Export records from table

Export records from a table to files. All tables can be exported, in full or partial (see columns_to_export and columns_to_skip). Additional filtering can be applied when using export table with expression through SQL. Default destination is KIFS, though other storage types (Azure, S3, GCS, and HDFS) are supported through datasink_name; see Create Data Sink.

Server's local file system is not supported. Default file format is delimited text. See options for different file types and different options for each file type. Table is saved to a single file if within max file size limits (may vary depending on datasink type). If not, then table is split into multiple files; these may be smaller than the max size limit.

All filenames created are returned in the response.

Input Parameter Description

filepathstringPath to data export target. If input parameter filepath has a file extension, it is read as the name of a file. If input parameter filepath is a directory, then the source table name with a random UUID appended will be used as the name of each exported file, all written to that directory. If filepath is a filename, then all exported files will have a random UUID appended to the given name. In either case, the target directory specified or implied must exist. The names of all exported files are returned in the response.
optionsmap of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
batch_sizeNumber of records to be exported as a batch. The default value is '1000000'.
column_formatsFor each source column specified, applies the column-property-bound format. Currently supported column properties include date, time, & datetime. The parameter value must be formatted as a JSON string of maps of column names to maps of column properties to their corresponding column formats, e.g., '{ "order_date" : { "date" : "%Y.%m.%d" }, "order_time" : { "time" : "%H:%M:%S" } }'. See default_column_formats for valid format syntax.
columns_to_exportSpecifies a comma-delimited list of columns from the source table to export, written to the output file in the order they are given. Column names can be provided, in which case the target file will use those names as the column headers as well. Alternatively, column numbers can be specified--discretely or as a range. For example, a value of '5,7,1..3' will write values from the fifth column in the source table into the first column in the target file, from the seventh column in the source table into the second column in the target file, and from the first through third columns in the source table into the third through fifth columns in the target file. Mutually exclusive with columns_to_skip.
columns_to_skipComma-separated list of column names or column numbers to not export. All columns in the source table not specified will be written to the target file in the order they appear in the table definition. Mutually exclusive with columns_to_export.
datasink_nameDatasink name, created using Create Data Sink .
default_column_formatsSpecifies the default format to use to write data. Currently supported column properties include date, time, & datetime. This default column-property-bound format can be overridden by specifying a column property & format for a given source column in column_formats. For each specified annotation, the format will apply to all columns with that annotation unless custom column_formats for that annotation are specified. The parameter value must be formatted as a JSON string that is a map of column properties to their respective column formats, e.g., '{ "date" : "%Y.%m.%d", "time" : "%H:%M:%S" }'. Column formats are specified as a string of control characters and plain text. The supported control characters are 'Y', 'm', 'd', 'H', 'M', 'S', and 's', which follow the Linux 'strptime()' specification, as well as 's', which specifies seconds and fractional seconds (though the fractional component will be truncated past milliseconds). Formats for the 'date' annotation must include the 'Y', 'm', and 'd' control characters. Formats for the 'time' annotation must include the 'H', 'M', and either 'S' or 's' (but not both) control characters. Formats for the 'datetime' annotation meet both the 'date' and 'time' control character requirements. For example, '{"datetime" : "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" }' would be used to write text as "05/04/2000 12:12:11"
export_ddlSave DDL to a separate file. The default value is 'false'.
file_extensionExtension to give the export file. The default value is '.csv'.

Specifies the file format to use when exporting data. The default value is delimited_text.

Supported ValuesDescription
delimited_textDelimited text file format; e.g., CSV, TSV, PSV, etc.

Whether to include a Kinetica proprietary header. Will not be written if text_has_header is false. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
kinetica_header_delimiterIf a Kinetica proprietary header is included, then specify a property separator. Different from column delimiter. The default value is '|'.

File compression type. GZip can be applied to text and Parquet files. Snappy can only be applied to Parquet files, and is the default compression for them. The supported values are:

  • uncompressed
  • snappy
  • gzip

Save records to a single file. This option may be ignored if file size exceeds internal file size limits (this limit will differ on different targets). The default value is true. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
  • overwrite
single_file_max_sizeMax file size (in MB) to allow saving to a single file. May be overridden by target limitations. The default value is ''.
text_delimiterSpecifies the character to write out to delimit field values and field names in the header (if present). For delimited_text file_type only. The default value is ','.

Indicates whether to write out a header row. For delimited_text file_type only. The default value is true. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
text_null_stringSpecifies the character string that should be written out for the null value in the data. For delimited_text file_type only. The default value is '\N'.

Output Parameter Description

table_namestringName of source table
count_exportedlongNumber of source table records exported
count_skippedlongNumber of source table records skipped
filesarray of stringsNames of all exported files
last_timestamplongTimestamp of last file scanned
data_textarray of strings 
data_bytesarray of bytes 
infomap of string to stringsAdditional information