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kinetica.ShowTableRequest Class Reference

A set of parameters for /show/table. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for kinetica.ShowTableRequest:
+ Collaboration diagram for kinetica.ShowTableRequest:


struct  Options
 Optional parameters. More...

Public Member Functions

 ShowTableRequest ()
 Constructs a ShowTableRequest object with default parameters. More...
 ShowTableRequest (string table_name, IDictionary< string, string > options=null)
 Constructs a ShowTableRequest object with the specified parameters. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from kinetica.KineticaData
 KineticaData (KineticaType type)
 Constructor from Kinetica Type More...
 KineticaData (System.Type type=null)
 Default constructor, with optional System.Type More...
object Get (int fieldPos)
 Retrieve a specific property from this object More...
void Put (int fieldPos, object fieldValue)
 Write a specific property to this object More...


string table_name [get, set]
 Name of the table for which to retrieve the information. More...
IDictionary< string, string > options [get, set]
 Optional parameters. More...
- Properties inherited from kinetica.KineticaData
Schema Schema [get]
 Avro Schema for this class More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kinetica.KineticaData
static RecordSchema SchemaFromType (System.Type t, KineticaType ktype=null)
 Create an Avro Schema from a System.Type and a KineticaType. More...

Detailed Description

A set of parameters for /show/table.

Retrieves detailed information about a table, view, or collection, specified in <member name="table_name">. If the supplied <member name="table_name"> is a collection, the call can return information about either the collection itself or the tables and views it contains. If <member name="table_name"> is empty, information about all collections and top-level tables and views can be returned.
If the option get_sizes is set to true, then the sizes (objects and elements) of each table are returned (in <member name="sizes"> and <member name="full_sizes">), along with the total number of objects in the requested table (in <member name="total_size"> and <member name="total_full_size">).
For a collection, setting the show_children option to false returns only information about the collection itself; setting show_children to true returns a list of tables and views contained in the collection, along with their description, type id, schema, type label, type properties, and additional information including TTL.

Definition at line 35 of file ShowTable.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

kinetica.ShowTableRequest.ShowTableRequest ( )

Constructs a ShowTableRequest object with default parameters.

Definition at line 138 of file ShowTable.cs.

kinetica.ShowTableRequest.ShowTableRequest ( string  table_name,
IDictionary< string, string >  options = null 

Constructs a ShowTableRequest object with the specified parameters.

table_nameName of the table for which to retrieve the information. If blank, then information about all collections and top-level tables and views is returned.
optionsOptional parameters.
  • get_sizes If true then the table sizes will be returned; blank, otherwise. Values: true, false.
  • show_children If is a collection, then true will return information about the children of the collection, and false will return information about the collection itself. If is a table or view, show_children must be false. If is empty, then show_children must be true. Values: true, false.
  • no_error_if_not_exists If false will return an error if the provided does not exist. If true then it will return an empty result. Values: true, false.

Definition at line 177 of file ShowTable.cs.

Property Documentation

IDictionary<string, string> kinetica.ShowTableRequest.options

Optional parameters.

  • get_sizes If true then the table sizes will be returned; blank, otherwise. Values: true, false.
  • show_children If is a collection, then true will return information about the children of the collection, and false will return information about the collection itself. If is a table or view, show_children must be false. If is empty, then show_children must be true. Values: true, false.
  • no_error_if_not_exists If false will return an error if the provided does not exist. If true then it will return an empty result. Values: true, false.

Definition at line 133 of file ShowTable.cs.

string kinetica.ShowTableRequest.table_name

Name of the table for which to retrieve the information.

If blank, then information about all collections and top-level tables and views is returned.

Definition at line 101 of file ShowTable.cs.

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