. More... | |
RawAggregateGroupByResponse & | aggregateGroupByRaw (const AggregateGroupByRequest &request_, RawAggregateGroupByResponse &response_) const |
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique combination. More... | |
AggregateGroupByResponse | aggregateGroupBy (const AggregateGroupByRequest &request_) const |
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique combination. More... | |
AggregateGroupByResponse & | aggregateGroupBy (const AggregateGroupByRequest &request_, AggregateGroupByResponse &response_) const |
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique combination. More... | |
AggregateGroupByResponse | aggregateGroupBy (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique combination. More... | |
AggregateGroupByResponse & | aggregateGroupBy (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AggregateGroupByResponse &response_) const |
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique combination. More... | |
AggregateHistogramResponse | aggregateHistogram (const AggregateHistogramRequest &request_) const |
Performs a histogram calculation given a table, a column, and an interval function. More... | |
AggregateHistogramResponse & | aggregateHistogram (const AggregateHistogramRequest &request_, AggregateHistogramResponse &response_) const |
Performs a histogram calculation given a table, a column, and an interval function. More... | |
AggregateHistogramResponse | aggregateHistogram (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &columnName, const double start, const double end, const double interval, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Performs a histogram calculation given a table, a column, and an interval function. More... | |
AggregateHistogramResponse & | aggregateHistogram (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &columnName, const double start, const double end, const double interval, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AggregateHistogramResponse &response_) const |
Performs a histogram calculation given a table, a column, and an interval function. More... | |
AggregateKMeansResponse | aggregateKMeans (const AggregateKMeansRequest &request_) const |
This endpoint runs the k-means algorithm - a heuristic algorithm that attempts to do k-means clustering. More... | |
AggregateKMeansResponse & | aggregateKMeans (const AggregateKMeansRequest &request_, AggregateKMeansResponse &response_) const |
This endpoint runs the k-means algorithm - a heuristic algorithm that attempts to do k-means clustering. More... | |
AggregateKMeansResponse | aggregateKMeans (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const int32_t k, const double tolerance, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
This endpoint runs the k-means algorithm - a heuristic algorithm that attempts to do k-means clustering. More... | |
AggregateKMeansResponse & | aggregateKMeans (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const int32_t k, const double tolerance, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AggregateKMeansResponse &response_) const |
This endpoint runs the k-means algorithm - a heuristic algorithm that attempts to do k-means clustering. More... | |
AggregateMinMaxResponse | aggregateMinMax (const AggregateMinMaxRequest &request_) const |
Calculates and returns the minimum and maximum values of a particular column in a table. More... | |
AggregateMinMaxResponse & | aggregateMinMax (const AggregateMinMaxRequest &request_, AggregateMinMaxResponse &response_) const |
Calculates and returns the minimum and maximum values of a particular column in a table. More... | |
AggregateMinMaxResponse | aggregateMinMax (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &columnName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Calculates and returns the minimum and maximum values of a particular column in a table. More... | |
AggregateMinMaxResponse & | aggregateMinMax (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &columnName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AggregateMinMaxResponse &response_) const |
Calculates and returns the minimum and maximum values of a particular column in a table. More... | |
AggregateStatisticsResponse | aggregateStatistics (const AggregateStatisticsRequest &request_) const |
Calculates the requested statistics of the given column(s) in a given table. More... | |
AggregateStatisticsResponse & | aggregateStatistics (const AggregateStatisticsRequest &request_, AggregateStatisticsResponse &response_) const |
Calculates the requested statistics of the given column(s) in a given table. More... | |
AggregateStatisticsResponse | aggregateStatistics (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &columnName, const std::string &stats, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Calculates the requested statistics of the given column(s) in a given table. More... | |
AggregateStatisticsResponse & | aggregateStatistics (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &columnName, const std::string &stats, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AggregateStatisticsResponse &response_) const |
Calculates the requested statistics of the given column(s) in a given table. More... | |
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse | aggregateStatisticsByRange (const AggregateStatisticsByRangeRequest &request_) const |
Divides the given set into bins and calculates statistics of the values of a value-column in each bin. More... | |
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse & | aggregateStatisticsByRange (const AggregateStatisticsByRangeRequest &request_, AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse &response_) const |
Divides the given set into bins and calculates statistics of the values of a value-column in each bin. More... | |
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse | aggregateStatisticsByRange (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &selectExpression, const std::string &columnName, const std::string &valueColumnName, const std::string &stats, const double start, const double end, const double interval, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Divides the given set into bins and calculates statistics of the values of a value-column in each bin. More... | |
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse & | aggregateStatisticsByRange (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &selectExpression, const std::string &columnName, const std::string &valueColumnName, const std::string &stats, const double start, const double end, const double interval, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse &response_) const |
Divides the given set into bins and calculates statistics of the values of a value-column in each bin. More... | |
RawAggregateUniqueResponse | aggregateUniqueRaw (const AggregateUniqueRequest &request_) const |
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by columnName) of a particular table (specified by tableName). More... | |
RawAggregateUniqueResponse & | aggregateUniqueRaw (const AggregateUniqueRequest &request_, RawAggregateUniqueResponse &response_) const |
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by columnName) of a particular table (specified by tableName). More... | |
AggregateUniqueResponse | aggregateUnique (const AggregateUniqueRequest &request_) const |
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by columnName) of a particular table (specified by tableName). More... | |
AggregateUniqueResponse & | aggregateUnique (const AggregateUniqueRequest &request_, AggregateUniqueResponse &response_) const |
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by columnName) of a particular table (specified by tableName). More... | |
AggregateUniqueResponse | aggregateUnique (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &columnName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by columnName) of a particular table (specified by tableName). More... | |
AggregateUniqueResponse & | aggregateUnique (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &columnName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AggregateUniqueResponse &response_) const |
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by columnName) of a particular table (specified by tableName). More... | |
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse | alterSystemProperties (const AlterSystemPropertiesRequest &request_) const |
The const endpoint is primarily used to simplify the testing of the system and is not expected to be used during normal execution. More... | |
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse & | alterSystemProperties (const AlterSystemPropertiesRequest &request_, AlterSystemPropertiesResponse &response_) const |
The const endpoint is primarily used to simplify the testing of the system and is not expected to be used during normal execution. More... | |
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse | alterSystemProperties (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &propertyUpdatesMap, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
The const endpoint is primarily used to simplify the testing of the system and is not expected to be used during normal execution. More... | |
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse & | alterSystemProperties (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &propertyUpdatesMap, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AlterSystemPropertiesResponse &response_) const |
The const endpoint is primarily used to simplify the testing of the system and is not expected to be used during normal execution. More... | |
AlterTableResponse | alterTable (const AlterTableRequest &request_) const |
Apply various modifications to a table or collection. More... | |
AlterTableResponse & | alterTable (const AlterTableRequest &request_, AlterTableResponse &response_) const |
Apply various modifications to a table or collection. More... | |
AlterTableResponse | alterTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &action, const std::string &value, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Apply various modifications to a table or collection. More... | |
AlterTableResponse & | alterTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &action, const std::string &value, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AlterTableResponse &response_) const |
Apply various modifications to a table or collection. More... | |
AlterTableMetadataResponse | alterTableMetadata (const AlterTableMetadataRequest &request_) const |
Updates (adds or changes) metadata for tables. More... | |
AlterTableMetadataResponse & | alterTableMetadata (const AlterTableMetadataRequest &request_, AlterTableMetadataResponse &response_) const |
Updates (adds or changes) metadata for tables. More... | |
AlterTableMetadataResponse | alterTableMetadata (const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &metadataMap, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Updates (adds or changes) metadata for tables. More... | |
AlterTableMetadataResponse & | alterTableMetadata (const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &metadataMap, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AlterTableMetadataResponse &response_) const |
Updates (adds or changes) metadata for tables. More... | |
AlterUserResponse | alterUser (const AlterUserRequest &request_) const |
Alters a user. More... | |
AlterUserResponse & | alterUser (const AlterUserRequest &request_, AlterUserResponse &response_) const |
Alters a user. More... | |
AlterUserResponse | alterUser (const std::string &name, const std::string &action, const std::string &value, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Alters a user. More... | |
AlterUserResponse & | alterUser (const std::string &name, const std::string &action, const std::string &value, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, AlterUserResponse &response_) const |
Alters a user. More... | |
ClearTableResponse | clearTable (const ClearTableRequest &request_) const |
Clears (drops) one or all tables in the database cluster. More... | |
ClearTableResponse & | clearTable (const ClearTableRequest &request_, ClearTableResponse &response_) const |
Clears (drops) one or all tables in the database cluster. More... | |
ClearTableResponse | clearTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &authorization, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Clears (drops) one or all tables in the database cluster. More... | |
ClearTableResponse & | clearTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &authorization, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ClearTableResponse &response_) const |
Clears (drops) one or all tables in the database cluster. More... | |
ClearTableMonitorResponse | clearTableMonitor (const ClearTableMonitorRequest &request_) const |
Deactivates a table monitor previously created with const. More... | |
ClearTableMonitorResponse & | clearTableMonitor (const ClearTableMonitorRequest &request_, ClearTableMonitorResponse &response_) const |
Deactivates a table monitor previously created with const. More... | |
ClearTableMonitorResponse | clearTableMonitor (const std::string &topicId, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Deactivates a table monitor previously created with const. More... | |
ClearTableMonitorResponse & | clearTableMonitor (const std::string &topicId, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ClearTableMonitorResponse &response_) const |
Deactivates a table monitor previously created with const. More... | |
ClearTriggerResponse | clearTrigger (const ClearTriggerRequest &request_) const |
Clears or cancels the trigger identified by the specified handle. More... | |
ClearTriggerResponse & | clearTrigger (const ClearTriggerRequest &request_, ClearTriggerResponse &response_) const |
Clears or cancels the trigger identified by the specified handle. More... | |
ClearTriggerResponse | clearTrigger (const std::string &triggerId, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Clears or cancels the trigger identified by the specified handle. More... | |
ClearTriggerResponse & | clearTrigger (const std::string &triggerId, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ClearTriggerResponse &response_) const |
Clears or cancels the trigger identified by the specified handle. More... | |
CreateJoinTableResponse | createJoinTable (const CreateJoinTableRequest &request_) const |
Creates a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN. More... | |
CreateJoinTableResponse & | createJoinTable (const CreateJoinTableRequest &request_, CreateJoinTableResponse &response_) const |
Creates a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN. More... | |
CreateJoinTableResponse | createJoinTable (const std::string &joinTableName, const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const std::vector< std::string > &expressions, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Creates a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN. More... | |
CreateJoinTableResponse & | createJoinTable (const std::string &joinTableName, const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const std::vector< std::string > &expressions, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, CreateJoinTableResponse &response_) const |
Creates a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN. More... | |
CreateProcResponse | createProc (const CreateProcRequest &request_) const |
Creates an instance (proc) of the user-defined function (UDF) specified by the given command, options, and files, and makes it available for execution. More... | |
CreateProcResponse & | createProc (const CreateProcRequest &request_, CreateProcResponse &response_) const |
Creates an instance (proc) of the user-defined function (UDF) specified by the given command, options, and files, and makes it available for execution. More... | |
CreateProcResponse | createProc (const std::string &procName, const std::string &executionMode, const std::map< std::string, std::vector< uint8_t > > &files, const std::string &command, const std::vector< std::string > &args, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Creates an instance (proc) of the user-defined function (UDF) specified by the given command, options, and files, and makes it available for execution. More... | |
CreateProcResponse & | createProc (const std::string &procName, const std::string &executionMode, const std::map< std::string, std::vector< uint8_t > > &files, const std::string &command, const std::vector< std::string > &args, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, CreateProcResponse &response_) const |
Creates an instance (proc) of the user-defined function (UDF) specified by the given command, options, and files, and makes it available for execution. More... | |
CreateProjectionResponse | createProjection (const CreateProjectionRequest &request_) const |
Creates a new projection of an existing table. More... | |
CreateProjectionResponse & | createProjection (const CreateProjectionRequest &request_, CreateProjectionResponse &response_) const |
Creates a new projection of an existing table. More... | |
CreateProjectionResponse | createProjection (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &projectionName, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Creates a new projection of an existing table. More... | |
CreateProjectionResponse & | createProjection (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &projectionName, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, CreateProjectionResponse &response_) const |
Creates a new projection of an existing table. More... | |
CreateRoleResponse | createRole (const CreateRoleRequest &request_) const |
Creates a new role. More... | |
CreateRoleResponse & | createRole (const CreateRoleRequest &request_, CreateRoleResponse &response_) const |
Creates a new role. More... | |
CreateRoleResponse | createRole (const std::string &name, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Creates a new role. More... | |
CreateRoleResponse & | createRole (const std::string &name, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, CreateRoleResponse &response_) const |
Creates a new role. More... | |
CreateTableResponse | createTable (const CreateTableRequest &request_) const |
Creates a new table or collection. More... | |
CreateTableResponse & | createTable (const CreateTableRequest &request_, CreateTableResponse &response_) const |
Creates a new table or collection. More... | |
CreateTableResponse | createTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &typeId, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Creates a new table or collection. More... | |
CreateTableResponse & | createTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &typeId, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, CreateTableResponse &response_) const |
Creates a new table or collection. More... | |
CreateTableMonitorResponse | createTableMonitor (const CreateTableMonitorRequest &request_) const |
Creates a monitor that watches for new records inserted into a particular table (identified by tableName) and forwards copies to subscribers via ZMQ. More... | |
CreateTableMonitorResponse & | createTableMonitor (const CreateTableMonitorRequest &request_, CreateTableMonitorResponse &response_) const |
Creates a monitor that watches for new records inserted into a particular table (identified by tableName) and forwards copies to subscribers via ZMQ. More... | |
CreateTableMonitorResponse | createTableMonitor (const std::string &tableName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Creates a monitor that watches for new records inserted into a particular table (identified by tableName) and forwards copies to subscribers via ZMQ. More... | |
CreateTableMonitorResponse & | createTableMonitor (const std::string &tableName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, CreateTableMonitorResponse &response_) const |
Creates a monitor that watches for new records inserted into a particular table (identified by tableName) and forwards copies to subscribers via ZMQ. More... | |
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse | createTriggerByArea (const CreateTriggerByAreaRequest &request_) const |
Sets up an area trigger mechanism for two column_names for one or more tables. More... | |
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse & | createTriggerByArea (const CreateTriggerByAreaRequest &request_, CreateTriggerByAreaResponse &response_) const |
Sets up an area trigger mechanism for two column_names for one or more tables. More... | |
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse | createTriggerByArea (const std::string &requestId, const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::string &xColumnName, const std::vector< double > &xVector, const std::string &yColumnName, const std::vector< double > &yVector, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Sets up an area trigger mechanism for two column_names for one or more tables. More... | |
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse & | createTriggerByArea (const std::string &requestId, const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::string &xColumnName, const std::vector< double > &xVector, const std::string &yColumnName, const std::vector< double > &yVector, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, CreateTriggerByAreaResponse &response_) const |
Sets up an area trigger mechanism for two column_names for one or more tables. More... | |
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse | createTriggerByRange (const CreateTriggerByRangeRequest &request_) const |
Sets up a simple range trigger for a column_name for one or more tables. More... | |
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse & | createTriggerByRange (const CreateTriggerByRangeRequest &request_, CreateTriggerByRangeResponse &response_) const |
Sets up a simple range trigger for a column_name for one or more tables. More... | |
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse | createTriggerByRange (const std::string &requestId, const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::string &columnName, const double min, const double max, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Sets up a simple range trigger for a column_name for one or more tables. More... | |
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse & | createTriggerByRange (const std::string &requestId, const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::string &columnName, const double min, const double max, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, CreateTriggerByRangeResponse &response_) const |
Sets up a simple range trigger for a column_name for one or more tables. More... | |
CreateTypeResponse | createType (const CreateTypeRequest &request_) const |
Creates a new type describing the layout or schema of a table. More... | |
CreateTypeResponse & | createType (const CreateTypeRequest &request_, CreateTypeResponse &response_) const |
Creates a new type describing the layout or schema of a table. More... | |
CreateTypeResponse | createType (const std::string &typeDefinition, const std::string &label, const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &properties, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Creates a new type describing the layout or schema of a table. More... | |
CreateTypeResponse & | createType (const std::string &typeDefinition, const std::string &label, const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &properties, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, CreateTypeResponse &response_) const |
Creates a new type describing the layout or schema of a table. More... | |
CreateUnionResponse | createUnion (const CreateUnionRequest &request_) const |
Performs a union (concatenation) of one or more existing tables or views, the results of which are stored in a new view. More... | |
CreateUnionResponse & | createUnion (const CreateUnionRequest &request_, CreateUnionResponse &response_) const |
Performs a union (concatenation) of one or more existing tables or views, the results of which are stored in a new view. More... | |
CreateUnionResponse | createUnion (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &inputColumnNames, const std::vector< std::string > &outputColumnNames, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Performs a union (concatenation) of one or more existing tables or views, the results of which are stored in a new view. More... | |
CreateUnionResponse & | createUnion (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &inputColumnNames, const std::vector< std::string > &outputColumnNames, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, CreateUnionResponse &response_) const |
Performs a union (concatenation) of one or more existing tables or views, the results of which are stored in a new view. More... | |
CreateUserExternalResponse | createUserExternal (const CreateUserExternalRequest &request_) const |
Creates a new external user (a user whose credentials are managed by an external LDAP). More... | |
CreateUserExternalResponse & | createUserExternal (const CreateUserExternalRequest &request_, CreateUserExternalResponse &response_) const |
Creates a new external user (a user whose credentials are managed by an external LDAP). More... | |
CreateUserExternalResponse | createUserExternal (const std::string &name, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Creates a new external user (a user whose credentials are managed by an external LDAP). More... | |
CreateUserExternalResponse & | createUserExternal (const std::string &name, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, CreateUserExternalResponse &response_) const |
Creates a new external user (a user whose credentials are managed by an external LDAP). More... | |
CreateUserInternalResponse | createUserInternal (const CreateUserInternalRequest &request_) const |
Creates a new internal user (a user whose credentials are managed by the database system). More... | |
CreateUserInternalResponse & | createUserInternal (const CreateUserInternalRequest &request_, CreateUserInternalResponse &response_) const |
Creates a new internal user (a user whose credentials are managed by the database system). More... | |
CreateUserInternalResponse | createUserInternal (const std::string &name, const std::string &password, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Creates a new internal user (a user whose credentials are managed by the database system). More... | |
CreateUserInternalResponse & | createUserInternal (const std::string &name, const std::string &password, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, CreateUserInternalResponse &response_) const |
Creates a new internal user (a user whose credentials are managed by the database system). More... | |
DeleteProcResponse | deleteProc (const DeleteProcRequest &request_) const |
Deletes a proc. More... | |
DeleteProcResponse & | deleteProc (const DeleteProcRequest &request_, DeleteProcResponse &response_) const |
Deletes a proc. More... | |
DeleteProcResponse | deleteProc (const std::string &procName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Deletes a proc. More... | |
DeleteProcResponse & | deleteProc (const std::string &procName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, DeleteProcResponse &response_) const |
Deletes a proc. More... | |
DeleteRecordsResponse | deleteRecords (const DeleteRecordsRequest &request_) const |
Deletes record(s) matching the provided criteria from the given table. More... | |
DeleteRecordsResponse & | deleteRecords (const DeleteRecordsRequest &request_, DeleteRecordsResponse &response_) const |
Deletes record(s) matching the provided criteria from the given table. More... | |
DeleteRecordsResponse | deleteRecords (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< std::string > &expressions, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Deletes record(s) matching the provided criteria from the given table. More... | |
DeleteRecordsResponse & | deleteRecords (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< std::string > &expressions, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, DeleteRecordsResponse &response_) const |
Deletes record(s) matching the provided criteria from the given table. More... | |
DeleteRoleResponse | deleteRole (const DeleteRoleRequest &request_) const |
Deletes an existing role. More... | |
DeleteRoleResponse & | deleteRole (const DeleteRoleRequest &request_, DeleteRoleResponse &response_) const |
Deletes an existing role. More... | |
DeleteRoleResponse | deleteRole (const std::string &name, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Deletes an existing role. More... | |
DeleteRoleResponse & | deleteRole (const std::string &name, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, DeleteRoleResponse &response_) const |
Deletes an existing role. More... | |
DeleteUserResponse | deleteUser (const DeleteUserRequest &request_) const |
Deletes an existing user. More... | |
DeleteUserResponse & | deleteUser (const DeleteUserRequest &request_, DeleteUserResponse &response_) const |
Deletes an existing user. More... | |
DeleteUserResponse | deleteUser (const std::string &name, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Deletes an existing user. More... | |
DeleteUserResponse & | deleteUser (const std::string &name, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, DeleteUserResponse &response_) const |
Deletes an existing user. More... | |
ExecuteProcResponse | executeProc (const ExecuteProcRequest &request_) const |
Executes a proc. More... | |
ExecuteProcResponse & | executeProc (const ExecuteProcRequest &request_, ExecuteProcResponse &response_) const |
Executes a proc. More... | |
ExecuteProcResponse | executeProc (const std::string &procName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > ¶ms, const std::map< std::string, std::vector< uint8_t > > &binParams, const std::vector< std::string > &inputTableNames, const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &inputColumnNames, const std::vector< std::string > &outputTableNames, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Executes a proc. More... | |
ExecuteProcResponse & | executeProc (const std::string &procName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > ¶ms, const std::map< std::string, std::vector< uint8_t > > &binParams, const std::vector< std::string > &inputTableNames, const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &inputColumnNames, const std::vector< std::string > &outputTableNames, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ExecuteProcResponse &response_) const |
Executes a proc. More... | |
FilterResponse | filter (const FilterRequest &request_) const |
Filters data based on the specified expression. More... | |
FilterResponse & | filter (const FilterRequest &request_, FilterResponse &response_) const |
Filters data based on the specified expression. More... | |
FilterResponse | filter (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &expression, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Filters data based on the specified expression. More... | |
FilterResponse & | filter (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &expression, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, FilterResponse &response_) const |
Filters data based on the specified expression. More... | |
FilterByAreaResponse | filterByArea (const FilterByAreaRequest &request_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table are within a named area of interest (NAI/polygon). More... | |
FilterByAreaResponse & | filterByArea (const FilterByAreaRequest &request_, FilterByAreaResponse &response_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table are within a named area of interest (NAI/polygon). More... | |
FilterByAreaResponse | filterByArea (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &xColumnName, const std::vector< double > &xVector, const std::string &yColumnName, const std::vector< double > &yVector, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Calculates which objects from a table are within a named area of interest (NAI/polygon). More... | |
FilterByAreaResponse & | filterByArea (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &xColumnName, const std::vector< double > &xVector, const std::string &yColumnName, const std::vector< double > &yVector, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, FilterByAreaResponse &response_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table are within a named area of interest (NAI/polygon). More... | |
FilterByBoxResponse | filterByBox (const FilterByBoxRequest &request_) const |
Calculates how many objects within the given table lie in a rectangular box. More... | |
FilterByBoxResponse & | filterByBox (const FilterByBoxRequest &request_, FilterByBoxResponse &response_) const |
Calculates how many objects within the given table lie in a rectangular box. More... | |
FilterByBoxResponse | filterByBox (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &xColumnName, const double minX, const double maxX, const std::string &yColumnName, const double minY, const double maxY, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Calculates how many objects within the given table lie in a rectangular box. More... | |
FilterByBoxResponse & | filterByBox (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &xColumnName, const double minX, const double maxX, const std::string &yColumnName, const double minY, const double maxY, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, FilterByBoxResponse &response_) const |
Calculates how many objects within the given table lie in a rectangular box. More... | |
FilterByGeometryResponse | filterByGeometry (const FilterByGeometryRequest &request_) const |
Applies a geometry filter against a spatial column named WKT in a given table, collection or view. More... | |
FilterByGeometryResponse & | filterByGeometry (const FilterByGeometryRequest &request_, FilterByGeometryResponse &response_) const |
Applies a geometry filter against a spatial column named WKT in a given table, collection or view. More... | |
FilterByGeometryResponse | filterByGeometry (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &columnName, const std::string &inputWkt, const std::string &operation, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Applies a geometry filter against a spatial column named WKT in a given table, collection or view. More... | |
FilterByGeometryResponse & | filterByGeometry (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &columnName, const std::string &inputWkt, const std::string &operation, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, FilterByGeometryResponse &response_) const |
Applies a geometry filter against a spatial column named WKT in a given table, collection or view. More... | |
FilterByListResponse | filterByList (const FilterByListRequest &request_) const |
Calculates which records from a table have values in the given list for the corresponding column. More... | |
FilterByListResponse & | filterByList (const FilterByListRequest &request_, FilterByListResponse &response_) const |
Calculates which records from a table have values in the given list for the corresponding column. More... | |
FilterByListResponse | filterByList (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &columnValuesMap, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Calculates which records from a table have values in the given list for the corresponding column. More... | |
FilterByListResponse & | filterByList (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &columnValuesMap, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, FilterByListResponse &response_) const |
Calculates which records from a table have values in the given list for the corresponding column. More... | |
FilterByRadiusResponse | filterByRadius (const FilterByRadiusRequest &request_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table lie within a circle with the given radius and center point (i.e. More... | |
FilterByRadiusResponse & | filterByRadius (const FilterByRadiusRequest &request_, FilterByRadiusResponse &response_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table lie within a circle with the given radius and center point (i.e. More... | |
FilterByRadiusResponse | filterByRadius (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &xColumnName, const double xCenter, const std::string &yColumnName, const double yCenter, const double radius, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Calculates which objects from a table lie within a circle with the given radius and center point (i.e. More... | |
FilterByRadiusResponse & | filterByRadius (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &xColumnName, const double xCenter, const std::string &yColumnName, const double yCenter, const double radius, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, FilterByRadiusResponse &response_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table lie within a circle with the given radius and center point (i.e. More... | |
FilterByRangeResponse | filterByRange (const FilterByRangeRequest &request_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table have a column that is within the given bounds. More... | |
FilterByRangeResponse & | filterByRange (const FilterByRangeRequest &request_, FilterByRangeResponse &response_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table have a column that is within the given bounds. More... | |
FilterByRangeResponse | filterByRange (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &columnName, const double lowerBound, const double upperBound, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Calculates which objects from a table have a column that is within the given bounds. More... | |
FilterByRangeResponse & | filterByRange (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &columnName, const double lowerBound, const double upperBound, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, FilterByRangeResponse &response_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table have a column that is within the given bounds. More... | |
FilterBySeriesResponse | filterBySeries (const FilterBySeriesRequest &request_) const |
Filters objects matching all points of the given track (works only on track type data). More... | |
FilterBySeriesResponse & | filterBySeries (const FilterBySeriesRequest &request_, FilterBySeriesResponse &response_) const |
Filters objects matching all points of the given track (works only on track type data). More... | |
FilterBySeriesResponse | filterBySeries (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &trackId, const std::vector< std::string > &targetTrackIds, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Filters objects matching all points of the given track (works only on track type data). More... | |
FilterBySeriesResponse & | filterBySeries (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &trackId, const std::vector< std::string > &targetTrackIds, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, FilterBySeriesResponse &response_) const |
Filters objects matching all points of the given track (works only on track type data). More... | |
FilterByStringResponse | filterByString (const FilterByStringRequest &request_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table, collection, or view match a string expression for the given string columns. More... | |
FilterByStringResponse & | filterByString (const FilterByStringRequest &request_, FilterByStringResponse &response_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table, collection, or view match a string expression for the given string columns. More... | |
FilterByStringResponse | filterByString (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &expression, const std::string &mode, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Calculates which objects from a table, collection, or view match a string expression for the given string columns. More... | |
FilterByStringResponse & | filterByString (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &expression, const std::string &mode, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, FilterByStringResponse &response_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table, collection, or view match a string expression for the given string columns. More... | |
FilterByTableResponse | filterByTable (const FilterByTableRequest &request_) const |
Filters objects in one table based on objects in another table. More... | |
FilterByTableResponse & | filterByTable (const FilterByTableRequest &request_, FilterByTableResponse &response_) const |
Filters objects in one table based on objects in another table. More... | |
FilterByTableResponse | filterByTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &columnName, const std::string &sourceTableName, const std::string &sourceTableColumnName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Filters objects in one table based on objects in another table. More... | |
FilterByTableResponse & | filterByTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::string &columnName, const std::string &sourceTableName, const std::string &sourceTableColumnName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, FilterByTableResponse &response_) const |
Filters objects in one table based on objects in another table. More... | |
FilterByValueResponse | filterByValue (const FilterByValueRequest &request_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table has a particular value for a particular column. More... | |
FilterByValueResponse & | filterByValue (const FilterByValueRequest &request_, FilterByValueResponse &response_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table has a particular value for a particular column. More... | |
FilterByValueResponse | filterByValue (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const bool isString, const double value, const std::string &valueStr, const std::string &columnName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Calculates which objects from a table has a particular value for a particular column. More... | |
FilterByValueResponse & | filterByValue (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &viewName, const bool isString, const double value, const std::string &valueStr, const std::string &columnName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, FilterByValueResponse &response_) const |
Calculates which objects from a table has a particular value for a particular column. More... | |
RawGetRecordsResponse | getRecordsRaw (const GetRecordsRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
RawGetRecordsResponse & | getRecordsRaw (const GetRecordsRequest &request_, RawGetRecordsResponse &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > | getRecords (const GetRecordsRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > & | getRecords (const GetRecordsRequest &request_, GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > | getRecords (const std::string &tableName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > & | getRecords (const std::string &tableName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > | getRecords (const ::avro::ValidSchema &schema_, const GetRecordsRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > | getRecords (const Type &type_, const GetRecordsRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > & | getRecords (const ::avro::ValidSchema &schema_, const GetRecordsRequest &request_, GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > & | getRecords (const Type &type_, const GetRecordsRequest &request_, GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > | getRecords (const ::avro::ValidSchema &schema_, const std::string &tableName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > | getRecords (const Type &type_, const std::string &tableName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > & | getRecords (const ::avro::ValidSchema &schema_, const std::string &tableName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > & | getRecords (const Type &type_, const std::string &tableName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column. More... | |
RawGetRecordsByColumnResponse | getRecordsByColumnRaw (const GetRecordsByColumnRequest &request_) const |
For a given table, retrieves the values of the given columns within a given range. More... | |
RawGetRecordsByColumnResponse & | getRecordsByColumnRaw (const GetRecordsByColumnRequest &request_, RawGetRecordsByColumnResponse &response_) const |
For a given table, retrieves the values of the given columns within a given range. More... | |
GetRecordsByColumnResponse | getRecordsByColumn (const GetRecordsByColumnRequest &request_) const |
For a given table, retrieves the values of the given columns within a given range. More... | |
GetRecordsByColumnResponse & | getRecordsByColumn (const GetRecordsByColumnRequest &request_, GetRecordsByColumnResponse &response_) const |
For a given table, retrieves the values of the given columns within a given range. More... | |
GetRecordsByColumnResponse | getRecordsByColumn (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
For a given table, retrieves the values of the given columns within a given range. More... | |
GetRecordsByColumnResponse & | getRecordsByColumn (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GetRecordsByColumnResponse &response_) const |
For a given table, retrieves the values of the given columns within a given range. More... | |
RawGetRecordsBySeriesResponse | getRecordsBySeriesRaw (const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
RawGetRecordsBySeriesResponse & | getRecordsBySeriesRaw (const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest &request_, RawGetRecordsBySeriesResponse &response_) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse < TResponse > | getRecordsBySeries (const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse < TResponse > & | getRecordsBySeries (const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest &request_, GetRecordsBySeriesResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse < TResponse > | getRecordsBySeries (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &worldTableName, const int32_t offset, const int32_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse < TResponse > & | getRecordsBySeries (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &worldTableName, const int32_t offset, const int32_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GetRecordsBySeriesResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse < TResponse > | getRecordsBySeries (const ::avro::ValidSchema &schema_, const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse < TResponse > | getRecordsBySeries (const Type &type_, const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse < TResponse > & | getRecordsBySeries (const ::avro::ValidSchema &schema_, const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest &request_, GetRecordsBySeriesResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse < TResponse > & | getRecordsBySeries (const Type &type_, const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest &request_, GetRecordsBySeriesResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse < TResponse > | getRecordsBySeries (const ::avro::ValidSchema &schema_, const std::string &tableName, const std::string &worldTableName, const int32_t offset, const int32_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse < TResponse > | getRecordsBySeries (const Type &type_, const std::string &tableName, const std::string &worldTableName, const int32_t offset, const int32_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse < TResponse > & | getRecordsBySeries (const ::avro::ValidSchema &schema_, const std::string &tableName, const std::string &worldTableName, const int32_t offset, const int32_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GetRecordsBySeriesResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse < TResponse > & | getRecordsBySeries (const Type &type_, const std::string &tableName, const std::string &worldTableName, const int32_t offset, const int32_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GetRecordsBySeriesResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName. More... | |
RawGetRecordsFromCollectionResponse | getRecordsFromCollectionRaw (const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
RawGetRecordsFromCollectionResponse & | getRecordsFromCollectionRaw (const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest &request_, RawGetRecordsFromCollectionResponse &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse < TResponse > | getRecordsFromCollection (const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse < TResponse > & | getRecordsFromCollection (const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest &request_, GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse < TResponse > | getRecordsFromCollection (const std::string &tableName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse < TResponse > & | getRecordsFromCollection (const std::string &tableName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse < TResponse > | getRecordsFromCollection (const ::avro::ValidSchema &schema_, const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse < TResponse > | getRecordsFromCollection (const Type &type_, const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse < TResponse > & | getRecordsFromCollection (const ::avro::ValidSchema &schema_, const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest &request_, GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse < TResponse > & | getRecordsFromCollection (const Type &type_, const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest &request_, GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse < TResponse > | getRecordsFromCollection (const ::avro::ValidSchema &schema_, const std::string &tableName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse < TResponse > | getRecordsFromCollection (const Type &type_, const std::string &tableName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse < TResponse > & | getRecordsFromCollection (const ::avro::ValidSchema &schema_, const std::string &tableName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
template<typename TResponse > | |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse < TResponse > & | getRecordsFromCollection (const Type &type_, const std::string &tableName, const int64_t offset, const int64_t limit, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse< TResponse > &response_) const |
Retrieves records from a collection. More... | |
GrantPermissionSystemResponse | grantPermissionSystem (const GrantPermissionSystemRequest &request_) const |
Grants a system-level permission to a user or role. More... | |
GrantPermissionSystemResponse & | grantPermissionSystem (const GrantPermissionSystemRequest &request_, GrantPermissionSystemResponse &response_) const |
Grants a system-level permission to a user or role. More... | |
GrantPermissionSystemResponse | grantPermissionSystem (const std::string &name, const std::string &permission, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Grants a system-level permission to a user or role. More... | |
GrantPermissionSystemResponse & | grantPermissionSystem (const std::string &name, const std::string &permission, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GrantPermissionSystemResponse &response_) const |
Grants a system-level permission to a user or role. More... | |
GrantPermissionTableResponse | grantPermissionTable (const GrantPermissionTableRequest &request_) const |
Grants a table-level permission to a user or role. More... | |
GrantPermissionTableResponse & | grantPermissionTable (const GrantPermissionTableRequest &request_, GrantPermissionTableResponse &response_) const |
Grants a table-level permission to a user or role. More... | |
GrantPermissionTableResponse | grantPermissionTable (const std::string &name, const std::string &permission, const std::string &tableName, const std::string &filterExpression, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Grants a table-level permission to a user or role. More... | |
GrantPermissionTableResponse & | grantPermissionTable (const std::string &name, const std::string &permission, const std::string &tableName, const std::string &filterExpression, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GrantPermissionTableResponse &response_) const |
Grants a table-level permission to a user or role. More... | |
GrantRoleResponse | grantRole (const GrantRoleRequest &request_) const |
Grants membership in a role to a user or role. More... | |
GrantRoleResponse & | grantRole (const GrantRoleRequest &request_, GrantRoleResponse &response_) const |
Grants membership in a role to a user or role. More... | |
GrantRoleResponse | grantRole (const std::string &role, const std::string &member, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Grants membership in a role to a user or role. More... | |
GrantRoleResponse & | grantRole (const std::string &role, const std::string &member, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, GrantRoleResponse &response_) const |
Grants membership in a role to a user or role. More... | |
HasProcResponse | hasProc (const HasProcRequest &request_) const |
Checks the existence of a proc with the given name. More... | |
HasProcResponse & | hasProc (const HasProcRequest &request_, HasProcResponse &response_) const |
Checks the existence of a proc with the given name. More... | |
HasProcResponse | hasProc (const std::string &procName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Checks the existence of a proc with the given name. More... | |
HasProcResponse & | hasProc (const std::string &procName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, HasProcResponse &response_) const |
Checks the existence of a proc with the given name. More... | |
HasTableResponse | hasTable (const HasTableRequest &request_) const |
Checks for the existence of a table with the given name. More... | |
HasTableResponse & | hasTable (const HasTableRequest &request_, HasTableResponse &response_) const |
Checks for the existence of a table with the given name. More... | |
HasTableResponse | hasTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Checks for the existence of a table with the given name. More... | |
HasTableResponse & | hasTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, HasTableResponse &response_) const |
Checks for the existence of a table with the given name. More... | |
HasTypeResponse | hasType (const HasTypeRequest &request_) const |
Check for the existence of a type. More... | |
HasTypeResponse & | hasType (const HasTypeRequest &request_, HasTypeResponse &response_) const |
Check for the existence of a type. More... | |
HasTypeResponse | hasType (const std::string &typeId, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Check for the existence of a type. More... | |
HasTypeResponse & | hasType (const std::string &typeId, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, HasTypeResponse &response_) const |
Check for the existence of a type. More... | |
InsertRecordsResponse | insertRecordsRaw (const RawInsertRecordsRequest &request_) const |
Adds multiple records to the specified table. More... | |
InsertRecordsResponse & | insertRecordsRaw (const RawInsertRecordsRequest &request_, InsertRecordsResponse &response_) const |
Adds multiple records to the specified table. More... | |
template<typename TRequest > | |
InsertRecordsResponse | insertRecords (const InsertRecordsRequest< TRequest > &request_) const |
Adds multiple records to the specified table. More... | |
template<typename TRequest > | |
InsertRecordsResponse & | insertRecords (const InsertRecordsRequest< TRequest > &request_, InsertRecordsResponse &response_) const |
Adds multiple records to the specified table. More... | |
template<typename TRequest > | |
InsertRecordsResponse | insertRecords (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< TRequest > &data, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Adds multiple records to the specified table. More... | |
template<typename TRequest > | |
InsertRecordsResponse & | insertRecords (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< TRequest > &data, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, InsertRecordsResponse &response_) const |
Adds multiple records to the specified table. More... | |
InsertRecordsRandomResponse | insertRecordsRandom (const InsertRecordsRandomRequest &request_) const |
Generates a specified number of random records and adds them to the given table. More... | |
InsertRecordsRandomResponse & | insertRecordsRandom (const InsertRecordsRandomRequest &request_, InsertRecordsRandomResponse &response_) const |
Generates a specified number of random records and adds them to the given table. More... | |
InsertRecordsRandomResponse | insertRecordsRandom (const std::string &tableName, const int64_t count, const std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, double > > &options) const |
Generates a specified number of random records and adds them to the given table. More... | |
InsertRecordsRandomResponse & | insertRecordsRandom (const std::string &tableName, const int64_t count, const std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, double > > &options, InsertRecordsRandomResponse &response_) const |
Generates a specified number of random records and adds them to the given table. More... | |
InsertSymbolResponse | insertSymbol (const InsertSymbolRequest &request_) const |
Adds a symbol or icon (i.e. More... | |
InsertSymbolResponse & | insertSymbol (const InsertSymbolRequest &request_, InsertSymbolResponse &response_) const |
Adds a symbol or icon (i.e. More... | |
InsertSymbolResponse | insertSymbol (const std::string &symbolId, const std::string &symbolFormat, const std::vector< uint8_t > &symbolData, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Adds a symbol or icon (i.e. More... | |
InsertSymbolResponse & | insertSymbol (const std::string &symbolId, const std::string &symbolFormat, const std::vector< uint8_t > &symbolData, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, InsertSymbolResponse &response_) const |
Adds a symbol or icon (i.e. More... | |
KillProcResponse | killProc (const KillProcRequest &request_) const |
Kills a running proc instance. More... | |
KillProcResponse & | killProc (const KillProcRequest &request_, KillProcResponse &response_) const |
Kills a running proc instance. More... | |
KillProcResponse | killProc (const std::string &runId, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Kills a running proc instance. More... | |
KillProcResponse & | killProc (const std::string &runId, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, KillProcResponse &response_) const |
Kills a running proc instance. More... | |
LockTableResponse | lockTable (const LockTableRequest &request_) const |
Manages global access to a table's data. More... | |
LockTableResponse & | lockTable (const LockTableRequest &request_, LockTableResponse &response_) const |
Manages global access to a table's data. More... | |
LockTableResponse | lockTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &lockType, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Manages global access to a table's data. More... | |
LockTableResponse & | lockTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &lockType, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, LockTableResponse &response_) const |
Manages global access to a table's data. More... | |
RevokePermissionSystemResponse | revokePermissionSystem (const RevokePermissionSystemRequest &request_) const |
Revokes a system-level permission from a user or role. More... | |
RevokePermissionSystemResponse & | revokePermissionSystem (const RevokePermissionSystemRequest &request_, RevokePermissionSystemResponse &response_) const |
Revokes a system-level permission from a user or role. More... | |
RevokePermissionSystemResponse | revokePermissionSystem (const std::string &name, const std::string &permission, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Revokes a system-level permission from a user or role. More... | |
RevokePermissionSystemResponse & | revokePermissionSystem (const std::string &name, const std::string &permission, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, RevokePermissionSystemResponse &response_) const |
Revokes a system-level permission from a user or role. More... | |
RevokePermissionTableResponse | revokePermissionTable (const RevokePermissionTableRequest &request_) const |
Revokes a table-level permission from a user or role. More... | |
RevokePermissionTableResponse & | revokePermissionTable (const RevokePermissionTableRequest &request_, RevokePermissionTableResponse &response_) const |
Revokes a table-level permission from a user or role. More... | |
RevokePermissionTableResponse | revokePermissionTable (const std::string &name, const std::string &permission, const std::string &tableName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Revokes a table-level permission from a user or role. More... | |
RevokePermissionTableResponse & | revokePermissionTable (const std::string &name, const std::string &permission, const std::string &tableName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, RevokePermissionTableResponse &response_) const |
Revokes a table-level permission from a user or role. More... | |
RevokeRoleResponse | revokeRole (const RevokeRoleRequest &request_) const |
Revokes membership in a role from a user or role. More... | |
RevokeRoleResponse & | revokeRole (const RevokeRoleRequest &request_, RevokeRoleResponse &response_) const |
Revokes membership in a role from a user or role. More... | |
RevokeRoleResponse | revokeRole (const std::string &role, const std::string &member, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Revokes membership in a role from a user or role. More... | |
RevokeRoleResponse & | revokeRole (const std::string &role, const std::string &member, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, RevokeRoleResponse &response_) const |
Revokes membership in a role from a user or role. More... | |
ShowProcResponse | showProc (const ShowProcRequest &request_) const |
Shows information about a proc. More... | |
ShowProcResponse & | showProc (const ShowProcRequest &request_, ShowProcResponse &response_) const |
Shows information about a proc. More... | |
ShowProcResponse | showProc (const std::string &procName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Shows information about a proc. More... | |
ShowProcResponse & | showProc (const std::string &procName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ShowProcResponse &response_) const |
Shows information about a proc. More... | |
ShowProcStatusResponse | showProcStatus (const ShowProcStatusRequest &request_) const |
Shows the statuses of running or completed proc instances. More... | |
ShowProcStatusResponse & | showProcStatus (const ShowProcStatusRequest &request_, ShowProcStatusResponse &response_) const |
Shows the statuses of running or completed proc instances. More... | |
ShowProcStatusResponse | showProcStatus (const std::string &runId, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Shows the statuses of running or completed proc instances. More... | |
ShowProcStatusResponse & | showProcStatus (const std::string &runId, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ShowProcStatusResponse &response_) const |
Shows the statuses of running or completed proc instances. More... | |
ShowSecurityResponse | showSecurity (const ShowSecurityRequest &request_) const |
Shows security information relating to users and/or roles. More... | |
ShowSecurityResponse & | showSecurity (const ShowSecurityRequest &request_, ShowSecurityResponse &response_) const |
Shows security information relating to users and/or roles. More... | |
ShowSecurityResponse | showSecurity (const std::vector< std::string > &names, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Shows security information relating to users and/or roles. More... | |
ShowSecurityResponse & | showSecurity (const std::vector< std::string > &names, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ShowSecurityResponse &response_) const |
Shows security information relating to users and/or roles. More... | |
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse | showSystemProperties (const ShowSystemPropertiesRequest &request_) const |
Returns server configuration and version related information to the caller. More... | |
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse & | showSystemProperties (const ShowSystemPropertiesRequest &request_, ShowSystemPropertiesResponse &response_) const |
Returns server configuration and version related information to the caller. More... | |
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse | showSystemProperties (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Returns server configuration and version related information to the caller. More... | |
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse & | showSystemProperties (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ShowSystemPropertiesResponse &response_) const |
Returns server configuration and version related information to the caller. More... | |
ShowSystemStatusResponse | showSystemStatus (const ShowSystemStatusRequest &request_) const |
Provides server configuration and health related status to the caller. More... | |
ShowSystemStatusResponse & | showSystemStatus (const ShowSystemStatusRequest &request_, ShowSystemStatusResponse &response_) const |
Provides server configuration and health related status to the caller. More... | |
ShowSystemStatusResponse | showSystemStatus (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Provides server configuration and health related status to the caller. More... | |
ShowSystemStatusResponse & | showSystemStatus (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ShowSystemStatusResponse &response_) const |
Provides server configuration and health related status to the caller. More... | |
ShowSystemTimingResponse | showSystemTiming (const ShowSystemTimingRequest &request_) const |
Returns the last 100 database requests along with the request timing and internal job id. More... | |
ShowSystemTimingResponse & | showSystemTiming (const ShowSystemTimingRequest &request_, ShowSystemTimingResponse &response_) const |
Returns the last 100 database requests along with the request timing and internal job id. More... | |
ShowSystemTimingResponse | showSystemTiming (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Returns the last 100 database requests along with the request timing and internal job id. More... | |
ShowSystemTimingResponse & | showSystemTiming (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ShowSystemTimingResponse &response_) const |
Returns the last 100 database requests along with the request timing and internal job id. More... | |
ShowTableResponse | showTable (const ShowTableRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves detailed information about a table, view, or collection, specified in tableName. More... | |
ShowTableResponse & | showTable (const ShowTableRequest &request_, ShowTableResponse &response_) const |
Retrieves detailed information about a table, view, or collection, specified in tableName. More... | |
ShowTableResponse | showTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves detailed information about a table, view, or collection, specified in tableName. More... | |
ShowTableResponse & | showTable (const std::string &tableName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ShowTableResponse &response_) const |
Retrieves detailed information about a table, view, or collection, specified in tableName. More... | |
ShowTableMetadataResponse | showTableMetadata (const ShowTableMetadataRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves the user provided metadata for the specified tables. More... | |
ShowTableMetadataResponse & | showTableMetadata (const ShowTableMetadataRequest &request_, ShowTableMetadataResponse &response_) const |
Retrieves the user provided metadata for the specified tables. More... | |
ShowTableMetadataResponse | showTableMetadata (const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves the user provided metadata for the specified tables. More... | |
ShowTableMetadataResponse & | showTableMetadata (const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ShowTableMetadataResponse &response_) const |
Retrieves the user provided metadata for the specified tables. More... | |
ShowTablesByTypeResponse | showTablesByType (const ShowTablesByTypeRequest &request_) const |
Gets names of the tables whose type matches the given criteria. More... | |
ShowTablesByTypeResponse & | showTablesByType (const ShowTablesByTypeRequest &request_, ShowTablesByTypeResponse &response_) const |
Gets names of the tables whose type matches the given criteria. More... | |
ShowTablesByTypeResponse | showTablesByType (const std::string &typeId, const std::string &label, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Gets names of the tables whose type matches the given criteria. More... | |
ShowTablesByTypeResponse & | showTablesByType (const std::string &typeId, const std::string &label, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ShowTablesByTypeResponse &response_) const |
Gets names of the tables whose type matches the given criteria. More... | |
ShowTriggersResponse | showTriggers (const ShowTriggersRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves information regarding the specified triggers or all existing triggers currently active. More... | |
ShowTriggersResponse & | showTriggers (const ShowTriggersRequest &request_, ShowTriggersResponse &response_) const |
Retrieves information regarding the specified triggers or all existing triggers currently active. More... | |
ShowTriggersResponse | showTriggers (const std::vector< std::string > &triggerIds, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves information regarding the specified triggers or all existing triggers currently active. More... | |
ShowTriggersResponse & | showTriggers (const std::vector< std::string > &triggerIds, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ShowTriggersResponse &response_) const |
Retrieves information regarding the specified triggers or all existing triggers currently active. More... | |
ShowTypesResponse | showTypes (const ShowTypesRequest &request_) const |
Retrieves information for the specified data type. More... | |
ShowTypesResponse & | showTypes (const ShowTypesRequest &request_, ShowTypesResponse &response_) const |
Retrieves information for the specified data type. More... | |
ShowTypesResponse | showTypes (const std::string &typeId, const std::string &label, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Retrieves information for the specified data type. More... | |
ShowTypesResponse & | showTypes (const std::string &typeId, const std::string &label, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, ShowTypesResponse &response_) const |
Retrieves information for the specified data type. More... | |
UpdateRecordsResponse | updateRecordsRaw (const RawUpdateRecordsRequest &request_) const |
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call. More... | |
UpdateRecordsResponse & | updateRecordsRaw (const RawUpdateRecordsRequest &request_, UpdateRecordsResponse &response_) const |
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call. More... | |
template<typename TRequest > | |
UpdateRecordsResponse | updateRecords (const UpdateRecordsRequest< TRequest > &request_) const |
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call. More... | |
template<typename TRequest > | |
UpdateRecordsResponse & | updateRecords (const UpdateRecordsRequest< TRequest > &request_, UpdateRecordsResponse &response_) const |
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call. More... | |
template<typename TRequest > | |
UpdateRecordsResponse | updateRecords (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< std::string > &expressions, const std::vector< std::map< std::string, boost::optional< std::string > > > &newValuesMaps, const std::vector< TRequest > &data, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call. More... | |
template<typename TRequest > | |
UpdateRecordsResponse & | updateRecords (const std::string &tableName, const std::vector< std::string > &expressions, const std::vector< std::map< std::string, boost::optional< std::string > > > &newValuesMaps, const std::vector< TRequest > &data, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, UpdateRecordsResponse &response_) const |
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call. More... | |
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse | updateRecordsBySeries (const UpdateRecordsBySeriesRequest &request_) const |
Updates the view specified by tableName to include full series (track) information from the worldTableName for the series (tracks) present in the viewName. More... | |
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse & | updateRecordsBySeries (const UpdateRecordsBySeriesRequest &request_, UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse &response_) const |
Updates the view specified by tableName to include full series (track) information from the worldTableName for the series (tracks) present in the viewName. More... | |
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse | updateRecordsBySeries (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &worldTableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::vector< std::string > &reserved, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Updates the view specified by tableName to include full series (track) information from the worldTableName for the series (tracks) present in the viewName. More... | |
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse & | updateRecordsBySeries (const std::string &tableName, const std::string &worldTableName, const std::string &viewName, const std::vector< std::string > &reserved, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse &response_) const |
Updates the view specified by tableName to include full series (track) information from the worldTableName for the series (tracks) present in the viewName. More... | |
VisualizeVideoResponse | visualizeVideo (const VisualizeVideoRequest &request_) const |
Creates raster images of data in the given table based on provided input parameters. More... | |
VisualizeVideoResponse & | visualizeVideo (const VisualizeVideoRequest &request_, VisualizeVideoResponse &response_) const |
Creates raster images of data in the given table based on provided input parameters. More... | |
VisualizeVideoResponse | visualizeVideo (const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::vector< std::string > &worldTableNames, const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &trackIds, const std::string &xColumnName, const std::string &yColumnName, const double minX, const double maxX, const double minY, const double maxY, const int32_t width, const int32_t height, const std::string &projection, const int64_t bgColor, const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &timeIntervals, const std::string &videoStyle, const std::string &sessionKey, const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &styleOptions, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) const |
Creates raster images of data in the given table based on provided input parameters. More... | |
VisualizeVideoResponse & | visualizeVideo (const std::vector< std::string > &tableNames, const std::vector< std::string > &worldTableNames, const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &trackIds, const std::string &xColumnName, const std::string &yColumnName, const double minX, const double maxX, const double minY, const double maxY, const int32_t width, const int32_t height, const std::string &projection, const int64_t bgColor, const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &timeIntervals, const std::string &videoStyle, const std::string &sessionKey, const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &styleOptions, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, VisualizeVideoResponse &response_) const |
Creates raster images of data in the given table based on provided input parameters. More... | |
AdminOfflineResponse adminOffline | ( | const AdminOfflineRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Take the system offline.
When the system is offline, no user operations can be performed with the exception of a system shutdown.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AdminOfflineResponse& adminOffline | ( | const AdminOfflineRequest & | request_, |
AdminOfflineResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Take the system offline.
When the system is offline, no user operations can be performed with the exception of a system shutdown.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AdminOfflineResponse adminOffline | ( | const bool | offline, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Take the system offline.
When the system is offline, no user operations can be performed with the exception of a system shutdown.
offline | Set to true if desired state is offline. |
options | Optional parameters. |
AdminOfflineResponse& adminOffline | ( | const bool | offline, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AdminOfflineResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Take the system offline.
When the system is offline, no user operations can be performed with the exception of a system shutdown.
offline | Set to true if desired state is offline. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AdminShutdownResponse adminShutdown | ( | const AdminShutdownRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Exits the database server application.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AdminShutdownResponse& adminShutdown | ( | const AdminShutdownRequest & | request_, |
AdminShutdownResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Exits the database server application.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AdminShutdownResponse adminShutdown | ( | const std::string & | exitType, |
const std::string & | authorization, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Exits the database server application.
exitType | Reserved for future use. User can pass an empty string. |
authorization | No longer used. User can pass an empty string. |
options | Optional parameters. |
AdminShutdownResponse& adminShutdown | ( | const std::string & | exitType, |
const std::string & | authorization, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AdminShutdownResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Exits the database server application.
exitType | Reserved for future use. User can pass an empty string. | |
authorization | No longer used. User can pass an empty string. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AdminVerifyDbResponse adminVerifyDb | ( | const AdminVerifyDbRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Verify database is in a consistent state.
When inconsistencies or errors are found, the verified_ok flag in the response is set to false and the list of errors found is provided in the error_list.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AdminVerifyDbResponse& adminVerifyDb | ( | const AdminVerifyDbRequest & | request_, |
AdminVerifyDbResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Verify database is in a consistent state.
When inconsistencies or errors are found, the verified_ok flag in the response is set to false and the list of errors found is provided in the error_list.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AdminVerifyDbResponse adminVerifyDb | ( | const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ) | const |
Verify database is in a consistent state.
When inconsistencies or errors are found, the verified_ok flag in the response is set to false and the list of errors found is provided in the error_list.
options | Optional parameters. |
AdminVerifyDbResponse& adminVerifyDb | ( | const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, |
AdminVerifyDbResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Verify database is in a consistent state.
When inconsistencies or errors are found, the verified_ok flag in the response is set to false and the list of errors found is provided in the error_list.
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateConvexHullResponse aggregateConvexHull | ( | const AggregateConvexHullRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Calculates and returns the convex hull for the values in a table specified by tableName.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AggregateConvexHullResponse& aggregateConvexHull | ( | const AggregateConvexHullRequest & | request_, |
AggregateConvexHullResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates and returns the convex hull for the values in a table specified by tableName.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateConvexHullResponse aggregateConvexHull | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | xColumnName, | ||
const std::string & | yColumnName, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Calculates and returns the convex hull for the values in a table specified by tableName.
tableName | Name of Table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table. It can not be a collection. |
xColumnName | Name of the column containing the x coordinates of the points for the operation being performed. |
yColumnName | Name of the column containing the y coordinates of the points for the operation being performed. |
options | Optional parameters. |
AggregateConvexHullResponse& aggregateConvexHull | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | xColumnName, | ||
const std::string & | yColumnName, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AggregateConvexHullResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates and returns the convex hull for the values in a table specified by tableName.
tableName | Name of Table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table. It can not be a collection. | |
xColumnName | Name of the column containing the x coordinates of the points for the operation being performed. | |
yColumnName | Name of the column containing the y coordinates of the points for the operation being performed. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateGroupByResponse aggregateGroupBy | ( | const AggregateGroupByRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique combination.
This is somewhat analogous to an SQL-style SELECT...GROUP BY.
Any column(s) can be grouped on, and all column types except unrestricted-length strings may be used for computing applicable aggregates; columns marked as store-only are unable to be used in grouping or aggregation.
The results can be paged via the offset and limit parameters. For example, to get 10 groups with the largest counts the inputs would be: limit=10, options={"sort_order":"descending", "sort_by":"value"}.
options can be used to customize behavior of this call e.g. filtering or sorting the results.
To group by columns 'x' and 'y' and compute the number of objects within each group, use: column_names=['x','y','count(*)'].
To also compute the sum of 'z' over each group, use: column_names=['x','y','count(*)','sum(z)'].
Available aggregation functions are: count(*), sum, min, max, avg, mean, stddev, stddev_pop, stddev_samp, var, var_pop, var_samp, arg_min, arg_max and count_distinct.
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
If a result_table name is specified in the options, the results are stored in a new table with that name–no results are returned in the response. Both the table name and resulting column names must adhere to standard naming conventions; column/aggregation expressions will need to be aliased. If the source table's shard key is used as the grouping column(s), the result table will be sharded, in all other cases it will be replicated. Sorting will properly function only if the result table is replicated or if there is only one processing node and should not be relied upon in other cases. Not available when any of the values of columnNames is an unrestricted-length string.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AggregateGroupByResponse& aggregateGroupBy | ( | const AggregateGroupByRequest & | request_, |
AggregateGroupByResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique combination.
This is somewhat analogous to an SQL-style SELECT...GROUP BY.
Any column(s) can be grouped on, and all column types except unrestricted-length strings may be used for computing applicable aggregates; columns marked as store-only are unable to be used in grouping or aggregation.
The results can be paged via the offset and limit parameters. For example, to get 10 groups with the largest counts the inputs would be: limit=10, options={"sort_order":"descending", "sort_by":"value"}.
options can be used to customize behavior of this call e.g. filtering or sorting the results.
To group by columns 'x' and 'y' and compute the number of objects within each group, use: column_names=['x','y','count(*)'].
To also compute the sum of 'z' over each group, use: column_names=['x','y','count(*)','sum(z)'].
Available aggregation functions are: count(*), sum, min, max, avg, mean, stddev, stddev_pop, stddev_samp, var, var_pop, var_samp, arg_min, arg_max and count_distinct.
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
If a result_table name is specified in the options, the results are stored in a new table with that name–no results are returned in the response. Both the table name and resulting column names must adhere to standard naming conventions; column/aggregation expressions will need to be aliased. If the source table's shard key is used as the grouping column(s), the result table will be sharded, in all other cases it will be replicated. Sorting will properly function only if the result table is replicated or if there is only one processing node and should not be relied upon in other cases. Not available when any of the values of columnNames is an unrestricted-length string.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateGroupByResponse aggregateGroupBy | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | columnNames, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique combination.
This is somewhat analogous to an SQL-style SELECT...GROUP BY.
Any column(s) can be grouped on, and all column types except unrestricted-length strings may be used for computing applicable aggregates; columns marked as store-only are unable to be used in grouping or aggregation.
The results can be paged via the offset and limit parameters. For example, to get 10 groups with the largest counts the inputs would be: limit=10, options={"sort_order":"descending", "sort_by":"value"}.
options can be used to customize behavior of this call e.g. filtering or sorting the results.
To group by columns 'x' and 'y' and compute the number of objects within each group, use: column_names=['x','y','count(*)'].
To also compute the sum of 'z' over each group, use: column_names=['x','y','count(*)','sum(z)'].
Available aggregation functions are: count(*), sum, min, max, avg, mean, stddev, stddev_pop, stddev_samp, var, var_pop, var_samp, arg_min, arg_max and count_distinct.
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
If a result_table name is specified in the options, the results are stored in a new table with that name–no results are returned in the response. Both the table name and resulting column names must adhere to standard naming conventions; column/aggregation expressions will need to be aliased. If the source table's shard key is used as the grouping column(s), the result table will be sharded, in all other cases it will be replicated. Sorting will properly function only if the result table is replicated or if there is only one processing node and should not be relied upon in other cases. Not available when any of the values of columnNames is an unrestricted-length string.
tableName | Name of the table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table/view/collection. |
columnNames | List of one or more column names, expressions, and aggregate expressions. Must include at least one 'grouping' column or expression. If no aggregate is included, count(*) will be computed as a default. |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. |
options | Optional parameters.
AggregateGroupByResponse& aggregateGroupBy | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | columnNames, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AggregateGroupByResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique combination.
This is somewhat analogous to an SQL-style SELECT...GROUP BY.
Any column(s) can be grouped on, and all column types except unrestricted-length strings may be used for computing applicable aggregates; columns marked as store-only are unable to be used in grouping or aggregation.
The results can be paged via the offset and limit parameters. For example, to get 10 groups with the largest counts the inputs would be: limit=10, options={"sort_order":"descending", "sort_by":"value"}.
options can be used to customize behavior of this call e.g. filtering or sorting the results.
To group by columns 'x' and 'y' and compute the number of objects within each group, use: column_names=['x','y','count(*)'].
To also compute the sum of 'z' over each group, use: column_names=['x','y','count(*)','sum(z)'].
Available aggregation functions are: count(*), sum, min, max, avg, mean, stddev, stddev_pop, stddev_samp, var, var_pop, var_samp, arg_min, arg_max and count_distinct.
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
If a result_table name is specified in the options, the results are stored in a new table with that name–no results are returned in the response. Both the table name and resulting column names must adhere to standard naming conventions; column/aggregation expressions will need to be aliased. If the source table's shard key is used as the grouping column(s), the result table will be sharded, in all other cases it will be replicated. Sorting will properly function only if the result table is replicated or if there is only one processing node and should not be relied upon in other cases. Not available when any of the values of columnNames is an unrestricted-length string.
tableName | Name of the table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table/view/collection. | |
columnNames | List of one or more column names, expressions, and aggregate expressions. Must include at least one 'grouping' column or expression. If no aggregate is included, count(*) will be computed as a default. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
RawAggregateGroupByResponse aggregateGroupByRaw | ( | const AggregateGroupByRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique combination.
This is somewhat analogous to an SQL-style SELECT...GROUP BY.
Any column(s) can be grouped on, and all column types except unrestricted-length strings may be used for computing applicable aggregates; columns marked as store-only are unable to be used in grouping or aggregation.
The results can be paged via the offset and limit parameters. For example, to get 10 groups with the largest counts the inputs would be: limit=10, options={"sort_order":"descending", "sort_by":"value"}.
options can be used to customize behavior of this call e.g. filtering or sorting the results.
To group by columns 'x' and 'y' and compute the number of objects within each group, use: column_names=['x','y','count(*)'].
To also compute the sum of 'z' over each group, use: column_names=['x','y','count(*)','sum(z)'].
Available aggregation functions are: count(*), sum, min, max, avg, mean, stddev, stddev_pop, stddev_samp, var, var_pop, var_samp, arg_min, arg_max and count_distinct.
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
If a result_table name is specified in the options, the results are stored in a new table with that name–no results are returned in the response. Both the table name and resulting column names must adhere to standard naming conventions; column/aggregation expressions will need to be aliased. If the source table's shard key is used as the grouping column(s), the result table will be sharded, in all other cases it will be replicated. Sorting will properly function only if the result table is replicated or if there is only one processing node and should not be relied upon in other cases. Not available when any of the values of columnNames is an unrestricted-length string.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
RawAggregateGroupByResponse& aggregateGroupByRaw | ( | const AggregateGroupByRequest & | request_, |
RawAggregateGroupByResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique combination.
This is somewhat analogous to an SQL-style SELECT...GROUP BY.
Any column(s) can be grouped on, and all column types except unrestricted-length strings may be used for computing applicable aggregates; columns marked as store-only are unable to be used in grouping or aggregation.
The results can be paged via the offset and limit parameters. For example, to get 10 groups with the largest counts the inputs would be: limit=10, options={"sort_order":"descending", "sort_by":"value"}.
options can be used to customize behavior of this call e.g. filtering or sorting the results.
To group by columns 'x' and 'y' and compute the number of objects within each group, use: column_names=['x','y','count(*)'].
To also compute the sum of 'z' over each group, use: column_names=['x','y','count(*)','sum(z)'].
Available aggregation functions are: count(*), sum, min, max, avg, mean, stddev, stddev_pop, stddev_samp, var, var_pop, var_samp, arg_min, arg_max and count_distinct.
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
If a result_table name is specified in the options, the results are stored in a new table with that name–no results are returned in the response. Both the table name and resulting column names must adhere to standard naming conventions; column/aggregation expressions will need to be aliased. If the source table's shard key is used as the grouping column(s), the result table will be sharded, in all other cases it will be replicated. Sorting will properly function only if the result table is replicated or if there is only one processing node and should not be relied upon in other cases. Not available when any of the values of columnNames is an unrestricted-length string.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateHistogramResponse aggregateHistogram | ( | const AggregateHistogramRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Performs a histogram calculation given a table, a column, and an interval function.
The interval is used to produce bins of that size and the result, computed over the records falling within each bin, is returned. For each bin, the start value is inclusive, but the end value is exclusive–except for the very last bin for which the end value is also inclusive. The value returned for each bin is the number of records in it, except when a column name is provided as a value_column in options. In this latter case the sum of the values corresponding to the value_column is used as the result instead.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AggregateHistogramResponse& aggregateHistogram | ( | const AggregateHistogramRequest & | request_, |
AggregateHistogramResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Performs a histogram calculation given a table, a column, and an interval function.
The interval is used to produce bins of that size and the result, computed over the records falling within each bin, is returned. For each bin, the start value is inclusive, but the end value is exclusive–except for the very last bin for which the end value is also inclusive. The value returned for each bin is the number of records in it, except when a column name is provided as a value_column in options. In this latter case the sum of the values corresponding to the value_column is used as the result instead.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateHistogramResponse aggregateHistogram | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const double | start, | ||
const double | end, | ||
const double | interval, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Performs a histogram calculation given a table, a column, and an interval function.
The interval is used to produce bins of that size and the result, computed over the records falling within each bin, is returned. For each bin, the start value is inclusive, but the end value is exclusive–except for the very last bin for which the end value is also inclusive. The value returned for each bin is the number of records in it, except when a column name is provided as a value_column in options. In this latter case the sum of the values corresponding to the value_column is used as the result instead.
tableName | Name of the table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table or collection. |
columnName | Name of a column or an expression of one or more column names over which the histogram will be calculated. |
start | Lower end value of the histogram interval, inclusive. |
end | Upper end value of the histogram interval, inclusive. |
interval | The size of each bin within the start and end parameters. |
options | Optional parameters.
AggregateHistogramResponse& aggregateHistogram | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const double | start, | ||
const double | end, | ||
const double | interval, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AggregateHistogramResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Performs a histogram calculation given a table, a column, and an interval function.
The interval is used to produce bins of that size and the result, computed over the records falling within each bin, is returned. For each bin, the start value is inclusive, but the end value is exclusive–except for the very last bin for which the end value is also inclusive. The value returned for each bin is the number of records in it, except when a column name is provided as a value_column in options. In this latter case the sum of the values corresponding to the value_column is used as the result instead.
tableName | Name of the table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table or collection. | |
columnName | Name of a column or an expression of one or more column names over which the histogram will be calculated. | |
start | Lower end value of the histogram interval, inclusive. | |
end | Upper end value of the histogram interval, inclusive. | |
interval | The size of each bin within the start and end parameters. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateKMeansResponse aggregateKMeans | ( | const AggregateKMeansRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
This endpoint runs the k-means algorithm - a heuristic algorithm that attempts to do k-means clustering.
An ideal k-means clustering algorithm selects k points such that the sum of the mean squared distances of each member of the set to the nearest of the k points is minimized. The k-means algorithm however does not necessarily produce such an ideal cluster. It begins with a randomly selected set of k points and then refines the location of the points iteratively and settles to a local minimum. Various parameters and options are provided to control the heuristic search.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AggregateKMeansResponse& aggregateKMeans | ( | const AggregateKMeansRequest & | request_, |
AggregateKMeansResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
This endpoint runs the k-means algorithm - a heuristic algorithm that attempts to do k-means clustering.
An ideal k-means clustering algorithm selects k points such that the sum of the mean squared distances of each member of the set to the nearest of the k points is minimized. The k-means algorithm however does not necessarily produce such an ideal cluster. It begins with a randomly selected set of k points and then refines the location of the points iteratively and settles to a local minimum. Various parameters and options are provided to control the heuristic search.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateKMeansResponse aggregateKMeans | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | columnNames, | ||
const int32_t | k, | ||
const double | tolerance, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
This endpoint runs the k-means algorithm - a heuristic algorithm that attempts to do k-means clustering.
An ideal k-means clustering algorithm selects k points such that the sum of the mean squared distances of each member of the set to the nearest of the k points is minimized. The k-means algorithm however does not necessarily produce such an ideal cluster. It begins with a randomly selected set of k points and then refines the location of the points iteratively and settles to a local minimum. Various parameters and options are provided to control the heuristic search.
tableName | Name of the table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table or collection. |
columnNames | List of column names on which the operation would be performed. If n columns are provided then each of the k result points will have n dimensions corresponding to the n columns. |
k | The number of mean points to be determined by the algorithm. |
tolerance | Stop iterating when the distances between successive points is less than the given tolerance. |
options | Optional parameters.
AggregateKMeansResponse& aggregateKMeans | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | columnNames, | ||
const int32_t | k, | ||
const double | tolerance, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AggregateKMeansResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
This endpoint runs the k-means algorithm - a heuristic algorithm that attempts to do k-means clustering.
An ideal k-means clustering algorithm selects k points such that the sum of the mean squared distances of each member of the set to the nearest of the k points is minimized. The k-means algorithm however does not necessarily produce such an ideal cluster. It begins with a randomly selected set of k points and then refines the location of the points iteratively and settles to a local minimum. Various parameters and options are provided to control the heuristic search.
tableName | Name of the table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table or collection. | |
columnNames | List of column names on which the operation would be performed. If n columns are provided then each of the k result points will have n dimensions corresponding to the n columns. | |
k | The number of mean points to be determined by the algorithm. | |
tolerance | Stop iterating when the distances between successive points is less than the given tolerance. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateMinMaxResponse aggregateMinMax | ( | const AggregateMinMaxRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Calculates and returns the minimum and maximum values of a particular column in a table.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AggregateMinMaxResponse& aggregateMinMax | ( | const AggregateMinMaxRequest & | request_, |
AggregateMinMaxResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates and returns the minimum and maximum values of a particular column in a table.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateMinMaxResponse aggregateMinMax | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Calculates and returns the minimum and maximum values of a particular column in a table.
tableName | Name of the table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table. |
columnName | Name of a column or an expression of one or more column on which the min-max will be calculated. |
options | Optional parameters. |
AggregateMinMaxResponse& aggregateMinMax | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AggregateMinMaxResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates and returns the minimum and maximum values of a particular column in a table.
tableName | Name of the table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table. | |
columnName | Name of a column or an expression of one or more column on which the min-max will be calculated. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateStatisticsResponse aggregateStatistics | ( | const AggregateStatisticsRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Calculates the requested statistics of the given column(s) in a given table.
The available statistics are count (number of total objects), mean, stdv (standard deviation), variance, skew, kurtosis, sum, min, max, weighted_average, cardinality (unique count), estimated_cardinality, percentile and percentile_rank.
Estimated cardinality is calculated by using the hyperloglog approximation technique.
Percentiles and percentile ranks are approximate and are calculated using the t-digest algorithm. They must include the desired percentile/percentile_rank. To compute multiple percentiles each value must be specified separately (i.e. 'percentile(75.0),percentile(99.0),percentile_rank(1234.56),percentile_rank(-5)').
The weighted average statistic requires a weight_column_name to be specified in options. The weighted average is then defined as the sum of the products of columnName times the weight_column_name values divided by the sum of the weight_column_name values.
Additional columns can be used in the calculation of statistics via the additional_column_names option. Values in these columns will be included in the overall aggregate calculation–individual aggregates will not be calculated per additional column. For instance, requesting the count & mean of columnName x and additional_column_names y & z, where x holds the numbers 1-10, y holds 11-20, and z holds 21-30, would return the total number of x, y, & z values (30), and the single average value across all x, y, & z values (15.5).
The response includes a list of key/value pairs of each statistic requested and its corresponding value.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AggregateStatisticsResponse& aggregateStatistics | ( | const AggregateStatisticsRequest & | request_, |
AggregateStatisticsResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates the requested statistics of the given column(s) in a given table.
The available statistics are count (number of total objects), mean, stdv (standard deviation), variance, skew, kurtosis, sum, min, max, weighted_average, cardinality (unique count), estimated_cardinality, percentile and percentile_rank.
Estimated cardinality is calculated by using the hyperloglog approximation technique.
Percentiles and percentile ranks are approximate and are calculated using the t-digest algorithm. They must include the desired percentile/percentile_rank. To compute multiple percentiles each value must be specified separately (i.e. 'percentile(75.0),percentile(99.0),percentile_rank(1234.56),percentile_rank(-5)').
The weighted average statistic requires a weight_column_name to be specified in options. The weighted average is then defined as the sum of the products of columnName times the weight_column_name values divided by the sum of the weight_column_name values.
Additional columns can be used in the calculation of statistics via the additional_column_names option. Values in these columns will be included in the overall aggregate calculation–individual aggregates will not be calculated per additional column. For instance, requesting the count & mean of columnName x and additional_column_names y & z, where x holds the numbers 1-10, y holds 11-20, and z holds 21-30, would return the total number of x, y, & z values (30), and the single average value across all x, y, & z values (15.5).
The response includes a list of key/value pairs of each statistic requested and its corresponding value.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateStatisticsResponse aggregateStatistics | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const std::string & | stats, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Calculates the requested statistics of the given column(s) in a given table.
The available statistics are count (number of total objects), mean, stdv (standard deviation), variance, skew, kurtosis, sum, min, max, weighted_average, cardinality (unique count), estimated_cardinality, percentile and percentile_rank.
Estimated cardinality is calculated by using the hyperloglog approximation technique.
Percentiles and percentile ranks are approximate and are calculated using the t-digest algorithm. They must include the desired percentile/percentile_rank. To compute multiple percentiles each value must be specified separately (i.e. 'percentile(75.0),percentile(99.0),percentile_rank(1234.56),percentile_rank(-5)').
The weighted average statistic requires a weight_column_name to be specified in options. The weighted average is then defined as the sum of the products of columnName times the weight_column_name values divided by the sum of the weight_column_name values.
Additional columns can be used in the calculation of statistics via the additional_column_names option. Values in these columns will be included in the overall aggregate calculation–individual aggregates will not be calculated per additional column. For instance, requesting the count & mean of columnName x and additional_column_names y & z, where x holds the numbers 1-10, y holds 11-20, and z holds 21-30, would return the total number of x, y, & z values (30), and the single average value across all x, y, & z values (15.5).
The response includes a list of key/value pairs of each statistic requested and its corresponding value.
tableName | Name of the table on which the statistics operation will be performed. |
columnName | Name of the primary column for which the statistics are to be calculated. |
stats | Comma separated list of the statistics to calculate, e.g. "sum,mean".
options | Optional parameters.
AggregateStatisticsResponse& aggregateStatistics | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const std::string & | stats, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AggregateStatisticsResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates the requested statistics of the given column(s) in a given table.
The available statistics are count (number of total objects), mean, stdv (standard deviation), variance, skew, kurtosis, sum, min, max, weighted_average, cardinality (unique count), estimated_cardinality, percentile and percentile_rank.
Estimated cardinality is calculated by using the hyperloglog approximation technique.
Percentiles and percentile ranks are approximate and are calculated using the t-digest algorithm. They must include the desired percentile/percentile_rank. To compute multiple percentiles each value must be specified separately (i.e. 'percentile(75.0),percentile(99.0),percentile_rank(1234.56),percentile_rank(-5)').
The weighted average statistic requires a weight_column_name to be specified in options. The weighted average is then defined as the sum of the products of columnName times the weight_column_name values divided by the sum of the weight_column_name values.
Additional columns can be used in the calculation of statistics via the additional_column_names option. Values in these columns will be included in the overall aggregate calculation–individual aggregates will not be calculated per additional column. For instance, requesting the count & mean of columnName x and additional_column_names y & z, where x holds the numbers 1-10, y holds 11-20, and z holds 21-30, would return the total number of x, y, & z values (30), and the single average value across all x, y, & z values (15.5).
The response includes a list of key/value pairs of each statistic requested and its corresponding value.
tableName | Name of the table on which the statistics operation will be performed. | |
columnName | Name of the primary column for which the statistics are to be calculated. | |
stats | Comma separated list of the statistics to calculate, e.g. "sum,mean".
| |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse aggregateStatisticsByRange | ( | const AggregateStatisticsByRangeRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Divides the given set into bins and calculates statistics of the values of a value-column in each bin.
The bins are based on the values of a given binning-column. The statistics that may be requested are mean, stdv (standard deviation), variance, skew, kurtosis, sum, min, max, first, last and weighted average. In addition to the requested statistics the count of total samples in each bin is returned. This counts vector is just the histogram of the column used to divide the set members into bins. The weighted average statistic requires a weight_column to be specified in options. The weighted average is then defined as the sum of the products of the value column times the weight column divided by the sum of the weight column.
There are two methods for binning the set members. In the first, which can be used for numeric valued binning-columns, a min, max and interval are specified. The number of bins, nbins, is the integer upper bound of (max-min)/interval. Values that fall in the range [min+n*interval,min+(n+1)*interval) are placed in the nth bin where n ranges from 0..nbin-2. The final bin is [min+(nbin-1)*interval,max]. In the second method, options bin_values specifies a list of binning column values. Binning-columns whose value matches the nth member of the bin_values list are placed in the nth bin. When a list is provided the binning-column must be of type string or int.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse& aggregateStatisticsByRange | ( | const AggregateStatisticsByRangeRequest & | request_, |
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Divides the given set into bins and calculates statistics of the values of a value-column in each bin.
The bins are based on the values of a given binning-column. The statistics that may be requested are mean, stdv (standard deviation), variance, skew, kurtosis, sum, min, max, first, last and weighted average. In addition to the requested statistics the count of total samples in each bin is returned. This counts vector is just the histogram of the column used to divide the set members into bins. The weighted average statistic requires a weight_column to be specified in options. The weighted average is then defined as the sum of the products of the value column times the weight column divided by the sum of the weight column.
There are two methods for binning the set members. In the first, which can be used for numeric valued binning-columns, a min, max and interval are specified. The number of bins, nbins, is the integer upper bound of (max-min)/interval. Values that fall in the range [min+n*interval,min+(n+1)*interval) are placed in the nth bin where n ranges from 0..nbin-2. The final bin is [min+(nbin-1)*interval,max]. In the second method, options bin_values specifies a list of binning column values. Binning-columns whose value matches the nth member of the bin_values list are placed in the nth bin. When a list is provided the binning-column must be of type string or int.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse aggregateStatisticsByRange | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | selectExpression, | ||
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const std::string & | valueColumnName, | ||
const std::string & | stats, | ||
const double | start, | ||
const double | end, | ||
const double | interval, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Divides the given set into bins and calculates statistics of the values of a value-column in each bin.
The bins are based on the values of a given binning-column. The statistics that may be requested are mean, stdv (standard deviation), variance, skew, kurtosis, sum, min, max, first, last and weighted average. In addition to the requested statistics the count of total samples in each bin is returned. This counts vector is just the histogram of the column used to divide the set members into bins. The weighted average statistic requires a weight_column to be specified in options. The weighted average is then defined as the sum of the products of the value column times the weight column divided by the sum of the weight column.
There are two methods for binning the set members. In the first, which can be used for numeric valued binning-columns, a min, max and interval are specified. The number of bins, nbins, is the integer upper bound of (max-min)/interval. Values that fall in the range [min+n*interval,min+(n+1)*interval) are placed in the nth bin where n ranges from 0..nbin-2. The final bin is [min+(nbin-1)*interval,max]. In the second method, options bin_values specifies a list of binning column values. Binning-columns whose value matches the nth member of the bin_values list are placed in the nth bin. When a list is provided the binning-column must be of type string or int.
tableName | Name of the table on which the ranged-statistics operation will be performed. |
selectExpression | For a non-empty expression statistics are calculated for those records for which the expression is true. |
columnName | Name of the binning-column used to divide the set samples into bins. |
valueColumnName | Name of the value-column for which statistics are to be computed. |
stats | A string of comma separated list of the statistics to calculate, e.g. 'sum,mean'. Available statistics: mean, stdv (standard deviation), variance, skew, kurtosis, sum. |
start | The lower bound of the binning-column. |
end | The upper bound of the binning-column. |
interval | The interval of a bin. Set members fall into bin i if the binning-column falls in the range [start+interval* i, start+interval* (i+1)). |
options | Map of optional parameters:
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse& aggregateStatisticsByRange | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | selectExpression, | ||
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const std::string & | valueColumnName, | ||
const std::string & | stats, | ||
const double | start, | ||
const double | end, | ||
const double | interval, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Divides the given set into bins and calculates statistics of the values of a value-column in each bin.
The bins are based on the values of a given binning-column. The statistics that may be requested are mean, stdv (standard deviation), variance, skew, kurtosis, sum, min, max, first, last and weighted average. In addition to the requested statistics the count of total samples in each bin is returned. This counts vector is just the histogram of the column used to divide the set members into bins. The weighted average statistic requires a weight_column to be specified in options. The weighted average is then defined as the sum of the products of the value column times the weight column divided by the sum of the weight column.
There are two methods for binning the set members. In the first, which can be used for numeric valued binning-columns, a min, max and interval are specified. The number of bins, nbins, is the integer upper bound of (max-min)/interval. Values that fall in the range [min+n*interval,min+(n+1)*interval) are placed in the nth bin where n ranges from 0..nbin-2. The final bin is [min+(nbin-1)*interval,max]. In the second method, options bin_values specifies a list of binning column values. Binning-columns whose value matches the nth member of the bin_values list are placed in the nth bin. When a list is provided the binning-column must be of type string or int.
tableName | Name of the table on which the ranged-statistics operation will be performed. | |
selectExpression | For a non-empty expression statistics are calculated for those records for which the expression is true. | |
columnName | Name of the binning-column used to divide the set samples into bins. | |
valueColumnName | Name of the value-column for which statistics are to be computed. | |
stats | A string of comma separated list of the statistics to calculate, e.g. 'sum,mean'. Available statistics: mean, stdv (standard deviation), variance, skew, kurtosis, sum. | |
start | The lower bound of the binning-column. | |
end | The upper bound of the binning-column. | |
interval | The interval of a bin. Set members fall into bin i if the binning-column falls in the range [start+interval* i, start+interval* (i+1)). | |
options | Map of optional parameters:
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateUniqueResponse aggregateUnique | ( | const AggregateUniqueRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by columnName) of a particular table (specified by tableName).
If columnName is a numeric column the values will be in binaryEncodedResponse. Otherwise if columnName is a string column the values will be in jsonEncodedResponse. The results can be paged via the offset and limit parameters.
Columns marked as store-only are unable to be used with this function.
To get the first 10 unique values sorted in descending order options would be::
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
If a result_table name is specified in the options, the results are stored in a new table with that name–no results are returned in the response. Both the table name and resulting column name must adhere to standard naming conventions; any column expression will need to be aliased. If the source table's shard key is used as the columnName, the result table will be sharded, in all other cases it will be replicated. Sorting will properly function only if the result table is replicated or if there is only one processing node and should not be relied upon in other cases. Not available when the value of columnName is an unrestricted-length string.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AggregateUniqueResponse& aggregateUnique | ( | const AggregateUniqueRequest & | request_, |
AggregateUniqueResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by columnName) of a particular table (specified by tableName).
If columnName is a numeric column the values will be in binaryEncodedResponse. Otherwise if columnName is a string column the values will be in jsonEncodedResponse. The results can be paged via the offset and limit parameters.
Columns marked as store-only are unable to be used with this function.
To get the first 10 unique values sorted in descending order options would be::
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
If a result_table name is specified in the options, the results are stored in a new table with that name–no results are returned in the response. Both the table name and resulting column name must adhere to standard naming conventions; any column expression will need to be aliased. If the source table's shard key is used as the columnName, the result table will be sharded, in all other cases it will be replicated. Sorting will properly function only if the result table is replicated or if there is only one processing node and should not be relied upon in other cases. Not available when the value of columnName is an unrestricted-length string.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AggregateUniqueResponse aggregateUnique | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by columnName) of a particular table (specified by tableName).
If columnName is a numeric column the values will be in binaryEncodedResponse. Otherwise if columnName is a string column the values will be in jsonEncodedResponse. The results can be paged via the offset and limit parameters.
Columns marked as store-only are unable to be used with this function.
To get the first 10 unique values sorted in descending order options would be::
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
If a result_table name is specified in the options, the results are stored in a new table with that name–no results are returned in the response. Both the table name and resulting column name must adhere to standard naming conventions; any column expression will need to be aliased. If the source table's shard key is used as the columnName, the result table will be sharded, in all other cases it will be replicated. Sorting will properly function only if the result table is replicated or if there is only one processing node and should not be relied upon in other cases. Not available when the value of columnName is an unrestricted-length string.
tableName | Name of the table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table. |
columnName | Name of the column or an expression containing one or more column names on which the unique function would be applied. |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. |
options | Optional parameters.
AggregateUniqueResponse& aggregateUnique | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AggregateUniqueResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by columnName) of a particular table (specified by tableName).
If columnName is a numeric column the values will be in binaryEncodedResponse. Otherwise if columnName is a string column the values will be in jsonEncodedResponse. The results can be paged via the offset and limit parameters.
Columns marked as store-only are unable to be used with this function.
To get the first 10 unique values sorted in descending order options would be::
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
If a result_table name is specified in the options, the results are stored in a new table with that name–no results are returned in the response. Both the table name and resulting column name must adhere to standard naming conventions; any column expression will need to be aliased. If the source table's shard key is used as the columnName, the result table will be sharded, in all other cases it will be replicated. Sorting will properly function only if the result table is replicated or if there is only one processing node and should not be relied upon in other cases. Not available when the value of columnName is an unrestricted-length string.
tableName | Name of the table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table. | |
columnName | Name of the column or an expression containing one or more column names on which the unique function would be applied. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
RawAggregateUniqueResponse aggregateUniqueRaw | ( | const AggregateUniqueRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by columnName) of a particular table (specified by tableName).
If columnName is a numeric column the values will be in binaryEncodedResponse. Otherwise if columnName is a string column the values will be in jsonEncodedResponse. The results can be paged via the offset and limit parameters.
Columns marked as store-only are unable to be used with this function.
To get the first 10 unique values sorted in descending order options would be::
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
If a result_table name is specified in the options, the results are stored in a new table with that name–no results are returned in the response. Both the table name and resulting column name must adhere to standard naming conventions; any column expression will need to be aliased. If the source table's shard key is used as the columnName, the result table will be sharded, in all other cases it will be replicated. Sorting will properly function only if the result table is replicated or if there is only one processing node and should not be relied upon in other cases. Not available when the value of columnName is an unrestricted-length string.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
RawAggregateUniqueResponse& aggregateUniqueRaw | ( | const AggregateUniqueRequest & | request_, |
RawAggregateUniqueResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by columnName) of a particular table (specified by tableName).
If columnName is a numeric column the values will be in binaryEncodedResponse. Otherwise if columnName is a string column the values will be in jsonEncodedResponse. The results can be paged via the offset and limit parameters.
Columns marked as store-only are unable to be used with this function.
To get the first 10 unique values sorted in descending order options would be::
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
If a result_table name is specified in the options, the results are stored in a new table with that name–no results are returned in the response. Both the table name and resulting column name must adhere to standard naming conventions; any column expression will need to be aliased. If the source table's shard key is used as the columnName, the result table will be sharded, in all other cases it will be replicated. Sorting will properly function only if the result table is replicated or if there is only one processing node and should not be relied upon in other cases. Not available when the value of columnName is an unrestricted-length string.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse alterSystemProperties | ( | const AlterSystemPropertiesRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
The const endpoint is primarily used to simplify the testing of the system and is not expected to be used during normal execution.
Commands are given through the propertyUpdatesMap whose keys are commands and values are strings representing integer values (for example '8000') or boolean values ('true' or 'false').
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse& alterSystemProperties | ( | const AlterSystemPropertiesRequest & | request_, |
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
The const endpoint is primarily used to simplify the testing of the system and is not expected to be used during normal execution.
Commands are given through the propertyUpdatesMap whose keys are commands and values are strings representing integer values (for example '8000') or boolean values ('true' or 'false').
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse alterSystemProperties | ( | const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | propertyUpdatesMap, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
The const endpoint is primarily used to simplify the testing of the system and is not expected to be used during normal execution.
Commands are given through the propertyUpdatesMap whose keys are commands and values are strings representing integer values (for example '8000') or boolean values ('true' or 'false').
propertyUpdatesMap | Map containing the properties of the system to be updated. Error if empty.
options | Optional parameters. |
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse& alterSystemProperties | ( | const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | propertyUpdatesMap, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
The const endpoint is primarily used to simplify the testing of the system and is not expected to be used during normal execution.
Commands are given through the propertyUpdatesMap whose keys are commands and values are strings representing integer values (for example '8000') or boolean values ('true' or 'false').
propertyUpdatesMap | Map containing the properties of the system to be updated. Error if empty.
| |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AlterTableResponse alterTable | ( | const AlterTableRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Apply various modifications to a table or collection.
Available modifications include:
Creating or deleting an index on a particular column. This can speed up certain search queries (such as const, const, const) when using expressions containing equality or relational operators on indexed columns. This only applies to tables.
Setting the time-to-live (TTL). This can be applied to tables, views, or collections. When applied to collections, every table & view within the collection will have its TTL set to the given value.
Making a table protected or not. Protected tables have their TTLs set to not automatically expire. This can be applied to tables, views, and collections.
Allowing homogeneous tables within a collection.
Managing a table's columns–a column can be added or removed, or have its type modified.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AlterTableResponse& alterTable | ( | const AlterTableRequest & | request_, |
AlterTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Apply various modifications to a table or collection.
Available modifications include:
Creating or deleting an index on a particular column. This can speed up certain search queries (such as const, const, const) when using expressions containing equality or relational operators on indexed columns. This only applies to tables.
Setting the time-to-live (TTL). This can be applied to tables, views, or collections. When applied to collections, every table & view within the collection will have its TTL set to the given value.
Making a table protected or not. Protected tables have their TTLs set to not automatically expire. This can be applied to tables, views, and collections.
Allowing homogeneous tables within a collection.
Managing a table's columns–a column can be added or removed, or have its type modified.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AlterTableResponse alterTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | action, | ||
const std::string & | value, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Apply various modifications to a table or collection.
Available modifications include:
Creating or deleting an index on a particular column. This can speed up certain search queries (such as const, const, const) when using expressions containing equality or relational operators on indexed columns. This only applies to tables.
Setting the time-to-live (TTL). This can be applied to tables, views, or collections. When applied to collections, every table & view within the collection will have its TTL set to the given value.
Making a table protected or not. Protected tables have their TTLs set to not automatically expire. This can be applied to tables, views, and collections.
Allowing homogeneous tables within a collection.
Managing a table's columns–a column can be added or removed, or have its type modified.
tableName | Table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table, view, or collection. |
action | Modification operation to be applied
value | The value of the modification. May be a column name, 'true' or 'false', or a TTL depending on action. |
options | Optional parameters.
AlterTableResponse& alterTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | action, | ||
const std::string & | value, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AlterTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Apply various modifications to a table or collection.
Available modifications include:
Creating or deleting an index on a particular column. This can speed up certain search queries (such as const, const, const) when using expressions containing equality or relational operators on indexed columns. This only applies to tables.
Setting the time-to-live (TTL). This can be applied to tables, views, or collections. When applied to collections, every table & view within the collection will have its TTL set to the given value.
Making a table protected or not. Protected tables have their TTLs set to not automatically expire. This can be applied to tables, views, and collections.
Allowing homogeneous tables within a collection.
Managing a table's columns–a column can be added or removed, or have its type modified.
tableName | Table on which the operation will be performed. Must be an existing table, view, or collection. | |
action | Modification operation to be applied
| |
value | The value of the modification. May be a column name, 'true' or 'false', or a TTL depending on action. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AlterTableMetadataResponse alterTableMetadata | ( | const AlterTableMetadataRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Updates (adds or changes) metadata for tables.
The metadata key and values must both be strings. This is an easy way to annotate whole tables rather than single records within tables. Some examples of metadata are owner of the table, table creation timestamp etc.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AlterTableMetadataResponse& alterTableMetadata | ( | const AlterTableMetadataRequest & | request_, |
AlterTableMetadataResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Updates (adds or changes) metadata for tables.
The metadata key and values must both be strings. This is an easy way to annotate whole tables rather than single records within tables. Some examples of metadata are owner of the table, table creation timestamp etc.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AlterTableMetadataResponse alterTableMetadata | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | metadataMap, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Updates (adds or changes) metadata for tables.
The metadata key and values must both be strings. This is an easy way to annotate whole tables rather than single records within tables. Some examples of metadata are owner of the table, table creation timestamp etc.
tableNames | Names of the tables whose metadata will be updated. All specified tables must exist, or an error will be returned. |
metadataMap | A map which contains the metadata of the tables that are to be updated. Note that only one map is provided for all the tables; so the change will be applied to every table. If the provided map is empty, then all existing metadata for the table(s) will be cleared. |
options | Optional parameters. |
AlterTableMetadataResponse& alterTableMetadata | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | metadataMap, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AlterTableMetadataResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Updates (adds or changes) metadata for tables.
The metadata key and values must both be strings. This is an easy way to annotate whole tables rather than single records within tables. Some examples of metadata are owner of the table, table creation timestamp etc.
tableNames | Names of the tables whose metadata will be updated. All specified tables must exist, or an error will be returned. | |
metadataMap | A map which contains the metadata of the tables that are to be updated. Note that only one map is provided for all the tables; so the change will be applied to every table. If the provided map is empty, then all existing metadata for the table(s) will be cleared. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AlterUserResponse alterUser | ( | const AlterUserRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Alters a user.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
AlterUserResponse& alterUser | ( | const AlterUserRequest & | request_, |
AlterUserResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Alters a user.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
AlterUserResponse alterUser | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | action, | ||
const std::string & | value, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Alters a user.
name | Name of the user to be altered. Must be an existing user. |
action | Modification operation to be applied to the user.
value | The value of the modification, depending on action. |
options | Optional parameters. |
AlterUserResponse& alterUser | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | action, | ||
const std::string & | value, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
AlterUserResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Alters a user.
name | Name of the user to be altered. Must be an existing user. | |
action | Modification operation to be applied to the user.
| |
value | The value of the modification, depending on action. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ClearTableResponse clearTable | ( | const ClearTableRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Clears (drops) one or all tables in the database cluster.
The operation is synchronous meaning that the table will be cleared before the function returns. The response payload returns the status of the operation along with the name of the table that was cleared.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ClearTableResponse& clearTable | ( | const ClearTableRequest & | request_, |
ClearTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Clears (drops) one or all tables in the database cluster.
The operation is synchronous meaning that the table will be cleared before the function returns. The response payload returns the status of the operation along with the name of the table that was cleared.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ClearTableResponse clearTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | authorization, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Clears (drops) one or all tables in the database cluster.
The operation is synchronous meaning that the table will be cleared before the function returns. The response payload returns the status of the operation along with the name of the table that was cleared.
tableName | Name of the table to be cleared. Must be an existing table. Empty string clears all available tables. |
authorization | No longer used. User can pass an empty string. |
options | Optional parameters. |
ClearTableResponse& clearTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | authorization, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
ClearTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Clears (drops) one or all tables in the database cluster.
The operation is synchronous meaning that the table will be cleared before the function returns. The response payload returns the status of the operation along with the name of the table that was cleared.
tableName | Name of the table to be cleared. Must be an existing table. Empty string clears all available tables. | |
authorization | No longer used. User can pass an empty string. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ClearTableMonitorResponse clearTableMonitor | ( | const ClearTableMonitorRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Deactivates a table monitor previously created with const.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ClearTableMonitorResponse& clearTableMonitor | ( | const ClearTableMonitorRequest & | request_, |
ClearTableMonitorResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Deactivates a table monitor previously created with const.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ClearTableMonitorResponse clearTableMonitor | ( | const std::string & | topicId, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Deactivates a table monitor previously created with const.
topicId | The topic ID returned by /create/tablemonitor. |
options | Optional parameters. |
ClearTableMonitorResponse& clearTableMonitor | ( | const std::string & | topicId, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
ClearTableMonitorResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Deactivates a table monitor previously created with const.
topicId | The topic ID returned by /create/tablemonitor. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ClearTriggerResponse clearTrigger | ( | const ClearTriggerRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Clears or cancels the trigger identified by the specified handle.
The output returns the handle of the trigger cleared as well as indicating success or failure of the trigger deactivation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ClearTriggerResponse& clearTrigger | ( | const ClearTriggerRequest & | request_, |
ClearTriggerResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Clears or cancels the trigger identified by the specified handle.
The output returns the handle of the trigger cleared as well as indicating success or failure of the trigger deactivation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ClearTriggerResponse clearTrigger | ( | const std::string & | triggerId, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Clears or cancels the trigger identified by the specified handle.
The output returns the handle of the trigger cleared as well as indicating success or failure of the trigger deactivation.
triggerId | ID for the trigger to be deactivated. |
options | Optional parameters. |
ClearTriggerResponse& clearTrigger | ( | const std::string & | triggerId, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
ClearTriggerResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Clears or cancels the trigger identified by the specified handle.
The output returns the handle of the trigger cleared as well as indicating success or failure of the trigger deactivation.
triggerId | ID for the trigger to be deactivated. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateJoinTableResponse createJoinTable | ( | const CreateJoinTableRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Creates a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN.
For details see: join concept documentation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
CreateJoinTableResponse& createJoinTable | ( | const CreateJoinTableRequest & | request_, |
CreateJoinTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN.
For details see: join concept documentation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateJoinTableResponse createJoinTable | ( | const std::string & | joinTableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | columnNames, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | expressions, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Creates a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN.
For details see: join concept documentation.
joinTableName | Name of the join table to be created. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
tableNames | The list of table names composing the join. Corresponds to a SQL statement FROM clause |
columnNames | List of member table columns or column expressions to be included in the join. Columns can be prefixed with 'table_id.column_name', where 'table_id' is the table name or alias. Columns can be aliased via the syntax 'column_name as alias'. Wild cards '*' can be used to include all columns across member tables or 'table_id.*' for all of a single table's columns. Columns and column expressions comprising the join must be uniquely named or aliased–therefore, the '*' wild card cannot be used if column names aren't unique across all tables. |
expressions | An optional list of expressions to combine and filter the joined tables. Corresponds to a SQL statement WHERE clause. For details see: expressions. |
options | Optional parameters.
CreateJoinTableResponse& createJoinTable | ( | const std::string & | joinTableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | columnNames, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | expressions, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
CreateJoinTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN.
For details see: join concept documentation.
joinTableName | Name of the join table to be created. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
tableNames | The list of table names composing the join. Corresponds to a SQL statement FROM clause | |
columnNames | List of member table columns or column expressions to be included in the join. Columns can be prefixed with 'table_id.column_name', where 'table_id' is the table name or alias. Columns can be aliased via the syntax 'column_name as alias'. Wild cards '*' can be used to include all columns across member tables or 'table_id.*' for all of a single table's columns. Columns and column expressions comprising the join must be uniquely named or aliased–therefore, the '*' wild card cannot be used if column names aren't unique across all tables. | |
expressions | An optional list of expressions to combine and filter the joined tables. Corresponds to a SQL statement WHERE clause. For details see: expressions. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateProcResponse createProc | ( | const CreateProcRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Creates an instance (proc) of the user-defined function (UDF) specified by the given command, options, and files, and makes it available for execution.
For details on UDFs, see: User-Defined Functions
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
CreateProcResponse& createProc | ( | const CreateProcRequest & | request_, |
CreateProcResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates an instance (proc) of the user-defined function (UDF) specified by the given command, options, and files, and makes it available for execution.
For details on UDFs, see: User-Defined Functions
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateProcResponse createProc | ( | const std::string & | procName, |
const std::string & | executionMode, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< uint8_t > > & | files, | ||
const std::string & | command, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | args, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Creates an instance (proc) of the user-defined function (UDF) specified by the given command, options, and files, and makes it available for execution.
For details on UDFs, see: User-Defined Functions
procName | Name of the proc to be created. Must not be the name of a currently existing proc. |
executionMode | The execution mode of the proc.
files | A map of the files that make up the proc. The keys of the map are file names, and the values are the binary contents of the files. The file names may include subdirectory names (e.g. 'subdir/file') but must not resolve to a directory above the root for the proc. |
command | The command (excluding arguments) that will be invoked when the proc is executed. It will be invoked from the directory containing the proc files and may be any command that can be resolved from that directory. It need not refer to a file actually in that directory; for example, it could be 'java' if the proc is a Java application; however, any necessary external programs must be preinstalled on every database node. If the command refers to a file in that directory, it must be preceded with './' as per Linux convention. If not specified, and exactly one file is provided in files, that file will be invoked. |
args | An array of command-line arguments that will be passed to command when the proc is executed. |
options | Optional parameters. |
CreateProcResponse& createProc | ( | const std::string & | procName, |
const std::string & | executionMode, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< uint8_t > > & | files, | ||
const std::string & | command, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | args, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
CreateProcResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates an instance (proc) of the user-defined function (UDF) specified by the given command, options, and files, and makes it available for execution.
For details on UDFs, see: User-Defined Functions
procName | Name of the proc to be created. Must not be the name of a currently existing proc. | |
executionMode | The execution mode of the proc.
| |
files | A map of the files that make up the proc. The keys of the map are file names, and the values are the binary contents of the files. The file names may include subdirectory names (e.g. 'subdir/file') but must not resolve to a directory above the root for the proc. | |
command | The command (excluding arguments) that will be invoked when the proc is executed. It will be invoked from the directory containing the proc files and may be any command that can be resolved from that directory. It need not refer to a file actually in that directory; for example, it could be 'java' if the proc is a Java application; however, any necessary external programs must be preinstalled on every database node. If the command refers to a file in that directory, it must be preceded with './' as per Linux convention. If not specified, and exactly one file is provided in files, that file will be invoked. | |
args | An array of command-line arguments that will be passed to command when the proc is executed. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateProjectionResponse createProjection | ( | const CreateProjectionRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Creates a new projection of an existing table.
A projection represents a subset of the columns (potentially including derived columns) of a table.
A moving average can be calculated on a given column using the following syntax in the columnNames parameter:
'moving_average(column_name,num_points_before,num_points_after) as new_column_name'
For each record in the moving_average function's 'column_name' parameter, it computes the average over the previous 'num_points_before' records and the subsequent 'num_points_after' records.
Note that moving average relies on order_by, and order_by requires that all the data being ordered resides on the same processing node, so it won't make sense to use order_by without moving average.
Also, a projection can be created with a different shard key than the source table. By specifying shard_key, the projection will be sharded according to the specified columns, regardless of how the source table is sharded. The source table can even be unsharded or replicated.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
CreateProjectionResponse& createProjection | ( | const CreateProjectionRequest & | request_, |
CreateProjectionResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a new projection of an existing table.
A projection represents a subset of the columns (potentially including derived columns) of a table.
A moving average can be calculated on a given column using the following syntax in the columnNames parameter:
'moving_average(column_name,num_points_before,num_points_after) as new_column_name'
For each record in the moving_average function's 'column_name' parameter, it computes the average over the previous 'num_points_before' records and the subsequent 'num_points_after' records.
Note that moving average relies on order_by, and order_by requires that all the data being ordered resides on the same processing node, so it won't make sense to use order_by without moving average.
Also, a projection can be created with a different shard key than the source table. By specifying shard_key, the projection will be sharded according to the specified columns, regardless of how the source table is sharded. The source table can even be unsharded or replicated.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateProjectionResponse createProjection | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | projectionName, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | columnNames, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Creates a new projection of an existing table.
A projection represents a subset of the columns (potentially including derived columns) of a table.
A moving average can be calculated on a given column using the following syntax in the columnNames parameter:
'moving_average(column_name,num_points_before,num_points_after) as new_column_name'
For each record in the moving_average function's 'column_name' parameter, it computes the average over the previous 'num_points_before' records and the subsequent 'num_points_after' records.
Note that moving average relies on order_by, and order_by requires that all the data being ordered resides on the same processing node, so it won't make sense to use order_by without moving average.
Also, a projection can be created with a different shard key than the source table. By specifying shard_key, the projection will be sharded according to the specified columns, regardless of how the source table is sharded. The source table can even be unsharded or replicated.
tableName | Name of the existing table on which the projection is to be applied. |
projectionName | Name of the projection to be created. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
columnNames | List of columns from tableName to be included in the projection. Can include derived columns. Can be specified as aliased via the syntax 'column_name as alias'. |
options | Optional parameters.
CreateProjectionResponse& createProjection | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | projectionName, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | columnNames, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
CreateProjectionResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a new projection of an existing table.
A projection represents a subset of the columns (potentially including derived columns) of a table.
A moving average can be calculated on a given column using the following syntax in the columnNames parameter:
'moving_average(column_name,num_points_before,num_points_after) as new_column_name'
For each record in the moving_average function's 'column_name' parameter, it computes the average over the previous 'num_points_before' records and the subsequent 'num_points_after' records.
Note that moving average relies on order_by, and order_by requires that all the data being ordered resides on the same processing node, so it won't make sense to use order_by without moving average.
Also, a projection can be created with a different shard key than the source table. By specifying shard_key, the projection will be sharded according to the specified columns, regardless of how the source table is sharded. The source table can even be unsharded or replicated.
tableName | Name of the existing table on which the projection is to be applied. | |
projectionName | Name of the projection to be created. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
columnNames | List of columns from tableName to be included in the projection. Can include derived columns. Can be specified as aliased via the syntax 'column_name as alias'. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateRoleResponse createRole | ( | const CreateRoleRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Creates a new role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
CreateRoleResponse& createRole | ( | const CreateRoleRequest & | request_, |
CreateRoleResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a new role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateRoleResponse createRole | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Creates a new role.
name | Name of the role to be created. Must contain only lowercase letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot begin with a digit. Must not be the same name as an existing user or role. |
options | Optional parameters. |
CreateRoleResponse& createRole | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
CreateRoleResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a new role.
name | Name of the role to be created. Must contain only lowercase letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot begin with a digit. Must not be the same name as an existing user or role. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateTableResponse createTable | ( | const CreateTableRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Creates a new table or collection.
If a new table is being created, the type of the table is given by typeId, which must the be the ID of a currently registered type (i.e. one created via const). The table will be created inside a collection if the option collection_name is specified. If that collection does not already exist, it will be created.
To create a new collection, specify the name of the collection in tableName and set the is_collection option to true; typeId will be ignored.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
CreateTableResponse& createTable | ( | const CreateTableRequest & | request_, |
CreateTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a new table or collection.
If a new table is being created, the type of the table is given by typeId, which must the be the ID of a currently registered type (i.e. one created via const). The table will be created inside a collection if the option collection_name is specified. If that collection does not already exist, it will be created.
To create a new collection, specify the name of the collection in tableName and set the is_collection option to true; typeId will be ignored.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateTableResponse createTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | typeId, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Creates a new table or collection.
If a new table is being created, the type of the table is given by typeId, which must the be the ID of a currently registered type (i.e. one created via const). The table will be created inside a collection if the option collection_name is specified. If that collection does not already exist, it will be created.
To create a new collection, specify the name of the collection in tableName and set the is_collection option to true; typeId will be ignored.
tableName | Name of the table to be created. Error for requests with existing table of the same name and type id may be suppressed by using the no_error_if_exists option. See Tables for naming restrictions. |
typeId | ID of a currently registered type. All objects added to the newly created table will be of this type. Ignored if is_collection is true. |
options | Optional parameters.
CreateTableResponse& createTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | typeId, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
CreateTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a new table or collection.
If a new table is being created, the type of the table is given by typeId, which must the be the ID of a currently registered type (i.e. one created via const). The table will be created inside a collection if the option collection_name is specified. If that collection does not already exist, it will be created.
To create a new collection, specify the name of the collection in tableName and set the is_collection option to true; typeId will be ignored.
tableName | Name of the table to be created. Error for requests with existing table of the same name and type id may be suppressed by using the no_error_if_exists option. See Tables for naming restrictions. | |
typeId | ID of a currently registered type. All objects added to the newly created table will be of this type. Ignored if is_collection is true. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateTableMonitorResponse createTableMonitor | ( | const CreateTableMonitorRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Creates a monitor that watches for new records inserted into a particular table (identified by tableName) and forwards copies to subscribers via ZMQ.
After this call completes, subscribe to the returned topicId on the ZMQ table monitor port (default 9002). Each time an insert operation on the table completes, a multipart message is published for that topic; the first part contains only the topic ID, and each subsequent part contains one binary-encoded Avro object that was inserted. The monitor will continue to run (regardless of whether or not there are any subscribers) until deactivated with const.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
CreateTableMonitorResponse& createTableMonitor | ( | const CreateTableMonitorRequest & | request_, |
CreateTableMonitorResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a monitor that watches for new records inserted into a particular table (identified by tableName) and forwards copies to subscribers via ZMQ.
After this call completes, subscribe to the returned topicId on the ZMQ table monitor port (default 9002). Each time an insert operation on the table completes, a multipart message is published for that topic; the first part contains only the topic ID, and each subsequent part contains one binary-encoded Avro object that was inserted. The monitor will continue to run (regardless of whether or not there are any subscribers) until deactivated with const.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateTableMonitorResponse createTableMonitor | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Creates a monitor that watches for new records inserted into a particular table (identified by tableName) and forwards copies to subscribers via ZMQ.
After this call completes, subscribe to the returned topicId on the ZMQ table monitor port (default 9002). Each time an insert operation on the table completes, a multipart message is published for that topic; the first part contains only the topic ID, and each subsequent part contains one binary-encoded Avro object that was inserted. The monitor will continue to run (regardless of whether or not there are any subscribers) until deactivated with const.
tableName | Name of the table to monitor. Must not refer to a collection. |
options | Optional parameters. |
CreateTableMonitorResponse& createTableMonitor | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
CreateTableMonitorResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a monitor that watches for new records inserted into a particular table (identified by tableName) and forwards copies to subscribers via ZMQ.
After this call completes, subscribe to the returned topicId on the ZMQ table monitor port (default 9002). Each time an insert operation on the table completes, a multipart message is published for that topic; the first part contains only the topic ID, and each subsequent part contains one binary-encoded Avro object that was inserted. The monitor will continue to run (regardless of whether or not there are any subscribers) until deactivated with const.
tableName | Name of the table to monitor. Must not refer to a collection. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse createTriggerByArea | ( | const CreateTriggerByAreaRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Sets up an area trigger mechanism for two column_names for one or more tables.
(This function is essentially the two-dimensional version of const.) Once the trigger has been activated, any record added to the listed tables(s) via const with the chosen columns' values falling within the specified region will trip the trigger. All such records will be queued at the trigger port (by default '9001', but able to be retrieved via const) for any listening client to collect. Active triggers can be cancelled by using the const endpoint or by clearing all relevant tables.
The output returns the trigger handle as well as indicating success or failure of the trigger activation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse& createTriggerByArea | ( | const CreateTriggerByAreaRequest & | request_, |
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Sets up an area trigger mechanism for two column_names for one or more tables.
(This function is essentially the two-dimensional version of const.) Once the trigger has been activated, any record added to the listed tables(s) via const with the chosen columns' values falling within the specified region will trip the trigger. All such records will be queued at the trigger port (by default '9001', but able to be retrieved via const) for any listening client to collect. Active triggers can be cancelled by using the const endpoint or by clearing all relevant tables.
The output returns the trigger handle as well as indicating success or failure of the trigger activation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse createTriggerByArea | ( | const std::string & | requestId, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, | ||
const std::string & | xColumnName, | ||
const std::vector< double > & | xVector, | ||
const std::string & | yColumnName, | ||
const std::vector< double > & | yVector, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Sets up an area trigger mechanism for two column_names for one or more tables.
(This function is essentially the two-dimensional version of const.) Once the trigger has been activated, any record added to the listed tables(s) via const with the chosen columns' values falling within the specified region will trip the trigger. All such records will be queued at the trigger port (by default '9001', but able to be retrieved via const) for any listening client to collect. Active triggers can be cancelled by using the const endpoint or by clearing all relevant tables.
The output returns the trigger handle as well as indicating success or failure of the trigger activation.
requestId | User-created ID for the trigger. The ID can be alphanumeric, contain symbols, and must contain at least one character. |
tableNames | Names of the tables on which the trigger will be activated and maintained. |
xColumnName | Name of a numeric column on which the trigger is activated. Usually 'x' for geospatial data points. |
xVector | The respective coordinate values for the region on which the trigger is activated. This usually translates to the x-coordinates of a geospatial region. |
yColumnName | Name of a second numeric column on which the trigger is activated. Usually 'y' for geospatial data points. |
yVector | The respective coordinate values for the region on which the trigger is activated. This usually translates to the y-coordinates of a geospatial region. Must be the same length as xvals. |
options | Optional parameters. |
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse& createTriggerByArea | ( | const std::string & | requestId, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, | ||
const std::string & | xColumnName, | ||
const std::vector< double > & | xVector, | ||
const std::string & | yColumnName, | ||
const std::vector< double > & | yVector, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Sets up an area trigger mechanism for two column_names for one or more tables.
(This function is essentially the two-dimensional version of const.) Once the trigger has been activated, any record added to the listed tables(s) via const with the chosen columns' values falling within the specified region will trip the trigger. All such records will be queued at the trigger port (by default '9001', but able to be retrieved via const) for any listening client to collect. Active triggers can be cancelled by using the const endpoint or by clearing all relevant tables.
The output returns the trigger handle as well as indicating success or failure of the trigger activation.
requestId | User-created ID for the trigger. The ID can be alphanumeric, contain symbols, and must contain at least one character. | |
tableNames | Names of the tables on which the trigger will be activated and maintained. | |
xColumnName | Name of a numeric column on which the trigger is activated. Usually 'x' for geospatial data points. | |
xVector | The respective coordinate values for the region on which the trigger is activated. This usually translates to the x-coordinates of a geospatial region. | |
yColumnName | Name of a second numeric column on which the trigger is activated. Usually 'y' for geospatial data points. | |
yVector | The respective coordinate values for the region on which the trigger is activated. This usually translates to the y-coordinates of a geospatial region. Must be the same length as xvals. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse createTriggerByRange | ( | const CreateTriggerByRangeRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Sets up a simple range trigger for a column_name for one or more tables.
Once the trigger has been activated, any record added to the listed tables(s) via const with the chosen column_name's value falling within the specified range will trip the trigger. All such records will be queued at the trigger port (by default '9001', but able to be retrieved via const) for any listening client to collect. Active triggers can be cancelled by using the const endpoint or by clearing all relevant tables.
The output returns the trigger handle as well as indicating success or failure of the trigger activation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse& createTriggerByRange | ( | const CreateTriggerByRangeRequest & | request_, |
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Sets up a simple range trigger for a column_name for one or more tables.
Once the trigger has been activated, any record added to the listed tables(s) via const with the chosen column_name's value falling within the specified range will trip the trigger. All such records will be queued at the trigger port (by default '9001', but able to be retrieved via const) for any listening client to collect. Active triggers can be cancelled by using the const endpoint or by clearing all relevant tables.
The output returns the trigger handle as well as indicating success or failure of the trigger activation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse createTriggerByRange | ( | const std::string & | requestId, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, | ||
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const double | min, | ||
const double | max, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Sets up a simple range trigger for a column_name for one or more tables.
Once the trigger has been activated, any record added to the listed tables(s) via const with the chosen column_name's value falling within the specified range will trip the trigger. All such records will be queued at the trigger port (by default '9001', but able to be retrieved via const) for any listening client to collect. Active triggers can be cancelled by using the const endpoint or by clearing all relevant tables.
The output returns the trigger handle as well as indicating success or failure of the trigger activation.
requestId | User-created ID for the trigger. The ID can be alphanumeric, contain symbols, and must contain at least one character. |
tableNames | Tables on which the trigger will be active. |
columnName | Name of a numeric column_name on which the trigger is activated. |
min | The lower bound (inclusive) for the trigger range. |
max | The upper bound (inclusive) for the trigger range. |
options | Optional parameters. |
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse& createTriggerByRange | ( | const std::string & | requestId, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, | ||
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const double | min, | ||
const double | max, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Sets up a simple range trigger for a column_name for one or more tables.
Once the trigger has been activated, any record added to the listed tables(s) via const with the chosen column_name's value falling within the specified range will trip the trigger. All such records will be queued at the trigger port (by default '9001', but able to be retrieved via const) for any listening client to collect. Active triggers can be cancelled by using the const endpoint or by clearing all relevant tables.
The output returns the trigger handle as well as indicating success or failure of the trigger activation.
requestId | User-created ID for the trigger. The ID can be alphanumeric, contain symbols, and must contain at least one character. | |
tableNames | Tables on which the trigger will be active. | |
columnName | Name of a numeric column_name on which the trigger is activated. | |
min | The lower bound (inclusive) for the trigger range. | |
max | The upper bound (inclusive) for the trigger range. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateTypeResponse createType | ( | const CreateTypeRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Creates a new type describing the layout or schema of a table.
The type definition is a JSON string describing the fields (i.e. columns) of the type. Each field consists of a name and a data type. Supported data types are: double, float, int, long, string, and bytes. In addition one or more properties can be specified for each column which customize the memory usage and query availability of that column. Note that some properties are mutually exclusive–i.e. they cannot be specified for any given column simultaneously. One example of mutually exclusive properties are data and store_only.
To set a primary key on one or more columns include the property 'primary_key' on the desired column_names. If a primary key is specified, then a uniqueness constraint is enforced, in that only a single object can exist with a given primary key. When inserting data into a table with a primary key, depending on the parameters in the request, incoming objects with primary keys that match existing objects will either overwrite (i.e. update) the existing object or will be skipped and not added into the set.
Example of a type definition with some of the parameters::
{"type":"record", "name":"point", "fields":[{"name":"msg_id","type":"string"}, {"name":"x","type":"double"}, {"name":"y","type":"double"}, {"name":"TIMESTAMP","type":"double"}, {"name":"source","type":"string"}, {"name":"group_id","type":"string"}, {"name":"OBJECT_ID","type":"string"}] }
{"group_id":["store_only"], "msg_id":["store_only","text_search"] }
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
CreateTypeResponse& createType | ( | const CreateTypeRequest & | request_, |
CreateTypeResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a new type describing the layout or schema of a table.
The type definition is a JSON string describing the fields (i.e. columns) of the type. Each field consists of a name and a data type. Supported data types are: double, float, int, long, string, and bytes. In addition one or more properties can be specified for each column which customize the memory usage and query availability of that column. Note that some properties are mutually exclusive–i.e. they cannot be specified for any given column simultaneously. One example of mutually exclusive properties are data and store_only.
To set a primary key on one or more columns include the property 'primary_key' on the desired column_names. If a primary key is specified, then a uniqueness constraint is enforced, in that only a single object can exist with a given primary key. When const inserting data into a table with a primary key, depending on the parameters in the request, incoming objects with primary keys that match existing objects will either overwrite (i.e. update) the existing object or will be skipped and not added into the set.
Example of a type definition with some of the parameters::
{"type":"record", "name":"point", "fields":[{"name":"msg_id","type":"string"}, {"name":"x","type":"double"}, {"name":"y","type":"double"}, {"name":"TIMESTAMP","type":"double"}, {"name":"source","type":"string"}, {"name":"group_id","type":"string"}, {"name":"OBJECT_ID","type":"string"}] }
{"group_id":["store_only"], "msg_id":["store_only","text_search"] }
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateTypeResponse createType | ( | const std::string & | typeDefinition, |
const std::string & | label, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > & | properties, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Creates a new type describing the layout or schema of a table.
The type definition is a JSON string describing the fields (i.e. columns) of the type. Each field consists of a name and a data type. Supported data types are: double, float, int, long, string, and bytes. In addition one or more properties can be specified for each column which customize the memory usage and query availability of that column. Note that some properties are mutually exclusive–i.e. they cannot be specified for any given column simultaneously. One example of mutually exclusive properties are data and store_only.
To set a primary key on one or more columns include the property 'primary_key' on the desired column_names. If a primary key is specified, then a uniqueness constraint is enforced, in that only a single object can exist with a given primary key. When inserting data into a table with a primary key, depending on the parameters in the request, incoming objects with primary keys that match existing objects will either overwrite (i.e. update) the existing object or will be skipped and not added into the set.
Example of a type definition with some of the parameters::
{"type":"record", "name":"point", "fields":[{"name":"msg_id","type":"string"}, {"name":"x","type":"double"}, {"name":"y","type":"double"}, {"name":"TIMESTAMP","type":"double"}, {"name":"source","type":"string"}, {"name":"group_id","type":"string"}, {"name":"OBJECT_ID","type":"string"}] }
{"group_id":["store_only"], "msg_id":["store_only","text_search"] }
typeDefinition | a JSON string describing the columns of the type to be registered. |
label | A user-defined description string which can be used to differentiate between tables and types with otherwise identical schemas. |
properties | Each key-value pair specifies the properties to use for a given column where the key is the column name. All keys used must be relevant column names for the given table. Specifying any property overrides the default properties for that column (which is based on the column's data type).
options | Optional parameters. |
CreateTypeResponse& createType | ( | const std::string & | typeDefinition, |
const std::string & | label, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > & | properties, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
CreateTypeResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a new type describing the layout or schema of a table.
The type definition is a JSON string describing the fields (i.e. columns) of the type. Each field consists of a name and a data type. Supported data types are: double, float, int, long, string, and bytes. In addition one or more properties can be specified for each column which customize the memory usage and query availability of that column. Note that some properties are mutually exclusive–i.e. they cannot be specified for any given column simultaneously. One example of mutually exclusive properties are data and store_only.
To set a primary key on one or more columns include the property 'primary_key' on the desired column_names. If a primary key is specified, then a uniqueness constraint is enforced, in that only a single object can exist with a given primary key. When inserting data into a table with a primary key, depending on the parameters in the request, incoming objects with primary keys that match existing objects will either overwrite (i.e. update) the existing object or will be skipped and not added into the set.
Example of a type definition with some of the parameters::
{"type":"record", "name":"point", "fields":[{"name":"msg_id","type":"string"}, {"name":"x","type":"double"}, {"name":"y","type":"double"}, {"name":"TIMESTAMP","type":"double"}, {"name":"source","type":"string"}, {"name":"group_id","type":"string"}, {"name":"OBJECT_ID","type":"string"}] }
{"group_id":["store_only"], "msg_id":["store_only","text_search"] }
typeDefinition | a JSON string describing the columns of the type to be registered. | |
label | A user-defined description string which can be used to differentiate between tables and types with otherwise identical schemas. | |
properties | Each key-value pair specifies the properties to use for a given column where the key is the column name. All keys used must be relevant column names for the given table. Specifying any property overrides the default properties for that column (which is based on the column's data type).
| |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateUnionResponse createUnion | ( | const CreateUnionRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Performs a union (concatenation) of one or more existing tables or views, the results of which are stored in a new view.
It is equivalent to the SQL UNION ALL operator. Non-charN 'string' and 'bytes' column types cannot be included in a union, neither can columns with the property 'store_only'. Though not explicitly unions, intersect and except are also available from this endpoint.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
CreateUnionResponse& createUnion | ( | const CreateUnionRequest & | request_, |
CreateUnionResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Performs a union (concatenation) of one or more existing tables or views, the results of which are stored in a new view.
It is equivalent to the SQL UNION ALL operator. Non-charN 'string' and 'bytes' column types cannot be included in a union, neither can columns with the property 'store_only'. Though not explicitly unions, intersect and except are also available from this endpoint.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateUnionResponse createUnion | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, | ||
const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > & | inputColumnNames, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | outputColumnNames, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Performs a union (concatenation) of one or more existing tables or views, the results of which are stored in a new view.
It is equivalent to the SQL UNION ALL operator. Non-charN 'string' and 'bytes' column types cannot be included in a union, neither can columns with the property 'store_only'. Though not explicitly unions, intersect and except are also available from this endpoint.
tableName | Name of the table to be created. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
tableNames | The list of table names making up the union. Must contain the names of one or more existing tables. |
inputColumnNames | The list of columns from each of the corresponding input tables. |
outputColumnNames | The list of names of the columns to be stored in the union. |
options | Optional parameters.
CreateUnionResponse& createUnion | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, | ||
const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > & | inputColumnNames, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | outputColumnNames, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
CreateUnionResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Performs a union (concatenation) of one or more existing tables or views, the results of which are stored in a new view.
It is equivalent to the SQL UNION ALL operator. Non-charN 'string' and 'bytes' column types cannot be included in a union, neither can columns with the property 'store_only'. Though not explicitly unions, intersect and except are also available from this endpoint.
tableName | Name of the table to be created. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
tableNames | The list of table names making up the union. Must contain the names of one or more existing tables. | |
inputColumnNames | The list of columns from each of the corresponding input tables. | |
outputColumnNames | The list of names of the columns to be stored in the union. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateUserExternalResponse createUserExternal | ( | const CreateUserExternalRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Creates a new external user (a user whose credentials are managed by an external LDAP).
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
CreateUserExternalResponse& createUserExternal | ( | const CreateUserExternalRequest & | request_, |
CreateUserExternalResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a new external user (a user whose credentials are managed by an external LDAP).
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateUserExternalResponse createUserExternal | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Creates a new external user (a user whose credentials are managed by an external LDAP).
name | Name of the user to be created. Must exactly match the user's name in the external LDAP, prefixed with a Must not be the same name as an existing user. |
options | Optional parameters. |
CreateUserExternalResponse& createUserExternal | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
CreateUserExternalResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a new external user (a user whose credentials are managed by an external LDAP).
name | Name of the user to be created. Must exactly match the user's name in the external LDAP, prefixed with a Must not be the same name as an existing user. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateUserInternalResponse createUserInternal | ( | const CreateUserInternalRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Creates a new internal user (a user whose credentials are managed by the database system).
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
CreateUserInternalResponse& createUserInternal | ( | const CreateUserInternalRequest & | request_, |
CreateUserInternalResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a new internal user (a user whose credentials are managed by the database system).
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
CreateUserInternalResponse createUserInternal | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | password, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Creates a new internal user (a user whose credentials are managed by the database system).
name | Name of the user to be created. Must contain only lowercase letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot begin with a digit. Must not be the same name as an existing user or role. |
password | Initial password of the user to be created. May be an empty string for no password. |
options | Optional parameters. |
CreateUserInternalResponse& createUserInternal | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | password, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
CreateUserInternalResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates a new internal user (a user whose credentials are managed by the database system).
name | Name of the user to be created. Must contain only lowercase letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot begin with a digit. Must not be the same name as an existing user or role. | |
password | Initial password of the user to be created. May be an empty string for no password. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
DeleteProcResponse deleteProc | ( | const DeleteProcRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Deletes a proc.
Any currently running instances of the proc will be killed.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
DeleteProcResponse& deleteProc | ( | const DeleteProcRequest & | request_, |
DeleteProcResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Deletes a proc.
Any currently running instances of the proc will be killed.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
DeleteProcResponse deleteProc | ( | const std::string & | procName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Deletes a proc.
Any currently running instances of the proc will be killed.
procName | Name of the proc to be deleted. Must be the name of a currently existing proc. |
options | Optional parameters. |
DeleteProcResponse& deleteProc | ( | const std::string & | procName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
DeleteProcResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Deletes a proc.
Any currently running instances of the proc will be killed.
procName | Name of the proc to be deleted. Must be the name of a currently existing proc. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
DeleteRecordsResponse deleteRecords | ( | const DeleteRecordsRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Deletes record(s) matching the provided criteria from the given table.
The record selection criteria can either be one or more expressions (matching multiple records) or a single record identified by record_id options. Note that the two selection criteria are mutually exclusive. This operation cannot be run on a collection or a view. The operation is synchronous meaning that a response will not be available until the request is completely processed and all the matching records are deleted.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
DeleteRecordsResponse& deleteRecords | ( | const DeleteRecordsRequest & | request_, |
DeleteRecordsResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Deletes record(s) matching the provided criteria from the given table.
The record selection criteria can either be one or more expressions (matching multiple records) or a single record identified by record_id options. Note that the two selection criteria are mutually exclusive. This operation cannot be run on a collection or a view. The operation is synchronous meaning that a response will not be available until the request is completely processed and all the matching records are deleted.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
DeleteRecordsResponse deleteRecords | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | expressions, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Deletes record(s) matching the provided criteria from the given table.
The record selection criteria can either be one or more expressions (matching multiple records) or a single record identified by record_id options. Note that the two selection criteria are mutually exclusive. This operation cannot be run on a collection or a view. The operation is synchronous meaning that a response will not be available until the request is completely processed and all the matching records are deleted.
tableName | Name of the table from which to delete records. The set must be a currently existing table and not a collection or a view. |
expressions | A list of the actual predicates, one for each select; format should follow the guidelines provided /filter. Specifying one or more expressions is mutually exclusive to specifying record_id in the options. |
options | Optional parameters.
DeleteRecordsResponse& deleteRecords | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | expressions, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
DeleteRecordsResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Deletes record(s) matching the provided criteria from the given table.
The record selection criteria can either be one or more expressions (matching multiple records) or a single record identified by record_id options. Note that the two selection criteria are mutually exclusive. This operation cannot be run on a collection or a view. The operation is synchronous meaning that a response will not be available until the request is completely processed and all the matching records are deleted.
tableName | Name of the table from which to delete records. The set must be a currently existing table and not a collection or a view. | |
expressions | A list of the actual predicates, one for each select; format should follow the guidelines provided /filter. Specifying one or more expressions is mutually exclusive to specifying record_id in the options. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
DeleteRoleResponse deleteRole | ( | const DeleteRoleRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Deletes an existing role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
DeleteRoleResponse& deleteRole | ( | const DeleteRoleRequest & | request_, |
DeleteRoleResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Deletes an existing role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
DeleteRoleResponse deleteRole | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Deletes an existing role.
name | Name of the role to be deleted. Must be an existing role. |
options | Optional parameters. |
DeleteRoleResponse& deleteRole | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
DeleteRoleResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Deletes an existing role.
name | Name of the role to be deleted. Must be an existing role. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
DeleteUserResponse deleteUser | ( | const DeleteUserRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Deletes an existing user.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
DeleteUserResponse& deleteUser | ( | const DeleteUserRequest & | request_, |
DeleteUserResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Deletes an existing user.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
DeleteUserResponse deleteUser | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Deletes an existing user.
name | Name of the user to be deleted. Must be an existing user. |
options | Optional parameters. |
DeleteUserResponse& deleteUser | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
DeleteUserResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Deletes an existing user.
name | Name of the user to be deleted. Must be an existing user. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ExecuteProcResponse executeProc | ( | const ExecuteProcRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Executes a proc.
This endpoint is asynchronous and does not wait for the proc to complete before returning.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ExecuteProcResponse& executeProc | ( | const ExecuteProcRequest & | request_, |
ExecuteProcResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Executes a proc.
This endpoint is asynchronous and does not wait for the proc to complete before returning.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ExecuteProcResponse executeProc | ( | const std::string & | procName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | params, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< uint8_t > > & | binParams, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | inputTableNames, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > & | inputColumnNames, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | outputTableNames, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Executes a proc.
This endpoint is asynchronous and does not wait for the proc to complete before returning.
procName | Name of the proc to execute. Must be the name of a currently existing proc. |
params | A map containing named parameters to pass to the proc. Each key/value pair specifies the name of a parameter and its value. |
binParams | A map containing named binary parameters to pass to the proc. Each key/value pair specifies the name of a parameter and its value. |
inputTableNames | Names of the tables containing data to be passed to the proc. Each name specified must be the name of a currently existing table. If no table names are specified, no data will be passed to the proc. |
inputColumnNames | Map of table names from inputTableNames to lists of names of columns from those tables that will be passed to the proc. Each column name specified must be the name of an existing column in the corresponding table. If a table name from inputTableNames is not included, all columns from that table will be passed to the proc. |
outputTableNames | Names of the tables to which output data from the proc will be written. If a specified table does not exist, it will automatically be created with the same schema as the corresponding table (by order) from inputTableNames, excluding any primary and shard keys. If a specified table is a non-persistent result table, it must not have primary or shard keys. If no table names are specified, no output data can be returned from the proc. |
options | Optional parameters.
ExecuteProcResponse& executeProc | ( | const std::string & | procName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | params, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< uint8_t > > & | binParams, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | inputTableNames, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > & | inputColumnNames, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | outputTableNames, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
ExecuteProcResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Executes a proc.
This endpoint is asynchronous and does not wait for the proc to complete before returning.
procName | Name of the proc to execute. Must be the name of a currently existing proc. | |
params | A map containing named parameters to pass to the proc. Each key/value pair specifies the name of a parameter and its value. | |
binParams | A map containing named binary parameters to pass to the proc. Each key/value pair specifies the name of a parameter and its value. | |
inputTableNames | Names of the tables containing data to be passed to the proc. Each name specified must be the name of a currently existing table. If no table names are specified, no data will be passed to the proc. | |
inputColumnNames | Map of table names from inputTableNames to lists of names of columns from those tables that will be passed to the proc. Each column name specified must be the name of an existing column in the corresponding table. If a table name from inputTableNames is not included, all columns from that table will be passed to the proc. | |
outputTableNames | Names of the tables to which output data from the proc will be written. If a specified table does not exist, it will automatically be created with the same schema as the corresponding table (by order) from inputTableNames, excluding any primary and shard keys. If a specified table is a non-persistent result table, it must not have primary or shard keys. If no table names are specified, no output data can be returned from the proc. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterResponse filter | ( | const FilterRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Filters data based on the specified expression.
The results are stored in a result set with the given viewName.
For details see concepts.
The response message contains the number of points for which the expression evaluated to be true, which is equivalent to the size of the result view.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
FilterResponse& filter | ( | const FilterRequest & | request_, |
FilterResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Filters data based on the specified expression.
The results are stored in a result set with the given viewName.
For details see concepts.
The response message contains the number of points for which the expression evaluated to be true, which is equivalent to the size of the result view.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterResponse filter | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | expression, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Filters data based on the specified expression.
The results are stored in a result set with the given viewName.
For details see concepts.
The response message contains the number of points for which the expression evaluated to be true, which is equivalent to the size of the result view.
tableName | Name of the table to filter. This may be the ID of a collection, table or a result set (for chaining queries). Collections may be filtered only if all tables within the collection have the same type ID. |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
expression | The select expression to filter the specified table. For details see concepts. |
options | Optional parameters.
FilterResponse& filter | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | expression, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
FilterResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Filters data based on the specified expression.
The results are stored in a result set with the given viewName.
For details see concepts.
The response message contains the number of points for which the expression evaluated to be true, which is equivalent to the size of the result view.
tableName | Name of the table to filter. This may be the ID of a collection, table or a result set (for chaining queries). Collections may be filtered only if all tables within the collection have the same type ID. | |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
expression | The select expression to filter the specified table. For details see concepts. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByAreaResponse filterByArea | ( | const FilterByAreaRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table are within a named area of interest (NAI/polygon).
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the matching objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input NAI restriction specification is created with the name viewName passed in as part of the input.
Note that if you call this endpoint using a table that has WKT data, the x_column_name and y_column_name settings are no longer required because the geospatial filter works automatically.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
FilterByAreaResponse& filterByArea | ( | const FilterByAreaRequest & | request_, |
FilterByAreaResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table are within a named area of interest (NAI/polygon).
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the matching objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input NAI restriction specification is created with the name viewName passed in as part of the input.
Note that if you call this endpoint using a table that has WKT data, the x_column_name and y_column_name settings are no longer required because the geospatial filter works automatically.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByAreaResponse filterByArea | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | xColumnName, | ||
const std::vector< double > & | xVector, | ||
const std::string & | yColumnName, | ||
const std::vector< double > & | yVector, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table are within a named area of interest (NAI/polygon).
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the matching objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input NAI restriction specification is created with the name viewName passed in as part of the input.
Note that if you call this endpoint using a table that has WKT data, the x_column_name and y_column_name settings are no longer required because the geospatial filter works automatically.
tableName | Name of the table to filter. This may be the name of a collection, a table or a view (when chaining queries). Collections may be filtered only if all tables within the collection have the same type ID. |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
xColumnName | Name of the column containing the x values to be filtered. |
xVector | List of x coordinates of the vertices of the polygon representing the area to be filtered. |
yColumnName | Name of the column containing the y values to be filtered. |
yVector | List of y coordinates of the vertices of the polygon representing the area to be filtered. |
options | Optional parameters. |
FilterByAreaResponse& filterByArea | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | xColumnName, | ||
const std::vector< double > & | xVector, | ||
const std::string & | yColumnName, | ||
const std::vector< double > & | yVector, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
FilterByAreaResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table are within a named area of interest (NAI/polygon).
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the matching objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input NAI restriction specification is created with the name viewName passed in as part of the input.
Note that if you call this endpoint using a table that has WKT data, the x_column_name and y_column_name settings are no longer required because the geospatial filter works automatically.
tableName | Name of the table to filter. This may be the name of a collection, a table or a view (when chaining queries). Collections may be filtered only if all tables within the collection have the same type ID. | |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
xColumnName | Name of the column containing the x values to be filtered. | |
xVector | List of x coordinates of the vertices of the polygon representing the area to be filtered. | |
yColumnName | Name of the column containing the y values to be filtered. | |
yVector | List of y coordinates of the vertices of the polygon representing the area to be filtered. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByBoxResponse filterByBox | ( | const FilterByBoxRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Calculates how many objects within the given table lie in a rectangular box.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set which satisfies the input NAI restriction specification is also created when a viewName is passed in as part of the input payload.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
FilterByBoxResponse& filterByBox | ( | const FilterByBoxRequest & | request_, |
FilterByBoxResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates how many objects within the given table lie in a rectangular box.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set which satisfies the input NAI restriction specification is also created when a viewName is passed in as part of the input payload.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByBoxResponse filterByBox | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | xColumnName, | ||
const double | minX, | ||
const double | maxX, | ||
const std::string & | yColumnName, | ||
const double | minY, | ||
const double | maxY, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Calculates how many objects within the given table lie in a rectangular box.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set which satisfies the input NAI restriction specification is also created when a viewName is passed in as part of the input payload.
tableName | Name of the table on which the bounding box operation will be performed. Must be an existing table. |
viewName | Optional name of the result view that will be created containing the results of the query. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
xColumnName | Name of the column on which to perform the bounding box query. If the table's data type is not a shape type, must be a valid numeric column. |
minX | Lower bound for the column chosen by xColumnName. Must be less than or equal to maxX. |
maxX | Upper bound for xColumnName. Must be greater than or equal to minX. |
yColumnName | Name of a column on which to perform the bounding box query. If the table's data type is not a shape type, must be a valid numeric column. |
minY | Lower bound for yColumnName. Must be less than or equal to maxY. |
maxY | Upper bound for yColumnName. Must be greater than or equal to minY. |
options | Optional parameters. |
FilterByBoxResponse& filterByBox | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | xColumnName, | ||
const double | minX, | ||
const double | maxX, | ||
const std::string & | yColumnName, | ||
const double | minY, | ||
const double | maxY, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
FilterByBoxResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates how many objects within the given table lie in a rectangular box.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set which satisfies the input NAI restriction specification is also created when a viewName is passed in as part of the input payload.
tableName | Name of the table on which the bounding box operation will be performed. Must be an existing table. | |
viewName | Optional name of the result view that will be created containing the results of the query. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
xColumnName | Name of the column on which to perform the bounding box query. If the table's data type is not a shape type, must be a valid numeric column. | |
minX | Lower bound for the column chosen by xColumnName. Must be less than or equal to maxX. | |
maxX | Upper bound for xColumnName. Must be greater than or equal to minX. | |
yColumnName | Name of a column on which to perform the bounding box query. If the table's data type is not a shape type, must be a valid numeric column. | |
minY | Lower bound for yColumnName. Must be less than or equal to maxY. | |
maxY | Upper bound for yColumnName. Must be greater than or equal to minY. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByGeometryResponse filterByGeometry | ( | const FilterByGeometryRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Applies a geometry filter against a spatial column named WKT in a given table, collection or view.
The filtering geometry is provided by inputWkt.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
FilterByGeometryResponse& filterByGeometry | ( | const FilterByGeometryRequest & | request_, |
FilterByGeometryResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Applies a geometry filter against a spatial column named WKT in a given table, collection or view.
The filtering geometry is provided by inputWkt.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByGeometryResponse filterByGeometry | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const std::string & | inputWkt, | ||
const std::string & | operation, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Applies a geometry filter against a spatial column named WKT in a given table, collection or view.
The filtering geometry is provided by inputWkt.
tableName | Name of the table on which the filter by geometry will be performed. Must be an existing table, collection or view containing a column named WKT. |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
columnName | Name of the column to be used in the filter. Must be 'WKT' |
inputWkt | A geometry in WKT format that will be used to filter the objects in tableName. |
operation | The geometric filtering operation to perform
options | Optional parameters. |
FilterByGeometryResponse& filterByGeometry | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const std::string & | inputWkt, | ||
const std::string & | operation, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
FilterByGeometryResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Applies a geometry filter against a spatial column named WKT in a given table, collection or view.
The filtering geometry is provided by inputWkt.
tableName | Name of the table on which the filter by geometry will be performed. Must be an existing table, collection or view containing a column named WKT. | |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
columnName | Name of the column to be used in the filter. Must be 'WKT' | |
inputWkt | A geometry in WKT format that will be used to filter the objects in tableName. | |
operation | The geometric filtering operation to perform
| |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByListResponse filterByList | ( | const FilterByListRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Calculates which records from a table have values in the given list for the corresponding column.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input filter specification is also created if a viewName is passed in as part of the request.
For example, if a type definition has the columns 'x' and 'y', then a filter by list query with the column map {"x":["10.1", "2.3"], "y":["0.0", "-31.5", "42.0"]} will return the count of all data points whose x and y values match both in the respective x- and y-lists, e.g., "x = 10.1 and y = 0.0", "x = 2.3 and y = -31.5", etc. However, a record with "x = 10.1 and y = -31.5" or "x = 2.3 and y = 0.0" would not be returned because the values in the given lists do not correspond.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
FilterByListResponse& filterByList | ( | const FilterByListRequest & | request_, |
FilterByListResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates which records from a table have values in the given list for the corresponding column.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input filter specification is also created if a viewName is passed in as part of the request.
For example, if a type definition has the columns 'x' and 'y', then a filter by list query with the column map {"x":["10.1", "2.3"], "y":["0.0", "-31.5", "42.0"]} will return the count of all data points whose x and y values match both in the respective x- and y-lists, e.g., "x = 10.1 and y = 0.0", "x = 2.3 and y = -31.5", etc. However, a record with "x = 10.1 and y = -31.5" or "x = 2.3 and y = 0.0" would not be returned because the values in the given lists do not correspond.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByListResponse filterByList | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > & | columnValuesMap, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Calculates which records from a table have values in the given list for the corresponding column.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input filter specification is also created if a viewName is passed in as part of the request.
For example, if a type definition has the columns 'x' and 'y', then a filter by list query with the column map {"x":["10.1", "2.3"], "y":["0.0", "-31.5", "42.0"]} will return the count of all data points whose x and y values match both in the respective x- and y-lists, e.g., "x = 10.1 and y = 0.0", "x = 2.3 and y = -31.5", etc. However, a record with "x = 10.1 and y = -31.5" or "x = 2.3 and y = 0.0" would not be returned because the values in the given lists do not correspond.
tableName | Name of the table to filter. This may be the ID of a collection, table or a result set (for chaining queries). Collections may be filtered only if all tables within the collection have the same type ID. |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
columnValuesMap | List of values for the corresponding column in the table |
options | Optional parameters.
FilterByListResponse& filterByList | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > & | columnValuesMap, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
FilterByListResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates which records from a table have values in the given list for the corresponding column.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input filter specification is also created if a viewName is passed in as part of the request.
For example, if a type definition has the columns 'x' and 'y', then a filter by list query with the column map {"x":["10.1", "2.3"], "y":["0.0", "-31.5", "42.0"]} will return the count of all data points whose x and y values match both in the respective x- and y-lists, e.g., "x = 10.1 and y = 0.0", "x = 2.3 and y = -31.5", etc. However, a record with "x = 10.1 and y = -31.5" or "x = 2.3 and y = 0.0" would not be returned because the values in the given lists do not correspond.
tableName | Name of the table to filter. This may be the ID of a collection, table or a result set (for chaining queries). Collections may be filtered only if all tables within the collection have the same type ID. | |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
columnValuesMap | List of values for the corresponding column in the table | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByRadiusResponse filterByRadius | ( | const FilterByRadiusRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table lie within a circle with the given radius and center point (i.e.
circular NAI). The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input circular NAI restriction specification is also created if a viewName is passed in as part of the request.
For track data, all track points that lie within the circle plus one point on either side of the circle (if the track goes beyond the circle) will be included in the result. For shapes, e.g. polygons, all polygons that intersect the circle will be included (even if none of the points of the polygon fall within the circle).
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
FilterByRadiusResponse& filterByRadius | ( | const FilterByRadiusRequest & | request_, |
FilterByRadiusResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table lie within a circle with the given radius and center point (i.e.
circular NAI). The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input circular NAI restriction specification is also created if a viewName is passed in as part of the request.
For track data, all track points that lie within the circle plus one point on either side of the circle (if the track goes beyond the circle) will be included in the result. For shapes, e.g. polygons, all polygons that intersect the circle will be included (even if none of the points of the polygon fall within the circle).
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByRadiusResponse filterByRadius | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | xColumnName, | ||
const double | xCenter, | ||
const std::string & | yColumnName, | ||
const double | yCenter, | ||
const double | radius, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table lie within a circle with the given radius and center point (i.e.
circular NAI). The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input circular NAI restriction specification is also created if a viewName is passed in as part of the request.
For track data, all track points that lie within the circle plus one point on either side of the circle (if the track goes beyond the circle) will be included in the result. For shapes, e.g. polygons, all polygons that intersect the circle will be included (even if none of the points of the polygon fall within the circle).
tableName | Name of the table on which the filter by radius operation will be performed. Must be an existing table. |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
xColumnName | Name of the column to be used for the x-coordinate (the longitude) of the center. |
xCenter | Value of the longitude of the center. Must be within [-180.0, 180.0]. The minimum allowed value is -180. The maximum allowed value is 180. |
yColumnName | Name of the column to be used for the y-coordinate-the latitude-of the center. |
yCenter | Value of the latitude of the center. Must be within [-90.0, 90.0]. The minimum allowed value is -90. The maximum allowed value is 90. |
radius | The radius of the circle within which the search will be performed. Must be a non-zero positive value. It is in meters; so, for example, a value of '42000' means 42 km. The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. |
options | Optional parameters. |
FilterByRadiusResponse& filterByRadius | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | xColumnName, | ||
const double | xCenter, | ||
const std::string & | yColumnName, | ||
const double | yCenter, | ||
const double | radius, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
FilterByRadiusResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table lie within a circle with the given radius and center point (i.e.
circular NAI). The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input circular NAI restriction specification is also created if a viewName is passed in as part of the request.
For track data, all track points that lie within the circle plus one point on either side of the circle (if the track goes beyond the circle) will be included in the result. For shapes, e.g. polygons, all polygons that intersect the circle will be included (even if none of the points of the polygon fall within the circle).
tableName | Name of the table on which the filter by radius operation will be performed. Must be an existing table. | |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
xColumnName | Name of the column to be used for the x-coordinate (the longitude) of the center. | |
xCenter | Value of the longitude of the center. Must be within [-180.0, 180.0]. The minimum allowed value is -180. The maximum allowed value is 180. | |
yColumnName | Name of the column to be used for the y-coordinate-the latitude-of the center. | |
yCenter | Value of the latitude of the center. Must be within [-90.0, 90.0]. The minimum allowed value is -90. The maximum allowed value is 90. | |
radius | The radius of the circle within which the search will be performed. Must be a non-zero positive value. It is in meters; so, for example, a value of '42000' means 42 km. The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByRangeResponse filterByRange | ( | const FilterByRangeRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table have a column that is within the given bounds.
An object from the table identified by tableName is added to the view viewName if its column is within [lowerBound, upperBound] (inclusive). The operation is synchronous. The response provides a count of the number of objects which passed the bound filter. Although this functionality can also be accomplished with the standard filter function, it is more efficient.
For track objects, the count reflects how many points fall within the given bounds (which may not include all the track points of any given track).
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
FilterByRangeResponse& filterByRange | ( | const FilterByRangeRequest & | request_, |
FilterByRangeResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table have a column that is within the given bounds.
An object from the table identified by tableName is added to the view viewName if its column is within [lowerBound, upperBound] (inclusive). The operation is synchronous. The response provides a count of the number of objects which passed the bound filter. Although this functionality can also be accomplished with the standard filter function, it is more efficient.
For track objects, the count reflects how many points fall within the given bounds (which may not include all the track points of any given track).
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByRangeResponse filterByRange | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const double | lowerBound, | ||
const double | upperBound, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table have a column that is within the given bounds.
An object from the table identified by tableName is added to the view viewName if its column is within [lowerBound, upperBound] (inclusive). The operation is synchronous. The response provides a count of the number of objects which passed the bound filter. Although this functionality can also be accomplished with the standard filter function, it is more efficient.
For track objects, the count reflects how many points fall within the given bounds (which may not include all the track points of any given track).
tableName | Name of the table on which the filter by range operation will be performed. Must be an existing table. |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
columnName | Name of a column on which the operation would be applied. |
lowerBound | Value of the lower bound (inclusive). |
upperBound | Value of the upper bound (inclusive). |
options | Optional parameters. |
FilterByRangeResponse& filterByRange | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const double | lowerBound, | ||
const double | upperBound, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
FilterByRangeResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table have a column that is within the given bounds.
An object from the table identified by tableName is added to the view viewName if its column is within [lowerBound, upperBound] (inclusive). The operation is synchronous. The response provides a count of the number of objects which passed the bound filter. Although this functionality can also be accomplished with the standard filter function, it is more efficient.
For track objects, the count reflects how many points fall within the given bounds (which may not include all the track points of any given track).
tableName | Name of the table on which the filter by range operation will be performed. Must be an existing table. | |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
columnName | Name of a column on which the operation would be applied. | |
lowerBound | Value of the lower bound (inclusive). | |
upperBound | Value of the upper bound (inclusive). | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterBySeriesResponse filterBySeries | ( | const FilterBySeriesRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Filters objects matching all points of the given track (works only on track type data).
It allows users to specify a particular track to find all other points in the table that fall within specified ranges-spatial and temporal-of all points of the given track. Additionally, the user can specify another track to see if the two intersect (or go close to each other within the specified ranges). The user also has the flexibility of using different metrics for the spatial distance calculation: Euclidean (flat geometry) or Great Circle (spherical geometry to approximate the Earth's surface distances). The filtered points are stored in a newly created result set. The return value of the function is the number of points in the resultant set (view).
This operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
FilterBySeriesResponse& filterBySeries | ( | const FilterBySeriesRequest & | request_, |
FilterBySeriesResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Filters objects matching all points of the given track (works only on track type data).
It allows users to specify a particular track to find all other points in the table that fall within specified ranges-spatial and temporal-of all points of the given track. Additionally, the user can specify another track to see if the two intersect (or go close to each other within the specified ranges). The user also has the flexibility of using different metrics for the spatial distance calculation: Euclidean (flat geometry) or Great Circle (spherical geometry to approximate the Earth's surface distances). The filtered points are stored in a newly created result set. The return value of the function is the number of points in the resultant set (view).
This operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterBySeriesResponse filterBySeries | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | trackId, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | targetTrackIds, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Filters objects matching all points of the given track (works only on track type data).
It allows users to specify a particular track to find all other points in the table that fall within specified ranges-spatial and temporal-of all points of the given track. Additionally, the user can specify another track to see if the two intersect (or go close to each other within the specified ranges). The user also has the flexibility of using different metrics for the spatial distance calculation: Euclidean (flat geometry) or Great Circle (spherical geometry to approximate the Earth's surface distances). The filtered points are stored in a newly created result set. The return value of the function is the number of points in the resultant set (view).
This operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available.
tableName | Name of the table on which the filter by track operation will be performed. Must be a currently existing table with track semantic type. |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
trackId | The ID of the track which will act as the filtering points. Must be an existing track within the given table. |
targetTrackIds | Up to one track ID to intersect with the "filter" track. If any provided, it must be an valid track ID within the given set. |
options | Optional parameters.
FilterBySeriesResponse& filterBySeries | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | trackId, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | targetTrackIds, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
FilterBySeriesResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Filters objects matching all points of the given track (works only on track type data).
It allows users to specify a particular track to find all other points in the table that fall within specified ranges-spatial and temporal-of all points of the given track. Additionally, the user can specify another track to see if the two intersect (or go close to each other within the specified ranges). The user also has the flexibility of using different metrics for the spatial distance calculation: Euclidean (flat geometry) or Great Circle (spherical geometry to approximate the Earth's surface distances). The filtered points are stored in a newly created result set. The return value of the function is the number of points in the resultant set (view).
This operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available.
tableName | Name of the table on which the filter by track operation will be performed. Must be a currently existing table with track semantic type. | |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
trackId | The ID of the track which will act as the filtering points. Must be an existing track within the given table. | |
targetTrackIds | Up to one track ID to intersect with the "filter" track. If any provided, it must be an valid track ID within the given set. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByStringResponse filterByString | ( | const FilterByStringRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table, collection, or view match a string expression for the given string columns.
The options 'case_sensitive' can be used to modify the behavior for all modes except 'search'. For 'search' mode details and limitations, see Full Text Search.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
FilterByStringResponse& filterByString | ( | const FilterByStringRequest & | request_, |
FilterByStringResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table, collection, or view match a string expression for the given string columns.
The options 'case_sensitive' can be used to modify the behavior for all modes except 'search'. For 'search' mode details and limitations, see Full Text Search.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByStringResponse filterByString | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | expression, | ||
const std::string & | mode, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | columnNames, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table, collection, or view match a string expression for the given string columns.
The options 'case_sensitive' can be used to modify the behavior for all modes except 'search'. For 'search' mode details and limitations, see Full Text Search.
tableName | Name of the table on which the filter operation will be performed. Must be an existing table, collection or view. |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
expression | The expression with which to filter the table. |
mode | The string filtering mode to apply. See below for details.
columnNames | List of columns on which to apply the filter. Ignored for 'search' mode. |
options | Optional parameters.
FilterByStringResponse& filterByString | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | expression, | ||
const std::string & | mode, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | columnNames, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
FilterByStringResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table, collection, or view match a string expression for the given string columns.
The options 'case_sensitive' can be used to modify the behavior for all modes except 'search'. For 'search' mode details and limitations, see Full Text Search.
tableName | Name of the table on which the filter operation will be performed. Must be an existing table, collection or view. | |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
expression | The expression with which to filter the table. | |
mode | The string filtering mode to apply. See below for details.
| |
columnNames | List of columns on which to apply the filter. Ignored for 'search' mode. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByTableResponse filterByTable | ( | const FilterByTableRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Filters objects in one table based on objects in another table.
The user must specify matching column types from the two tables (i.e. the target table from which objects will be filtered and the source table based on which the filter will be created); the column names need not be the same. If a viewName is specified, then the filtered objects will then be put in a newly created view. The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all objects are fully available in the result view. The return value contains the count (i.e. the size) of the resulting view.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
FilterByTableResponse& filterByTable | ( | const FilterByTableRequest & | request_, |
FilterByTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Filters objects in one table based on objects in another table.
The user must specify matching column types from the two tables (i.e. the target table from which objects will be filtered and the source table based on which the filter will be created); the column names need not be the same. If a viewName is specified, then the filtered objects will then be put in a newly created view. The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all objects are fully available in the result view. The return value contains the count (i.e. the size) of the resulting view.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByTableResponse filterByTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const std::string & | sourceTableName, | ||
const std::string & | sourceTableColumnName, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Filters objects in one table based on objects in another table.
The user must specify matching column types from the two tables (i.e. the target table from which objects will be filtered and the source table based on which the filter will be created); the column names need not be the same. If a viewName is specified, then the filtered objects will then be put in a newly created view. The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all objects are fully available in the result view. The return value contains the count (i.e. the size) of the resulting view.
tableName | Name of the table whose data will be filtered. Must be an existing table. |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
columnName | Name of the column by whose value the data will be filtered from the table designated by tableName. |
sourceTableName | Name of the table whose data will be compared against in the table called tableName. Must be an existing table. |
sourceTableColumnName | Name of the column in the sourceTableName whose values will be used as the filter for table tableName. Must match the type of the columnName. |
options | Optional parameters.
FilterByTableResponse& filterByTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const std::string & | sourceTableName, | ||
const std::string & | sourceTableColumnName, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
FilterByTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Filters objects in one table based on objects in another table.
The user must specify matching column types from the two tables (i.e. the target table from which objects will be filtered and the source table based on which the filter will be created); the column names need not be the same. If a viewName is specified, then the filtered objects will then be put in a newly created view. The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all objects are fully available in the result view. The return value contains the count (i.e. the size) of the resulting view.
tableName | Name of the table whose data will be filtered. Must be an existing table. | |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
columnName | Name of the column by whose value the data will be filtered from the table designated by tableName. | |
sourceTableName | Name of the table whose data will be compared against in the table called tableName. Must be an existing table. | |
sourceTableColumnName | Name of the column in the sourceTableName whose values will be used as the filter for table tableName. Must match the type of the columnName. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByValueResponse filterByValue | ( | const FilterByValueRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table has a particular value for a particular column.
The input parameters provide a way to specify either a String or a Double valued column and a desired value for the column on which the filter is performed. The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new result view which satisfies the input filter restriction specification is also created with a view name passed in as part of the input payload. Although this functionality can also be accomplished with the standard filter function, it is more efficient.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
FilterByValueResponse& filterByValue | ( | const FilterByValueRequest & | request_, |
FilterByValueResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table has a particular value for a particular column.
The input parameters provide a way to specify either a String or a Double valued column and a desired value for the column on which the filter is performed. The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new result view which satisfies the input filter restriction specification is also created with a view name passed in as part of the input payload. Although this functionality can also be accomplished with the standard filter function, it is more efficient.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
FilterByValueResponse filterByValue | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const bool | isString, | ||
const double | value, | ||
const std::string & | valueStr, | ||
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table has a particular value for a particular column.
The input parameters provide a way to specify either a String or a Double valued column and a desired value for the column on which the filter is performed. The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new result view which satisfies the input filter restriction specification is also created with a view name passed in as part of the input payload. Although this functionality can also be accomplished with the standard filter function, it is more efficient.
tableName | Name of an existing table on which to perform the calculation. |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. |
isString | Indicates whether the value being searched for is string or numeric. |
value | The value to search for. |
valueStr | The string value to search for. |
columnName | Name of a column on which the filter by value would be applied. |
options | Optional parameters. |
FilterByValueResponse& filterByValue | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const bool | isString, | ||
const double | value, | ||
const std::string & | valueStr, | ||
const std::string & | columnName, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
FilterByValueResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Calculates which objects from a table has a particular value for a particular column.
The input parameters provide a way to specify either a String or a Double valued column and a desired value for the column on which the filter is performed. The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new result view which satisfies the input filter restriction specification is also created with a view name passed in as part of the input payload. Although this functionality can also be accomplished with the standard filter function, it is more efficient.
tableName | Name of an existing table on which to perform the calculation. | |
viewName | If provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results. Has the same naming restrictions as tables. | |
isString | Indicates whether the value being searched for is string or numeric. | |
value | The value to search for. | |
valueStr | The string value to search for. | |
columnName | Name of a column on which the filter by value would be applied. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
GetRecordsResponse<TResponse> getRecords | ( | const GetRecordsRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
Definition at line 7407 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsResponse<TResponse>& getRecords | ( | const GetRecordsRequest & | request_, |
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 7450 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsResponse<TResponse> getRecords | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
tableName | Name of the table from which the records will be fetched. Must be a table, view or homogeneous collection. |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. |
options |
Definition at line 7520 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsResponse<TResponse>& getRecords | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
tableName | Name of the table from which the records will be fetched. Must be a table, view or homogeneous collection. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options |
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 7598 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsResponse<TResponse> getRecords | ( | const ::avro::ValidSchema & | schema_, |
const GetRecordsRequest & | request_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | schema_ | Avro schema object used for decoding returned objects. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
Definition at line 7644 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsResponse<TResponse> getRecords | ( | const Type & | type_, |
const GetRecordsRequest & | request_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | type_ | Type object used for decoding returned objects. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
Definition at line 7686 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsResponse<TResponse>& getRecords | ( | const ::avro::ValidSchema & | schema_, |
const GetRecordsRequest & | request_, | ||
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | schema_ | Avro schema object used for decoding returned objects. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 7731 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsResponse<TResponse>& getRecords | ( | const Type & | type_, |
const GetRecordsRequest & | request_, | ||
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | type_ | Type object used for decoding returned objects. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 7776 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsResponse<TResponse> getRecords | ( | const ::avro::ValidSchema & | schema_, |
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | schema_ | Avro schema object used for decoding returned objects. |
tableName | Name of the table from which the records will be fetched. Must be a table, view or homogeneous collection. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options |
Definition at line 7848 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsResponse<TResponse> getRecords | ( | const Type & | type_, |
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | type_ | Type object used for decoding returned objects. |
tableName | Name of the table from which the records will be fetched. Must be a table, view or homogeneous collection. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options |
Definition at line 7925 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsResponse<TResponse>& getRecords | ( | const ::avro::ValidSchema & | schema_, |
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | schema_ | Avro schema object used for decoding returned objects. |
tableName | Name of the table from which the records will be fetched. Must be a table, view or homogeneous collection. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options |
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 8005 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsResponse<TResponse>& getRecords | ( | const Type & | type_, |
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GetRecordsResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | type_ | Type object used for decoding returned objects. |
tableName | Name of the table from which the records will be fetched. Must be a table, view or homogeneous collection. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options |
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 8085 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsByColumnResponse getRecordsByColumn | ( | const GetRecordsByColumnRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
For a given table, retrieves the values of the given columns within a given range.
It returns maps of column name to the vector of values for each supported data type (double, float, long, int and string). This operation supports pagination feature, i.e. values that are retrieved are those associated with the indices between the start (offset) and end value (offset
Note that when using the pagination feature, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records or values retrieved may differ between calls (discontiguous or overlap) based on the type of the update.
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
GetRecordsByColumnResponse& getRecordsByColumn | ( | const GetRecordsByColumnRequest & | request_, |
GetRecordsByColumnResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
For a given table, retrieves the values of the given columns within a given range.
It returns maps of column name to the vector of values for each supported data type (double, float, long, int and string). This operation supports pagination feature, i.e. values that are retrieved are those associated with the indices between the start (offset) and end value (offset
Note that when using the pagination feature, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records or values retrieved may differ between calls (discontiguous or overlap) based on the type of the update.
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
GetRecordsByColumnResponse getRecordsByColumn | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | columnNames, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
For a given table, retrieves the values of the given columns within a given range.
It returns maps of column name to the vector of values for each supported data type (double, float, long, int and string). This operation supports pagination feature, i.e. values that are retrieved are those associated with the indices between the start (offset) and end value (offset
Note that when using the pagination feature, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records or values retrieved may differ between calls (discontiguous or overlap) based on the type of the update.
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
tableName | Name of the table on which this operation will be performed. The table cannot be a parent set. |
columnNames | The list of column values to retrieve. |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned (if not provided the default is 10000), or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the maximum number of results allowed by the server should be returned. |
options |
GetRecordsByColumnResponse& getRecordsByColumn | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | columnNames, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GetRecordsByColumnResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
For a given table, retrieves the values of the given columns within a given range.
It returns maps of column name to the vector of values for each supported data type (double, float, long, int and string). This operation supports pagination feature, i.e. values that are retrieved are those associated with the indices between the start (offset) and end value (offset
Note that when using the pagination feature, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records or values retrieved may differ between calls (discontiguous or overlap) based on the type of the update.
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
tableName | Name of the table on which this operation will be performed. The table cannot be a parent set. | |
columnNames | The list of column values to retrieve. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned (if not provided the default is 10000), or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the maximum number of results allowed by the server should be returned. | |
options |
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
RawGetRecordsByColumnResponse getRecordsByColumnRaw | ( | const GetRecordsByColumnRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
For a given table, retrieves the values of the given columns within a given range.
It returns maps of column name to the vector of values for each supported data type (double, float, long, int and string). This operation supports pagination feature, i.e. values that are retrieved are those associated with the indices between the start (offset) and end value (offset
Note that when using the pagination feature, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records or values retrieved may differ between calls (discontiguous or overlap) based on the type of the update.
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
RawGetRecordsByColumnResponse& getRecordsByColumnRaw | ( | const GetRecordsByColumnRequest & | request_, |
RawGetRecordsByColumnResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
For a given table, retrieves the values of the given columns within a given range.
It returns maps of column name to the vector of values for each supported data type (double, float, long, int and string). This operation supports pagination feature, i.e. values that are retrieved are those associated with the indices between the start (offset) and end value (offset
Note that when using the pagination feature, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records or values retrieved may differ between calls (discontiguous or overlap) based on the type of the update.
The response is returned as a dynamic schema. For details see: dynamic schemas documentation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<TResponse> getRecordsBySeries | ( | const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
Definition at line 8430 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<TResponse>& getRecordsBySeries | ( | const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest & | request_, |
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 8479 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<TResponse> getRecordsBySeries | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | worldTableName, | ||
const int32_t | offset, | ||
const int32_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
tableName | Name of the collection/table/view for which series/tracks will be fetched. |
worldTableName | Name of the table containing the complete series/track information to be returned for the tracks present in the tableName. Typically this is used when retrieving series/tracks from a view (which contains partial series/tracks) but the user wants to retrieve the entire original series/tracks. Can be blank. |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial series/tracks to skip (useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of series/tracks to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. |
options | Optional parameters. |
Definition at line 8540 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<TResponse>& getRecordsBySeries | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | worldTableName, | ||
const int32_t | offset, | ||
const int32_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
tableName | Name of the collection/table/view for which series/tracks will be fetched. | |
worldTableName | Name of the table containing the complete series/track information to be returned for the tracks present in the tableName. Typically this is used when retrieving series/tracks from a view (which contains partial series/tracks) but the user wants to retrieve the entire original series/tracks. Can be blank. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial series/tracks to skip (useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of series/tracks to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 8611 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<TResponse> getRecordsBySeries | ( | const ::avro::ValidSchema & | schema_, |
const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest & | request_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | schema_ | Avro schema object used for decoding returned objects. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
Definition at line 8665 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<TResponse> getRecordsBySeries | ( | const Type & | type_, |
const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest & | request_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | type_ | Type object used for decoding returned objects. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
Definition at line 8712 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<TResponse>& getRecordsBySeries | ( | const ::avro::ValidSchema & | schema_, |
const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest & | request_, | ||
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | schema_ | Avro schema object used for decoding returned objects. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 8763 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<TResponse>& getRecordsBySeries | ( | const Type & | type_, |
const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest & | request_, | ||
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | type_ | Type object used for decoding returned objects. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 8814 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<TResponse> getRecordsBySeries | ( | const ::avro::ValidSchema & | schema_, |
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const std::string & | worldTableName, | ||
const int32_t | offset, | ||
const int32_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | schema_ | Avro schema object used for decoding returned objects. |
tableName | Name of the collection/table/view for which series/tracks will be fetched. | |
worldTableName | Name of the table containing the complete series/track information to be returned for the tracks present in the tableName. Typically this is used when retrieving series/tracks from a view (which contains partial series/tracks) but the user wants to retrieve the entire original series/tracks. Can be blank. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial series/tracks to skip (useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of series/tracks to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options | Optional parameters. |
Definition at line 8877 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<TResponse> getRecordsBySeries | ( | const Type & | type_, |
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const std::string & | worldTableName, | ||
const int32_t | offset, | ||
const int32_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | type_ | Type object used for decoding returned objects. |
tableName | Name of the collection/table/view for which series/tracks will be fetched. | |
worldTableName | Name of the table containing the complete series/track information to be returned for the tracks present in the tableName. Typically this is used when retrieving series/tracks from a view (which contains partial series/tracks) but the user wants to retrieve the entire original series/tracks. Can be blank. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial series/tracks to skip (useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of series/tracks to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options | Optional parameters. |
Definition at line 8947 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<TResponse>& getRecordsBySeries | ( | const ::avro::ValidSchema & | schema_, |
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const std::string & | worldTableName, | ||
const int32_t | offset, | ||
const int32_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | schema_ | Avro schema object used for decoding returned objects. |
tableName | Name of the collection/table/view for which series/tracks will be fetched. | |
worldTableName | Name of the table containing the complete series/track information to be returned for the tracks present in the tableName. Typically this is used when retrieving series/tracks from a view (which contains partial series/tracks) but the user wants to retrieve the entire original series/tracks. Can be blank. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial series/tracks to skip (useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of series/tracks to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 9020 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<TResponse>& getRecordsBySeries | ( | const Type & | type_, |
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const std::string & | worldTableName, | ||
const int32_t | offset, | ||
const int32_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | type_ | Type object used for decoding returned objects. |
tableName | Name of the collection/table/view for which series/tracks will be fetched. | |
worldTableName | Name of the table containing the complete series/track information to be returned for the tracks present in the tableName. Typically this is used when retrieving series/tracks from a view (which contains partial series/tracks) but the user wants to retrieve the entire original series/tracks. Can be blank. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial series/tracks to skip (useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of series/tracks to be returned. Or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 9093 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
RawGetRecordsBySeriesResponse getRecordsBySeriesRaw | ( | const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
RawGetRecordsBySeriesResponse& getRecordsBySeriesRaw | ( | const GetRecordsBySeriesRequest & | request_, |
RawGetRecordsBySeriesResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the tableName.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
In contrast to const this returns records grouped by series/track. So if offset is 0 and limit is 5 this operation would return the first 5 series/tracks in tableName. Each series/track will be returned sorted by their TIMESTAMP column.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<TResponse> getRecordsFromCollection | ( | const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
Definition at line 9188 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<TResponse>& getRecordsFromCollection | ( | const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest & | request_, |
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 9228 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<TResponse> getRecordsFromCollection | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
tableName | Name of the collection or table from which records are to be retrieved. Must be an existing collection or table. |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned, or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. |
options |
Definition at line 9283 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<TResponse>& getRecordsFromCollection | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
tableName | Name of the collection or table from which records are to be retrieved. Must be an existing collection or table. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned, or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options |
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 9346 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<TResponse> getRecordsFromCollection | ( | const ::avro::ValidSchema & | schema_, |
const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest & | request_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | schema_ | Avro schema object used for decoding returned objects. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
Definition at line 9389 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<TResponse> getRecordsFromCollection | ( | const Type & | type_, |
const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest & | request_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | type_ | Type object used for decoding returned objects. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
Definition at line 9428 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<TResponse>& getRecordsFromCollection | ( | const ::avro::ValidSchema & | schema_, |
const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest & | request_, | ||
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | schema_ | Avro schema object used for decoding returned objects. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 9470 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<TResponse>& getRecordsFromCollection | ( | const Type & | type_, |
const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest & | request_, | ||
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | type_ | Type object used for decoding returned objects. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 9512 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<TResponse> getRecordsFromCollection | ( | const ::avro::ValidSchema & | schema_, |
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | schema_ | Avro schema object used for decoding returned objects. |
tableName | Name of the collection or table from which records are to be retrieved. Must be an existing collection or table. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned, or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options |
Definition at line 9569 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<TResponse> getRecordsFromCollection | ( | const Type & | type_, |
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | type_ | Type object used for decoding returned objects. |
tableName | Name of the collection or table from which records are to be retrieved. Must be an existing collection or table. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned, or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options |
Definition at line 9631 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<TResponse>& getRecordsFromCollection | ( | const ::avro::ValidSchema & | schema_, |
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | schema_ | Avro schema object used for decoding returned objects. |
tableName | Name of the collection or table from which records are to be retrieved. Must be an existing collection or table. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned, or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options |
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 9696 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<TResponse>& getRecordsFromCollection | ( | const Type & | type_, |
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const int64_t | offset, | ||
const int64_t | limit, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse< TResponse > & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
<TResponse> | The type of object being retrieved. |
[in] | type_ | Type object used for decoding returned objects. |
tableName | Name of the collection or table from which records are to be retrieved. Must be an existing collection or table. | |
offset | A positive integer indicating the number of initial results to skip (this can be useful for paging through the results). The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT. | |
limit | A positive integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned, or END_OF_SET (-9999) to indicate that the max number of results should be returned. | |
options |
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 9761 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
RawGetRecordsFromCollectionResponse getRecordsFromCollectionRaw | ( | const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
RawGetRecordsFromCollectionResponse& getRecordsFromCollectionRaw | ( | const GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest & | request_, |
RawGetRecordsFromCollectionResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a collection.
The operation can optionally return the record IDs which can be used in certain queries such as const.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters.
Note that when using the Java API, it is not possible to retrieve records from join tables using this operation.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
RawGetRecordsResponse getRecordsRaw | ( | const GetRecordsRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
RawGetRecordsResponse& getRecordsRaw | ( | const GetRecordsRequest & | request_, |
RawGetRecordsResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an expression and/or sorted by a column.
This operation can be performed on tables, views, or on homogeneous collections (collections containing tables of all the same type). Records can be returned encoded as binary or json.
This operation supports paging through the data via the offset and limit parameters. Note that when paging through a table, if the table (or the underlying table in case of a view) is updated (records are inserted, deleted or modified) the records retrieved may differ between calls based on the updates applied.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
GrantPermissionSystemResponse grantPermissionSystem | ( | const GrantPermissionSystemRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Grants a system-level permission to a user or role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
GrantPermissionSystemResponse& grantPermissionSystem | ( | const GrantPermissionSystemRequest & | request_, |
GrantPermissionSystemResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Grants a system-level permission to a user or role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
GrantPermissionSystemResponse grantPermissionSystem | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | permission, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Grants a system-level permission to a user or role.
name | Name of the user or role to which the permission will be granted. Must be an existing user or role. |
permission | Permission to grant to the user or role.
options | Optional parameters. |
GrantPermissionSystemResponse& grantPermissionSystem | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | permission, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GrantPermissionSystemResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Grants a system-level permission to a user or role.
name | Name of the user or role to which the permission will be granted. Must be an existing user or role. | |
permission | Permission to grant to the user or role.
| |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
GrantPermissionTableResponse grantPermissionTable | ( | const GrantPermissionTableRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Grants a table-level permission to a user or role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
GrantPermissionTableResponse& grantPermissionTable | ( | const GrantPermissionTableRequest & | request_, |
GrantPermissionTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Grants a table-level permission to a user or role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
GrantPermissionTableResponse grantPermissionTable | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | permission, | ||
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const std::string & | filterExpression, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Grants a table-level permission to a user or role.
name | Name of the user or role to which the permission will be granted. Must be an existing user or role. |
permission | Permission to grant to the user or role.
tableName | Name of the table to which the permission grants access. Must be an existing table, collection, or view. If a collection, the permission also applies to tables and views in the collection. |
filterExpression | Reserved for future use. |
options | Optional parameters. |
GrantPermissionTableResponse& grantPermissionTable | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | permission, | ||
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const std::string & | filterExpression, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GrantPermissionTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Grants a table-level permission to a user or role.
name | Name of the user or role to which the permission will be granted. Must be an existing user or role. | |
permission | Permission to grant to the user or role.
| |
tableName | Name of the table to which the permission grants access. Must be an existing table, collection, or view. If a collection, the permission also applies to tables and views in the collection. | |
filterExpression | Reserved for future use. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
GrantRoleResponse grantRole | ( | const GrantRoleRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Grants membership in a role to a user or role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
GrantRoleResponse& grantRole | ( | const GrantRoleRequest & | request_, |
GrantRoleResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Grants membership in a role to a user or role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
GrantRoleResponse grantRole | ( | const std::string & | role, |
const std::string & | member, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Grants membership in a role to a user or role.
role | Name of the role in which membership will be granted. Must be an existing role. |
member | Name of the user or role that will be granted membership in role. Must be an existing user or role. |
options | Optional parameters. |
GrantRoleResponse& grantRole | ( | const std::string & | role, |
const std::string & | member, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
GrantRoleResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Grants membership in a role to a user or role.
role | Name of the role in which membership will be granted. Must be an existing role. | |
member | Name of the user or role that will be granted membership in role. Must be an existing user or role. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
HasProcResponse hasProc | ( | const HasProcRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Checks the existence of a proc with the given name.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
HasProcResponse& hasProc | ( | const HasProcRequest & | request_, |
HasProcResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Checks the existence of a proc with the given name.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
HasProcResponse hasProc | ( | const std::string & | procName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Checks the existence of a proc with the given name.
procName | Name of the proc to check for existence. |
options | Optional parameters. |
HasProcResponse& hasProc | ( | const std::string & | procName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
HasProcResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Checks the existence of a proc with the given name.
procName | Name of the proc to check for existence. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
HasTableResponse hasTable | ( | const HasTableRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Checks for the existence of a table with the given name.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
HasTableResponse& hasTable | ( | const HasTableRequest & | request_, |
HasTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Checks for the existence of a table with the given name.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
HasTableResponse hasTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Checks for the existence of a table with the given name.
tableName | Name of the table to check for existence. |
options | Optional parameters. |
HasTableResponse& hasTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
HasTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Checks for the existence of a table with the given name.
tableName | Name of the table to check for existence. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
HasTypeResponse hasType | ( | const HasTypeRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Check for the existence of a type.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
HasTypeResponse& hasType | ( | const HasTypeRequest & | request_, |
HasTypeResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Check for the existence of a type.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
HasTypeResponse hasType | ( | const std::string & | typeId, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Check for the existence of a type.
typeId | Id of the type returned in response to /create/type request. |
options | Optional parameters. |
HasTypeResponse& hasType | ( | const std::string & | typeId, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
HasTypeResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Check for the existence of a type.
typeId | Id of the type returned in response to /create/type request. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
InsertRecordsResponse insertRecords | ( | const InsertRecordsRequest< TRequest > & | request_ | ) | const |
Adds multiple records to the specified table.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the records are fully inserted and available. The response payload provides the counts of the number of records actually inserted and/or updated, and can provide the unique identifier of each added record.
The options parameter can be used to customize this function's behavior.
The update_on_existing_pk option specifies the record collision policy for inserting into a table with a primary key, but is ignored if no primary key exists.
The return_record_ids option indicates that the database should return the unique identifiers of inserted records.
The route_to_address option directs that inserted records should be targeted for a particular database node.
<TRequest> | The type of object being added. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
Definition at line 10297 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
InsertRecordsResponse& insertRecords | ( | const InsertRecordsRequest< TRequest > & | request_, |
InsertRecordsResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Adds multiple records to the specified table.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the records are fully inserted and available. The response payload provides the counts of the number of records actually inserted and/or updated, and can provide the unique identifier of each added record.
The options parameter can be used to customize this function's behavior.
The update_on_existing_pk option specifies the record collision policy for inserting into a table with a primary key, but is ignored if no primary key exists.
The return_record_ids option indicates that the database should return the unique identifiers of inserted records.
The route_to_address option directs that inserted records should be targeted for a particular database node.
<TRequest> | The type of object being added. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 10341 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
InsertRecordsResponse insertRecords | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< TRequest > & | data, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Adds multiple records to the specified table.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the records are fully inserted and available. The response payload provides the counts of the number of records actually inserted and/or updated, and can provide the unique identifier of each added record.
The options parameter can be used to customize this function's behavior.
The update_on_existing_pk option specifies the record collision policy for inserting into a table with a primary key, but is ignored if no primary key exists.
The return_record_ids option indicates that the database should return the unique identifiers of inserted records.
The route_to_address option directs that inserted records should be targeted for a particular database node.
<TRequest> | The type of object being added. |
tableName | Table to which the records are to be added. Must be an existing table. |
data | An array of binary-encoded data for the records to be added. All records must be of the same type as that of the table. Empty array if listEncoding is json. |
options | Optional parameters.
Definition at line 10414 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
InsertRecordsResponse& insertRecords | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< TRequest > & | data, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
InsertRecordsResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Adds multiple records to the specified table.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the records are fully inserted and available. The response payload provides the counts of the number of records actually inserted and/or updated, and can provide the unique identifier of each added record.
The options parameter can be used to customize this function's behavior.
The update_on_existing_pk option specifies the record collision policy for inserting into a table with a primary key, but is ignored if no primary key exists.
The return_record_ids option indicates that the database should return the unique identifiers of inserted records.
The route_to_address option directs that inserted records should be targeted for a particular database node.
<TRequest> | The type of object being added. |
tableName | Table to which the records are to be added. Must be an existing table. | |
data | An array of binary-encoded data for the records to be added. All records must be of the same type as that of the table. Empty array if listEncoding is json. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 10492 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
InsertRecordsRandomResponse insertRecordsRandom | ( | const InsertRecordsRandomRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Generates a specified number of random records and adds them to the given table.
There is an optional parameter that allows the user to customize the ranges of the column values. It also allows the user to specify linear profiles for some or all columns in which case linear values are generated rather than random ones. Only individual tables are supported for this operation.
This operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all random records are fully available.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
InsertRecordsRandomResponse& insertRecordsRandom | ( | const InsertRecordsRandomRequest & | request_, |
InsertRecordsRandomResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Generates a specified number of random records and adds them to the given table.
There is an optional parameter that allows the user to customize the ranges of the column values. It also allows the user to specify linear profiles for some or all columns in which case linear values are generated rather than random ones. Only individual tables are supported for this operation.
This operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all random records are fully available.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
InsertRecordsRandomResponse insertRecordsRandom | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const int64_t | count, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, double > > & | options | ||
) | const |
Generates a specified number of random records and adds them to the given table.
There is an optional parameter that allows the user to customize the ranges of the column values. It also allows the user to specify linear profiles for some or all columns in which case linear values are generated rather than random ones. Only individual tables are supported for this operation.
This operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all random records are fully available.
tableName | Table to which random records will be added. Must be an existing table. Also, must be an individual table, not a collection of tables, nor a view of a table. |
count | Number of records to generate. |
options | Optional parameter to pass in specifications for the randomness of the values. This map is different from the options parameter of most other endpoints in that it is a map of string to map of string to doubles, while most others are maps of string to string. In this map, the top level keys represent which column's parameters are being specified, while the internal keys represents which parameter is being specified. The parameters that can be specified are: min, max, and interval. These parameters take on different meanings depending on the type of the column. Below follows a more detailed description of the map:
InsertRecordsRandomResponse& insertRecordsRandom | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const int64_t | count, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, double > > & | options, | ||
InsertRecordsRandomResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Generates a specified number of random records and adds them to the given table.
There is an optional parameter that allows the user to customize the ranges of the column values. It also allows the user to specify linear profiles for some or all columns in which case linear values are generated rather than random ones. Only individual tables are supported for this operation.
This operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all random records are fully available.
tableName | Table to which random records will be added. Must be an existing table. Also, must be an individual table, not a collection of tables, nor a view of a table. | |
count | Number of records to generate. | |
options | Optional parameter to pass in specifications for the randomness of the values. This map is different from the options parameter of most other endpoints in that it is a map of string to map of string to doubles, while most others are maps of string to string. In this map, the top level keys represent which column's parameters are being specified, while the internal keys represents which parameter is being specified. The parameters that can be specified are: min, max, and interval. These parameters take on different meanings depending on the type of the column. Below follows a more detailed description of the map:
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
InsertRecordsResponse insertRecordsRaw | ( | const RawInsertRecordsRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Adds multiple records to the specified table.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the records are fully inserted and available. The response payload provides the counts of the number of records actually inserted and/or updated, and can provide the unique identifier of each added record.
The options parameter can be used to customize this function's behavior.
The update_on_existing_pk option specifies the record collision policy for inserting into a table with a primary key, but is ignored if no primary key exists.
The return_record_ids option indicates that the database should return the unique identifiers of inserted records.
The route_to_address option directs that inserted records should be targeted for a particular database node.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
InsertRecordsResponse& insertRecordsRaw | ( | const RawInsertRecordsRequest & | request_, |
InsertRecordsResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Adds multiple records to the specified table.
The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the records are fully inserted and available. The response payload provides the counts of the number of records actually inserted and/or updated, and can provide the unique identifier of each added record.
The options parameter can be used to customize this function's behavior.
The update_on_existing_pk option specifies the record collision policy for inserting into a table with a primary key, but is ignored if no primary key exists.
The return_record_ids option indicates that the database should return the unique identifiers of inserted records.
The route_to_address option directs that inserted records should be targeted for a particular database node.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
InsertSymbolResponse insertSymbol | ( | const InsertSymbolRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Adds a symbol or icon (i.e.
an image) to represent data points when data is rendered visually. Users must provide the symbol identifier (string), a format (currently supported: 'svg' and 'svg_path'), the data for the symbol, and any additional optional parameter (e.g. color). To have a symbol used for rendering create a table with a string column named 'SYMBOLCODE' (along with 'x' or 'y' for example). Then when the table is rendered (via WMS) if the 'dosymbology' parameter is 'true' then the value of the 'SYMBOLCODE' column is used to pick the symbol displayed for each point.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
InsertSymbolResponse& insertSymbol | ( | const InsertSymbolRequest & | request_, |
InsertSymbolResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Adds a symbol or icon (i.e.
an image) to represent data points when data is rendered visually. Users must provide the symbol identifier (string), a format (currently supported: 'svg' and 'svg_path'), the data for the symbol, and any additional optional parameter (e.g. color). To have a symbol used for rendering create a table with a string column named 'SYMBOLCODE' (along with 'x' or 'y' for example). Then when the table is rendered (via WMS) if the 'dosymbology' parameter is 'true' then the value of the 'SYMBOLCODE' column is used to pick the symbol displayed for each point.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
InsertSymbolResponse insertSymbol | ( | const std::string & | symbolId, |
const std::string & | symbolFormat, | ||
const std::vector< uint8_t > & | symbolData, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Adds a symbol or icon (i.e.
an image) to represent data points when data is rendered visually. Users must provide the symbol identifier (string), a format (currently supported: 'svg' and 'svg_path'), the data for the symbol, and any additional optional parameter (e.g. color). To have a symbol used for rendering create a table with a string column named 'SYMBOLCODE' (along with 'x' or 'y' for example). Then when the table is rendered (via WMS) if the 'dosymbology' parameter is 'true' then the value of the 'SYMBOLCODE' column is used to pick the symbol displayed for each point.
symbolId | The id of the symbol being added. This is the same id that should be in the 'SYMBOLCODE' column for objects using this symbol |
symbolFormat | Specifies the symbol format. Must be either 'svg' or 'svg_path'. |
symbolData | The actual symbol data. If symbolFormat is 'svg' then this should be the raw bytes representing an svg file. If symbolFormat is svg path then this should be an svg path string, for example: 'M25.979,12.896,5.979,12.896,5.979,19.562,25.979,19.562z' |
options | Optional parameters.
InsertSymbolResponse& insertSymbol | ( | const std::string & | symbolId, |
const std::string & | symbolFormat, | ||
const std::vector< uint8_t > & | symbolData, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
InsertSymbolResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Adds a symbol or icon (i.e.
an image) to represent data points when data is rendered visually. Users must provide the symbol identifier (string), a format (currently supported: 'svg' and 'svg_path'), the data for the symbol, and any additional optional parameter (e.g. color). To have a symbol used for rendering create a table with a string column named 'SYMBOLCODE' (along with 'x' or 'y' for example). Then when the table is rendered (via WMS) if the 'dosymbology' parameter is 'true' then the value of the 'SYMBOLCODE' column is used to pick the symbol displayed for each point.
symbolId | The id of the symbol being added. This is the same id that should be in the 'SYMBOLCODE' column for objects using this symbol | |
symbolFormat | Specifies the symbol format. Must be either 'svg' or 'svg_path'. | |
symbolData | The actual symbol data. If symbolFormat is 'svg' then this should be the raw bytes representing an svg file. If symbolFormat is svg path then this should be an svg path string, for example: 'M25.979,12.896,5.979,12.896,5.979,19.562,25.979,19.562z' | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
KillProcResponse killProc | ( | const KillProcRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Kills a running proc instance.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
KillProcResponse& killProc | ( | const KillProcRequest & | request_, |
KillProcResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Kills a running proc instance.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
KillProcResponse killProc | ( | const std::string & | runId, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Kills a running proc instance.
runId | The run ID of the running proc instance. If the run ID is not found or the proc instance has already completed, this does nothing. If not specified, all running proc instances will be killed. |
options | Optional parameters. |
KillProcResponse& killProc | ( | const std::string & | runId, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
KillProcResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Kills a running proc instance.
runId | The run ID of the running proc instance. If the run ID is not found or the proc instance has already completed, this does nothing. If not specified, all running proc instances will be killed. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
LockTableResponse lockTable | ( | const LockTableRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Manages global access to a table's data.
By default a table has a lockType of unlock, indicating all operations are permitted. A user may request a read-only or a write-only lock, after which only read or write operations, respectively, are permitted on the table until the lock is removed. When lockType is disable then no operations are permitted on the table. The lock status can be queried by setting lockType to status.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
LockTableResponse& lockTable | ( | const LockTableRequest & | request_, |
LockTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Manages global access to a table's data.
By default a table has a lockType of unlock, indicating all operations are permitted. A user may request a read-only or a write-only lock, after which only read or write operations, respectively, are permitted on the table until the lock is removed. When lockType is disable then no operations are permitted on the table. The lock status can be queried by setting lockType to status.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
LockTableResponse lockTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | lockType, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Manages global access to a table's data.
By default a table has a lockType of unlock, indicating all operations are permitted. A user may request a read-only or a write-only lock, after which only read or write operations, respectively, are permitted on the table until the lock is removed. When lockType is disable then no operations are permitted on the table. The lock status can be queried by setting lockType to status.
tableName | Name of the table to be locked. It must be a currently existing table, collection, or view. |
lockType | The type of lock being applied to the table. Setting it to status will return the current lock status of the table without changing it.
options | Optional parameters. |
LockTableResponse& lockTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | lockType, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
LockTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Manages global access to a table's data.
By default a table has a lockType of unlock, indicating all operations are permitted. A user may request a read-only or a write-only lock, after which only read or write operations, respectively, are permitted on the table until the lock is removed. When lockType is disable then no operations are permitted on the table. The lock status can be queried by setting lockType to status.
tableName | Name of the table to be locked. It must be a currently existing table, collection, or view. | |
lockType | The type of lock being applied to the table. Setting it to status will return the current lock status of the table without changing it.
| |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
RevokePermissionSystemResponse revokePermissionSystem | ( | const RevokePermissionSystemRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Revokes a system-level permission from a user or role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
RevokePermissionSystemResponse& revokePermissionSystem | ( | const RevokePermissionSystemRequest & | request_, |
RevokePermissionSystemResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Revokes a system-level permission from a user or role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
RevokePermissionSystemResponse revokePermissionSystem | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | permission, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Revokes a system-level permission from a user or role.
name | Name of the user or role from which the permission will be revoked. Must be an existing user or role. |
permission | Permission to revoke from the user or role.
options | Optional parameters. |
RevokePermissionSystemResponse& revokePermissionSystem | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | permission, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
RevokePermissionSystemResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Revokes a system-level permission from a user or role.
name | Name of the user or role from which the permission will be revoked. Must be an existing user or role. | |
permission | Permission to revoke from the user or role.
| |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
RevokePermissionTableResponse revokePermissionTable | ( | const RevokePermissionTableRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Revokes a table-level permission from a user or role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
RevokePermissionTableResponse& revokePermissionTable | ( | const RevokePermissionTableRequest & | request_, |
RevokePermissionTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Revokes a table-level permission from a user or role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
RevokePermissionTableResponse revokePermissionTable | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | permission, | ||
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Revokes a table-level permission from a user or role.
name | Name of the user or role from which the permission will be revoked. Must be an existing user or role. |
permission | Permission to revoke from the user or role.
tableName | Name of the table to which the permission grants access. Must be an existing table, collection, or view. |
options | Optional parameters. |
RevokePermissionTableResponse& revokePermissionTable | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | permission, | ||
const std::string & | tableName, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
RevokePermissionTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Revokes a table-level permission from a user or role.
name | Name of the user or role from which the permission will be revoked. Must be an existing user or role. | |
permission | Permission to revoke from the user or role.
| |
tableName | Name of the table to which the permission grants access. Must be an existing table, collection, or view. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
RevokeRoleResponse revokeRole | ( | const RevokeRoleRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Revokes membership in a role from a user or role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
RevokeRoleResponse& revokeRole | ( | const RevokeRoleRequest & | request_, |
RevokeRoleResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Revokes membership in a role from a user or role.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
RevokeRoleResponse revokeRole | ( | const std::string & | role, |
const std::string & | member, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Revokes membership in a role from a user or role.
role | Name of the role in which membership will be revoked. Must be an existing role. |
member | Name of the user or role that will be revoked membership in role. Must be an existing user or role. |
options | Optional parameters. |
RevokeRoleResponse& revokeRole | ( | const std::string & | role, |
const std::string & | member, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
RevokeRoleResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Revokes membership in a role from a user or role.
role | Name of the role in which membership will be revoked. Must be an existing role. | |
member | Name of the user or role that will be revoked membership in role. Must be an existing user or role. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowProcResponse showProc | ( | const ShowProcRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Shows information about a proc.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ShowProcResponse& showProc | ( | const ShowProcRequest & | request_, |
ShowProcResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Shows information about a proc.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowProcResponse showProc | ( | const std::string & | procName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Shows information about a proc.
procName | Name of the proc to show information about. If specified, must be the name of a currently existing proc. If not specified, information about all procs will be returned. |
options | Optional parameters.
ShowProcResponse& showProc | ( | const std::string & | procName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
ShowProcResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Shows information about a proc.
procName | Name of the proc to show information about. If specified, must be the name of a currently existing proc. If not specified, information about all procs will be returned. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowProcStatusResponse showProcStatus | ( | const ShowProcStatusRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Shows the statuses of running or completed proc instances.
Results are grouped by run ID (as returned from const) and data segment ID (each invocation of the proc command on a data segment is assigned a data segment ID).
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ShowProcStatusResponse& showProcStatus | ( | const ShowProcStatusRequest & | request_, |
ShowProcStatusResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Shows the statuses of running or completed proc instances.
Results are grouped by run ID (as returned from const) and data segment ID (each invocation of the proc command on a data segment is assigned a data segment ID).
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowProcStatusResponse showProcStatus | ( | const std::string & | runId, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Shows the statuses of running or completed proc instances.
Results are grouped by run ID (as returned from const) and data segment ID (each invocation of the proc command on a data segment is assigned a data segment ID).
runId | The run ID of a specific running or completed proc instance for which the status will be returned. If the run ID is not found, nothing will be returned. If not specified, the statuses of all running and completed proc instances will be returned. |
options | Optional parameters.
ShowProcStatusResponse& showProcStatus | ( | const std::string & | runId, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
ShowProcStatusResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Shows the statuses of running or completed proc instances.
Results are grouped by run ID (as returned from const) and data segment ID (each invocation of the proc command on a data segment is assigned a data segment ID).
runId | The run ID of a specific running or completed proc instance for which the status will be returned. If the run ID is not found, nothing will be returned. If not specified, the statuses of all running and completed proc instances will be returned. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowSecurityResponse showSecurity | ( | const ShowSecurityRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Shows security information relating to users and/or roles.
If the caller is not a system administrator, only information relating to the caller and their roles is returned.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ShowSecurityResponse& showSecurity | ( | const ShowSecurityRequest & | request_, |
ShowSecurityResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Shows security information relating to users and/or roles.
If the caller is not a system administrator, only information relating to the caller and their roles is returned.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowSecurityResponse showSecurity | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | names, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Shows security information relating to users and/or roles.
If the caller is not a system administrator, only information relating to the caller and their roles is returned.
names | A list of names of users and/or roles about which security information is requested. If none are provided, information about all users and roles will be returned. |
options | Optional parameters. |
ShowSecurityResponse& showSecurity | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | names, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
ShowSecurityResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Shows security information relating to users and/or roles.
If the caller is not a system administrator, only information relating to the caller and their roles is returned.
names | A list of names of users and/or roles about which security information is requested. If none are provided, information about all users and roles will be returned. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse showSystemProperties | ( | const ShowSystemPropertiesRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Returns server configuration and version related information to the caller.
The admin tool uses it to present server related information to the user.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse& showSystemProperties | ( | const ShowSystemPropertiesRequest & | request_, |
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Returns server configuration and version related information to the caller.
The admin tool uses it to present server related information to the user.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse showSystemProperties | ( | const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ) | const |
Returns server configuration and version related information to the caller.
The admin tool uses it to present server related information to the user.
options | Optional parameters.
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse& showSystemProperties | ( | const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, |
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Returns server configuration and version related information to the caller.
The admin tool uses it to present server related information to the user.
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowSystemStatusResponse showSystemStatus | ( | const ShowSystemStatusRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Provides server configuration and health related status to the caller.
The admin tool uses it to present server related information to the user.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ShowSystemStatusResponse& showSystemStatus | ( | const ShowSystemStatusRequest & | request_, |
ShowSystemStatusResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Provides server configuration and health related status to the caller.
The admin tool uses it to present server related information to the user.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowSystemStatusResponse showSystemStatus | ( | const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ) | const |
Provides server configuration and health related status to the caller.
The admin tool uses it to present server related information to the user.
options | Optional parameters, currently unused. |
ShowSystemStatusResponse& showSystemStatus | ( | const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, |
ShowSystemStatusResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Provides server configuration and health related status to the caller.
The admin tool uses it to present server related information to the user.
options | Optional parameters, currently unused. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowSystemTimingResponse showSystemTiming | ( | const ShowSystemTimingRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Returns the last 100 database requests along with the request timing and internal job id.
The admin tool uses it to present request timing information to the user.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ShowSystemTimingResponse& showSystemTiming | ( | const ShowSystemTimingRequest & | request_, |
ShowSystemTimingResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Returns the last 100 database requests along with the request timing and internal job id.
The admin tool uses it to present request timing information to the user.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowSystemTimingResponse showSystemTiming | ( | const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ) | const |
Returns the last 100 database requests along with the request timing and internal job id.
The admin tool uses it to present request timing information to the user.
options | Optional parameters, currently unused. |
ShowSystemTimingResponse& showSystemTiming | ( | const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, |
ShowSystemTimingResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Returns the last 100 database requests along with the request timing and internal job id.
The admin tool uses it to present request timing information to the user.
options | Optional parameters, currently unused. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowTableResponse showTable | ( | const ShowTableRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Retrieves detailed information about a table, view, or collection, specified in tableName.
If the supplied tableName is a collection, the call can return information about either the collection itself or the tables and views it contains. If tableName is empty, information about all collections and top-level tables and views can be returned.
If the option get_sizes is set to true, then the sizes (objects and elements) of each table are returned (in sizes and fullSizes), along with the total number of objects in the requested table (in totalSize and totalFullSize).
For a collection, setting the show_children option to false returns only information about the collection itself; setting show_children to true returns a list of tables and views contained in the collection, along with their description, type id, schema, type label, type properties, and additional information including TTL.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ShowTableResponse& showTable | ( | const ShowTableRequest & | request_, |
ShowTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves detailed information about a table, view, or collection, specified in tableName.
If the supplied tableName is a collection, the call can return information about either the collection itself or the tables and views it contains. If tableName is empty, information about all collections and top-level tables and views can be returned.
If the option get_sizes is set to true, then the sizes (objects and elements) of each table are returned (in sizes and fullSizes), along with the total number of objects in the requested table (in totalSize and totalFullSize).
For a collection, setting the show_children option to false returns only information about the collection itself; setting show_children to true returns a list of tables and views contained in the collection, along with their description, type id, schema, type label, type properties, and additional information including TTL.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowTableResponse showTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves detailed information about a table, view, or collection, specified in tableName.
If the supplied tableName is a collection, the call can return information about either the collection itself or the tables and views it contains. If tableName is empty, information about all collections and top-level tables and views can be returned.
If the option get_sizes is set to true, then the sizes (objects and elements) of each table are returned (in sizes and fullSizes), along with the total number of objects in the requested table (in totalSize and totalFullSize).
For a collection, setting the show_children option to false returns only information about the collection itself; setting show_children to true returns a list of tables and views contained in the collection, along with their description, type id, schema, type label, type properties, and additional information including TTL.
tableName | Name of the table for which to retrieve the information. If blank, then information about all collections and top-level tables and views is returned. |
options | Optional parameters.
ShowTableResponse& showTable | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
ShowTableResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves detailed information about a table, view, or collection, specified in tableName.
If the supplied tableName is a collection, the call can return information about either the collection itself or the tables and views it contains. If tableName is empty, information about all collections and top-level tables and views can be returned.
If the option get_sizes is set to true, then the sizes (objects and elements) of each table are returned (in sizes and fullSizes), along with the total number of objects in the requested table (in totalSize and totalFullSize).
For a collection, setting the show_children option to false returns only information about the collection itself; setting show_children to true returns a list of tables and views contained in the collection, along with their description, type id, schema, type label, type properties, and additional information including TTL.
tableName | Name of the table for which to retrieve the information. If blank, then information about all collections and top-level tables and views is returned. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowTableMetadataResponse showTableMetadata | ( | const ShowTableMetadataRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Retrieves the user provided metadata for the specified tables.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ShowTableMetadataResponse& showTableMetadata | ( | const ShowTableMetadataRequest & | request_, |
ShowTableMetadataResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the user provided metadata for the specified tables.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowTableMetadataResponse showTableMetadata | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the user provided metadata for the specified tables.
tableNames | Tables whose metadata will be fetched. All provided tables must exist, or an error is returned. |
options | Optional parameters. |
ShowTableMetadataResponse& showTableMetadata | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
ShowTableMetadataResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves the user provided metadata for the specified tables.
tableNames | Tables whose metadata will be fetched. All provided tables must exist, or an error is returned. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowTablesByTypeResponse showTablesByType | ( | const ShowTablesByTypeRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Gets names of the tables whose type matches the given criteria.
Each table has a particular type. This type is made out of the type label, schema of the table, and the semantic type of the table. This function allows a look up of the existing tables based on full or partial type information. The operation is synchronous.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ShowTablesByTypeResponse& showTablesByType | ( | const ShowTablesByTypeRequest & | request_, |
ShowTablesByTypeResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Gets names of the tables whose type matches the given criteria.
Each table has a particular type. This type is made out of the type label, schema of the table, and the semantic type of the table. This function allows a look up of the existing tables based on full or partial type information. The operation is synchronous.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowTablesByTypeResponse showTablesByType | ( | const std::string & | typeId, |
const std::string & | label, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Gets names of the tables whose type matches the given criteria.
Each table has a particular type. This type is made out of the type label, schema of the table, and the semantic type of the table. This function allows a look up of the existing tables based on full or partial type information. The operation is synchronous.
typeId | Type id returned by a call to /create/type. |
label | Optional user supplied label which can be used instead of the type_id to retrieve all tables with the given label. |
options | Optional parameters. |
ShowTablesByTypeResponse& showTablesByType | ( | const std::string & | typeId, |
const std::string & | label, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
ShowTablesByTypeResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Gets names of the tables whose type matches the given criteria.
Each table has a particular type. This type is made out of the type label, schema of the table, and the semantic type of the table. This function allows a look up of the existing tables based on full or partial type information. The operation is synchronous.
typeId | Type id returned by a call to /create/type. | |
label | Optional user supplied label which can be used instead of the type_id to retrieve all tables with the given label. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowTriggersResponse showTriggers | ( | const ShowTriggersRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Retrieves information regarding the specified triggers or all existing triggers currently active.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ShowTriggersResponse& showTriggers | ( | const ShowTriggersRequest & | request_, |
ShowTriggersResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves information regarding the specified triggers or all existing triggers currently active.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowTriggersResponse showTriggers | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | triggerIds, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves information regarding the specified triggers or all existing triggers currently active.
triggerIds | List of IDs of the triggers whose information is to be retrieved. An empty list means information will be retrieved on all active triggers. |
options | Optional parameters. |
ShowTriggersResponse& showTriggers | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | triggerIds, |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
ShowTriggersResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves information regarding the specified triggers or all existing triggers currently active.
triggerIds | List of IDs of the triggers whose information is to be retrieved. An empty list means information will be retrieved on all active triggers. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowTypesResponse showTypes | ( | const ShowTypesRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Retrieves information for the specified data type.
Given a type ID, the database returns the data type schema, the label, and the semantic type along with the type ID. If the user provides any combination of label and semantic type, then the database returns the pertinent information for all data types that match the input criteria.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
ShowTypesResponse& showTypes | ( | const ShowTypesRequest & | request_, |
ShowTypesResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves information for the specified data type.
Given a type ID, the database returns the data type schema, the label, and the semantic type along with the type ID. If the user provides any combination of label and semantic type, then the database returns the pertinent information for all data types that match the input criteria.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
ShowTypesResponse showTypes | ( | const std::string & | typeId, |
const std::string & | label, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Retrieves information for the specified data type.
Given a type ID, the database returns the data type schema, the label, and the semantic type along with the type ID. If the user provides any combination of label and semantic type, then the database returns the pertinent information for all data types that match the input criteria.
typeId | Type Id returned in response to a call to /create/type. |
label | Option string that was supplied by user in a call to /create/type. |
options | Optional parameters. |
ShowTypesResponse& showTypes | ( | const std::string & | typeId, |
const std::string & | label, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
ShowTypesResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Retrieves information for the specified data type.
Given a type ID, the database returns the data type schema, the label, and the semantic type along with the type ID. If the user provides any combination of label and semantic type, then the database returns the pertinent information for all data types that match the input criteria.
typeId | Type Id returned in response to a call to /create/type. | |
label | Option string that was supplied by user in a call to /create/type. | |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
UpdateRecordsResponse updateRecords | ( | const UpdateRecordsRequest< TRequest > & | request_ | ) | const |
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call.
With the list of given expressions, any matching record's column values will be updated as provided in newValuesMaps. There is also an optional 'upsert' capability where if a particular predicate doesn't match any existing record, then a new record can be inserted.
Note that this operation can only be run on an original table and not on a collection or a result view.
This operation can update primary key values. By default only 'pure primary key' predicates are allowed when updating primary key values. If the primary key for a table is the column 'attr1', then the operation will only accept predicates of the form: "attr1 == 'foo'" if the attr1 column is being updated. For a composite primary key (e.g. columns 'attr1' and 'attr2') then this operation will only accept predicates of the form: "(attr1 == 'foo') and (attr2 == 'bar')". Meaning, all primary key columns must appear in an equality predicate in the expressions. Furthermore each 'pure primary key' predicate must be unique within a given request. These restrictions can be removed by utilizing some available options through options.
<TRequest> | The type of object being added. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
Definition at line 12456 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
UpdateRecordsResponse& updateRecords | ( | const UpdateRecordsRequest< TRequest > & | request_, |
UpdateRecordsResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call.
With the list of given expressions, any matching record's column values will be updated as provided in newValuesMaps. There is also an optional 'upsert' capability where if a particular predicate doesn't match any existing record, then a new record can be inserted.
Note that this operation can only be run on an original table and not on a collection or a result view.
This operation can update primary key values. By default only 'pure primary key' predicates are allowed when updating primary key values. If the primary key for a table is the column 'attr1', then the operation will only accept predicates of the form: "attr1 == 'foo'" if the attr1 column is being updated. For a composite primary key (e.g. columns 'attr1' and 'attr2') then this operation will only accept predicates of the form: "(attr1 == 'foo') and (attr2 == 'bar')". Meaning, all primary key columns must appear in an equality predicate in the expressions. Furthermore each 'pure primary key' predicate must be unique within a given request. These restrictions can be removed by utilizing some available options through options.
<TRequest> | The type of object being added. |
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 12503 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
UpdateRecordsResponse updateRecords | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | expressions, | ||
const std::vector< std::map< std::string, boost::optional< std::string > > > & | newValuesMaps, | ||
const std::vector< TRequest > & | data, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call.
With the list of given expressions, any matching record's column values will be updated as provided in newValuesMaps. There is also an optional 'upsert' capability where if a particular predicate doesn't match any existing record, then a new record can be inserted.
Note that this operation can only be run on an original table and not on a collection or a result view.
This operation can update primary key values. By default only 'pure primary key' predicates are allowed when updating primary key values. If the primary key for a table is the column 'attr1', then the operation will only accept predicates of the form: "attr1 == 'foo'" if the attr1 column is being updated. For a composite primary key (e.g. columns 'attr1' and 'attr2') then this operation will only accept predicates of the form: "(attr1 == 'foo') and (attr2 == 'bar')". Meaning, all primary key columns must appear in an equality predicate in the expressions. Furthermore each 'pure primary key' predicate must be unique within a given request. These restrictions can be removed by utilizing some available options through options.
<TRequest> | The type of object being added. |
tableName | Table to be updated. Must be a currently existing table and not a collection or view. |
expressions | A list of the actual predicates, one for each update; format should follow the guidelines /filter. |
newValuesMaps | List of new values for the matching records. Each element is a map with (key, value) pairs where the keys are the names of the columns whose values are to be updated; the values are the new values. The number of elements in the list should match the length of expressions. |
data | An optional list of new binary-avro encoded records to insert, one for each update. If one of expressions does not yield a matching record to be updated, then the corresponding element from this list will be added to the table. |
options | Optional parameters.
Definition at line 12588 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
UpdateRecordsResponse& updateRecords | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | expressions, | ||
const std::vector< std::map< std::string, boost::optional< std::string > > > & | newValuesMaps, | ||
const std::vector< TRequest > & | data, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
UpdateRecordsResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call.
With the list of given expressions, any matching record's column values will be updated as provided in newValuesMaps. There is also an optional 'upsert' capability where if a particular predicate doesn't match any existing record, then a new record can be inserted.
Note that this operation can only be run on an original table and not on a collection or a result view.
This operation can update primary key values. By default only 'pure primary key' predicates are allowed when updating primary key values. If the primary key for a table is the column 'attr1', then the operation will only accept predicates of the form: "attr1 == 'foo'" if the attr1 column is being updated. For a composite primary key (e.g. columns 'attr1' and 'attr2') then this operation will only accept predicates of the form: "(attr1 == 'foo') and (attr2 == 'bar')". Meaning, all primary key columns must appear in an equality predicate in the expressions. Furthermore each 'pure primary key' predicate must be unique within a given request. These restrictions can be removed by utilizing some available options through options.
<TRequest> | The type of object being added. |
tableName | Table to be updated. Must be a currently existing table and not a collection or view. | |
expressions | A list of the actual predicates, one for each update; format should follow the guidelines /filter. | |
newValuesMaps | List of new values for the matching records. Each element is a map with (key, value) pairs where the keys are the names of the columns whose values are to be updated; the values are the new values. The number of elements in the list should match the length of expressions. | |
data | An optional list of new binary-avro encoded records to insert, one for each update. If one of expressions does not yield a matching record to be updated, then the corresponding element from this list will be added to the table. | |
options | Optional parameters.
| |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
Definition at line 12680 of file GPUdbFunctions.hpp.
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse updateRecordsBySeries | ( | const UpdateRecordsBySeriesRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Updates the view specified by tableName to include full series (track) information from the worldTableName for the series (tracks) present in the viewName.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse& updateRecordsBySeries | ( | const UpdateRecordsBySeriesRequest & | request_, |
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Updates the view specified by tableName to include full series (track) information from the worldTableName for the series (tracks) present in the viewName.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse updateRecordsBySeries | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | worldTableName, | ||
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | reserved, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Updates the view specified by tableName to include full series (track) information from the worldTableName for the series (tracks) present in the viewName.
tableName | Name of the view on which the update operation will be performed. Must be an existing view. |
worldTableName | Name of the table containing the complete series (track) information. |
viewName | Optional name of the view containing the series (tracks) which have to be updated. |
reserved | |
options | Optional parameters. |
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse& updateRecordsBySeries | ( | const std::string & | tableName, |
const std::string & | worldTableName, | ||
const std::string & | viewName, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | reserved, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Updates the view specified by tableName to include full series (track) information from the worldTableName for the series (tracks) present in the viewName.
tableName | Name of the view on which the update operation will be performed. Must be an existing view. | |
worldTableName | Name of the table containing the complete series (track) information. | |
viewName | Optional name of the view containing the series (tracks) which have to be updated. | |
reserved | ||
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
UpdateRecordsResponse updateRecordsRaw | ( | const RawUpdateRecordsRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call.
With the list of given expressions, any matching record's column values will be updated as provided in newValuesMaps. There is also an optional 'upsert' capability where if a particular predicate doesn't match any existing record, then a new record can be inserted.
Note that this operation can only be run on an original table and not on a collection or a result view.
This operation can update primary key values. By default only 'pure primary key' predicates are allowed when updating primary key values. If the primary key for a table is the column 'attr1', then the operation will only accept predicates of the form: "attr1 == 'foo'" if the attr1 column is being updated. For a composite primary key (e.g. columns 'attr1' and 'attr2') then this operation will only accept predicates of the form: "(attr1 == 'foo') and (attr2 == 'bar')". Meaning, all primary key columns must appear in an equality predicate in the expressions. Furthermore each 'pure primary key' predicate must be unique within a given request. These restrictions can be removed by utilizing some available options through options.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
UpdateRecordsResponse& updateRecordsRaw | ( | const RawUpdateRecordsRequest & | request_, |
UpdateRecordsResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call.
With the list of given expressions, any matching record's column values will be updated as provided in newValuesMaps. There is also an optional 'upsert' capability where if a particular predicate doesn't match any existing record, then a new record can be inserted.
Note that this operation can only be run on an original table and not on a collection or a result view.
This operation can update primary key values. By default only 'pure primary key' predicates are allowed when updating primary key values. If the primary key for a table is the column 'attr1', then the operation will only accept predicates of the form: "attr1 == 'foo'" if the attr1 column is being updated. For a composite primary key (e.g. columns 'attr1' and 'attr2') then this operation will only accept predicates of the form: "(attr1 == 'foo') and (attr2 == 'bar')". Meaning, all primary key columns must appear in an equality predicate in the expressions. Furthermore each 'pure primary key' predicate must be unique within a given request. These restrictions can be removed by utilizing some available options through options.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
VisualizeVideoResponse visualizeVideo | ( | const VisualizeVideoRequest & | request_ | ) | const |
Creates raster images of data in the given table based on provided input parameters.
Numerous parameters are required to call this function. Some of the important parameters are the attributes of the generated images (bgColor, width, height), the collection of table names on which this function is to be applied, for which shapes (point, polygon, tracks) the images are to be created and a user specified session key. This session key is later used to fetch the generated images. The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until the images for all the frames of the video are fully available.
Once the request has been processed then the generated video frames are available for download via WMS using STYLES=cached. In this request the LAYERS parameter should be populated with the session key passed in sessionKey of the visualize video request and the FRAME parameter indicates which 0-based frame of the video should be returned. All other WMS parameters are ignored for this mode.
For instance, if a 20 frame video with the session key 'MY-SESSION-KEY' was generated, the first frame could be retrieved with the URL:
and the last frame could be retrieved with:
The response payload provides, among other things, the number of frames which were created.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
VisualizeVideoResponse& visualizeVideo | ( | const VisualizeVideoRequest & | request_, |
VisualizeVideoResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates raster images of data in the given table based on provided input parameters.
Numerous parameters are required to call this function. Some of the important parameters are the attributes of the generated images (bgColor, width, height), the collection of table names on which this function is to be applied, for which shapes (point, polygon, tracks) the images are to be created and a user specified session key. This session key is later used to fetch the generated images. The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until the images for all the frames of the video are fully available.
Once the request has been processed then the generated video frames are available for download via WMS using STYLES=cached. In this request the LAYERS parameter should be populated with the session key passed in sessionKey of the visualize video request and the FRAME parameter indicates which 0-based frame of the video should be returned. All other WMS parameters are ignored for this mode.
For instance, if a 20 frame video with the session key 'MY-SESSION-KEY' was generated, the first frame could be retrieved with the URL:
and the last frame could be retrieved with:
The response payload provides, among other things, the number of frames which were created.
[in] | request_ | Request object containing the parameters for the operation. |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |
VisualizeVideoResponse visualizeVideo | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | worldTableNames, | ||
const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > & | trackIds, | ||
const std::string & | xColumnName, | ||
const std::string & | yColumnName, | ||
const double | minX, | ||
const double | maxX, | ||
const double | minY, | ||
const double | maxY, | ||
const int32_t | width, | ||
const int32_t | height, | ||
const std::string & | projection, | ||
const int64_t | bgColor, | ||
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & | timeIntervals, | ||
const std::string & | videoStyle, | ||
const std::string & | sessionKey, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > & | styleOptions, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options | ||
) | const |
Creates raster images of data in the given table based on provided input parameters.
Numerous parameters are required to call this function. Some of the important parameters are the attributes of the generated images (bgColor, width, height), the collection of table names on which this function is to be applied, for which shapes (point, polygon, tracks) the images are to be created and a user specified session key. This session key is later used to fetch the generated images. The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until the images for all the frames of the video are fully available.
Once the request has been processed then the generated video frames are available for download via WMS using STYLES=cached. In this request the LAYERS parameter should be populated with the session key passed in sessionKey of the visualize video request and the FRAME parameter indicates which 0-based frame of the video should be returned. All other WMS parameters are ignored for this mode.
For instance, if a 20 frame video with the session key 'MY-SESSION-KEY' was generated, the first frame could be retrieved with the URL:
and the last frame could be retrieved with:
The response payload provides, among other things, the number of frames which were created.
tableNames | Names of the tables containing the data for various layers of the resulting video. |
worldTableNames | Optional name of the tables containing the data for the entire track when the tableNames contains only part of the track data, but the entire track has to be rendered. The number of tables should match the number of tables in the tableNames |
trackIds | Tracks from the tableNames to be rendered. |
xColumnName | Name of the column containing the x coordinates. |
yColumnName | Name of the column containing the y coordinates. |
minX | Lower bound for the x values. |
maxX | Upper bound for the x values. |
minY | Lower bound for the y values. |
maxY | Upper bound for the y values. |
width | Width of the generated image. |
height | Height of the generated image. |
projection | Spatial Reference System (i.e. EPSG Code). |
bgColor | Background color of the generated image. |
timeIntervals | |
videoStyle | |
sessionKey | User Provided session key that is later used to retrieve the generated video from the WMS. |
styleOptions | Styling options for the image.
options | Optional parameters. |
VisualizeVideoResponse& visualizeVideo | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | tableNames, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | worldTableNames, | ||
const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > & | trackIds, | ||
const std::string & | xColumnName, | ||
const std::string & | yColumnName, | ||
const double | minX, | ||
const double | maxX, | ||
const double | minY, | ||
const double | maxY, | ||
const int32_t | width, | ||
const int32_t | height, | ||
const std::string & | projection, | ||
const int64_t | bgColor, | ||
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & | timeIntervals, | ||
const std::string & | videoStyle, | ||
const std::string & | sessionKey, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > & | styleOptions, | ||
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | options, | ||
VisualizeVideoResponse & | response_ | ||
) | const |
Creates raster images of data in the given table based on provided input parameters.
Numerous parameters are required to call this function. Some of the important parameters are the attributes of the generated images (bgColor, width, height), the collection of table names on which this function is to be applied, for which shapes (point, polygon, tracks) the images are to be created and a user specified session key. This session key is later used to fetch the generated images. The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until the images for all the frames of the video are fully available.
Once the request has been processed then the generated video frames are available for download via WMS using STYLES=cached. In this request the LAYERS parameter should be populated with the session key passed in sessionKey of the visualize video request and the FRAME parameter indicates which 0-based frame of the video should be returned. All other WMS parameters are ignored for this mode.
For instance, if a 20 frame video with the session key 'MY-SESSION-KEY' was generated, the first frame could be retrieved with the URL:
and the last frame could be retrieved with:
The response payload provides, among other things, the number of frames which were created.
tableNames | Names of the tables containing the data for various layers of the resulting video. | |
worldTableNames | Optional name of the tables containing the data for the entire track when the tableNames contains only part of the track data, but the entire track has to be rendered. The number of tables should match the number of tables in the tableNames | |
trackIds | Tracks from the tableNames to be rendered. | |
xColumnName | Name of the column containing the x coordinates. | |
yColumnName | Name of the column containing the y coordinates. | |
minX | Lower bound for the x values. | |
maxX | Upper bound for the x values. | |
minY | Lower bound for the y values. | |
maxY | Upper bound for the y values. | |
width | Width of the generated image. | |
height | Height of the generated image. | |
projection | Spatial Reference System (i.e. EPSG Code). | |
bgColor | Background color of the generated image. | |
timeIntervals | ||
videoStyle | ||
sessionKey | User Provided session key that is later used to retrieve the generated video from the WMS. | |
styleOptions | Styling options for the image.
| |
options | Optional parameters. | |
[out] | response_ | Response object containing the results of the operation. |