
Alter System Properties

The Alter System Properties endpoint is primarily used to simplify the testing of the system and is not expected to be used during normal execution. Commands are given through the input parameter property_updates_map whose keys are commands and values are strings representing integer values (for example '8000') or boolean values ('true' or 'false').

Input Parameter Description

Name Type Description
property_updates_map map of string to strings

Map containing the properties of the system to be updated. Error if empty.

Supported Parameters (keys) Parameter Description
sm_omp_threads Set the number of OpenMP threads that will be used to service filter & aggregation requests against collections to the specified integer value.
kernel_omp_threads Set the number of kernel OpenMP threads to the specified integer value.

Enables concurrent kernel execution if the value is true and disables it if the value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
chunk_size Sets the chunk size of all new sets to the specified integer value.
execution_mode Sets the execution_mode for kernel executions to the specified string value. Possible values are host, device, default (engine decides) or an integer value that indicates max chunk size to exec on host
flush_to_disk Flushes any changes to any tables to the persistent store. These changes include updates to the vector store, object store, and text search store, Value string is ignored
clear_cache Clears cached results. Useful to allow repeated timing of endpoints. Value string is ignored
communicator_test Invoke the communicator test and report timing results. Value string is is a comma separated list of <key>=<value> expressions. Expressions are: num_transactions=<num> where num is the number of request reply transactions to invoke per test; message_size=<bytes> where bytes is the size of the messages to send in bytes; check_values=<enabled> where if enabled is true the value of the messages received are verified.

Enables the communicator test to collect additional timing statistics when the value string is true. Disables the collection when the value string is false The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
bulk_add_test Invoke the bulk add test and report timing results. Value string is ignored.
network_speed Invoke the network speed test and report timing results. Value string is a semicolon-separated list of <key>=<value> expressions. Valid expressions are: seconds=<time> where time is the time in seconds to run the test; data_size=<size> where size is the size in bytes of the block to be transferred; threads=<number of threads>; to_ranks=<space-separated list of ranks> where the list of ranks is the ranks that rank 0 will send data to and get data from. If to_ranks is unspecified then all worker ranks are used.
request_timeout Number of minutes after which filtering (e.g., Filter) and aggregating (e.g., Aggregate Group By) queries will timeout. The default value is '20'.The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is 1440.
max_get_records_size The maximum number of records the database will serve for a given data retrieval call. The default value is '20000'.The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is 1000000.
memory_allocation_limit_mb Set the memory allocation limit for all rank processes in megabytes, 0 means no limit. Overrides any individual rank memory allocation limits. The default value is '0'.The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is 2147483647.
enable_audit Enable or disable auditing.
audit_headers Enable or disable auditing of request headers.
audit_body Enable or disable auditing of request bodies.
audit_data Enable or disable auditing of request data.
enable_job_manager Enable JobManager to enforce processing of requests in the order received.
chunk_cache_enabled Enable chunk level query caching. Flushes the chunk cache when value is false
chunk_cache_size Size of the chunk cache in bytes. The default value is '10000000'.The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is 2147483647.
options map of string to strings Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Output Parameter Description

Name Type Description
updated_properties_map map of string to strings map of values updated, For speed tests a map of values measured to the measurement