Kinetica C# API  Version
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 using System;
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
3 using System.Linq;
4 using Avro;
5 using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
7 namespace kinetica
8 {
9  public class KineticaType
10  {
11  public class Column
12  {
13  public enum ColumnType
14  {
15  BYTES = Avro.EnumSchema.Type.Bytes,
16  DOUBLE = Avro.EnumSchema.Type.Double,
17  FLOAT = Avro.EnumSchema.Type.Float,
18  INT = Avro.EnumSchema.Type.Int,
19  LONG = Avro.EnumSchema.Type.Long,
20  STRING = Avro.EnumSchema.Type.String,
21  DEFAULT = Avro.EnumSchema.Type.Error
22  };
24  private string m_name;
25  private ColumnType m_type;
26  private bool m_isNullable;
27  private IList<string> m_properties;
35  public Column(string name, ColumnType type, IList<string> properties = null)
36  {
37  m_name = name;
38  m_type = type;
39  m_isNullable = false;
40  m_properties = properties ?? new List<string>();
42  initialize();
43  }
49  public string getName() { return m_name; }
55  public ColumnType getType() { return m_type; }
61  public bool isNullable() { return m_isNullable; }
67  public IList<string> getProperties() { return m_properties; }
69  internal void setIsNullable( bool val ) { m_isNullable = val; }
75  public string getTypeString()
76  {
77  switch (m_type)
78  {
79  case ColumnType.BYTES:
80  return "bytes";
81  case ColumnType.DOUBLE:
82  return "double";
83  case ColumnType.FLOAT:
84  return "float";
85  case ColumnType.INT:
86  return "int";
87  case ColumnType.LONG:
88  return "long";
89  case ColumnType.STRING:
90  return "string";
91  default:
92  throw new KineticaException( "Unsupported column type: " + m_type );
93  }
94  } // end getTypeString()
96  private void initialize()
97  {
98  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_name))
99  {
100  throw new ArgumentException("Name must not be empty.");
101  }
103  switch (m_type)
104  {
105  case ColumnType.BYTES:
106  case ColumnType.DOUBLE:
107  case ColumnType.FLOAT:
108  case ColumnType.INT:
109  case ColumnType.LONG:
110  case ColumnType.STRING:
111  break;
113  default:
114  throw new ArgumentException("Column " + m_name + " must be of type BYTES, DOUBLE, FLOAT, INT, LONG or STRING.");
115  }
117  foreach (var it in m_properties)
118  {
119  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(it))
120  {
121  throw new ArgumentException("Properties must not be empty.");
122  }
124  if (!m_isNullable && (it == ColumnProperty.NULLABLE))
125  {
126  m_isNullable = true;
127  }
128  }
129  }
131  public override string ToString()
132  {
133  return $"{m_name} ({m_type.ToString()})";
134  }
135  } // end class Column
137  private class TypeData
138  {
139  public string label;
140  public IList<Column> columns = new List<Column>();
141  public Dictionary<string, int> columnMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
142  public string schemaString = null;
143  public Schema schema = null;
144  public Type sourceType = null;
145  }
147  private TypeData m_data = new TypeData();
148  private IDictionary<string, IList<string>> m_properties = new Dictionary<string, IList<string>>();
149  private string m_type_id = null;
157  public static KineticaType fromTable(Kinetica kinetica, string tableName)
158  {
159  var response = kinetica.showTable(tableName);
160  var typeIdCount = response.type_ids.Count;
162  if (typeIdCount == 0)
163  {
164  throw new KineticaException("Table " + tableName + " does not exist.");
165  }
167  string typeID = response.type_ids[0];
168  if (typeIdCount > 1)
169  {
170  for (int i = 1; i < typeIdCount; ++i)
171  {
172  if (response.type_ids[i] != typeID)
173  {
174  throw new KineticaException("Table " + tableName + " is not homogeneous.");
175  }
176  }
177  }
179  return new KineticaType(response.type_labels[0], response.type_schemas[0],[0], typeID );
180  }
188  public static KineticaType fromTypeID(Kinetica kinetica, string typeId)
189  {
190  var response = kinetica.showTypes(typeId, "");
192  if (response.type_ids.Count < 1)
193  {
194  throw new KineticaException("Type " + typeId + " does not exist.");
195  }
197  return new KineticaType(response.labels[0], response.type_schemas[0],[0]);
198  }
208  public static KineticaType fromDynamicSchema( string dynamic_table_schema_string,
209  Object[] column_headers, Object[] column_types )
210  {
211  // Make sure that the lists of column names and types are of the same length
212  if ( column_headers.Length != column_types.Length )
213  throw new KineticaException( "List of column names and types are not of the same length." );
215  // Parse the schema string so that we can later check if a given column is nullable
216  JObject dynamic_schema_json;
217  try
218  {
219  dynamic_schema_json = JObject.Parse( dynamic_table_schema_string );
220  }
221  catch ( Exception ex )
222  {
223  throw new KineticaException( ex.ToString() );
224  }
226  // Create a delegate for checking if a field/column is nullable
227  // ------------------------------------------------------------
228  // The first parameter is the column name, the second is the JSON object
229  var is_column_nulllable = new Func<string, JObject, bool>( (column_name, schema_json) => {
230  // Find the appropriate field
231  bool found_field = false;
232  foreach ( var field in schema_json["fields"] )
233  {
234  if ( (string)field[ "name" ] == column_name )
235  {
236  found_field = true; // found it!
237  // Get the type and see if it's a nullable type
238  // (each field is an array of the column type; so need
239  // to extract the type element first)
240  var type_element = field["type"]["items"];
241  if ( type_element is JValue ) // not an array, so can't be nullable
242  return false;
243  // If the type is an array and the second value is 'null', then it's a nullable
244  if ( (type_element is JArray) && ((string)((JArray)type_element)[ 1 ] == "null") )
245  return true;
246  return false;
247  } // end if
248  } // end foreach
249  if ( !found_field )
250  throw new KineticaException( $"Could not find the field named '{column_name}'" );
251  return false; // shouldn't ever get here
252  } );
254  // Create appropriate columns and column properties
255  // ------------------------------------------------
256  IList<Column> columns = new List<Column>();
257  IDictionary<string, IList<string>> column_properties = new Dictionary<string, IList<string>>();
258  for ( int i = 0; i < column_headers.Length; ++i )
259  {
260  // Get the column's name
261  string column_name = column_headers[ i ].ToString();
263  // Get the column's type in string format, which might be a property and not a primitive type
264  // (if so, then we'll have to infer the primitive type and save the property)
265  string column_type_string = column_types[ i ].ToString();
267  // Need to create a list for the properties of the column (we'll
268  // extract at most one from the column type)
269  IList<string> column_property = new List<string>();
271  // We need to also infer the primitive type for this column
272  Column.ColumnType column_type = Column.ColumnType.DEFAULT;
274  // Infer the type and property from the given 'type'
275  switch ( column_type_string )
276  {
277  // Primitive type string (and all properties based on it)
278  case "string":
279  column_type = Column.ColumnType.STRING;
280  break;
282  // All properties allowed for the primitive string type
283  case ColumnProperty.CHAR1:
284  case ColumnProperty.CHAR2:
285  case ColumnProperty.CHAR4:
286  case ColumnProperty.CHAR8:
287  case ColumnProperty.CHAR16:
288  case ColumnProperty.CHAR32:
289  case ColumnProperty.CHAR64:
290  case ColumnProperty.CHAR128:
291  case ColumnProperty.CHAR256:
292  case ColumnProperty.DATE:
294  case ColumnProperty.DECIMAL:
295  case ColumnProperty.IPV4:
296  case ColumnProperty.TIME:
297  column_type = Column.ColumnType.STRING;
298  column_property.Add( column_type_string );
299  break;
301  // Primitive type integer
302  case "int":
303  column_type = Column.ColumnType.INT;
304  break;
306  // Properties allowed for the primitive integer type
307  case ColumnProperty.INT8:
308  case ColumnProperty.INT16:
309  column_type = Column.ColumnType.INT;
310  column_property.Add( column_type_string );
311  break;
313  // Primitive type long
314  case "long":
315  column_type = Column.ColumnType.LONG;
316  break;
318  // Properties allowed for the long type
320  column_type = Column.ColumnType.LONG;
321  column_property.Add( column_type_string );
322  break;
324  // Primitive type float
325  case "float":
326  column_type = Column.ColumnType.FLOAT;
327  break;
329  // Primitive type double
330  case "double":
331  column_type = Column.ColumnType.DOUBLE;
332  break;
334  // Primitive type bytes
335  case "bytes":
336  column_type = Column.ColumnType.BYTES;
337  break;
339  default:
340  throw new KineticaException( "Unknown data type/property: " + column_type_string );
341  } // end switch
343  // Check if the column is nullable (where the column name is "column_#" as returned by Kinetica)
344  if ( is_column_nulllable( $"column_{i + 1}", dynamic_schema_json ) )
345  column_property.Add( ColumnProperty.NULLABLE );
347  // Now that we have the name, the type and potentially a property for the column,
348  // create a Column type and add it to the list
349  Column column = new Column( column_name, column_type, column_property );
350  columns.Add( column );
352  // Also, save the column property in the column name->property map
353  column_properties.Add( column_name, column_property );
354  } // end looping over column headers and types
357  // Create and return the KineticaType object based on the columns and properties
358  return new KineticaType( "", columns, column_properties );
359  } // end fromDynamicSchema()
378  public static KineticaType fromClass( Type recordClass, IDictionary<string, IList<string>> properties = null )
379  {
380  return fromClass( recordClass, "", properties );
381  } // end fromClass()
393  public static KineticaType fromClass( Type recordClass, string label, IDictionary<string, IList<string>> properties = null )
394  {
395  // Get the fields in order (******skipping properties inherited from base classes******)
396  // (fields only from this type, i.e. do not include any inherited fields), and public types only
397  System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] type_properties = recordClass.GetProperties( System.Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
398  System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance |
399  System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public );
400  Array.Sort( type_properties, delegate ( System.Reflection.PropertyInfo p1, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo p2 )
401  { return p1.MetadataToken.CompareTo( p2.MetadataToken ); } );
403  // Need to have a list of columns
404  List<Column> columns = new List<Column>();
405  List<string> column_names = new List<string>();
407  // Per property, check that it is one of: int, long, float, double, string, bytes
408  foreach ( var property in type_properties )
409  {
410  string column_name = "";
411  Column.ColumnType column_type = Column.ColumnType.DEFAULT;
412  IList<string> column_properties = null;
413  bool is_column_nullable = false;
415  // Get the column name
416  column_name = property.Name;
418  Type prop_type = property.PropertyType;
420  // Check if the field is nullable (declared as T? or Nullable<T>)
421  if ( property.PropertyType.IsGenericType &&
422  ( property.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof( Nullable<> ) ) )
423  { // the field is a nullable field
424  is_column_nullable = true;
425  // Change the property type to be the underlying type
426  prop_type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType( prop_type );
427  }
429  // Check the column data type (must be one of int, long, float, double, string, and bytes)
430  if ( prop_type == typeof( System.String ) )
431  {
432  column_type = Column.ColumnType.STRING;
433  }
434  else if ( prop_type == typeof( System.Int32 ) )
435  {
436  column_type = Column.ColumnType.INT;
437  }
438  else if ( prop_type == typeof( System.Int64 ) )
439  {
440  column_type = Column.ColumnType.LONG;
441  }
442  else if ( prop_type == typeof( float ) )
443  {
444  column_type = Column.ColumnType.FLOAT;
445  }
446  else if ( prop_type == typeof( double ) )
447  {
448  column_type = Column.ColumnType.DOUBLE;
449  }
450  else if ( prop_type == typeof( byte ) )
451  {
452  column_type = Column.ColumnType.BYTES;
453  }
454  else
455  throw new KineticaException( "Unsupported data type for " + prop_type.Name +
456  ": " + prop_type +
457  " (must be one of int, long, float, double, string, and byte)" );
459  // Extract the given column's properties, if any
460  if ( properties != null )
461  {
462  // This column has properties given
463  properties.TryGetValue( column_name, out column_properties );
464  }
466  // Keep a list of the column names for checking the properties
467  column_names.Add( column_name );
469  // Create the column
470  Column column = new Column( column_name, column_type, column_properties );
471  if ( is_column_nullable ) // Set the appropriate nullable flag for the column
472  column.setIsNullable( true );
474  // Save the column
475  columns.Add( column );
476  } // end looping over all members of the class type
478  // Check for extraneous properties
479  if ( properties != null )
480  {
481  IEnumerable<string> property_keys = properties.Keys;
482  var unknown_columns = property_keys.Where( e => !column_names.Contains( e ) );
483  // Check if any property is provided for wrong/non-existing columns
484  if ( unknown_columns.Any() )
485  throw new KineticaException( "Properties specified for unknown columns." );
486  }
488  // Create the kinetica type
489  KineticaType kType = new KineticaType( label, columns, properties );
491  // Save the class information in the type
492  kType.saveSourceType( recordClass );
494  return kType;
495  } // end fromClass()
506  public static KineticaType fromObject( Object recordObj, IDictionary<string, IList<string>> properties = null )
507  {
508  return fromObject( recordObj, "", properties );
509  } // end fromObject()
521  public static KineticaType fromObject(Object recordObj, string label = "", IDictionary<string, IList<string>> properties = null)
522  {
523  // Create the type schema from the object
524  // --------------------------------------
525  // Get the class type
526  Type object_type = recordObj.GetType();
528  return fromClass( object_type, label, properties );
529  } // end fromObject()
535  public KineticaType(IList<Column> columns)
536  {
537  m_data.columns = columns;
538  initialize();
539  createSchema(); // create the schema from columns
540  }
547  public KineticaType(string label, IList<Column> columns) : this(columns)
548  {
549  m_data.label = label;
550  }
558  public KineticaType( string label, IList<Column> columns, IDictionary<string, IList<string>> properties ) : this( label, columns )
559  {
560  m_properties = properties ?? new Dictionary<string, IList<string>>();
561  }
567  public KineticaType(string typeSchema)
568  {
569  m_data.schemaString = typeSchema;
570  createSchemaFromString( typeSchema );
571  createSchema();
572  }
581  public KineticaType(string label, string typeSchema, IDictionary<string, IList<string>> properties, string typeID = null )
582  {
583  m_properties = properties;
584  m_type_id = typeID;
585  m_data.label = label;
586  m_data.schemaString = typeSchema;
587  createSchemaFromString(typeSchema, properties);
588  createSchema();
589  }
591  public string getLabel() { return m_data.label; }
592  public IList<Column> getColumns() { return m_data.columns; }
593  public Column getColumn(int index) { return m_data.columns[index]; }
594  public Column getColumn(string name) { return m_data.columns[getColumnIndex(name)]; }
595  public int getColumnCount() { return m_data.columns.Count; }
596  public int getColumnIndex(string name) { return m_data.columnMap[name]; }
597  public bool hasColumn(string name) { return m_data.columnMap.ContainsKey(name); }
598  public Schema getSchema() { return m_data.schema; }
599  public string getSchemaString() { return m_data.schemaString; }
600  public string getTypeID() { return m_type_id; }
606  public void saveSourceType( Type sourceType )
607  {
608  this.m_data.sourceType = sourceType;
609  } // end saveSourceType
618  public string create(Kinetica kinetica)
619  {
620  // Save the association between this KineticaType's source and itself in the Kinetica object
621  // for future reference (it helps with encoding and decoding records)
622  if ( this.m_data.sourceType != null )
623  kinetica.SetKineticaSourceClassToTypeMapping( this.m_data.sourceType, this );
625  // Register the type with Kinetica
626  CreateTypeResponse response = kinetica.createType( m_data.schemaString, m_data.label, m_properties);
627  return response.type_id;
628  } // end create()
630  private KineticaType() { }
636  private void initialize()
637  {
638  int columnCount = m_data.columns.Count;
640  if (columnCount == 0)
641  {
642  throw new ArgumentException("At least one column must be specified.");
643  }
645  for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i)
646  {
647  string columnName = m_data.columns[i].getName();
649  if (m_data.columnMap.ContainsKey(columnName))
650  {
651  throw new ArgumentException("Duplicate column name " + columnName + " specified.");
652  }
654  m_data.columnMap[columnName] = i;
655  }
656  } // end initialize()
664  private void createSchemaFromString( string typeSchema,
665  IDictionary<string, IList<string>> properties = null)
666  {
667  // Create the avro schema from the string and save it
668  try
669  {
670  m_data.schema = RecordSchema.Parse(typeSchema);
671  }
672  catch (Exception ex)
673  {
674  throw new KineticaException(ex.ToString());
675  }
677  var root = JObject.Parse(typeSchema);
679  var rootType = root["type"];
680  if ((null == rootType) || !rootType.ToString().Contains("record"))
681  {
682  throw new ArgumentException("Schema must be of type record.");
683  }
685  var fields = root["fields"];
686  if ((null == fields) || !fields.HasValues)
687  {
688  throw new ArgumentException("Schema has no fields.");
689  }
691  foreach (var field in fields)
692  {
693  //if (!field->first.empty() || field->second.empty())
694  //{
695  // throw std::invalid_argument("Schema has invalid field.");
696  //}
698  // Do NOT use ToString 'cause it includes the double quotes (turns it into a JSON representation)
699  var fieldName = (string) field["name"];
700  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName))
701  {
702  throw new ArgumentException("Schema has unnamed field.");
703  }
705  if (m_data.columnMap.ContainsKey(fieldName))
706  {
707  throw new ArgumentException($"Duplicate field name {fieldName}.");
708  }
710  var fieldType = field["type"];
711  if (null == fieldType)
712  {
713  throw new ArgumentException($"Field {fieldName} has no type.");
714  }
716  // Flag for nullability
717  bool is_column_nullable = false;
719  if (fieldType.HasValues) // If it has children
720  {
721  var fieldTypeArray = fieldType;
723  foreach (var fieldTypeElement in fieldTypeArray.Children())
724  {
725  bool valid = false;
726  //if (fieldTypeElement->first.empty())
727  {
728  var fieldTypeElementString = fieldTypeElement.ToString();
730  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldTypeElementString))
731  {
732  if (fieldTypeElementString == "null" || fieldTypeElementString == "\"null\"")
733  {
734  is_column_nullable = true;
735  valid = true;
736  }
737  else //if (fieldType->empty())
738  {
739  fieldType = fieldTypeElement; // fieldTypeElementString;
740  valid = true;
741  }
742  }
743  }
745  if (!valid)
746  {
747  throw new ArgumentException("Field {fieldName} has invalid type.");
748  }
749  }
751  //if (fieldType->empty())
752  //{
753  // throw new ArgumentException("Field " + *fieldName + " has invalid type.");
754  //}
755  }
757  Column.ColumnType columnType;
759  if (fieldType.ToString().Equals("bytes") || fieldType.ToString().Equals("\"bytes\""))
760  {
761  columnType = Column.ColumnType.BYTES;
762  }
763  else if (fieldType.ToString().Equals("double") || fieldType.ToString().Equals("\"double\""))
764  {
765  columnType = Column.ColumnType.DOUBLE;
766  }
767  else if (fieldType.ToString().Equals("float") || fieldType.ToString().Equals("\"float\""))
768  {
769  columnType = Column.ColumnType.FLOAT;
770  }
771  else if (fieldType.ToString().Equals("int") || fieldType.ToString().Equals("\"int\""))
772  {
773  columnType = Column.ColumnType.INT;
774  }
775  else if (fieldType.ToString().Equals("long") || fieldType.ToString().Equals("\"long\""))
776  {
777  columnType = Column.ColumnType.LONG;
778  }
779  else if (fieldType.ToString().Equals("string") || fieldType.ToString().Equals("\"string\""))
780  {
781  columnType = Column.ColumnType.STRING;
782  }
783  else
784  {
785  throw new ArgumentException("Field {fieldName} must be of type bytes, double, float, int, long or string.");
786  }
788  IList<string> columnProperties = null;
789  if (null != properties) properties.TryGetValue(fieldName, out columnProperties);
790  // Check the column properties for nullability
791  if ( ( null != columnProperties ) &&
792  ( columnProperties.Contains( ColumnProperty.NULLABLE ) ) )
793  is_column_nullable = true;
795  // Create the column to be added
796  Column column = new Column( fieldName, columnType, columnProperties );
798  // Set the "nullability"
799  column.setIsNullable( is_column_nullable );
801  m_data.columns.Add( column );
803  m_data.columnMap[fieldName] = m_data.columns.Count - 1;
804  }
805  } // end createSchemaFromString()
810  private void createSchema()
811  {
812  // First, check if the schema has already been created
813  if (m_data.schema != null)
814  {
815  // nothing to do
816  return;
817  }
819  // Check if the schema string exists, if so, create the schema from that
820  if (m_data.schemaString != null)
821  {
822  try
823  {
824  m_data.schema = RecordSchema.Parse(m_data.schemaString);
825  return;
826  }
827  catch (Exception ex)
828  {
829  throw new KineticaException(ex.ToString());
830  }
831  } // done creating the schema from the schema string
833  // Since the shortcuts didn't apply, create a JSON object from the columns
834  // and then create the schema and the schema string off it
835  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
836  // Create the json string for the type
837  string schema_string = "";
838  // Create the json string opening with empty fields (with a generic 'type_name' (because the
839  // server always replaces the name with this string anyway) )
840  string schema_opening = "{'type':'record','name':'type_name','fields':[";
841  // Create the json string closing
842  string schema_closing = "]}";
844  schema_string += schema_opening;
846  // Create the json substrings for the columns
847  foreach (var column in m_data.columns)
848  {
849  // Add the name
850  string field_name = ("'name':'" + column.getName() + "'");
852  // Add the type
853  string field_type = "";
854  if (column.isNullable())
855  { // the column is nullable, so we need a union
856  field_type = ("['" + column.getTypeString() + "','null']");
857  }
858  else // regular type, no union needed
859  {
860  field_type = ( "'" + column.getTypeString() + "'" );
861  }
862  field_type = ("'type':" + field_type);
864  // Put the field together
865  string field = ("{" + field_name + "," + field_type + "},");
866  schema_string += field;
867  } // end looping over the fields
869  // Trim the trailing comma from the fields
870  char[] comma = { ',' };
871  schema_string = schema_string.TrimEnd(comma);
872  // Add the ending of the json string
873  schema_string += schema_closing;
875  // Create the RecordSchema from the JSON string
876  try
877  {
878  m_data.schema = RecordSchema.Parse(schema_string);
879  }
880  catch (Exception ex)
881  {
882  throw new KineticaException(ex.ToString());
883  }
885  // Save the schema string
886  m_data.schemaString = m_data.schema.ToString();
887  return;
888  } // end createSchema()
889  } // end class KineticaType
890 } // end namespace kinetica
const string CHAR1
This property provides optimized memory, disk and query performance for string columns.
ColumnType getType()
Returns the enumeration for the column type.
Definition: KineticaType.cs:55
const string DATETIME
Valid only for &#39;string&#39; columns.
const string INT16
This property provides optimized memory and query performance for int columns.
const string CHAR128
This property provides optimized memory, disk and query performance for string columns.
bool hasColumn(string name)
KineticaType(string typeSchema)
Create a KineticaType object using the string-formatted schema for the type.
static KineticaType fromObject(Object recordObj, string label="", IDictionary< string, IList< string >> properties=null)
Create a KineticaType object from properties of a record object and Kinetica column properties...
IList< string > type_ids
Type ids of the respective tables in <member name="table_names">.
Definition: ShowTable.cs:836
string type_id
An identifier representing the created type.
Definition: CreateType.cs:997
KineticaType(string label, IList< Column > columns)
Create a KineticaType object with the given column and label information.
int getColumnIndex(string name)
Column properties used for Kinetica types.
const string TIMESTAMP
Valid only for &#39;long&#39; columns.
const string CHAR16
This property provides optimized memory, disk and query performance for string columns.
static KineticaType fromTable(Kinetica kinetica, string tableName)
Create a KineticaType object based on an existing table in the database.
static KineticaType fromTypeID(Kinetica kinetica, string typeId)
Create a KineticaType object based on an existing type in the database.
const string CHAR64
This property provides optimized memory, disk and query performance for string columns.
Column getColumn(int index)
const string CHAR4
This property provides optimized memory, disk and query performance for string columns.
const string CHAR2
This property provides optimized memory, disk and query performance for string columns.
string getTypeString()
Returns the string format of the data type.
Definition: KineticaType.cs:75
const string DATE
Valid only for &#39;string&#39; columns.
const string CHAR8
This property provides optimized memory, disk and query performance for string columns.
const string DECIMAL
Valid only for &#39;string&#39; columns.
KineticaType(string label, IList< Column > columns, IDictionary< string, IList< string >> properties)
Create a KineticaType object with the given column, label, and property information.
Column(string name, ColumnType type, IList< string > properties=null)
Creates a Column object from the given name, type, and properties.
Definition: KineticaType.cs:35
const string CHAR32
This property provides optimized memory, disk and query performance for string columns.
IList< string > getProperties()
Returns the properties for the column.
Definition: KineticaType.cs:67
IList< Column > getColumns()
const string IPV4
This property provides optimized memory, disk and query performance for string columns representing I...
CreateTypeResponse createType(CreateTypeRequest request_)
Creates a new type describing the layout or schema of a table.
static KineticaType fromClass(Type recordClass, string label, IDictionary< string, IList< string >> properties=null)
Create a KineticaType object from properties of a record class and Kinetica column properties...
ShowTableResponse showTable(ShowTableRequest request_)
Retrieves detailed information about tables, views, and collections.
void saveSourceType(Type sourceType)
Saves the given type as this KineticaType&#39;s source type.
void SetKineticaSourceClassToTypeMapping(Type objectType, KineticaType kineticaType)
Saves an object class type to a KineticaType association.
Definition: Kinetica.cs:184
const string CHAR256
This property provides optimized memory, disk and query performance for string columns.
static KineticaType fromClass(Type recordClass, IDictionary< string, IList< string >> properties=null)
Create a KineticaType object from properties of a record class and Kinetica column properties...
KineticaType(string label, string typeSchema, IDictionary< string, IList< string >> properties, string typeID=null)
Create a KineticaType object using the string-formatted schema and properties for its columns...
bool isNullable()
Returns if the column is nullable.
Definition: KineticaType.cs:61
Column getColumn(string name)
static KineticaType fromObject(Object recordObj, IDictionary< string, IList< string >> properties=null)
Create a KineticaType object from properties of a record object and Kinetica column properties...
const string INT8
This property provides optimized memory and query performance for int columns.
string create(Kinetica kinetica)
Given a handle to the server, creates a type in the database based on this data type.
string getName()
Returns the name of the column.
Definition: KineticaType.cs:49
static KineticaType fromDynamicSchema(string dynamic_table_schema_string, Object[] column_headers, Object[] column_types)
Create a KineticaType object based on information provided in a dynamic schema.
ShowTypesResponse showTypes(ShowTypesRequest request_)
Retrieves information for the specified data type ID or type label.
override string ToString()
KineticaType(IList< Column > columns)
Create a KineticaType object with the given column information.
const string TIME
Valid only for &#39;string&#39; columns.
const string NULLABLE
This property indicates that this column is nullable.
A set of results returned by Kinetica.createType(string,string,IDictionary<string, IList<string>>,IDictionary<string, string>).
Definition: CreateType.cs:992
API to talk to Kinetica Database
Definition: Kinetica.cs:40