
Geospatial Objects


A point can be any record that has fields containing the longitude and latitude of a geospatial point.


Kinetica supports the following WKT types: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLine, MultiPolygon, and GeometryCollection. Examples of WKT include:

POINT (1 1)
MULTILINESTRING ((1 1, 2 2, 3 3),(-3 -3, -2 -2, -1 -1, 0 0))


Tracks are a collection of points which represent the path an object takes across the map. Unlike a WKT multiline string, each point in a track has an associated timestamp. Taken together: the longitude, latitude, and timestamp in each record describe where the object was at a given time; all points in a given track should contain the same track ID. Tables containing tracks must have columns of the following names and types (names are case-sensitive):

  • TRACKID - unrestricted string
  • x - any numeric type (int, float, double, etc.)
  • y - any numeric type (int, float, double, etc.)
  • TIMESTAMP - any numeric or time-based type (long, datetime, etc.)

Tracks can be accessed via the following endpoints:


Join views cannot be used to render tracks.


Labels are text labels located at specified positions on the map. Each label can optionally be enclosed in a box and can have a line pointing to a specific location.