
URL: https://<aws.fqdn>/<aws.cluster.name>/gpudb-0/alter/user

Alters a user.

Input Parameter Description

namestringName of the user to be altered. Must be an existing user.

Modification operation to be applied to the user.

Supported ValuesDescription
set_commentSets the comment for an internal user.
set_passwordSets the password of the user. The user must be an internal user.
set_resource_groupSets the resource group for an internal user. The resource group must exist, otherwise, an empty string assigns the user to the default resource group.
set_default_schemaSet the default_schema for an internal user. An empty string means the user will have no default schema.
valuestringThe value of the modification, depending on input parameter action.
optionsmap of string to stringsOptional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Output Parameter Description

The GPUdb server embeds the endpoint response inside a standard response structure which contains status information and the actual response to the query. Here is a description of the various fields of the wrapper:

statusString'OK' or 'ERROR'
messageStringEmpty if success or an error message
data_typeString'alter_user_response' or 'none' in case of an error
dataStringEmpty string
data_strJSON or String

This embedded JSON represents the result of the /alter/user endpoint:

namestringValue of input parameter name.
infomap of string to stringsAdditional information.

Empty string in case of an error.