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gpudb::GenericRecord Class Reference

#include <gpudb/GenericRecord.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 GenericRecord (const Type &type)
const TypegetType () const
const ::avro::ValidSchema & getSchema () const
template<typename T >
T & value (const size_t index)
template<typename T >
const T & value (const size_t index) const
template<typename T >
T & value (const std::string &name)
template<typename T >
const T & value (const std::string &name) const
std::vector< uint8_t > & bytesValue (const size_t index)
const std::vector< uint8_t > & bytesValue (const size_t index) const
std::vector< uint8_t > & bytesValue (const std::string &name)
const std::vector< uint8_t > & bytesValue (const std::string &name) const
double & doubleValue (const size_t index)
const double & doubleValue (const size_t index) const
double & doubleValue (const std::string &name)
const double & doubleValue (const std::string &name) const
float & floatValue (const size_t index)
const float & floatValue (const size_t index) const
float & floatValue (const std::string &name)
const float & floatValue (const std::string &name) const
int32_t & intValue (const size_t index)
const int32_t & intValue (const size_t index) const
int32_t & intValue (const std::string &name)
const int32_t & intValue (const std::string &name) const
int64_t & longValue (const size_t index)
const int64_t & longValue (const size_t index) const
int64_t & longValue (const std::string &name)
const int64_t & longValue (const std::string &name) const
std::string & stringValue (const size_t index)
const std::string & stringValue (const size_t index) const
std::string & stringValue (const std::string &name)
const std::string & stringValue (const std::string &name) const
boost::optional< std::vector
< uint8_t > > & 
nullableBytesValue (const size_t index)
const boost::optional
< std::vector< uint8_t > > & 
nullableBytesValue (const size_t index) const
boost::optional< std::vector
< uint8_t > > & 
nullableBytesValue (const std::string &name)
const boost::optional
< std::vector< uint8_t > > & 
nullableBytesValue (const std::string &name) const
boost::optional< double > & nullableDoubleValue (const size_t index)
const boost::optional< double > & nullableDoubleValue (const size_t index) const
boost::optional< double > & nullableDoubleValue (const std::string &name)
const boost::optional< double > & nullableDoubleValue (const std::string &name) const
boost::optional< float > & nullableFloatValue (const size_t index)
const boost::optional< float > & nullableFloatValue (const size_t index) const
boost::optional< float > & nullableFloatValue (const std::string &name)
const boost::optional< float > & nullableFloatValue (const std::string &name) const
boost::optional< int32_t > & nullableIntValue (const size_t index)
const boost::optional< int32_t > & nullableIntValue (const size_t index) const
boost::optional< int32_t > & nullableIntValue (const std::string &name)
const boost::optional< int32_t > & nullableIntValue (const std::string &name) const
boost::optional< int64_t > & nullableLongValue (const size_t index)
const boost::optional< int64_t > & nullableLongValue (const size_t index) const
boost::optional< int64_t > & nullableLongValue (const std::string &name)
const boost::optional< int64_t > & nullableLongValue (const std::string &name) const
boost::optional< std::string > & nullableStringValue (const size_t index)
const boost::optional
< std::string > & 
nullableStringValue (const size_t index) const
boost::optional< std::string > & nullableStringValue (const std::string &name)
const boost::optional
< std::string > & 
nullableStringValue (const std::string &name) const
bool isNull (const size_t index) const
bool isNull (const std::string &name) const
void getAsBytes (const size_t index, std::vector< uint8_t > &result) const
void getAsBytes (const std::string &name, std::vector< uint8_t > &result) const
std::vector< uint8_t > getAsBytes (const size_t index) const
std::vector< uint8_t > getAsBytes (const std::string &name) const
void getAsDouble (const size_t index, double &result) const
void getAsDouble (const std::string &name, double &result) const
double getAsDouble (const size_t index) const
double getAsDouble (const std::string &name) const
void getAsFloat (const size_t index, float &result) const
void getAsFloat (const std::string &name, float &result) const
float getAsFloat (const size_t index) const
float getAsFloat (const std::string &name) const
void getAsInt (const size_t index, int32_t &result) const
void getAsInt (const std::string &name, int32_t &result) const
int32_t getAsInt (const size_t index) const
int32_t getAsInt (const std::string &name) const
void getAsLong (const size_t index, int64_t &result) const
void getAsLong (const std::string &name, int64_t &result) const
int64_t getAsLong (const size_t index) const
int64_t getAsLong (const std::string &name) const
void getAsString (const size_t index, std::string &result) const
void getAsString (const std::string &name, std::string &result) const
std::string getAsString (const size_t index) const
std::string getAsString (const std::string &name) const
void getAsNullableBytes (const size_t index, boost::optional< std::vector< uint8_t > > &result) const
void getAsNullableBytes (const std::string &name, boost::optional< std::vector< uint8_t > > &result) const
boost::optional< std::vector
< uint8_t > > 
getAsNullableBytes (const size_t index) const
boost::optional< std::vector
< uint8_t > > 
getAsNullableBytes (const std::string &name) const
void getAsNullableDouble (const size_t index, boost::optional< double > &result) const
void getAsNullableDouble (const std::string &name, boost::optional< double > &result) const
boost::optional< double > getAsNullableDouble (const size_t index) const
boost::optional< double > getAsNullableDouble (const std::string &name) const
void getAsNullableFloat (const size_t index, boost::optional< float > &result) const
void getAsNullableFloat (const std::string &name, boost::optional< float > &result) const
boost::optional< float > getAsNullableFloat (const size_t index) const
boost::optional< float > getAsNullableFloat (const std::string &name) const
void getAsNullableInt (const size_t index, boost::optional< int32_t > &result) const
void getAsNullableInt (const std::string &name, boost::optional< int32_t > &result) const
boost::optional< int32_t > getAsNullableInt (const size_t index) const
boost::optional< int32_t > getAsNullableInt (const std::string &name) const
void getAsNullableLong (const size_t index, boost::optional< int64_t > &result) const
void getAsNullableLong (const std::string &name, boost::optional< int64_t > &result) const
boost::optional< int64_t > getAsNullableLong (const size_t index) const
boost::optional< int64_t > getAsNullableLong (const std::string &name) const
void getAsNullableString (const size_t index, boost::optional< std::string > &result) const
void getAsNullableString (const std::string &name, boost::optional< std::string > &result) const
boost::optional< std::string > getAsNullableString (const size_t index) const
boost::optional< std::string > getAsNullableString (const std::string &name) const
void setNull (const size_t index)
void setNull (const std::string &name)
void setAsBytes (const size_t index, const std::vector< uint8_t > &newValue)
void setAsBytes (const std::string &name, const std::vector< uint8_t > &newValue)
void setAsDouble (const size_t index, const double &newValue)
void setAsDouble (const std::string &name, const double &newValue)
void setAsFloat (const size_t index, const float &newValue)
void setAsFloat (const std::string &name, const float &newValue)
void setAsInt (const size_t index, const int32_t &newValue)
void setAsInt (const std::string &name, const int32_t &newValue)
void setAsLong (const size_t index, const int64_t &newValue)
void setAsLong (const std::string &name, const int64_t &newValue)
void setAsString (const size_t index, const std::string &newValue)
void setAsString (const std::string &name, const std::string &newValue)
void setAsNullableBytes (const size_t index, const boost::optional< std::vector< uint8_t > > &newValue)
void setAsNullableBytes (const std::string &name, const boost::optional< std::vector< uint8_t > > &newValue)
void setAsNullableDouble (const size_t index, const boost::optional< double > &newValue)
void setAsNullableDouble (const std::string &name, const boost::optional< double > &newValue)
void setAsNullableFloat (const size_t index, const boost::optional< float > &newValue)
void setAsNullableFloat (const std::string &name, const boost::optional< float > &newValue)
void setAsNullableInt (const size_t index, const boost::optional< int32_t > &newValue)
void setAsNullableInt (const std::string &name, const boost::optional< int32_t > &newValue)
void setAsNullableLong (const size_t index, const boost::optional< int64_t > &newValue)
void setAsNullableLong (const std::string &name, const boost::optional< int64_t > &newValue)
void setAsNullableString (const size_t index, const boost::optional< std::string > &newValue)
void setAsNullableString (const std::string &name, const boost::optional< std::string > &newValue)
void toString (const size_t index, std::string &result) const
void toString (const std::string &name, std::string &result) const
std::string toString (const size_t index) const
std::string toString (const std::string &name) const


class GPUdb

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file GenericRecord.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gpudb::GenericRecord::GenericRecord ( const Type type)

Member Function Documentation

std::vector<uint8_t>& gpudb::GenericRecord::bytesValue ( const size_t  index)
const std::vector<uint8_t>& gpudb::GenericRecord::bytesValue ( const size_t  index) const
std::vector<uint8_t>& gpudb::GenericRecord::bytesValue ( const std::string &  name)
const std::vector<uint8_t>& gpudb::GenericRecord::bytesValue ( const std::string &  name) const
double& gpudb::GenericRecord::doubleValue ( const size_t  index)
const double& gpudb::GenericRecord::doubleValue ( const size_t  index) const
double& gpudb::GenericRecord::doubleValue ( const std::string &  name)
const double& gpudb::GenericRecord::doubleValue ( const std::string &  name) const
float& gpudb::GenericRecord::floatValue ( const size_t  index)
const float& gpudb::GenericRecord::floatValue ( const size_t  index) const
float& gpudb::GenericRecord::floatValue ( const std::string &  name)
const float& gpudb::GenericRecord::floatValue ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsBytes ( const size_t  index,
std::vector< uint8_t > &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsBytes ( const std::string &  name,
std::vector< uint8_t > &  result 
) const
std::vector<uint8_t> gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsBytes ( const size_t  index) const
std::vector<uint8_t> gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsBytes ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsDouble ( const size_t  index,
double &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsDouble ( const std::string &  name,
double &  result 
) const
double gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsDouble ( const size_t  index) const
double gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsDouble ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsFloat ( const size_t  index,
float &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsFloat ( const std::string &  name,
float &  result 
) const
float gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsFloat ( const size_t  index) const
float gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsFloat ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsInt ( const size_t  index,
int32_t &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsInt ( const std::string &  name,
int32_t &  result 
) const
int32_t gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsInt ( const size_t  index) const
int32_t gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsInt ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsLong ( const size_t  index,
int64_t &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsLong ( const std::string &  name,
int64_t &  result 
) const
int64_t gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsLong ( const size_t  index) const
int64_t gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsLong ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableBytes ( const size_t  index,
boost::optional< std::vector< uint8_t > > &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableBytes ( const std::string &  name,
boost::optional< std::vector< uint8_t > > &  result 
) const
boost::optional<std::vector<uint8_t> > gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableBytes ( const size_t  index) const
boost::optional<std::vector<uint8_t> > gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableBytes ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableDouble ( const size_t  index,
boost::optional< double > &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableDouble ( const std::string &  name,
boost::optional< double > &  result 
) const
boost::optional<double> gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableDouble ( const size_t  index) const
boost::optional<double> gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableDouble ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableFloat ( const size_t  index,
boost::optional< float > &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableFloat ( const std::string &  name,
boost::optional< float > &  result 
) const
boost::optional<float> gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableFloat ( const size_t  index) const
boost::optional<float> gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableFloat ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableInt ( const size_t  index,
boost::optional< int32_t > &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableInt ( const std::string &  name,
boost::optional< int32_t > &  result 
) const
boost::optional<int32_t> gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableInt ( const size_t  index) const
boost::optional<int32_t> gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableInt ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableLong ( const size_t  index,
boost::optional< int64_t > &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableLong ( const std::string &  name,
boost::optional< int64_t > &  result 
) const
boost::optional<int64_t> gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableLong ( const size_t  index) const
boost::optional<int64_t> gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableLong ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableString ( const size_t  index,
boost::optional< std::string > &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableString ( const std::string &  name,
boost::optional< std::string > &  result 
) const
boost::optional<std::string> gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableString ( const size_t  index) const
boost::optional<std::string> gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsNullableString ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsString ( const size_t  index,
std::string &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsString ( const std::string &  name,
std::string &  result 
) const
std::string gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsString ( const size_t  index) const
std::string gpudb::GenericRecord::getAsString ( const std::string &  name) const
const ::avro::ValidSchema& gpudb::GenericRecord::getSchema ( ) const
const Type& gpudb::GenericRecord::getType ( ) const
int32_t& gpudb::GenericRecord::intValue ( const size_t  index)
const int32_t& gpudb::GenericRecord::intValue ( const size_t  index) const
int32_t& gpudb::GenericRecord::intValue ( const std::string &  name)
const int32_t& gpudb::GenericRecord::intValue ( const std::string &  name) const
bool gpudb::GenericRecord::isNull ( const size_t  index) const
bool gpudb::GenericRecord::isNull ( const std::string &  name) const
int64_t& gpudb::GenericRecord::longValue ( const size_t  index)
const int64_t& gpudb::GenericRecord::longValue ( const size_t  index) const
int64_t& gpudb::GenericRecord::longValue ( const std::string &  name)
const int64_t& gpudb::GenericRecord::longValue ( const std::string &  name) const
boost::optional<std::vector<uint8_t> >& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableBytesValue ( const size_t  index)
const boost::optional<std::vector<uint8_t> >& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableBytesValue ( const size_t  index) const
boost::optional<std::vector<uint8_t> >& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableBytesValue ( const std::string &  name)
const boost::optional<std::vector<uint8_t> >& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableBytesValue ( const std::string &  name) const
boost::optional<double>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableDoubleValue ( const size_t  index)
const boost::optional<double>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableDoubleValue ( const size_t  index) const
boost::optional<double>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableDoubleValue ( const std::string &  name)
const boost::optional<double>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableDoubleValue ( const std::string &  name) const
boost::optional<float>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableFloatValue ( const size_t  index)
const boost::optional<float>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableFloatValue ( const size_t  index) const
boost::optional<float>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableFloatValue ( const std::string &  name)
const boost::optional<float>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableFloatValue ( const std::string &  name) const
boost::optional<int32_t>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableIntValue ( const size_t  index)
const boost::optional<int32_t>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableIntValue ( const size_t  index) const
boost::optional<int32_t>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableIntValue ( const std::string &  name)
const boost::optional<int32_t>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableIntValue ( const std::string &  name) const
boost::optional<int64_t>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableLongValue ( const size_t  index)
const boost::optional<int64_t>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableLongValue ( const size_t  index) const
boost::optional<int64_t>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableLongValue ( const std::string &  name)
const boost::optional<int64_t>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableLongValue ( const std::string &  name) const
boost::optional<std::string>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableStringValue ( const size_t  index)
const boost::optional<std::string>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableStringValue ( const size_t  index) const
boost::optional<std::string>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableStringValue ( const std::string &  name)
const boost::optional<std::string>& gpudb::GenericRecord::nullableStringValue ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsBytes ( const size_t  index,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsBytes ( const std::string &  name,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsDouble ( const size_t  index,
const double &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsDouble ( const std::string &  name,
const double &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsFloat ( const size_t  index,
const float &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsFloat ( const std::string &  name,
const float &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsInt ( const size_t  index,
const int32_t &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsInt ( const std::string &  name,
const int32_t &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsLong ( const size_t  index,
const int64_t &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsLong ( const std::string &  name,
const int64_t &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsNullableBytes ( const size_t  index,
const boost::optional< std::vector< uint8_t > > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsNullableBytes ( const std::string &  name,
const boost::optional< std::vector< uint8_t > > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsNullableDouble ( const size_t  index,
const boost::optional< double > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsNullableDouble ( const std::string &  name,
const boost::optional< double > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsNullableFloat ( const size_t  index,
const boost::optional< float > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsNullableFloat ( const std::string &  name,
const boost::optional< float > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsNullableInt ( const size_t  index,
const boost::optional< int32_t > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsNullableInt ( const std::string &  name,
const boost::optional< int32_t > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsNullableLong ( const size_t  index,
const boost::optional< int64_t > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsNullableLong ( const std::string &  name,
const boost::optional< int64_t > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsNullableString ( const size_t  index,
const boost::optional< std::string > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsNullableString ( const std::string &  name,
const boost::optional< std::string > &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsString ( const size_t  index,
const std::string &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setAsString ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  newValue 
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setNull ( const size_t  index)
void gpudb::GenericRecord::setNull ( const std::string &  name)
std::string& gpudb::GenericRecord::stringValue ( const size_t  index)
const std::string& gpudb::GenericRecord::stringValue ( const size_t  index) const
std::string& gpudb::GenericRecord::stringValue ( const std::string &  name)
const std::string& gpudb::GenericRecord::stringValue ( const std::string &  name) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::toString ( const size_t  index,
std::string &  result 
) const
void gpudb::GenericRecord::toString ( const std::string &  name,
std::string &  result 
) const
std::string gpudb::GenericRecord::toString ( const size_t  index) const
std::string gpudb::GenericRecord::toString ( const std::string &  name) const
template<typename T >
T& gpudb::GenericRecord::value ( const size_t  index)

Definition at line 22 of file GenericRecord.hpp.

template<typename T >
const T& gpudb::GenericRecord::value ( const size_t  index) const

Definition at line 27 of file GenericRecord.hpp.

template<typename T >
T& gpudb::GenericRecord::value ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 32 of file GenericRecord.hpp.

template<typename T >
const T& gpudb::GenericRecord::value ( const std::string &  name) const

Definition at line 37 of file GenericRecord.hpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class GPUdb

Definition at line 13 of file GenericRecord.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: