
API Documentation

Map Initialization



initMap(options) -> {Promise<Map>}


A Promise that delivers the Mapbox GL Map when initialized; this is the Mapbox web map object that will be used throughout the rest of the API.


Initializes a Mapbox web map.

Parameter Type Required Description
options Object Yes A configuration object for the map
options.mapDiv String Yes The div ID of the web map container
options.mapboxgl Object Yes The Mapbox GL object
options.mapboxKey String Yes The Mapbox API key
options.kineticaUrl String Yes The URL of the Kinetica REST API
options.wmsUrl String Yes The URL of the Kinetica WMS endpoint Array<Number> No The center point at which the map should initialize
options.zoom Integer No The Mapbox zoom scale with which to initialize the map
options.username String No The basic auth username for the Kinetica REST API
options.password String No The basic auth password for the Kinetica REST API


Map centered on Kinetica HQ:

        mapDiv : "kineticaHQ",
        mapboxgl : window.mapboxgl,
        mapboxKey : 'abc123',
        kineticaUrl : "http://kinetica:9191",
        wmsUrl : "http://kinetica:9191/wms",
        center : [-122.398, 37.793],
        zoom : 15,
        username : "admin",
        password : "admin"

WMS Layer



addWmsLayer(map, options) -> {Promise<Object>}


A layer parameters object; useful for testing purposes.


Adds a WMS raster-styled layer to the Mapbox map.

Parameter Type Required Description
map Object Yes The Mapbox web map object
options Object Yes A configuration object for the WMS layer
options.layerId String Yes A unique identifier of the layer; cannot have the same ID as any other added layer
options.layerType String Yes

The styling used to render the WMS image; options:

  • raster
  • cb_raster
  • heatmap
  • contour
  • labels

Can optionally use options.renderingOptions.layers in lieu of this property

options.wmsUrl String Yes The URL of the Kinetica WMS endpoint
options.tableName String Yes The name of the source table for the layer, containing geospatial data
options.xAttr String Yes (if x,y) The name of the column containing x values (often longitude)
options.yAttr String Yes (if x,y) The name of the column containing y values (often latitude)
options.geoAttr String Yes (if WKT) The name of the column containing WKT values
options.before String No The layer before (underneath) which to add the new layer; if specified layer ID is not found, the new layer will be added on top of all existing layers
options.renderingOptions Object No

Rendering options that dictate the styling of the WMS layer; see the WMS documentation for the corresponding layer type for examples and default values:


Raster image of offices from an office table with lat & lon columns for coordinates:

        wmsUrl : 'http://kinetica:9191/wms',
        layerId : 'offices',
        layerType : 'raster',
        tableName : 'office',
        xAttr : 'lon',
        yAttr : 'lat',
        renderingOptions :
            POINTCOLORS: 'FF0000',
            POINTSHAPES: 'square',
            POINTSIZES: 4



updateWmsLayer(map, options) -> {Object}


An object containing the map, WMS URL, source name, layer name, query parameters, and the redraw function; useful for testing purposes


Updates a WMS layer's parameters with the passed options. Useful for updating WMS output styling parameters based on UI interactions.

Parameter Type Required Description
map Object Yes The Mapbox web map object
options Object Yes A configuration object for the WMS layer
options.layerId String Yes The unique identifier of the layer to update
options.wmsUrl String Yes The URL of the Kinetica WMS endpoint
options.renderingOptions Object No

Rendering options that dictate the styling of the WMS layer; see the WMS documentation for the corresponding layer type for examples and default values:


Update raster image of offices, turning each point into a green circle:

        layerId : 'offices',
        wmsUrl : 'http://kinetica:9191/wms',
        renderingOptions :
            POINTCOLORS: '00FF00',
            POINTSHAPES: 'circle',
            POINTSIZES: 3



updateWmsLayerType(map, layerId, layerType, debounceLimit) -> {Object}


An object containing the redraw function and the debounce limit; useful for testing purposes


Changes an existing WMS layer's rendering type and sets all of its parameters to the default values. Useful for changing a layer's presentation without having to destroy the old layer and create a new one.

Parameter Type Required Description
map Object Yes The Mapbox web map object
layerId String Yes The unique identifier of the layer to update
layerType String Yes The type to which the layer should be updated
debounceLimit Number No The debounce limit to use as a delay between the end of panend/zoomend events; default is 2000ms


Update layer of offices to a heatmap:




removeWmsLayer(map, layerId) -> {Void}




Removes a WMS layer from the map, based on layer ID; this includes the layer source and event listeners

Parameter Type Required Description
map Object Yes The Mapbox web map object
layerId String Yes The unique identifier of the layer to remove


Remove offices layer:




addCbLegend(map, legendTitle, location, cbConfig) -> {Void}




Adds a WMS raster styled layer to the Mapbox map

Parameter Type Required Description
map Object Yes The Mapbox web map object
legendTitle String Yes A title to add to the top of the legend
location String Yes The location of the screen to render; e.g., top-right
cbConfig Object Yes An object containing the class-break configuration values
cbConfig.cbVals Array<String> Yes An array of class-break specifications to be shown next to the colored legend tokens
cbConfig.pointColors Array<String> Yes An array of class-break colors to be rendered as tokens next to the class breaks


Add a legend to a class break on offices by the number of employees at each; offices of up to 20 employees will be green, between 21 and 40 will be yellow, and 41 or more employees will be shaded red:

    'Offices by Employees',
        cbVals :
        pointColors :



setLayerOpacity(map, layerId, opacity) -> {Void}




A helper function to easily set a layer's opacity

Parameter Type Required Description
map Object Yes The Mapbox web map object
layerId String Yes The unique identifier of the layer to modify
opacity Number Yes The opacity to assign the layer, between 0 and 1


Set opacity of offices layer to 50%:


Cluster Layer



addClusterLayer(map, options) -> {Promise}


Returns a promise that resolves with the map, cluster object, update function, and options used to generate the cluster. Useful for testing purposes.


Adds a geohash cluster visualization layer to the Mapbox map

Parameter Type Required Description
map Object Yes The Mapbox web map object
options Object Yes A configuration object for the cluster layer
options.layerId String Yes A unique identifier for the layer; cannot have the same ID as any other added layer
options.mapboxgl Object Yes The Mapbox GL object
options.kineticaUrl String Yes The URL of the Kinetica REST API
options.tableName String Yes The name of the source table for the layer, containing geospatial data
options.xAttr String Yes The name of the column containing x values (often longitude)
options.yAttr String Yes The name of the column containing y values (often latitude)
options.geohashAttr String Yes The name of the column containing geohashes
options.precision Integer Yes The geohash precision (number of beginning geohash characters) to use on the initial database groupby of geohashes; cannot exceed the length of any geohash; higher numbers will produce a more granular view at some performance cost
options.clusterRadius Integer No The visual radius, in pixels, on the map within which to generate clusters; does not impact database performance, only client-side rendering
options.clusterMaxZoom Integer No The maximum zoom with which clusters can be generated; defaults to 14
options.useBbox Boolean No Whether to generate clusters only within the current bounding box or not to restrict the generation area; defaults to No; when Yes, more granular, high-density clusters tend to be generated
options.minSize Integer No The minimum visual size of each cluster dot; defaults to 1 pixel
options.maxSize Integer No The maximum visual size of each cluster dot; defaults to 20 pixels
options.minColor String No The color of the smallest clusters; defaults to red; a gradient will form between this color and the one in maxColor
options.maxColor String No The color of the largest clusters; defaults to green; a gradient will form between this color and the one specified in minColor
options.dbAggregations Array<String> No

An array of custom aggregations to perform at the database level at the specified precision of the geohashes; these will be included as properties for the custom client-side aggregations


COUNT(*) is calculated by default and should not be specified as an aggregate

options.clientAggregations Array<Object> No

An array of custom map/reduce aggregations to perform on the client side, for each cluster displayed at the current zoom level; aggregation configurations should be objects with the following properties:

  • key: name of column (or column alias defined in dbAggregations expression) on which to apply the aggregation; this name must be used throughout the map/reduce config
  • initial: initial value of aggregation variable
  • map: optional mapping function on (key, properties), where each value of the column (or column alias defined in dbAggregations expressions) can be accessed within the function at properties.<column>
  • reduce: reducing function on (accumulated, properties) where each mapped value of the column (or column alias defined in dbAggregations expressions) can be accessed within the function at properties.<column> and accumulated into the value at accumulated.<column>


See below for an example setup using both database & client-side aggregations


A WKT column is not currently allowed when creating clusters--x/y columns must be used.


Clustering of employees from an office_employee table with lat & lon columns for coordinates, each cluster calculating the total of the salaries earned by all employees located at offices within the cluster:

        layerId : 'office_employees',
        mapboxgl: window.mapboxgl,
        kineticaUrl : 'http://kinetica:9191',
        tableName : 'office_employee',
        xAttr : 'lon',
        yAttr : 'lat',
        geohashAttr : 'geo_hash',
        precision : 4,
        clusterRadius : 40,
        clusterMaxZoom : 14,
        useBbox : true,
        minSize : 1,
        maxSize : 20,
        minColor : '#FF0000',
        maxColor : '#00FF00',
        dbAggregations :
            'SUM(salary) employeeSalaries'
        clientAggregations :
                key: 'employeeSalaries',
                initial: 0,
                map: (key, properties) => {
                    return Number(properties.employeeSalaries);
                reduce: (accumulated, properties) => {
                    return accumulated.employeeSalaries + properties.employeeSalaries;


The following events can be acted upon using the Kinetica Kickbox.js Event API

Event Name Description
beforeWmsLayerAdded Fires just before a WMS layer is added to the map
afterWmsLayerAdded Fires just after a WMS layer has been added to the map
beforeClusterLayerAdded Fires just before a cluster layer is added to the map
afterClusterLayerAdded Fires just after a cluster layer is added to the map
beforeWmsLayerRemoved Fires just before a WMS layer is removed from the map
afterWmsLayerRemoved Fires just after a WMS layer is removed from the map
beforeWmsSourceRemoved Fires just before a WMS layer is removed from the map
afterWmsSourceRemoved Fires just after a WMS layer is removed from the map
beforeZoomToBounds Fires just before zooming to bounds
afterZoomToBounds Fires just after zooming to bounds
beforeWmsLayerUpdated Fires just before a WMS layer is updated
afterWmsLayerUpdated Fires just before a WMS layer is updated



on(name, cb) -> {Void}




Registers a callback with the given event name; an ID can be specified to allow a subsequent unregister call by ID instead of function signature, which requires storing function references globally

Parameter Type Required Description
name String Yes The event name with which to register the listener callback
cb Function Yes The callback to invoke when the event is fired
cb.kbFnId String No The callback ID to use when unregistering the handler using offById


Log to console immediately after a WMS layer is added, and assign a callback ID of myCallbackId for subsequent use in turning this event handler off using offById:

var afterWmsLayerUpdatedCb = (e) => { console.log('[' + e.eventName + ']  WMS layer has been updated'); }
afterWmsLayerUpdatedCb.kbFnId = 'myCallbackId';




off(name, cb) -> {Void}




Unregisters a callback with the given event name and callback function

Parameter Type Required Description
name String Yes The event name from which to unregister the listener callback
cb Function Yes The callback function to unregister


Stop calling afterWmsLayerUpdateCb when afterWmsLayerUpdated events occur:



As noted in on, the callback function reference passed in here must be the same reference passed to the on function



offById(name, cbId) -> {Void}




Unregisters a callback that has a kbFnId property equal to the specified cbId

Parameter Type Required Description
name String Yes The event name from which to unregister the listener callback
cbId String Yes The ID of the callback function to unregister


Stop calling the callback function with an ID of myCallbackId when afterWmsLayerUpdated events occur:



This ID must match the one assigned to the callback function before calling the on function



trigger(name) -> {Void}




Triggers a Kinetica Kickbox.js event for all listeners of the event with the specified name

Parameter Type Required Description
name String Yes The name of the event to trigger


Fire the afterWmsLayerUpdated event, triggering all listeners for that event to invoke their respective callback functions:


Identify Modes



enableIdentifyByRadiusMode(map, options) -> {Void}




Enables the identify-by-radius mode on a specified layer, after first disabling any currently active identify mode

Parameter Type Required Description
map Object Yes The Mapbox web map object
options Object Yes An object containing the identify-by-radius mode configuration values
options.layerId String Yes The unique identifier of the layer on which to enable identify-by-radius mode
options.mapboxgl Object Yes The Mapbox GL object
options.MapboxDraw Object Yes The Mapbox GL Draw object
options.kineticaUrl String Yes The URL of the Kinetica REST API
options.tableName String Yes The name of the source table for the layer, containing geospatial data
options.xAttr String Yes (if x,y) The name of the column containing x values (often longitude)
options.yAttr String Yes (if x,y) The name of the column containing y values (often latitude)
options.geoAttr String Yes (if WKT) The name of the column containing WKT values
options.transformations Array<Object> No

An array of objects that contain two properties:

  • condition - a function to determine whether a given record should be transformed
  • transformation - a function that performs a transformation on a given record


The Mapbox GL and Mapbox GL Draw objects require a separate install from Kinetica Kickbox.js


Enable geospatial filtering of data via click-and-drag of a circle on the offices map layer, prefixing hex values in the color_code column with a #:

        layerId : 'offices',
        mapboxgl : window.mapboxgl,
        MapboxDraw : window.MapboxDraw,
        kineticaUrl : "http://kinetica:9191",
        tableName : 'office',
        xAttr : 'lon',
        yAttr : 'lat',
        transformations :
                condition: (columnName, columnType) => { return columnName === 'color_code'; },
                transformation: (record, columnName) =>
                    record[columnName] = '#' + record[columnName];
                    return record;



enableIdentifyByPointMode(map) -> {Void}




Enables the identify-by-point mode on a specified layer, after first disabling any currently active identify mode

Parameter Type Required Description
map Object Yes The Mapbox web map object
options Object Yes An object containing the identify-by-point mode configuration values
options.layerId String Yes The unique identifier of the layer on which to enable identify-by-point mode
options.mapboxgl Object Yes The Mapbox GL object
options.MapboxDraw Object Yes The Mapbox GL Draw object
options.kineticaUrl String Yes The URL of the Kinetica REST API
options.tableName String Yes The name of the source table for the layer, containing geospatial data
options.xAttr String Yes (if x,y) The name of the column containing x values (often longitude)
options.yAttr String Yes (if x,y) The name of the column containing y values (often latitude)
options.geoAttr String Yes (if WKT) The name of the column containing WKT values
options.radiusInMeters Number Yes The radius (in meters) around the clicked point to use as the search area
options.transformations Array<Object> No

An array of objects that contain two properties:

  • condition - a function to determine whether a given record should be transformed
  • transformation - a function that performs a transformation on a given record


The Mapbox GL and Mapbox GL Draw objects require a separate install from Kinetica Kickbox.js


Enable geospatial filtering of data via click of a point on the offices map layer and applying a 200m fixed radius to determine the filtered area, prefixing hex values in the color_code column with a #:

        layerId : 'offices',
        mapboxgl : window.mapboxgl,
        MapboxDraw : window.MapboxDraw,
        kineticaUrl : "http://kinetica:9191",
        tableName : 'office',
        xAttr : 'lon',
        yAttr : 'lat',
        radiusInMeters : 200,
        transformations :
                condition: (columnName, columnType) => { return columnName === 'color_code'; },
                transformation: (record, columnName) =>
                    record[columnName] = '#' + record[columnName];
                    return record;



disableIdentifyMode(map) -> {Void}




Disables the currently active identify-by-radius or identify-by-point mode and unregisters all callbacks driving the user interaction with this mode

Parameter Type Required Description
map Object Yes The Mapbox web map object


Disable any active identify mode:
