Geospatial Objects


A point can be any record that has fields containing the longitude and latitude of a geospatial point.


Kinetica supports the following WKT types: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, and GeometryCollection.

WKT shapes can include a z-level value ranging from -128 to +128 but rendering points on the z-axis (e.g., via Web Map Service or Workbench as either a Table/View WMS Preview or a Worksheet Map Block) is currently not supported.


Though LINEARRING WKT types may be inserted into tables, any LINEARRINGs used within a geospatial function will be converted to a LINESTRING

Examples of WKTs include:

PointPOINT (-77.1151397 38.8814540)
LineStringLINESTRING (-77.1151397 38.8814540, -122.3979088 37.7929045)
PolygonPOLYGON ((-77.115 38.881, -71.054 42.364, -122.398 37.793, -77.115 38.881))
MultiPointMULTIPOINT ((-77.115 38.881), (-122.398 37.793))
MultiLineStringMULTILINESTRING ((-77.115 38.881, -122.398 37.793), (-77.115 38.881, -71.054 42.364))
MultiPolygonMULTIPOLYGON (((-77 38, -71 42, -122 37, -77 38)), ((-122 37, -77 38, -71 42, -122 37)))
GeometryCollectionGEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (-77.115 38.881), LINESTRING (-77.115 38.881, -122.398 37.793))


Tracks are a set of points which represent the path an object takes across the map. Unlike a WKT multiline string, each point in a track has an associated timestamp. Taken together: the longitude, latitude, and timestamp in each record describe where the object was at a given time; all points in a given track should contain the same track ID. Tables containing tracks must have columns of the following names and types (names are case-sensitive):

TRACKIDSelect string types (unrestricted, charN, UUID)Must be the table's shard key
xAny numeric type (int, float, double, etc.)Corresponds to the longitude
yAny numeric type (int, float, double, etc.)Corresponds to the latitude
TIMESTAMPAny numeric or time-based type (long, datetime, etc.) 

Any table created with these columns that does not define a shard key with automatically have one added.

Track-based tables can utilize partitioning for better performance and data management. See Partitioning for details and limitations.

Tracks can be accessed via the following means:


Labels are text labels located at specified positions on the map. Each label can optionally be enclosed in a box and can have a line pointing to a specific location.