AdminAlterJobsRequest |
AdminAlterJobsRequest.Action |
Action to be performed on the jobs specified by job_ids.
AdminAlterJobsResponse |
AdminOfflineRequest |
AdminOfflineRequest.Offline |
Set to true if desired state is offline.
AdminOfflineRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
AdminOfflineResponse |
AdminReplaceTomRequest |
AdminReplaceTomResponse |
AdminShowAlertsRequest |
AdminShowAlertsResponse |
AdminShowJobsRequest |
AdminShowJobsRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
AdminShowJobsResponse |
AdminShowShardsRequest |
AdminShowShardsResponse |
AdminShutdownRequest |
AdminShutdownResponse |
AdminVerifyDbRequest |
AdminVerifyDbRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
AdminVerifyDbResponse |
AggregateConvexHullRequest |
AggregateConvexHullResponse |
AggregateGroupByRequest |
AggregateGroupByRequest.Encoding |
Specifies the encoding for returned records.
AggregateGroupByRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
AggregateGroupByResponse |
AggregateHistogramRequest |
AggregateHistogramRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
AggregateHistogramResponse |
AggregateKMeansRequest |
AggregateKMeansRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
AggregateKMeansResponse |
AggregateMinMaxGeometryRequest |
AggregateMinMaxGeometryResponse |
AggregateMinMaxRequest |
AggregateMinMaxResponse |
AggregateStatisticsByRangeRequest |
AggregateStatisticsByRangeRequest.Options |
Map of optional parameters:
ADDITIONAL_COLUMN_NAMES : A list of comma separated value-column names
over which statistics can be accumulated along with the primary
AggregateStatisticsByRangeResponse |
AggregateStatisticsRequest |
AggregateStatisticsRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
AggregateStatisticsRequest.Stats |
Comma separated list of the statistics to calculate, e.g.
AggregateStatisticsResponse |
AggregateUniqueRequest |
AggregateUniqueRequest.Encoding |
Specifies the encoding for returned records.
AggregateUniqueRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
AggregateUniqueResponse |
AggregateUnpivotRequest |
AggregateUnpivotRequest.Encoding |
Specifies the encoding for returned records.
AggregateUnpivotRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
AggregateUnpivotResponse |
AlterSystemPropertiesRequest |
AlterSystemPropertiesRequest.PropertyUpdatesMap |
Map containing the properties of the system to be updated.
AlterSystemPropertiesResponse |
AlterTableMetadataRequest |
AlterTableMetadataResponse |
AlterTableRequest |
AlterTableRequest.Action |
Modification operation to be applied
Supported values:
ALLOW_HOMOGENEOUS_TABLES : Sets whether homogeneous tables are allowed
in the given collection.
AlterTableRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
AlterTableResponse |
AlterUserRequest |
AlterUserRequest.Action |
Modification operation to be applied to the user.
AlterUserResponse |
AppendRecordsRequest |
AppendRecordsRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
AppendRecordsResponse |
ClearTableMonitorRequest |
ClearTableMonitorResponse |
ClearTableRequest |
ClearTableRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
ClearTableResponse |
ClearTriggerRequest |
ClearTriggerResponse |
CreateJobRequest |
CreateJobRequest.RequestEncoding |
The encoding of the request payload for the job.
CreateJobResponse |
CreateJoinTableRequest |
CreateJoinTableRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
CreateJoinTableResponse |
CreateMaterializedViewRequest |
CreateMaterializedViewRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
CreateMaterializedViewResponse |
CreateProcRequest |
CreateProcRequest.ExecutionMode |
The execution mode of the proc.
CreateProcRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
CreateProcResponse |
CreateProjectionRequest |
CreateProjectionRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
CreateProjectionResponse |
CreateRoleRequest |
CreateRoleResponse |
CreateTableMonitorRequest |
CreateTableMonitorResponse |
CreateTableRequest |
CreateTableRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
CreateTableResponse |
CreateTriggerByAreaRequest |
CreateTriggerByAreaResponse |
CreateTriggerByRangeRequest |
CreateTriggerByRangeResponse |
CreateTypeRequest |
CreateTypeRequest.Properties |
Each key-value pair specifies the properties to use for a given column
where the key is the column name.
CreateTypeResponse |
CreateUnionRequest |
CreateUnionRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
CreateUnionResponse |
CreateUserExternalRequest |
CreateUserExternalResponse |
CreateUserInternalRequest |
CreateUserInternalResponse |
DeleteProcRequest |
DeleteProcResponse |
DeleteRecordsRequest |
DeleteRecordsRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
DeleteRecordsResponse |
DeleteRoleRequest |
DeleteRoleResponse |
DeleteUserRequest |
DeleteUserResponse |
ExecuteProcRequest |
ExecuteProcRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
ExecuteProcResponse |
FilterByAreaGeometryRequest |
FilterByAreaGeometryRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterByAreaGeometryResponse |
FilterByAreaRequest |
FilterByAreaRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterByAreaResponse |
FilterByBoxGeometryRequest |
FilterByBoxGeometryRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterByBoxGeometryResponse |
FilterByBoxRequest |
FilterByBoxRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterByBoxResponse |
FilterByGeometryRequest |
FilterByGeometryRequest.Operation |
The geometric filtering operation to perform
Supported values:
Matches records that contain the given WKT in inputWkt , i.e.
FilterByGeometryRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterByGeometryResponse |
FilterByListRequest |
FilterByListRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterByListResponse |
FilterByRadiusGeometryRequest |
FilterByRadiusGeometryRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterByRadiusGeometryResponse |
FilterByRadiusRequest |
FilterByRadiusRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterByRadiusResponse |
FilterByRangeRequest |
FilterByRangeRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterByRangeResponse |
FilterBySeriesRequest |
FilterBySeriesRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterBySeriesResponse |
FilterByStringRequest |
FilterByStringRequest.Mode |
The string filtering mode to apply.
FilterByStringRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterByStringResponse |
FilterByTableRequest |
FilterByTableRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterByTableResponse |
FilterByValueRequest |
FilterByValueRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterByValueResponse |
FilterRequest |
FilterRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
FilterResponse |
GetJobRequest |
GetJobResponse |
GetJobResponse.JobStatus |
Status of the submitted job.
GetJobResponse.ResponseEncoding |
The encoding of the job result (contained in jobResponse or
jobResponseStr .
GetJobResponse.StatusMap |
Map of various status strings for the executed job.
GetRecordsByColumnRequest |
GetRecordsByColumnRequest.Encoding |
Specifies the encoding for returned records; either 'binary' or 'json'.
GetRecordsByColumnRequest.Options |
EXPRESSION : Optional filter expression to apply to the table.
GetRecordsByColumnResponse |
GetRecordsBySeriesRequest |
GetRecordsBySeriesRequest.Encoding |
Specifies the encoding for returned records; either 'binary' or 'json'.
GetRecordsBySeriesResponse<T> |
GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest |
GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest.Encoding |
Specifies the encoding for returned records; either 'binary' or 'json'.
GetRecordsFromCollectionRequest.Options |
RETURN_RECORD_IDS : If 'true' then return the internal record ID along
with each returned record.
GetRecordsFromCollectionResponse<T> |
GetRecordsRequest |
GetRecordsRequest.Encoding |
Specifies the encoding for returned records.
GetRecordsRequest.Options |
Optional filter expression to apply to the table.
GetRecordsResponse<T> |
GrantPermissionSystemRequest |
GrantPermissionSystemRequest.Permission |
Permission to grant to the user or role.
GrantPermissionSystemResponse |
GrantPermissionTableRequest |
GrantPermissionTableRequest.Permission |
Permission to grant to the user or role.
GrantPermissionTableResponse |
GrantRoleRequest |
GrantRoleResponse |
HasProcRequest |
HasProcResponse |
HasProcResponse.ProcExists |
Indicates whether the proc exists or not.
HasTableRequest |
HasTableResponse |
HasTableResponse.TableExists |
Indicates whether the table exists or not.
HasTypeRequest |
HasTypeResponse |
HasTypeResponse.TypeExists |
Indicates whether the type exists or not.
InsertRecordsRandomRequest |
InsertRecordsRandomRequest.Options |
Optional parameter to pass in specifications for the randomness of the
InsertRecordsRandomResponse |
InsertRecordsRequest<T> |
InsertRecordsRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
InsertRecordsResponse |
InsertSymbolRequest |
InsertSymbolRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
InsertSymbolRequest.SymbolFormat |
Specifies the symbol format.
InsertSymbolResponse |
KillProcRequest |
KillProcResponse |
LockTableRequest |
LockTableRequest.LockType |
The type of lock being applied to the table.
LockTableResponse |
MergeRecordsRequest |
MergeRecordsRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
MergeRecordsResponse |
RawAggregateGroupByResponse |
RawAggregateUniqueResponse |
RawAggregateUnpivotResponse |
RawGetRecordsByColumnResponse |
RawGetRecordsBySeriesResponse |
RawGetRecordsFromCollectionResponse |
RawGetRecordsResponse |
RawGpudbResponse |
A set of parameters for the raw wrapper for GPUdb responses.
RawInsertRecordsRequest |
RawInsertRecordsRequest.ListEncoding |
The encoding of the records to be inserted.
RawInsertRecordsRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
RawUpdateRecordsRequest |
RawUpdateRecordsRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
RawUpdateRecordsRequest.RecordEncoding |
Identifies which of recordsToInsert and recordsToInsertStr should be used.
RevokePermissionSystemRequest |
RevokePermissionSystemRequest.Permission |
Permission to revoke from the user or role.
RevokePermissionSystemResponse |
RevokePermissionTableRequest |
RevokePermissionTableRequest.Permission |
Permission to revoke from the user or role.
RevokePermissionTableResponse |
RevokeRoleRequest |
RevokeRoleResponse |
ShowProcRequest |
ShowProcRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
ShowProcResponse |
ShowProcResponse.ExecutionModes |
The execution modes of the procs named in procNames .
ShowProcStatusRequest |
ShowProcStatusRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
ShowProcStatusResponse |
ShowProcStatusResponse.OverallStatuses |
Overall statuses for the returned run IDs.
ShowProcStatusResponse.Statuses |
Statuses for the returned run IDs, grouped by data segment ID.
ShowSecurityRequest |
ShowSecurityResponse |
ShowSecurityResponse.Types |
Map of user/role name to the type of that user/role.
ShowSystemPropertiesRequest |
ShowSystemPropertiesRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse |
ShowSystemPropertiesResponse.PropertyMap |
A map of server configuration parameters and version information.
ShowSystemStatusRequest |
ShowSystemStatusResponse |
ShowSystemTimingRequest |
ShowSystemTimingResponse |
ShowTableMetadataRequest |
ShowTableMetadataResponse |
ShowTableRequest |
ShowTableRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
ShowTableResponse |
ShowTableResponse.AdditionalInfo |
Additional information about the respective tables in tableNames .
ShowTableResponse.TableDescriptions |
List of descriptions for the respective tables in tableNames .
ShowTablesByTypeRequest |
ShowTablesByTypeResponse |
ShowTriggersRequest |
ShowTriggersResponse |
ShowTypesRequest |
ShowTypesRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
ShowTypesResponse |
UpdateRecordsBySeriesRequest |
UpdateRecordsBySeriesResponse |
UpdateRecordsRequest<T> |
UpdateRecordsRequest.Options |
Optional parameters.
UpdateRecordsResponse |
VisualizeImageChartRequest |
VisualizeImageChartRequest.StyleOptions |
Rendering style options for a chart.
VisualizeImageChartResponse |
VisualizeImageChartResponse.AxesInfo |
Information returned for drawing labels for the axes associated with
non-numeric columns.
VisualizeImageClassbreakRequest |
VisualizeImageClassbreakRequest.Projection |
VisualizeImageClassbreakRequest.StyleOptions |
VisualizeImageClassbreakResponse |
VisualizeImageContourRequest |
VisualizeImageContourRequest.Options |
VisualizeImageContourRequest.Projection |
VisualizeImageContourRequest.StyleOptions |
VisualizeImageContourResponse |
VisualizeImageHeatmapRequest |
VisualizeImageHeatmapRequest.Projection |
VisualizeImageHeatmapRequest.StyleOptions |
VisualizeImageHeatmapResponse |
VisualizeImageLabelsRequest |
VisualizeImageLabelsRequest.Projection |
VisualizeImageLabelsResponse |
VisualizeImageRequest |
VisualizeImageRequest.Projection |
VisualizeImageRequest.StyleOptions |
VisualizeImageResponse |
VisualizeVideoHeatmapRequest |
VisualizeVideoHeatmapRequest.Projection |
VisualizeVideoHeatmapRequest.StyleOptions |
VisualizeVideoHeatmapResponse |
VisualizeVideoRequest |
VisualizeVideoRequest.Projection |
VisualizeVideoRequest.StyleOptions |
VisualizeVideoResponse |