Package | Description |
com.gpudb |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
An exception that occurred during the insertion of records into GPUdb.
static class |
An exception that occurred during the submission of a request to GPUdb.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> void |
GPUdbBase.addKnownTypeFromTable(String tableName,
Class<T> objectClass,
TypeObjectMap<T> typeObjectMap)
Adds a type object map for the specified class as a type descriptor for
the GPUdb type stored in the specified table to the known type list, and
also adds the type object map to the known type object map list.
void |
GPUdbBase.addKnownTypeFromTable(String tableName,
Object typeDescriptor)
Adds a type descriptor for the GPUdb type stored in the specified table
to the known type list.
AdminAlterJobsResponse |
GPUdb.adminAlterJobs(AdminAlterJobsRequest request)
Perform the requested action on a list of one or more job(s).
AdminAlterJobsResponse |
GPUdb.adminAlterJobs(List<Integer> jobIds,
String action,
Map<String,String> options)
Perform the requested action on a list of one or more job(s).
AdminOfflineResponse |
GPUdb.adminOffline(AdminOfflineRequest request)
Take the system offline.
AdminOfflineResponse |
GPUdb.adminOffline(boolean offline,
Map<String,String> options)
Take the system offline.
AdminReplaceTomResponse |
GPUdb.adminReplaceTom(AdminReplaceTomRequest request) |
AdminReplaceTomResponse |
GPUdb.adminReplaceTom(long oldRankTom,
long newRankTom) |
AdminShowAlertsResponse |
GPUdb.adminShowAlerts(AdminShowAlertsRequest request)
Retrieves a list of the most recent alerts generated.
AdminShowAlertsResponse |
GPUdb.adminShowAlerts(int numAlerts,
Map<String,String> options)
Retrieves a list of the most recent alerts generated.
AdminShowJobsResponse |
GPUdb.adminShowJobs(AdminShowJobsRequest request)
Get a list of the current jobs in GPUdb.
AdminShowJobsResponse |
GPUdb.adminShowJobs(Map<String,String> options)
Get a list of the current jobs in GPUdb.
AdminShowShardsResponse |
GPUdb.adminShowShards(AdminShowShardsRequest request)
Show the mapping of shards to the corresponding rank and tom.
AdminShowShardsResponse |
GPUdb.adminShowShards(Map<String,String> options)
Show the mapping of shards to the corresponding rank and tom.
AdminShutdownResponse |
GPUdb.adminShutdown(AdminShutdownRequest request)
Exits the database server application.
AdminShutdownResponse |
GPUdb.adminShutdown(String exitType,
String authorization,
Map<String,String> options)
Exits the database server application.
AdminVerifyDbResponse |
GPUdb.adminVerifyDb(AdminVerifyDbRequest request)
Verify database is in a consistent state.
AdminVerifyDbResponse |
GPUdb.adminVerifyDb(Map<String,String> options)
Verify database is in a consistent state.
AggregateConvexHullResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateConvexHull(AggregateConvexHullRequest request)
Calculates and returns the convex hull for the values in a table
specified by
tableName . |
AggregateConvexHullResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateConvexHull(String tableName,
String xColumnName,
String yColumnName,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates and returns the convex hull for the values in a table
specified by
tableName . |
AggregateGroupByResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateGroupBy(AggregateGroupByRequest request)
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns
in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique
AggregateGroupByResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateGroupBy(String tableName,
List<String> columnNames,
long offset,
long limit,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns
in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique
RawAggregateGroupByResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateGroupByRaw(AggregateGroupByRequest request)
Calculates unique combinations (groups) of values for the given columns
in a given table/view/collection and computes aggregates on each unique
AggregateHistogramResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateHistogram(AggregateHistogramRequest request)
Performs a histogram calculation given a table, a column, and an
interval function.
AggregateHistogramResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateHistogram(String tableName,
String columnName,
double start,
double end,
double interval,
Map<String,String> options)
Performs a histogram calculation given a table, a column, and an
interval function.
AggregateKMeansResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateKMeans(AggregateKMeansRequest request)
This endpoint runs the k-means algorithm - a heuristic algorithm that
attempts to do k-means clustering.
AggregateKMeansResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateKMeans(String tableName,
List<String> columnNames,
int k,
double tolerance,
Map<String,String> options)
This endpoint runs the k-means algorithm - a heuristic algorithm that
attempts to do k-means clustering.
AggregateMinMaxResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateMinMax(AggregateMinMaxRequest request)
Calculates and returns the minimum and maximum values of a particular
column in a table.
AggregateMinMaxResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateMinMax(String tableName,
String columnName,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates and returns the minimum and maximum values of a particular
column in a table.
AggregateMinMaxGeometryResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateMinMaxGeometry(AggregateMinMaxGeometryRequest request)
Calculates and returns the minimum and maximum x- and y-coordinates of a
particular geospatial geometry column in a table.
AggregateMinMaxGeometryResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateMinMaxGeometry(String tableName,
String columnName,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates and returns the minimum and maximum x- and y-coordinates of a
particular geospatial geometry column in a table.
AggregateStatisticsResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateStatistics(AggregateStatisticsRequest request)
Calculates the requested statistics of the given column(s) in a given
AggregateStatisticsResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateStatistics(String tableName,
String columnName,
String stats,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates the requested statistics of the given column(s) in a given
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateStatisticsByRange(AggregateStatisticsByRangeRequest request)
Divides the given set into bins and calculates statistics of the values
of a value-column in each bin.
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateStatisticsByRange(String tableName,
String selectExpression,
String columnName,
String valueColumnName,
String stats,
double start,
double end,
double interval,
Map<String,String> options)
Divides the given set into bins and calculates statistics of the values
of a value-column in each bin.
AggregateUniqueResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateUnique(AggregateUniqueRequest request)
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by
columnName ) of a particular table or collection (specified by
tableName ). |
AggregateUniqueResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateUnique(String tableName,
String columnName,
long offset,
long limit,
Map<String,String> options)
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by
columnName ) of a particular table or collection (specified by
tableName ). |
RawAggregateUniqueResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateUniqueRaw(AggregateUniqueRequest request)
Returns all the unique values from a particular column (specified by
columnName ) of a particular table or collection (specified by
tableName ). |
AggregateUnpivotResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateUnpivot(AggregateUnpivotRequest request)
Rotate the column values into rows values.
AggregateUnpivotResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateUnpivot(String tableName,
List<String> columnNames,
String variableColumnName,
String valueColumnName,
List<String> pivotedColumns,
Map<String,String> options)
Rotate the column values into rows values.
RawAggregateUnpivotResponse |
GPUdb.aggregateUnpivotRaw(AggregateUnpivotRequest request)
Rotate the column values into rows values.
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse |
GPUdb.alterSystemProperties(AlterSystemPropertiesRequest request)
endpoint is primarily used to simplify the testing of the system and is
not expected to be used during normal execution. |
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse |
GPUdb.alterSystemProperties(Map<String,String> propertyUpdatesMap,
Map<String,String> options)
GPUdb.alterSystemProperties(Map, Map) endpoint is primarily
used to simplify the testing of the system and is not expected to be
used during normal execution. |
AlterTableResponse |
GPUdb.alterTable(AlterTableRequest request)
Apply various modifications to a table, view, or collection.
AlterTableResponse |
GPUdb.alterTable(String tableName,
String action,
String value,
Map<String,String> options)
Apply various modifications to a table, view, or collection.
AlterTableMetadataResponse |
GPUdb.alterTableMetadata(AlterTableMetadataRequest request)
Updates (adds or changes) metadata for tables.
AlterTableMetadataResponse |
GPUdb.alterTableMetadata(List<String> tableNames,
Map<String,String> metadataMap,
Map<String,String> options)
Updates (adds or changes) metadata for tables.
AlterUserResponse |
GPUdb.alterUser(AlterUserRequest request)
Alters a user.
AlterUserResponse |
GPUdb.alterUser(String name,
String action,
String value,
Map<String,String> options)
Alters a user.
AppendRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.appendRecords(AppendRecordsRequest request)
Append (or insert) all records from a source table (specified by
sourceTableName ) to a particular target table (specified by tableName ). |
AppendRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.appendRecords(String tableName,
String sourceTableName,
Map<String,String> fieldMap,
Map<String,String> options)
Append (or insert) all records from a source table (specified by
sourceTableName ) to a particular target table (specified by tableName ). |
ClearTableResponse |
GPUdb.clearTable(ClearTableRequest request)
Clears (drops) one or all tables in the database cluster.
ClearTableResponse |
GPUdb.clearTable(String tableName,
String authorization,
Map<String,String> options)
Clears (drops) one or all tables in the database cluster.
ClearTableMonitorResponse |
GPUdb.clearTableMonitor(ClearTableMonitorRequest request)
Deactivates a table monitor previously created with
GPUdb.createTableMonitor(CreateTableMonitorRequest) . |
ClearTableMonitorResponse |
GPUdb.clearTableMonitor(String topicId,
Map<String,String> options)
Deactivates a table monitor previously created with
GPUdb.createTableMonitor(String, Map) . |
ClearTriggerResponse |
GPUdb.clearTrigger(ClearTriggerRequest request)
Clears or cancels the trigger identified by the specified handle.
ClearTriggerResponse |
GPUdb.clearTrigger(String triggerId,
Map<String,String> options)
Clears or cancels the trigger identified by the specified handle.
String |
Type.create(GPUdb gpudb)
Creates a type in GPUdb based on the metadata in the
Type object
and returns the type ID for reference. |
CreateJobResponse |
GPUdb.createJob(CreateJobRequest request)
Create a job which will run asynchronously.
CreateJobResponse |
GPUdb.createJob(String endpoint,
String requestEncoding,
ByteBuffer data,
String dataStr,
Map<String,String> options)
Create a job which will run asynchronously.
CreateJoinTableResponse |
GPUdb.createJoinTable(CreateJoinTableRequest request)
Creates a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN.
CreateJoinTableResponse |
GPUdb.createJoinTable(String joinTableName,
List<String> tableNames,
List<String> columnNames,
List<String> expressions,
Map<String,String> options)
Creates a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN.
CreateMaterializedViewResponse |
GPUdb.createMaterializedView(CreateMaterializedViewRequest request)
Initiates the process of creating a materialized view, reserving the
view's name to prevent other views or tables from being created with
that name.
CreateMaterializedViewResponse |
GPUdb.createMaterializedView(String tableName,
Map<String,String> options)
Initiates the process of creating a materialized view, reserving the
view's name to prevent other views or tables from being created with
that name.
CreateProcResponse |
GPUdb.createProc(CreateProcRequest request)
Creates an instance (proc) of the user-defined function (UDF) specified
by the given command, options, and files, and makes it available for
CreateProcResponse |
GPUdb.createProc(String procName,
String executionMode,
Map<String,ByteBuffer> files,
String command,
List<String> args,
Map<String,String> options)
Creates an instance (proc) of the user-defined function (UDF) specified
by the given command, options, and files, and makes it available for
CreateProjectionResponse |
GPUdb.createProjection(CreateProjectionRequest request)
Creates a new projection of an existing table.
CreateProjectionResponse |
GPUdb.createProjection(String tableName,
String projectionName,
List<String> columnNames,
Map<String,String> options)
Creates a new projection of an existing table.
CreateRoleResponse |
GPUdb.createRole(CreateRoleRequest request)
Creates a new role.
CreateRoleResponse |
GPUdb.createRole(String name,
Map<String,String> options)
Creates a new role.
CreateTableResponse |
GPUdb.createTable(CreateTableRequest request)
Creates a new table or collection.
CreateTableResponse |
GPUdb.createTable(String tableName,
String typeId,
Map<String,String> options)
Creates a new table or collection.
CreateTableMonitorResponse |
GPUdb.createTableMonitor(CreateTableMonitorRequest request)
Creates a monitor that watches for new records inserted into a
particular table (identified by
tableName ) and forwards copies
to subscribers via ZMQ. |
CreateTableMonitorResponse |
GPUdb.createTableMonitor(String tableName,
Map<String,String> options)
Creates a monitor that watches for new records inserted into a
particular table (identified by
tableName ) and forwards copies
to subscribers via ZMQ. |
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse |
GPUdb.createTriggerByArea(CreateTriggerByAreaRequest request)
Sets up an area trigger mechanism for two column_names for one or more
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse |
GPUdb.createTriggerByArea(String requestId,
List<String> tableNames,
String xColumnName,
List<Double> xVector,
String yColumnName,
List<Double> yVector,
Map<String,String> options)
Sets up an area trigger mechanism for two column_names for one or more
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse |
GPUdb.createTriggerByRange(CreateTriggerByRangeRequest request)
Sets up a simple range trigger for a column_name for one or more tables.
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse |
GPUdb.createTriggerByRange(String requestId,
List<String> tableNames,
String columnName,
double min,
double max,
Map<String,String> options)
Sets up a simple range trigger for a column_name for one or more tables.
static String |
RecordObject.createType(Class<? extends RecordObject> type,
GPUdb gpudb)
Creates a type in GPUdb based on the metadata in the specified
RecordObject class and returns the type ID for reference. |
CreateTypeResponse |
GPUdb.createType(CreateTypeRequest request)
Creates a new type describing the layout or schema of a table.
String |
TypeObjectMap.createType(GPUdb gpudb)
Creates a type in GPUdb based on the metadata in the specified
TypeObjectMap object and returns the type ID for reference. |
CreateTypeResponse |
GPUdb.createType(String typeDefinition,
String label,
Map<String,List<String>> properties,
Map<String,String> options)
Creates a new type describing the layout or schema of a table.
CreateUnionResponse |
GPUdb.createUnion(CreateUnionRequest request)
Merges data from one or more tables with comparable data types into a
new table.
CreateUnionResponse |
GPUdb.createUnion(String tableName,
List<String> tableNames,
List<List<String>> inputColumnNames,
List<String> outputColumnNames,
Map<String,String> options)
Merges data from one or more tables with comparable data types into a
new table.
CreateUserExternalResponse |
GPUdb.createUserExternal(CreateUserExternalRequest request)
Creates a new external user (a user whose credentials are managed by an
external LDAP).
CreateUserExternalResponse |
GPUdb.createUserExternal(String name,
Map<String,String> options)
Creates a new external user (a user whose credentials are managed by an
external LDAP).
CreateUserInternalResponse |
GPUdb.createUserInternal(CreateUserInternalRequest request)
Creates a new internal user (a user whose credentials are managed by the
database system).
CreateUserInternalResponse |
GPUdb.createUserInternal(String name,
String password,
Map<String,String> options)
Creates a new internal user (a user whose credentials are managed by the
database system).
protected <T> List<T> |
GPUdbBase.decode(List<String> typeIds,
List<ByteBuffer> data) |
static <T> T |
Avro.decode(Object typeDescriptor,
ByteBuffer encodedObject)
Decodes an Avro binary object.
protected <T> List<T> |
GPUdbBase.decode(Object typeDescriptor,
List<ByteBuffer> data) |
static <T> List<T> |
Avro.decode(Object typeDescriptor,
List<ByteBuffer> encodedObjects)
Decodes a homogeneous list of Avro binary objects.
static <T> List<T> |
Avro.decode(Object typeDescriptor,
List<ByteBuffer> encodedObjects,
int threadCount,
ExecutorService executor)
Decodes a homogeneous list of Avro binary objects, optionally using
multiple threads and/or a supplied executor.
static <T> List<T> |
Avro.decode(Object typeDescriptor,
List<ByteBuffer> encodedObjects,
int start,
int count)
Decodes a homogeneous portion of a list of Avro binary objects.
static <T> List<T> |
Avro.decode(Object typeDescriptor,
List<ByteBuffer> encodedObjects,
int start,
int count,
int threadCount,
ExecutorService executor)
Decodes a homogeneous portion of a list of Avro binary objects,
optionally using multiple threads, with or without a supplied executor.
protected <T> List<T> |
GPUdbBase.decode(String typeId,
List<ByteBuffer> data) |
static <T extends org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord> |
Avro.decode(T object,
ByteBuffer encodedObject)
Decodes an Avro binary object into a pre-created destination object.
protected <T> List<List<T>> |
GPUdbBase.decodeMultiple(List<String> typeIds,
List<List<ByteBuffer>> data) |
protected <T> List<List<T>> |
GPUdbBase.decodeMultiple(Object typeDescriptor,
List<List<ByteBuffer>> data) |
DeleteProcResponse |
GPUdb.deleteProc(DeleteProcRequest request)
Deletes a proc.
DeleteProcResponse |
GPUdb.deleteProc(String procName,
Map<String,String> options)
Deletes a proc.
DeleteRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.deleteRecords(DeleteRecordsRequest request)
Deletes record(s) matching the provided criteria from the given table.
DeleteRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.deleteRecords(String tableName,
List<String> expressions,
Map<String,String> options)
Deletes record(s) matching the provided criteria from the given table.
DeleteRoleResponse |
GPUdb.deleteRole(DeleteRoleRequest request)
Deletes an existing role.
DeleteRoleResponse |
GPUdb.deleteRole(String name,
Map<String,String> options)
Deletes an existing role.
DeleteUserResponse |
GPUdb.deleteUser(DeleteUserRequest request)
Deletes an existing user.
DeleteUserResponse |
GPUdb.deleteUser(String name,
Map<String,String> options)
Deletes an existing user.
protected <T> List<ByteBuffer> |
GPUdbBase.encode(List<T> data) |
static <T extends org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord> |
Avro.encode(List<T> objects)
Encodes a list of Avro-compatible objects into Avro binary format.
static <T extends org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord> |
Avro.encode(List<T> objects,
int threadCount,
ExecutorService executor)
Encodes a list of Avro-compatible objects into Avro binary format,
optionally using multiple threads, with or without a supplied executor.
static <T extends org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord> |
Avro.encode(List<T> objects,
int start,
int count)
Encodes a portion of list of Avro-compatible objects into Avro binary
static <T extends org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord> |
Avro.encode(List<T> objects,
int start,
int count,
int threadCount,
ExecutorService executor)
Encodes a portion of list of Avro-compatible objects into Avro binary
format, optionally using multiple threads, with or without a supplied
static <T extends org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord> |
Avro.encode(T object)
Encodes an Avro-compatible object into Avro binary format.
protected <T> List<ByteBuffer> |
GPUdbBase.encode(TypeObjectMap<T> typeObjectMap,
List<T> data) |
static <T> List<ByteBuffer> |
Avro.encode(TypeObjectMap<T> typeObjectMap,
List<T> objects)
Encodes a list of non-Avro-compatible objects into Avro binary format
using the specified type object map.
static <T> List<ByteBuffer> |
Avro.encode(TypeObjectMap<T> typeObjectMap,
List<T> objects,
int threadCount,
ExecutorService executor)
Encodes a list of non-Avro-compatible objects into Avro binary format
using the specified type object map, optionally using multiple threads,
with or without a supplied executor.
static <T> List<ByteBuffer> |
Avro.encode(TypeObjectMap<T> typeObjectMap,
List<T> objects,
int start,
int count)
Encodes a portion of list of non-Avro-compatible objects into Avro binary
format using the specified type object map.
static <T> List<ByteBuffer> |
Avro.encode(TypeObjectMap<T> typeObjectMap,
List<T> objects,
int start,
int count,
int threadCount,
ExecutorService executor)
Encodes a portion of list of Avro-compatible objects into Avro binary
format using the specified type object map, optionally using multiple
threads, with or without a supplied executor.
static <T> ByteBuffer |
Avro.encode(TypeObjectMap<T> typeObjectMap,
T object)
Encodes a non-Avro-compatible object into Avro binary format using the
specified type object map.
ExecuteProcResponse |
GPUdb.executeProc(ExecuteProcRequest request)
Executes a proc.
ExecuteProcResponse |
GPUdb.executeProc(String procName,
Map<String,String> params,
Map<String,ByteBuffer> binParams,
List<String> inputTableNames,
Map<String,List<String>> inputColumnNames,
List<String> outputTableNames,
Map<String,String> options)
Executes a proc.
FilterResponse |
GPUdb.filter(FilterRequest request)
Filters data based on the specified expression.
FilterResponse |
GPUdb.filter(String tableName,
String viewName,
String expression,
Map<String,String> options)
Filters data based on the specified expression.
FilterByAreaResponse |
GPUdb.filterByArea(FilterByAreaRequest request)
Calculates which objects from a table are within a named area of
interest (NAI/polygon).
FilterByAreaResponse |
GPUdb.filterByArea(String tableName,
String viewName,
String xColumnName,
List<Double> xVector,
String yColumnName,
List<Double> yVector,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates which objects from a table are within a named area of
interest (NAI/polygon).
FilterByAreaGeometryResponse |
GPUdb.filterByAreaGeometry(FilterByAreaGeometryRequest request)
Calculates which geospatial geometry objects from a table intersect a
named area of interest (NAI/polygon).
FilterByAreaGeometryResponse |
GPUdb.filterByAreaGeometry(String tableName,
String viewName,
String columnName,
List<Double> xVector,
List<Double> yVector,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates which geospatial geometry objects from a table intersect a
named area of interest (NAI/polygon).
FilterByBoxResponse |
GPUdb.filterByBox(FilterByBoxRequest request)
Calculates how many objects within the given table lie in a rectangular
FilterByBoxResponse |
GPUdb.filterByBox(String tableName,
String viewName,
String xColumnName,
double minX,
double maxX,
String yColumnName,
double minY,
double maxY,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates how many objects within the given table lie in a rectangular
FilterByBoxGeometryResponse |
GPUdb.filterByBoxGeometry(FilterByBoxGeometryRequest request)
Calculates which geospatial geometry objects from a table intersect a
rectangular box.
FilterByBoxGeometryResponse |
GPUdb.filterByBoxGeometry(String tableName,
String viewName,
String columnName,
double minX,
double maxX,
double minY,
double maxY,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates which geospatial geometry objects from a table intersect a
rectangular box.
FilterByGeometryResponse |
GPUdb.filterByGeometry(FilterByGeometryRequest request)
Applies a geometry filter against a geospatial geometry column in a
given table, collection or view.
FilterByGeometryResponse |
GPUdb.filterByGeometry(String tableName,
String viewName,
String columnName,
String inputWkt,
String operation,
Map<String,String> options)
Applies a geometry filter against a geospatial geometry column in a
given table, collection or view.
FilterByListResponse |
GPUdb.filterByList(FilterByListRequest request)
Calculates which records from a table have values in the given list for
the corresponding column.
FilterByListResponse |
GPUdb.filterByList(String tableName,
String viewName,
Map<String,List<String>> columnValuesMap,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates which records from a table have values in the given list for
the corresponding column.
FilterByRadiusResponse |
GPUdb.filterByRadius(FilterByRadiusRequest request)
Calculates which objects from a table lie within a circle with the given
radius and center point (i.e.
FilterByRadiusResponse |
GPUdb.filterByRadius(String tableName,
String viewName,
String xColumnName,
double xCenter,
String yColumnName,
double yCenter,
double radius,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates which objects from a table lie within a circle with the given
radius and center point (i.e.
FilterByRadiusGeometryResponse |
GPUdb.filterByRadiusGeometry(FilterByRadiusGeometryRequest request)
Calculates which geospatial geometry objects from a table intersect a
circle with the given radius and center point (i.e.
FilterByRadiusGeometryResponse |
GPUdb.filterByRadiusGeometry(String tableName,
String viewName,
String columnName,
double xCenter,
double yCenter,
double radius,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates which geospatial geometry objects from a table intersect a
circle with the given radius and center point (i.e.
FilterByRangeResponse |
GPUdb.filterByRange(FilterByRangeRequest request)
Calculates which objects from a table have a column that is within the
given bounds.
FilterByRangeResponse |
GPUdb.filterByRange(String tableName,
String viewName,
String columnName,
double lowerBound,
double upperBound,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates which objects from a table have a column that is within the
given bounds.
FilterBySeriesResponse |
GPUdb.filterBySeries(FilterBySeriesRequest request)
Filters objects matching all points of the given track (works only on
track type data).
FilterBySeriesResponse |
GPUdb.filterBySeries(String tableName,
String viewName,
String trackId,
List<String> targetTrackIds,
Map<String,String> options)
Filters objects matching all points of the given track (works only on
track type data).
FilterByStringResponse |
GPUdb.filterByString(FilterByStringRequest request)
Calculates which objects from a table, collection, or view match a
string expression for the given string columns.
FilterByStringResponse |
GPUdb.filterByString(String tableName,
String viewName,
String expression,
String mode,
List<String> columnNames,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates which objects from a table, collection, or view match a
string expression for the given string columns.
FilterByTableResponse |
GPUdb.filterByTable(FilterByTableRequest request)
Filters objects in one table based on objects in another table.
FilterByTableResponse |
GPUdb.filterByTable(String tableName,
String viewName,
String columnName,
String sourceTableName,
String sourceTableColumnName,
Map<String,String> options)
Filters objects in one table based on objects in another table.
FilterByValueResponse |
GPUdb.filterByValue(FilterByValueRequest request)
Calculates which objects from a table has a particular value for a
particular column.
FilterByValueResponse |
GPUdb.filterByValue(String tableName,
String viewName,
boolean isString,
double value,
String valueStr,
String columnName,
Map<String,String> options)
Calculates which objects from a table has a particular value for a
particular column.
static Type |
Type.fromDynamicSchema(String schemaString,
ByteBuffer encodedData)
Creates a
Type object with the specified dynamic schema metadata and
encoded dynamic table data. |
static Type |
Type.fromTable(GPUdb gpudb,
String tableName)
Creates a
Type object containing metadata for the GPUdb type of
an existing table in GPUdb. |
static Type |
Type.fromType(GPUdb gpudb,
String typeId)
Creates a
Type object containing metadata for an existing type
in GPUdb. |
GetRecordsResponse<T> |
RecordRetriever.getByKey(List<Object> keyValues,
String expression)
Retrieves records for a given shard key, optionally further limited by an
additional expression.
GetJobResponse |
GPUdb.getJob(GetJobRequest request) |
GetJobResponse |
GPUdb.getJob(int jobId,
Map<String,String> options) |
<TResponse> |
GPUdb.getRecords(GetRecordsRequest request)
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an
expression and/or sorted by a column.
<TResponse> |
GPUdb.getRecords(Object typeDescriptor,
GetRecordsRequest request)
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an
expression and/or sorted by a column.
<TResponse> |
GPUdb.getRecords(Object typeDescriptor,
String tableName,
long offset,
long limit,
Map<String,String> options)
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an
expression and/or sorted by a column.
<TResponse> |
GPUdb.getRecords(String tableName,
long offset,
long limit,
Map<String,String> options)
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an
expression and/or sorted by a column.
GetRecordsByColumnResponse |
GPUdb.getRecordsByColumn(GetRecordsByColumnRequest request)
For a given table, retrieves the values from the requested column(s).
GetRecordsByColumnResponse |
GPUdb.getRecordsByColumn(String tableName,
List<String> columnNames,
long offset,
long limit,
Map<String,String> options)
For a given table, retrieves the values from the requested column(s).
RawGetRecordsByColumnResponse |
GPUdb.getRecordsByColumnRaw(GetRecordsByColumnRequest request)
For a given table, retrieves the values from the requested column(s).
<TResponse> |
GPUdb.getRecordsBySeries(GetRecordsBySeriesRequest request)
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given
worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the
tableName . |
<TResponse> |
GPUdb.getRecordsBySeries(Object typeDescriptor,
GetRecordsBySeriesRequest request)
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given
worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the
tableName . |
<TResponse> |
GPUdb.getRecordsBySeries(Object typeDescriptor,
String tableName,
String worldTableName,
int offset,
int limit,
Map<String,String> options)
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given
worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the
tableName . |
<TResponse> |
GPUdb.getRecordsBySeries(String tableName,
String worldTableName,
int offset,
int limit,
Map<String,String> options)
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given
worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the
tableName . |
RawGetRecordsBySeriesResponse |
GPUdb.getRecordsBySeriesRaw(GetRecordsBySeriesRequest request)
Retrieves the complete series/track records from the given
worldTableName based on the partial track information contained in the
tableName . |
<TResponse> |
GPUdb.getRecordsFromCollection(GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest request)
Retrieves records from a collection.
<TResponse> |
GPUdb.getRecordsFromCollection(Object typeDescriptor,
GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest request)
Retrieves records from a collection.
<TResponse> |
GPUdb.getRecordsFromCollection(Object typeDescriptor,
String tableName,
long offset,
long limit,
Map<String,String> options)
Retrieves records from a collection.
<TResponse> |
GPUdb.getRecordsFromCollection(String tableName,
long offset,
long limit,
Map<String,String> options)
Retrieves records from a collection.
RawGetRecordsFromCollectionResponse |
GPUdb.getRecordsFromCollectionRaw(GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest request)
Retrieves records from a collection.
RawGetRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.getRecordsRaw(GetRecordsRequest request)
Retrieves records from a given table, optionally filtered by an
expression and/or sorted by a column.
protected Object |
GPUdbBase.getTypeDescriptor(String typeId) |
protected <T> TypeObjectMap<T> |
GPUdbBase.getTypeObjectMap(Class<T> objectClass) |
GrantPermissionSystemResponse |
GPUdb.grantPermissionSystem(GrantPermissionSystemRequest request)
Grants a system-level permission to a user or role.
GrantPermissionSystemResponse |
GPUdb.grantPermissionSystem(String name,
String permission,
Map<String,String> options)
Grants a system-level permission to a user or role.
GrantPermissionTableResponse |
GPUdb.grantPermissionTable(GrantPermissionTableRequest request)
Grants a table-level permission to a user or role.
GrantPermissionTableResponse |
GPUdb.grantPermissionTable(String name,
String permission,
String tableName,
String filterExpression,
Map<String,String> options)
Grants a table-level permission to a user or role.
GrantRoleResponse |
GPUdb.grantRole(GrantRoleRequest request)
Grants membership in a role to a user or role.
GrantRoleResponse |
GPUdb.grantRole(String role,
String member,
Map<String,String> options)
Grants membership in a role to a user or role.
HasProcResponse |
GPUdb.hasProc(HasProcRequest request)
Checks the existence of a proc with the given name.
HasProcResponse |
GPUdb.hasProc(String procName,
Map<String,String> options)
Checks the existence of a proc with the given name.
HasTableResponse |
GPUdb.hasTable(HasTableRequest request)
Checks for the existence of a table with the given name.
HasTableResponse |
GPUdb.hasTable(String tableName,
Map<String,String> options)
Checks for the existence of a table with the given name.
HasTypeResponse |
GPUdb.hasType(HasTypeRequest request)
Check for the existence of a type.
HasTypeResponse |
GPUdb.hasType(String typeId,
Map<String,String> options)
Check for the existence of a type.
<TRequest> InsertRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.insertRecords(InsertRecordsRequest<TRequest> request)
Adds multiple records to the specified table.
<TRequest> InsertRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.insertRecords(String tableName,
List<TRequest> data,
Map<String,String> options)
Adds multiple records to the specified table.
<TRequest> InsertRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.insertRecords(TypeObjectMap<TRequest> typeObjectMap,
InsertRecordsRequest<TRequest> request)
Adds multiple records to the specified table.
<TRequest> InsertRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.insertRecords(TypeObjectMap<TRequest> typeObjectMap,
String tableName,
List<TRequest> data,
Map<String,String> options)
Adds multiple records to the specified table.
InsertRecordsRandomResponse |
GPUdb.insertRecordsRandom(InsertRecordsRandomRequest request)
Generates a specified number of random records and adds them to the
given table.
InsertRecordsRandomResponse |
GPUdb.insertRecordsRandom(String tableName,
long count,
Map<String,Map<String,Double>> options)
Generates a specified number of random records and adds them to the
given table.
InsertRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.insertRecordsRaw(RawInsertRecordsRequest request)
Adds multiple records to the specified table.
InsertSymbolResponse |
GPUdb.insertSymbol(InsertSymbolRequest request)
Adds a symbol or icon (i.e.
InsertSymbolResponse |
GPUdb.insertSymbol(String symbolId,
String symbolFormat,
ByteBuffer symbolData,
Map<String,String> options)
Adds a symbol or icon (i.e.
KillProcResponse |
GPUdb.killProc(KillProcRequest request)
Kills a running proc instance.
KillProcResponse |
GPUdb.killProc(String runId,
Map<String,String> options)
Kills a running proc instance.
LockTableResponse |
GPUdb.lockTable(LockTableRequest request)
Manages global access to a table's data.
LockTableResponse |
GPUdb.lockTable(String tableName,
String lockType,
Map<String,String> options)
Manages global access to a table's data.
MergeRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.mergeRecords(MergeRecordsRequest request)
Create a new empty result table (specified by
tableName ), and
insert all records from source tables (specified by sourceTableNames ) based on the field mapping information (specified by
fieldMaps ). |
MergeRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.mergeRecords(String tableName,
List<String> sourceTableNames,
List<Map<String,String>> fieldMaps,
Map<String,String> options)
Create a new empty result table (specified by
tableName ), and
insert all records from source tables (specified by sourceTableNames ) based on the field mapping information (specified by
fieldMaps ). |
void |
Verifies that GPUdb is running on the server.
void |
GenericRecord.putDateTime(int index,
Object value)
For string columns with date, time, or datetime property, parse the
string and convert to the appropriate Kinetica format using the system
void |
GenericRecord.putDateTime(int index,
Object value,
TimeZone timezone)
For string columns with date, time, or datetime property, parse the
string and convert to the appropriate Kinetica format using the given
timezone (system timezone if none given).
void |
GenericRecord.putDateTime(String name,
Object value)
For string columns with date, time, or datetime property, parse the
string and convert to the appropriate Kinetica format using the system
void |
GenericRecord.putDateTime(String name,
Object value,
TimeZone timezone)
For string columns with date, time, or datetime property, parse the
string and convert to the appropriate Kinetica format using the given
timezone (system timezone if none given).
RevokePermissionSystemResponse |
GPUdb.revokePermissionSystem(RevokePermissionSystemRequest request)
Revokes a system-level permission from a user or role.
RevokePermissionSystemResponse |
GPUdb.revokePermissionSystem(String name,
String permission,
Map<String,String> options)
Revokes a system-level permission from a user or role.
RevokePermissionTableResponse |
GPUdb.revokePermissionTable(RevokePermissionTableRequest request)
Revokes a table-level permission from a user or role.
RevokePermissionTableResponse |
GPUdb.revokePermissionTable(String name,
String permission,
String tableName,
Map<String,String> options)
Revokes a table-level permission from a user or role.
RevokeRoleResponse |
GPUdb.revokeRole(RevokeRoleRequest request)
Revokes membership in a role from a user or role.
RevokeRoleResponse |
GPUdb.revokeRole(String role,
String member,
Map<String,String> options)
Revokes membership in a role from a user or role.
GPUdbBase |
GPUdbBase.setHostManagerPort(int value)
Re-sets the host manager port number for the host manager URLs.
protected void |
GPUdbBase.setTypeDescriptorIfMissing(String typeId,
String label,
String typeSchema,
Map<String,List<String>> properties) |
ShowProcResponse |
GPUdb.showProc(ShowProcRequest request)
Shows information about a proc.
ShowProcResponse |
GPUdb.showProc(String procName,
Map<String,String> options)
Shows information about a proc.
ShowProcStatusResponse |
GPUdb.showProcStatus(ShowProcStatusRequest request)
Shows the statuses of running or completed proc instances.
ShowProcStatusResponse |
GPUdb.showProcStatus(String runId,
Map<String,String> options)
Shows the statuses of running or completed proc instances.
ShowSecurityResponse |
GPUdb.showSecurity(List<String> names,
Map<String,String> options)
Shows security information relating to users and/or roles.
ShowSecurityResponse |
GPUdb.showSecurity(ShowSecurityRequest request)
Shows security information relating to users and/or roles.
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse |
GPUdb.showSystemProperties(Map<String,String> options)
Returns server configuration and version related information to the
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse |
GPUdb.showSystemProperties(ShowSystemPropertiesRequest request)
Returns server configuration and version related information to the
ShowSystemStatusResponse |
GPUdb.showSystemStatus(Map<String,String> options)
Provides server configuration and health related status to the caller.
ShowSystemStatusResponse |
GPUdb.showSystemStatus(ShowSystemStatusRequest request)
Provides server configuration and health related status to the caller.
ShowSystemTimingResponse |
GPUdb.showSystemTiming(Map<String,String> options)
Returns the last 100 database requests along with the request timing and
internal job id.
ShowSystemTimingResponse |
GPUdb.showSystemTiming(ShowSystemTimingRequest request)
Returns the last 100 database requests along with the request timing and
internal job id.
ShowTableResponse |
GPUdb.showTable(ShowTableRequest request)
Retrieves detailed information about tables, views, and collections.
ShowTableResponse |
GPUdb.showTable(String tableName,
Map<String,String> options)
Retrieves detailed information about tables, views, and collections.
ShowTableMetadataResponse |
GPUdb.showTableMetadata(List<String> tableNames,
Map<String,String> options)
Retrieves the user provided metadata for the specified tables.
ShowTableMetadataResponse |
GPUdb.showTableMetadata(ShowTableMetadataRequest request)
Retrieves the user provided metadata for the specified tables.
ShowTablesByTypeResponse |
GPUdb.showTablesByType(ShowTablesByTypeRequest request)
Gets names of the tables whose type matches the given criteria.
ShowTablesByTypeResponse |
GPUdb.showTablesByType(String typeId,
String label,
Map<String,String> options)
Gets names of the tables whose type matches the given criteria.
ShowTriggersResponse |
GPUdb.showTriggers(List<String> triggerIds,
Map<String,String> options)
Retrieves information regarding the specified triggers or all existing
triggers currently active.
ShowTriggersResponse |
GPUdb.showTriggers(ShowTriggersRequest request)
Retrieves information regarding the specified triggers or all existing
triggers currently active.
ShowTypesResponse |
GPUdb.showTypes(ShowTypesRequest request)
Retrieves information for the specified data type ID or type label.
ShowTypesResponse |
GPUdb.showTypes(String typeId,
String label,
Map<String,String> options)
Retrieves information for the specified data type ID or type label.
protected void |
Automatically resets the host manager port number for the host manager
URLs by finding out what the host manager port is.
<TRequest> UpdateRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.updateRecords(String tableName,
List<String> expressions,
List<Map<String,String>> newValuesMaps,
List<TRequest> data,
Map<String,String> options)
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call.
<TRequest> UpdateRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.updateRecords(TypeObjectMap<TRequest> typeObjectMap,
String tableName,
List<String> expressions,
List<Map<String,String>> newValuesMaps,
List<TRequest> data,
Map<String,String> options)
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call.
<TRequest> UpdateRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.updateRecords(TypeObjectMap<TRequest> typeObjectMap,
UpdateRecordsRequest<TRequest> request)
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call.
<TRequest> UpdateRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.updateRecords(UpdateRecordsRequest<TRequest> request)
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call.
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse |
GPUdb.updateRecordsBySeries(String tableName,
String worldTableName,
String viewName,
List<String> reserved,
Map<String,String> options)
Updates the view specified by
tableName to include full series
(track) information from the worldTableName for the series
(tracks) present in the viewName . |
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse |
GPUdb.updateRecordsBySeries(UpdateRecordsBySeriesRequest request)
Updates the view specified by
tableName to include full series
(track) information from the worldTableName for the series
(tracks) present in the viewName . |
UpdateRecordsResponse |
GPUdb.updateRecordsRaw(RawUpdateRecordsRequest request)
Runs multiple predicate-based updates in a single call.
VisualizeImageResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeImage(List<String> tableNames,
List<String> worldTableNames,
String xColumnName,
String yColumnName,
String geometryColumnName,
List<List<String>> trackIds,
double minX,
double maxX,
double minY,
double maxY,
int width,
int height,
String projection,
long bgColor,
Map<String,List<String>> styleOptions,
Map<String,String> options) |
VisualizeImageResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeImage(VisualizeImageRequest request) |
VisualizeImageChartResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeImageChart(String tableName,
List<String> xColumnNames,
List<String> yColumnNames,
double minX,
double maxX,
double minY,
double maxY,
int width,
int height,
String bgColor,
Map<String,List<String>> styleOptions,
Map<String,String> options)
Scatter plot is the only plot type currently supported.
VisualizeImageChartResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeImageChart(VisualizeImageChartRequest request)
Scatter plot is the only plot type currently supported.
VisualizeImageClassbreakResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeImageClassbreak(List<String> tableNames,
List<String> worldTableNames,
String xColumnName,
String yColumnName,
String geometryColumnName,
List<List<String>> trackIds,
String cbAttr,
List<String> cbVals,
String cbPointcolorAttr,
List<String> cbPointcolorVals,
String cbPointsizeAttr,
List<String> cbPointsizeVals,
String cbPointshapeAttr,
List<String> cbPointshapeVals,
double minX,
double maxX,
double minY,
double maxY,
int width,
int height,
String projection,
long bgColor,
Map<String,List<String>> styleOptions,
Map<String,String> options) |
VisualizeImageClassbreakResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeImageClassbreak(VisualizeImageClassbreakRequest request) |
VisualizeImageContourResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeImageContour(List<String> tableNames,
String xColumnName,
String yColumnName,
String valueColumnName,
double minX,
double maxX,
double minY,
double maxY,
int width,
int height,
String projection,
Map<String,String> styleOptions,
Map<String,String> options) |
VisualizeImageContourResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeImageContour(VisualizeImageContourRequest request) |
VisualizeImageHeatmapResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeImageHeatmap(List<String> tableNames,
String xColumnName,
String yColumnName,
String valueColumnName,
String geometryColumnName,
double minX,
double maxX,
double minY,
double maxY,
int width,
int height,
String projection,
Map<String,String> styleOptions,
Map<String,String> options) |
VisualizeImageHeatmapResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeImageHeatmap(VisualizeImageHeatmapRequest request) |
VisualizeImageLabelsResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeImageLabels(String tableName,
String xColumnName,
String yColumnName,
String xOffset,
String yOffset,
String textString,
String font,
String textColor,
String textAngle,
String textScale,
String drawBox,
String drawLeader,
String lineWidth,
String lineColor,
String fillColor,
String leaderXColumnName,
String leaderYColumnName,
String filter,
double minX,
double maxX,
double minY,
double maxY,
int width,
int height,
String projection,
Map<String,String> options) |
VisualizeImageLabelsResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeImageLabels(VisualizeImageLabelsRequest request) |
VisualizeVideoResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeVideo(List<String> tableNames,
List<String> worldTableNames,
List<List<String>> trackIds,
String xColumnName,
String yColumnName,
String geometryColumnName,
double minX,
double maxX,
double minY,
double maxY,
int width,
int height,
String projection,
long bgColor,
List<List<Double>> timeIntervals,
String videoStyle,
String sessionKey,
Map<String,List<String>> styleOptions,
Map<String,String> options) |
VisualizeVideoResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeVideo(VisualizeVideoRequest request) |
VisualizeVideoHeatmapResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeVideoHeatmap(List<String> tableNames,
String xColumnName,
String yColumnName,
double minX,
double maxX,
double minY,
double maxY,
List<List<Double>> timeIntervals,
int width,
int height,
String projection,
String videoStyle,
String sessionKey,
Map<String,String> styleOptions,
Map<String,String> options) |
VisualizeVideoHeatmapResponse |
GPUdb.visualizeVideoHeatmap(VisualizeVideoHeatmapRequest request) |
Constructor and Description |
BulkInserter(GPUdb gpudb,
String tableName,
Type type,
int batchSize,
Map<String,String> options)
Creates a
BulkInserter with the specified parameters. |
BulkInserter(GPUdb gpudb,
String tableName,
Type type,
int batchSize,
Map<String,String> options,
WorkerList workers)
Creates a
BulkInserter with the specified parameters. |
BulkInserter(GPUdb gpudb,
String tableName,
TypeObjectMap<T> typeObjectMap,
int batchSize,
Map<String,String> options)
Creates a
BulkInserter with the specified parameters. |
BulkInserter(GPUdb gpudb,
String tableName,
TypeObjectMap<T> typeObjectMap,
int batchSize,
Map<String,String> options,
WorkerList workers)
Creates a
BulkInserter with the specified parameters. |
GPUdb(List<URL> urls)
Creates a
GPUdb instance for the GPUdb server with the
specified URLs using default options. |
GPUdb(List<URL> urls,
GPUdbBase.Options options)
Creates a
GPUdb instance for the GPUdb server with the
specified URLs using the specified options. |
GPUdb(String url)
Creates a
GPUdb instance for the GPUdb server at the
specified URL using default options. |
GPUdb(String url,
GPUdbBase.Options options)
Creates a
GPUdb instance for the GPUdb server at the
specified URL using the specified options. |
GPUdb(URL url)
Creates a
GPUdb instance for the GPUdb server at the
specified URL using default options. |
GPUdb(URL url,
GPUdbBase.Options options)
Creates a
GPUdb instance for the GPUdb server at the
specified URL using the specified options. |
GPUdbBase(List<URL> urls,
GPUdbBase.Options options) |
GPUdbBase(String url,
GPUdbBase.Options options) |
GPUdbBase(URL url,
GPUdbBase.Options options) |
RecordRetriever(GPUdb gpudb,
String tableName,
Type type)
Creates a
RecordRetriever with the specified parameters. |
RecordRetriever(GPUdb gpudb,
String tableName,
TypeObjectMap<T> typeObjectMap)
Creates a
RecordRetriever with the specified parameters. |
RecordRetriever(GPUdb gpudb,
String tableName,
TypeObjectMap<T> typeObjectMap,
WorkerList workers)
Creates a
RecordRetriever with the specified parameters. |
RecordRetriever(GPUdb gpudb,
String tableName,
Type type,
WorkerList workers)
Creates a
RecordRetriever with the specified parameters. |
WorkerList(GPUdb gpudb)
Creates a
WorkerList and automatically populates it with the
worker URLs from GPUdb to support multi-head operations. |
WorkerList(GPUdb gpudb)
This class has been superceded by
com.gpudb.WorkerList . |
WorkerList(GPUdb gpudb,
Pattern ipRegex)
Creates a
WorkerList and automatically populates it with the
worker URLs from GPUdb to support multi-head operations. |
WorkerList(GPUdb gpudb,
Pattern ipRegex)
This class has been superceded by
com.gpudb.WorkerList . |
WorkerList(GPUdb gpudb,
String ipPrefix)
Creates a
WorkerList and automatically populates it with the
worker URLs from GPUdb to support multi-head operations. |
WorkerList(GPUdb gpudb,
String ipPrefix)
This class has been superceded by
com.gpudb.WorkerList . |
Copyright © 2019. All rights reserved.