
SQL Support

Kinetica has broad support for the SQL-92 standard through its ODBC connector interface. For details on installation, configuration, logging, & use, see the The ODBC/JDBC Connector section.



The basic form of the supported SELECT statement is:

SELECT [DISTINCT | TOP <n>] <column expression list>
FROM [<schema name>.]<table name>
    [<join type> JOIN <join table name> ON <join expression>],...
[WHERE <filtering expression list>]
[GROUP BY <grouping expression list>]
[HAVING <group filtering expression list>]
[ORDER BY <ordering expression list>]
[LIMIT [<offset>, ]<num rows>]


  • The * can be used to specify all columns in the column expression list, while <table_name>.* can be used to specify all columns from the given table.

  • Columns can be double-quoted to induce case-sensitivity and to use reserved words as column names; e.g., "PERCENT".

  • TOP <n> returns the first n records (up to 20000 records by default), but is configurable.

  • The grouping expression list may contain column names, aliases, expressions, or positions (e.g., GROUP BY 2 to aggregate on the 2nd column in the SELECT list).

  • The having expression list may contain grouping expressions or any grouping expression aliases defined in the SELECT list.

  • The ordering expression list may contain column names, expressions, or column positions (e.g., GROUP BY 2 to aggregate on the 2nd column in the SELECT list). The default ordering is ASC. The default null ordering is NULLS FIRST when using ascending order and NULLS LAST when using descending order. The general format for each comma-separated ordering expression in the list is:

    <column name/alias/expression/position> [ASC | DESC] [NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST]
  • LIMIT applies paging to the result set, starting at the 0-based offset (if specified) and returning num rows records.

For example:

    e.last_name || ', ' || e.first_name as "Employee_Name",
    m.last_name || ', ' || m.first_name as "Manager_Name"
    employee e
    LEFT JOIN employee m ON e.manager_id =
    e.dept_id IN (1, 2, 3)

Tableless Query

A query without a FROM clause can be used to return a single row of data containing a constant or constant expression.

For example, to select the current day of the week:



A tableless query will create a result set backed by a replicated table, by default.


The supported join types are:

  • INNER - matching rows between two tables
  • LEFT - matching rows between two tables, and rows in the left-hand table with no matching rows in the right-hand table
  • RIGHT - matching rows between two tables, and rows in the right-hand table with no matching rows in the left-hand table
  • FULL OUTER matching rows between two tables, and rows in both tables with no matching rows in the other
  • CROSS - all rows in one table matched against all rows in the other

There are two execution schemes that are used to process joins, depending on the distribution of the joined tables:

  • Local - highly performant, but native join criteria must be met
  • Distributed - highly flexible, as native join restrictions are lifted, but less performant due to interprocessor communication overhead


Though the data distribution restrictions on native joins do not exist for joins made via SQL, following the join guidelines on sharding will result in much more performant queries.

Kinetica supports both JOIN...ON and WHERE clause syntax for inner joins; all outer join types (LEFT, RIGHT, & FULL OUTER) require JOIN...ON syntax.

For example, to list the name of each employee and the name of the employee's manager, using the WHERE clause to specify the join condition:

    e.last_name || ', ' || e.first_name as "Employee_Name",
    m.last_name || ', ' || m.first_name as "Manager_Name"
    employee e,
    employee m
    e.manager_id =

To list the name of each employee and the associated manager, even for employees that don't have a manager, using the JOIN...ON syntax to specify the join condition:

    e.last_name || ', ' || e.first_name as "Employee_Name",
    m.last_name || ', ' || m.first_name as "Manager_Name"
    employee e
    LEFT JOIN employee m ON e.manager_id =


Kinetica supports the notion of an inexact match join via the ASOF join function. This feature allows each left-side table record to be matched to a single right-side table record whose join column value is the smallest or largest value within a range relative to the left-side join column value. In the case where multiple right-side table records have the same smallest or largest value for a given left-side table record, only one of the right-side table records will be chosen and returned as part of the join.

The format of the ASOF function is as follows:

ASOF(<left_column>, <right_column>, <rel_range_begin>, <rel_range_end>, <MIN|MAX>)

The five parameters are:

  • left_column - name of the column to join on from the left-side table
  • right_column - name of the column to join on from the right-side table
  • rel_range_begin - constant value defining the position, relative to each left-side column value, of the beginning of the range in which to match right-side column values; use a negative constant to begin the range before the left-side column value, or a positive one to begin after it
  • rel_range_end - constant value defining the position, relative to each left-side column value, of the end of the range in which to match right-side column values; use a negative constant to end the range before the left-side column value, or a positive one to end after it
  • MIN|MAX - use MIN to return the right-side matched record with the smallest join column value; use MAX to return the right-side matched record with the greatest join column value

Effectively, each matched right-side column value must be:

  • >= <left-side column value> + rel_range_begin
  • <= <left-side column value> + rel_range_end

Within the set of right-side matches for each left-side record, the one with the MIN or MAX column value will be returned in the join. In the case of a tie for the MIN or MAX column value, only one right-side record will be selected for return in the join for that left-side record.


The following ASOF call might be used to list, for each flight arrival time, the soonest flight departure time that occurs between half an hour and an hour and a half after the arrival; effectively, the time-matching portion of a connecting flight query:

ASOF(inbound.eta, outbound.etd, INTERVAL '30' MINUTE, INTERVAL '90' MINUTE, MIN)

This ASOF call returns right-side locations that are nearest eastward to each left-side location, for locations within 5 degrees of the left-side:

ASOF(b.x, n.x, .00001, 5, MIN)

For example, to match a set of stock trades to the opening prices for those stocks (if an opening price record exists within 24 hours prior to the trade), and to include trades for which there is no opening stock price record:

    t.dt AS execution_dt,
    q.open_dt AS quote_dt,
    t.price AS execution_price,
    trades t
    LEFT JOIN quotes q ON t.ticker = q.symbol AND ASOF(t.dt, q.open_dt, INTERVAL '-1' DAY, INTERVAL '0' DAY, MAX)

While the ASOF join function can only be used as part of a join, it can effectively be made into a filter condition by sub-selecting the filter criteria in the FROM clause and joining on that criteria.

For instance, to look up the stock price for a given company as of a given date:

    (SELECT 'EBAY' AS ticker, DATETIME('2006-12-15 12:34:56') AS asof_dt) t
    LEFT JOIN quotes q ON t.ticker = q.symbol AND ASOF(t.asof_dt, q.open_dt, INTERVAL '-1' DAY, INTERVAL '0' DAY, MAX)


The use of the KI_HINT_NO_LATE_MATERIALIZATION is key, here, as the join requires a materialized table, which this hint ensures, to succeed.


The GROUP BY clause can be used to segment data into groups and apply aggregate functions over the values within each group. Aggregation functions applied to data without a GROUP BY clause will be applied over the entire result set.


GROUP BY can operate on columns, column expressions, or the position of a member of the SELECT clause (where 1 is the first element), but does not work on column aliases.

For example, to find the average cab fare from the taxi data set:

SELECT ROUND(AVG(total_amount),2) AS "Average_Fare"
FROM nyctaxi

To find the minimum, maximum, & average trip distances, as well as the average passenger count for each vendor per year from the taxi data set (weeding out data with errant trip distances):

    vendor_id AS Vendor_ID,
    YEAR(pickup_datetime) AS Year,
    MAX(trip_distance) AS Max_Trip,
    MIN(trip_distance) AS Min_Trip,
    ROUND(AVG(trip_distance),2) AS Avg_Trip,
    INT(AVG(passenger_count)) AS Avg_Passenger_Count
FROM nyctaxi
    trip_distance > 0 AND
    trip_distance < 100
GROUP BY vendor_id, 2
ORDER BY Vendor_ID, Year


The GROUP BY clause can also be used to apply the following grouping functions over the values within each group:

With each of these, the GROUPING() aggregate function can be used to distinguish aggregated null values in the data from null values generated by the ROLLUP, CUBE, or GROUPING SETS grouping function.

For instance, the following CASE will turn the aggregated null values in the Sector column into an <UNKNOWN SECTOR> group and the null value generated by the grouping function into an <ALL SECTORS> group:

END AS Sector_Group,


The ROLLUP(expr list) function calculates n + 1 aggregates for n number of columns in expr list.

For example, the following query will aggregate the average opening stock price for these groups:

  • Each market sector & stock symbol pair
  • Each market sector
  • All sectors and symbols
        WHEN (GROUPING(Sector) = 1) THEN '<ALL SECTORS>'
        ELSE NVL(Sector, '<UNKNOWN SECTOR>')
    END AS Sector_Group,
        WHEN (GROUPING(Symbol) = 1) THEN '<ALL SYMBOLS>'
        ELSE NVL(Symbol, '<UNKNOWN SYMBOL>')
    END AS Symbol_Group,
    AVG("Open") AS AvgOpen
FROM Stocks
GROUP BY ROLLUP(Sector, Symbol)
ORDER BY Sector_Group, Symbol_Group


The CUBE(expr list) function calculates 2n aggregates for n number of columns in expr list.

For example, the following query will aggregate the average opening stock price for these groups:

  • Each market sector & stock symbol pair
  • Each market sector
  • Each stock symbol
  • All sectors and symbols
        WHEN (GROUPING(Sector) = 1) THEN '<ALL SECTORS>'
        ELSE NVL(Sector, '<UNKNOWN SECTOR>')
    END AS Sector_Group,
        WHEN (GROUPING(Symbol) = 1) THEN '<ALL SYMBOLS>'
        ELSE NVL(Symbol, '<UNKNOWN SYMBOL>')
    END AS Symbol_Group,
    AVG("Open") AS AvgOpen
FROM Stocks
GROUP BY CUBE(Sector, Symbol)
ORDER BY Sector_Group, Symbol_Group


The GROUPING SETS(expr list) function calculates aggregates for each group of columns in expr list.

For example, the following query will aggregate the average opening stock price for these groups:

  • Each market sector
  • Each stock symbol
  • All sectors and symbols
        WHEN (GROUPING(Sector) = 1) THEN '<ALL SECTORS>'
        ELSE NVL(Sector, '<UNKNOWN SECTOR>')
    END AS Sector_Group,
        WHEN (GROUPING(Symbol) = 1) THEN '<ALL SYMBOLS>'
        ELSE NVL(Symbol, '<UNKNOWN SYMBOL>')
    END AS Symbol_Group,
    AVG("Open") AS AvgOpen
FROM Stocks
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS((Sector), (Symbol), ())
ORDER BY Sector_Group, Symbol_Group


Window functions are available through the use of the OVER clause, which can partition rows into frames. Different types of functions can be used to aggregate data over a sliding window.

The basic form for a window is:

    <window function> OVER (
        PARTITION BY <column expression list>
        [ORDER BY <ordering expression list>]
            <RANGE | ROWS>
                <UNBOUNDED PRECEDING | <number> PRECEDING | CURRENT ROW | <number> FOLLOWING> |
                    AND <UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING | <number> PRECEDING | CURRENT ROW | <number> FOLLOWING>
    ) [AS <alias>]


The ORDER BY clause is not required when the window function is either FIRST_VALUE() or LAST_VALUE(). These two functions are also the only ranking functions that can contain a RANGE or ROWS frame clause.

The default ordering of records within each partition is ASC. The default null ordering is NULLS FIRST when using ascending order and NULLS LAST when using descending order. The general format for each comma-separated ordering expression in the list is:

<column name/alias/expression/position> [ASC | DESC] [NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST]


Only one column can be specified in the ordering expression list when using RANGE. When using ROWS, the frame is applied after any ordering; so, while several columns may appear in the order expression list, there will be only one ROWS clause following the list.

When a RANGE frame is specified, CURRENT ROW includes all peer rows (rows with the same ordering values). Thus, when the first of a set of peer rows is encountered, all associated peer rows are included in the frame (not just the first one).

In contrast, when a ROWS frame is specified, CURRENT ROW will direct that only the peer rows up to and including the current row are contained within the frame--the following peer rows will not be included.


If a frame clause is specified without a BETWEEN, the clause is applied to the frame start; the frame end will still be the default of CURRENT ROW.

For example, to calculate the rolling sum of total amounts collected by each taxi vendor over the course of a given day, as well as the number of other trips that occurred within 5 minutes of each trip:

        SUM(total_amount) OVER
                PARTITION BY vendor_id
                ORDER BY pickup_datetime
    ) AS growing_sum,
            PARTITION BY vendor_id
            ORDER BY LONG(pickup_datetime)
        ) AS trip_demand
FROM nyctaxi
WHERE pickup_datetime >= '2015-01-01' AND pickup_datetime < '2015-01-01 02:00:00'

To calculate a 5-before and 10-after moving average of 4-passenger trip distances per vendor over the course of a given day:

    AVG(trip_distance) OVER
            PARTITION BY vendor_id
            ORDER BY pickup_datetime
        ) AS local_avg_dist
FROM nyctaxi
    passenger_count = 4 AND
    pickup_datetime >= '2015-01-01' AND pickup_datetime < '2015-01-02'

To rank, by vendor, the total amounts collected from 3-passenger trips on a given day:

    total_amount AS fare,
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY vendor_id ORDER BY total_amount) AS ranked_fare,
    DECIMAL(PERCENT_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY vendor_id ORDER BY total_amount)) * 100 AS percent_ranked_fare
FROM nyctaxi
    passenger_count = 3 AND
    pickup_datetime >= '2015-01-11' AND pickup_datetime < '2015-01-12'

To compare each trip's total amount to the lowest, highest, & average total amount for 5-passenger trips for each vendor over the course of a given day:

    tip_amount - 
        FIRST_VALUE(tip_amount) OVER
            (PARTITION BY vendor_id ORDER BY tip_amount NULLS LAST) AS lowest_amount,
    tip_amount - 
            AVG(tip_amount) OVER
                    PARTITION BY vendor_id
                    ORDER BY tip_amount
        ) AS average_amount,
    tip_amount - 
        FIRST_VALUE(tip_amount) OVER
            (PARTITION BY vendor_id ORDER BY tip_amount DESC) AS highest_amount
FROM nyctaxi
    passenger_count = 5 AND
    pickup_datetime >= '2015-04-17' AND pickup_datetime < '2015-04-18' AND
    tip_amount > 0 AND
    trip_distance > 0

To compare each vendor's average total amount to their average total amount within the interquartile range:

    DECIMAL(AVG(total_amount)) AS average_total_amount,
    DECIMAL(AVG(IF(quartile IN (2,3), total_amount, null))) AS average_interq_range_total_amount
        NTILE(4) OVER (PARTITION BY vendor_id ORDER BY total_amount) quartile
GROUP BY vendor_id
ORDER BY vendor_id


The PIVOT clause can be used to pivot columns, "rotating" column values into row values, creating wider and shorter denormalized tables from longer, more normalized tables.

The basic form for a pivot is:

<SELECT statement>
    <aggregate expression [AS <alias>]>[,...]
    FOR <column> IN (<column list>)

For example, given a source table phone_number, which lists each phone number for a customer as a separate record in the table, a pivot operation can be performed, creating a single record per customer with the home, work, & cell phone numbers as separate columns.

With this data:

| name   | phone_type   | phone_number   |
| Jane   | Home         | 123-456-7890   |
| Jane   | Work         | 111-222-3333   |
| John   | Home         | 123-456-7890   |
| John   | Cell         | 333-222-1111   |

The following pivot operation can be applied:

FROM example.phone_list
    MAX(phone_number) AS Phone
    FOR phone_type IN ('Home', 'Work', 'Cell')

The data will be pivoted into a table like this:

| name   | Home_Phone     | Work_Phone     | Cell_Phone     |
| Jane   | 123-456-7890   | 111-222-3333   |                |
| John   | 123-456-7890   |                | 333-222-1111   |


The UNPIVOT clause can be used to unpivot columns, "rotating" row values into column values, creating longer, more normalized tables from shorter, more denormalized tables.

The basic form for an unpivot is:

<SELECT statement>
    <value_column> FOR <var_column> IN (<column list>)

For example, given a source table customer_contact, which lists the home, work, & cell phone numbers for each customer in the table, an unpivot operation can be performed, creating separate home, work, & cell phone records for each customer.

With this data:

| name   | home_phone     | work_phone     | cell_phone     |
| Jane   | 123-456-7890   | 111-222-3333   |                |
| John   | 123-456-7890   |                | 333-222-1111   |

The following unpivot operation can be applied:

        Home_Phone AS Home,
        Work_Phone AS Work,
        Cell_Phone AS Cell
    phone_number FOR phone_type in (Home, Work, Cell)

The data will be unpivoted into a table like this:

| name   | phone_number   | phone_type   |
| Jane   | 123-456-7890   | Home         |
| Jane   | 111-222-3333   | Work         |
| Jane   |                | Cell         |
| John   | 123-456-7890   | Home         |
| John   |                | Work         |
| John   | 333-222-1111   | Cell         |


If the original column names can be used as the values of the unpivot key, as is, the pre-selection and renaming of those columns using a subquery in the FROM clause can be eliminated.

For example, unpivoting without aliasing the quarterly grade columns will result in those exact column names being used as the quarter values:

FROM example.student_grade
    grade FOR quarter IN (q1_grade, q2_grade, q3_grade, q4_grade)
|   student_id |       grade | quarter    |
|            1 |   80.0      | q1_grade   |
|            1 |   90.0      | q2_grade   |
|            1 |   85.0      | q3_grade   |
|            1 |   95.0      | q4_grade   |
|            2 |   82.0      | q1_grade   |
|            2 |             | q2_grade   |
|            2 |   87.0      | q3_grade   |
|            2 |   92.0      | q4_grade   |
|            3 |   73.0      | q1_grade   |
|            3 |   77.0      | q2_grade   |
|            3 |   97.0      | q3_grade   |
|            3 |             | q4_grade   |

Set Operations

There are three types of supported set operations, each having the option of returning duplicate records in the result set by using the keyword ALL:

  • UNION [ALL] - return all records from both source data sets
  • INTERSECT [ALL] - return only records that exist in both source data sets
  • EXCEPT [ALL] - return all records that exist in the first data set, but not in the second


The UNION set operator creates a single list of records from the results of two SELECT statements. Use the ALL keyword to keep all records from both sets; omit it to remove duplicate records and form a single list of records unique between the two sets. See Limitations and Cautions for limitations.

<SELECT statement>
<SELECT statement>

For example, given a table of lunch menu items and another table of dinner menu items, a UNION can be used to return all unique lunch & dinner menu items together, including items that are the same on both menus, but of a different price:



Since the example includes price and all columns selected must match between the two sets for an item to be considered a duplicate, a lunch item that is priced differently as a dinner item would also appear in the result set.

A UNION ALL can be used to return all lunch & dinner menu items together, including duplicates:



The INTERSECT set operator creates a single list of records that exist in both of the result sets from two SELECT statements. Use the ALL keyword to keep duplicate records that exist in both sets; omit it to remove duplicate records and form a single list of records that exist in both sets. See Limitations for limitations.

<SELECT statement>
<SELECT statement>

For example, given a table of lunch menu items and another table of dinner menu items, an INTERSECT can be used to return all lunch menu items (excluding duplicates) that are also dinner items for the same price:



Since the example includes price and all columns selected must match between the two sets for an item to be included, a lunch item that is priced differently as a dinner item would not appear in the result set.


The EXCEPT set operator performs set subtraction, creating a single list of records that exist in the first SELECT statement's result set, but not in the second SELECT statement's result set. Use the ALL keyword to keep duplicate records that exist in the first set but not in the second; omit it to remove duplicate records and form a single list of records that exist in the first set but not the second. See Limitations for limitations:

<SELECT statement>
<SELECT statement>

For example, given a table of lunch menu items and another table of dinner menu items, an EXCEPT can be used to return all lunch menu items (excluding duplicates) that are not also dinner items for the same price:



Since the example includes price and all columns selected must match between the two sets for an item to be eliminated, a lunch item that is priced differently as a dinner item would still appear in the result set.

WITH (Common Table Expressions)

The WITH operation, also known as a Common Table Expression (CTE) creates a set of data that can be aliased and used one or more times in subsequent operations. The aliased set can be used within the SELECT, FROM, or WHERE clauses of a subsequent query or a subsequent CTE within the same WITH operation.

Recursive WITH operations are not supported--the aliased set cannot refer to itself. The alias must be unique within the WITH statement--no other column or column alias can be similarly named, for example. Also, when used in a FROM clause and given a table alias, the table alias must be preceded with AS.

A CTE can be made available to a DML or DDL statement by having the WITH statement follow the CREATE TABLE...AS, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement (not precede it).

Each CTE definition within a WITH statement is structured as follows:

<cte name> [(column list)] AS (<SELECT statement>)

Each WITH statement can contain one or more CTE definitions, followed by a SELECT statement, as shown here:

WITH <cte definition>,...
<SELECT statement>

For example:

    dept2_emp_sal_by_mgr (manager_id, sal) AS
        SELECT manager_id, salary
        FROM employee
        WHERE dept_id = 2
    manager_id dept2_mgr_id,
    MAX(sal) dept2_highest_emp_sal_per_mgr,
    COUNT(*) as dept2_total_emp_per_mgr
FROM dept2_emp_sal_by_mgr
GROUP BY manager_id

To apply the CTE to an INSERT statement, follow the INSERT clause with the WITH clause:

INSERT INTO dept2_emp_mgr_roster (emp_first_name, emp_last_name, mgr_first_name, mgr_last_name)
    dept2_emp AS
        SELECT first_name, last_name, manager_id
        FROM employee
        WHERE dept_id = 2
    dept2_mgr AS
        SELECT first_name, last_name, id
        FROM employee
        WHERE dept_id = 2
SELECT d2emp.first_name, d2emp.last_name, d2mgr.first_name, d2mgr.last_name
    dept2_emp as d2emp
    JOIN dept2_mgr as d2mgr ON d2emp.manager_id =


Kinetica supports iteration over each record within a data set for the purpose of creating a result set with 0 to N result records per record in the original set.

This iteration can be variable, based on some value within each record, or fixed, based on a given constant value.

The iteration is performed by joining against the virtual ITER table, as follows:

FROM table, ITER
WHERE ITER.i < <column expression>

The <column expression> can be replaced by a constant for fixed iteration.

For example, to extract all of the individual letters from a column of words, with one record per letter extracted (using variable iteration):

SELECT id, word, i, SUBSTR(word, i + 1, 1) AS letter
FROM dictionary
ORDER BY id, i;

To duplicate the set of words five times (using fixed iteration):

FROM dictionary, ITER
WHERE i < 5
ORDER BY id, i;

For more detail, examples, and limitations, see Iteration.


Each data type has an associated literal constant syntax, which can be used, for instance, to insert constant data values into those columns.

Numeric Constants

Integer and floating point data types can be either single-quoted or not.

For example:

INSERT INTO numeric_types (int_type1, int_type2, float_type1, float_type2)

String-Based Constants

String-based data types should be single-quoted.

For example:

INSERT INTO string_types (varchar_type, charn_type, ipv4_type, wkt_type)
    'varchar value',
    'charN value',
    'POINT(0 0)'

Binary Constants

Binary types can be represented in either of the following forms:

  • single-quoted or unquoted base-10
  • single-quoted hexadecimal

For example:

INSERT INTO byte_types (bytes_type)

Date/Time Constants

Kinetica accepts unqualified single-quoted date/time values, ANSI SQL, and ODBC escape sequences in the following formats:

Data Type Native ANSI ODBC
Time '[H]H24:MI:SS.mmm' TIME 'HH24:MI:SS.mmm' {t 'HH24:MI:SS.mmm'}
DateTime 'YYYY-[M]M-[D]D[T| ][H]H24:MI:SS.mmm[Z]' TIMESTAMP 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.mmm' {ts 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.mmm'}
Timestamp 'YYYY-[M]M-[D]D [H]H24:MI:SS.mmm' TIMESTAMP 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.mmm' {ts 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.mmm'}

For example:

  • Native:

    INSERT INTO date_time_types (date_type, time_type, datetime_type, timestamp_type)
        '2000-01-02 12:34:56.789',
        '2000-01-02 12:34:56.789'
        '2000-1-02 1:23:45.678'
  • ANSI:

    INSERT INTO date_time_types (date_type, time_type, datetime_type, timestamp_type)
        DATE '2000-01-02',
        TIME '12:34:56.789',
        TIMESTAMP '2000-01-02 12:34:56.789',
        TIMESTAMP '2000-01-02 12:34:56.789'
  • ODBC:

    INSERT INTO date_time_types (date_type, time_type, datetime_type, timestamp_type)
        {d '2000-01-02'},
        {t '12:34:56.789'},
        {ts '2000-01-02 12:34:56.789'},
        {ts '2000-01-02 12:34:56.789'}


An expression can consist of a literal constant, a column name, or a function applied to a constant or column name. A compound expression is an operation or function applied to one or more expressions.

The following are the supported expression operators:

  • + addition
  • - subtraction
  • * multiplication
  • / division
  • () grouping
  • || string concatenation


Use double quotes to specify column names in a case-sensitive manner.

Conditional Functions

Function Description
DECODE(expr, match_a, value_a, ..., match_N, value_N) Evaluates expr: returns the first value whose corresponding match is equal to expr
IF(expr, value_if_true, value_if_false)

Evaluates expr: if true, returns value_if_true; otherwise, value_if_false

Parameter Description

any true/false condition


When an integer column is used directly, this function will will interpret non-zero values as true and zero values as false.

value_if_true any numeric value
value_if_false any numeric value


The case statement acts as a scalar function, but has two more complex forms. Note that for each of these CASE statements, the value expressions must all be of the same or convertible data type.

In the first form, each WHEN is followed by a conditional expression whose corresponding THEN expression will have its value returned, if true. Control will continue through each WHEN until a match is found and the corresponding value returned; if no match is found, the value of the ELSE expression will be returned, or null, if no ELSE clause exists.

    WHEN <cond_expr_a> THEN <value_expr_a>
    WHEN <cond_expr_N> THEN <value_expr_N>
    ELSE <value_expr>

In the second form, the CASE expression is evaluated. A match of that result will be attempted against each WHEN expression until a match is found and the value of the corresponding THEN expression returned; if no match is found, the value of the ELSE expression will be returned, or null, if no ELSE clause exists.

CASE <expr>
    WHEN <match_expr_a> THEN <value_expr_a>
    WHEN <match_expr_N> THEN <value_expr_N>
    ELSE <value_expr>


This second version below has greater optimization than the first.


    WHEN color = 1 THEN 'Red'
    WHEN color >= 2 THEN 'Green'
    ELSE 'Blue'
CASE mod(length(text), 2)
    WHEN 0 THEN 'Even'
    WHEN 1 THEN 'Odd'
    ELSE null

Conversion Functions

Function Description

CAST(expr AS [SQL_]<conv_type>)


CONVERT(expr, [SQL_]<conv_type>)

Converts expr into conv_type data type

Conversion Types:

Numeric String Date/Time


When using the SQL_ prefix, UNSIGNED BIGINT becomes SQL_UNSIGNED_BIGINT

CHAR(expr) Returns the character associated with the ASCII code given in expr
CHAR1(expr) Converts the given expr to VARCHAR(1) type
CHAR2(expr) Converts the given expr to VARCHAR(2) type
CHAR4(expr) Converts the given expr to VARCHAR(4) type
CHAR8(expr) Converts the given expr to VARCHAR(8) type
CHAR16(expr) Converts the given expr to VARCHAR(16) type
CHAR32(expr) Converts the given expr to VARCHAR(32) type
CHAR64(expr) Converts the given expr to VARCHAR(64) type
CHAR128(expr) Converts the given expr to VARCHAR(128) type
CHAR256(expr) Converts the given expr to VARCHAR(256) type
DATE(expr) Converts expr to date (YYYY-MM-DD) format
DATETIME(expr) Converts expr to datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.mmm) format
DECIMAL(expr) Converts the given expr to DECIMAL type
DOUBLE(expr) Converts the given expr to DOUBLE type
FLOAT(expr) Converts the given expr to REAL type
INT(expr) Converts the given expr to INTEGER type
LONG(expr) Converts the given expr to BIGINT type
TIME(expr) Converts expr to time (HH24:MI:SS) format
TIMESTAMP(expr) Converts expr to the number of milliseconds since the epoch
TO_CHAR(expr, format)

Converts the given date/time expr to a string matching the given format. The format must be a string literal--expressions are not supported at this time. Arbitrary text can be injected into the format string using double-quotes.

The returned string will be truncated at 32 characters.

Valid format codes include:

Format Description
YYYY 4-digit year
YY 2-digit year
M Number of month in year, without leading zero [1 - 12]
MM Number of month in year, with leading zero [01 - 12]
MON 3-character abbreviation of month in title case; e.g., Jan
MONTH Full name of month; e.g., January
C Number of day in month, without leading zero [1 - 31]
DD Number of day in month, with leading zero [01 - 31]
DY 3-character abbreviation of day of the week; e.g., Fri
DAY Full name of day of the week; e.g., Friday
H Alias for H12
HH Alias for HH12
H12 Hour of day in 12-hour format, without leading zero [0 - 11]
HH12 Hour of day in 12-hour format, with leading zero [00 - 11]
H24 Hour of day in 24-hour format, without leading zero [0 - 23]
HH24 Hour of day in 24-hour format, with leading zero [00 - 23]
MI Minute of hour [00 - 59]
SS Second of minute [00 - 59]
AM Before or after noon designator [AM, PM]
PM Alias for AM


Function Call TO_CHAR(DATETIME(971181296000), '"Last login: "YYYY-MM-DD')
Return Last login: 2000-10-10
ULONG(expr) Converts the given expr to UNSIGNED BIGINT type

Date/Time Functions

This section comprises the following functions:

Date/Time Base Functions

Function Description
CURRENT_DATE() Returns the date as YYYY-MM-DD
CURRENT_DATETIME() Returns the date & time as YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.mmm
CURRENT_TIME() Returns the time as HH24:MI:SS.mmm
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() Returns the date & time as YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.mmm; to return the date & time as the number of milliseconds since the epoch, pass the result of this function to LONG()
DATEADD(unit, amount, expr)

Adds the positive or negative integral amount of unit date/time intervals to the date/time in expr

The following date/time intervals are supported for unit:

Constant Description
'YEAR' Year is modified by interval amount (not affected by leap year, etc.)
'MONTH' Month is modified by interval amount and date adjusted if overflow/underflow occurs; day adjusted to last day of calculated month if not a valid day for that month (e.g. Apr 31st -> Apr 30th)
'DAY' Day is modified by interval amount (time not affected by daylight savings time, etc.); date is adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs
'HOUR' Hour is modified by interval amount (time not affected by daylight savings time, etc.); date is adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs
'MINUTE' Minute is modified by interval amount; date/time are adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs
'SECOND' Second is modified by interval amount; date/time are adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs
'MILLISECOND' Millisecond is modified by interval amount; date/time are adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs
'QUARTER' Month is modified by three times the interval amount, irrespective of the number of days in the months between; day adjusting performed the same as the MONTH description, but only on final month (e.g., Jan 31st + 1 quarter will be Apr 30th, not Apr 28th because of February)
'WEEK' Day is modified by 7 times the interval amount (time not affected by daylight savings time, etc.); month & year are adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs


Any of these unit types can have a SQL_TSI_ prefix prepended to them; e.g., both DAY and SQL_TSI_DAY are valid unit types for specifying a day interval


Function Call Result
DATEADD('YEAR', 1, '2000-10-10') 2001-10-10
DATEADD('MONTH', 1, '2000-01-31') 2000-02-29
DATEADD('DAY', 1, '2000-12-31') 2001-01-01
DATEADD('HOUR', 12, '2000-10-10 12:34:56') 2000-10-11 00:34:56.000
DATEADD('MINUTE', 1, '2000-10-10 12:34:56') 2000-10-10 12:35:56.000
DATEADD('SECOND', 1, '2000-12-31 23:59:59') 2001-01-01 00:00:00.000
DATEADD('MILLISECOND', 1, '2000-10-10 12:34:56') 2000-10-10 12:34:56.001
DATEADD('QUARTER', 1, '2000-11-30') 2001-02-28
DATEADD('WEEK', 53, '2000-01-01') 2001-01-06
DATEDIFF(expr_begin, expr_end) Determines the difference between two dates, irrespective of time component, as the number of days when expr_begin is subtracted from expr_end; returns a negative number of days if expr_begin occurs after expr_end
DAY(expr) Alias for DAYOFMONTH(expr)
DAYNAME(expr) Extracts the day of the week from expr and converts it to the corresponding day name [Sunday - Saturday ]
DAYOFMONTH(expr) Extracts the day of the month from expr [1 - 31]

Extracts the day of the week from expr [1 - 7]

Expression Value Result
Date on Sunday 1
Date on Monday 2
Date on Tuesday 3
Date on Wednesday 4
Date on Thursday 5
Date on Friday 6
Date on Saturday 7
DAY_OF_WEEK(expr) Alias for DAYOFWEEK(expr)
DAYOFYEAR(expr) Extracts the day of the year from expr [1 - 366]
DAY_OF_YEAR(expr) Alias for DAYOFYEAR(expr)
HOUR(expr) Extracts the hour of the day from expr [0 - 23]

<expr> + INTERVAL '<amount>' <part>

<expr> - INTERVAL '<amount>' <part>

Adds to or subtracts from the date/time expr the integral amount units of type part. This mirrors the behavior of the TIMESTAMPADD function, only with a different format and different date/time part constants. The following date/time constants are supported for part:

Constant Description
YEAR Year is modified by interval amount (not affected by leap year, etc.)
MONTH Month is modified by interval amount and date adjusted if overflow/underflow occurs; day adjusted to last day of calculated month if not a valid day for that month (e.g. Apr 31st -> Apr 30th)
DAY Day is modified by interval amount (time not affected by daylight savings time, etc.); date is adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs
HOUR Hour is modified by interval amount (time not affected by daylight savings time, etc.); date is adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs
MINUTE Minute is modified by interval amount; date/time are adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs
SECOND Second is modified by interval amount; date/time are adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs
LAST_DAY(date) Returns the date of the last day of the month in the given date
MINUTE(expr) Extracts the minute of the day from expr [0 - 59]
MONTH(expr) Extracts the month of the year from expr [1 - 12]
MONTHNAME(expr) Extracts the month of the year from expr and converts it to the corresponding month name [January - December]
MSEC(expr) Extracts the millisecond of the second from expr [0 - 999]
NEXT_DAY(date, day_of_week)

Returns the date of the next day of the week, provided as a day name in day_of_week, that occurs after the given date

Some examples, given that 2000-10-10 is a Tuesday:

Function Call Result
NEXT_DAY('2000-10-10', 'Wednesday') 2000-10-11
NEXT_DAY('2000-10-10', 'Friday') 2000-10-13
NEXT_DAY('2000-10-10', 'Tuesday') 2000-10-17

Extracts the quarter of the year from expr [1 - 4]

Expression Value Result
Date in January, February, or March 1
Date in April, May, or June 2
Date in July, August, or September 3
Date in October, November, or December 4
SECOND(expr) Extracts the seconds of the minute from expr [0 - 59]
SEC(expr) Alias for SECOND(expr)
TIMESTAMPADD(unit, amount, expr)

Adds the positive or negative integral amount of unit date/time intervals to the date/time in expr

The following date/time intervals are supported for unit:

Constant Description
YEAR Year is modified by interval amount (not affected by leap year, etc.)
MONTH Month is modified by interval amount and date adjusted if overflow/underflow occurs; day adjusted to last day of calculated month if not a valid day for that month (e.g. Apr 31st -> Apr 30th)
DAY Day is modified by interval amount (time not affected by daylight savings time, etc.); date is adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs
HOUR Hour is modified by interval amount (time not affected by daylight savings time, etc.); date is adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs
MINUTE Minute is modified by interval amount; date/time are adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs
SECOND Second is modified by interval amount; date/time are adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs

Nanosecond is modified by interval amount; date/time are adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs


Time is processed to millisecond precision, so any portion of an amount with finer granularity than 1,000,000 nanoseconds will be ignored (e.g., requesting the addition of 1,234,567 nanoseconds will result in 1 millisecond actually being added)

QUARTER Month is modified by three times the interval amount, irrespective of the number of days in the months between; day adjusting performed the same as the MONTH description, but only on final month (e.g., Jan 31st + 1 quarter will be Apr 30th, not Apr 28th because of February)
WEEK Day is modified by 7 times the interval amount (time not affected by daylight savings time, etc.); month & year are adjusted, if overflow/underflow occurs


Any of these unit types can have a SQL_TSI_ prefix prepended to them; e.g., both DAY and SQL_TSI_DAY are valid unit types for specifying a day interval


Function Call Result
TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_YEAR, 1, '2000-10-10') 2001-10-10
TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MONTH, 1, '2000-01-31') 2000-02-29
TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY, 1, '2000-12-31') 2001-01-01
TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_HOUR, 12, '2000-10-10 12:34:56') 2000-10-11 00:34:56.000
TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MINUTE, 1, '2000-10-10 12:34:56') 2000-10-10 12:35:56.000
TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_SECOND, 1, '2000-12-31 23:59:59') 2001-01-01 00:00:00.000
TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND, 1000000, '2000-10-10 12:34:56') 2000-10-10 12:34:56.001
TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_QUARTER, 1, '2000-11-30') 2001-02-28
TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_WEEK, 53, '2000-01-01') 2001-01-06
TIMESTAMPDIFF(unit, begin, end)

Calculates the difference between two date/time expressions, returning the result as an integral difference in the units specified; more precisely, how many whole date/time intervals of type unit need to be added to (or subtracted from) begin to equal end (or get as close as possible without going past it) using the unit types and and rules specified in TIMESTAMPADD.


This is not symmetric with TIMESTAMPADD in all cases, as adding 1 MONTH to Mar 31st results in Apr 30th, but the TIMESTAMPDIFF in MONTH units between those two dates is 0.


Function Call Result
TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, DATE('2000-10-10'), DATE('2000-12-31')) 2
TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, DATE('2000-03-31'), DATE('2000-04-30')) 0
TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, DATE('2000-12-31'), DATE('2000-10-10')) -2
TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, 978222896000, DATETIME('2000-10-10 12:34:56')) -1956
WEEK(expr) Extracts the week of the year from expr [1 - 54]; each full week starts on Sunday (a 1 is returned for the week containing Jan 1st)
YEAR(expr) Extracts the year from expr; 4-digit year, A.D.

Date/Time Complex Conversion Functions

Function Description
DATE_TO_EPOCH_MSECS(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, msec)

Converts the full date to milliseconds since the epoch; negative values are accepted


Function Call DATE_TO_EPOCH_MSECS(2017, 06, -15, 09, 22, 15, 42)
Return 1494926535042
Resolves To Tuesday, May 16, 2017 9:22:15.042 AM
DATE_TO_EPOCH_SECS(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)

Converts the full date to seconds since the epoch; negative values are accepted


Function Call DATE_TO_EPOCH_SECS(2017, 06, -15, 09, 22, 15)
Return 1494926535
Resolves To Tuesday, May 16, 2017 9:22:15 AM

Converts the timestamp to milliseconds since the epoch


Function Call MSECS_SINCE_EPOCH('2000-10-10 12:34:56.789')
Return 971181296789

Converts the given date and time to a composite date/time format


Function Call TIMESTAMP_FROM_DATE_TIME('2017-06-15', '10:37:30')
Return 2017-06-15 10:37:30.000
WEEK_TO_EPOCH_MSECS(year, week_number)

Converts the year and week number to milliseconds since the epoch; negative values are accepted


Function Call WEEK_TO_EPOCH_MSECS(2017,-32)
Return 1463270400000
Resolves To Sunday, May 15, 2016 12:00:00 AM
WEEK_TO_EPOCH_SECS(year, week_number)

Converts the year and week number to seconds since the epoch. Negative values are accepted. Each new week begins Sunday at midnight.


Function Call WEEK_TO_EPOCH_SECS(2017,-32)
Return 1463270400
Resolves To Sunday, May 15, 2016 12:00:00 AM

Geospatial/Geometry Functions


  • Use ST_ISVALID to determine if a geometry object is valid. The functions below work best with valid geometry objects.
  • Use the REMOVE_NULLABLE function to remove any nullable column types that could result from calculating a derived column (e.g., as in Projections) using one of the functions below.

Enhanced Performance Scalar Functions

The functions below all compare x and y coordinates to geometry objects (or vice versa), thus increasing their performance in queries. Each of these functions have a geometry-to-geometry version listed in the next section.

Function Description
STXY_CONTAINS(geom, x, y) Returns 1 (true) if geom contains the x and y coordinate, e.g. lies in the interior of geom. The coordinate cannot be on the boundary and also be contained because geom does not contain its boundary
STXY_CONTAINSPROPERLY(geom, x, y) Returns 1 (true) if the x and y coordinate intersects the interior of geom but not the boundary (or exterior) because geom does not contain its boundary but does contain itself
STXY_COVEREDBY(x, y, geom) Returns 1 (true) if the x and y coordinate is covered by geom
STXY_COVERS(geom, x, y) Returns 1 (true) if geom covers the x and y coordinate
STXY_DISJOINT(x, y, geom) Returns 1 (true) if the given x and y coordinate and the geometry geom do not spatially intersect.
STXY_DISTANCE(x, y, geom[, solution])

Calculates the minimum distance between the given x and y coordinate and geom using the specified solution type. Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - Euclidean; returns 2-D Euclidean distance
  • 1 - Haversine; returns minimum sphere distance in meters
  • 2 - Vincenty; returns minimum spheroid distance in meters, more accurate than Haversine but slower performance

Note: If the x and y coordinate and geom intersect (verify using ST_INTERSECTS), the distance will always be 0.

STXY_DWITHIN(x, y, geom, distance[, solution])

Returns 1 (true) if the x and y coordinate is within the specified distance from geom using the specified solution type. Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - Euclidean; uses degrees to calculate distance
  • 1 - Sphere; uses meters to calculate sphere distance
  • 2 - Spheroid; uses meters to calculate spheroid distance
STXY_ENVDWITHIN(x, y, geom, distance[, solution])

Returns 1 (true) if the x and y coordinate is within the specified distance from the bounding box of geom using the specified solution type. Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - Euclidean; uses degrees to calculate distance
  • 1 - Sphere; uses meters to calculate distance
STXY_ENVINTERSECTS(x, y, geom) Returns 1 (true) if the bounding box of the given geometry geom intersects the x and y coordinate.
STXY_INTERSECTION(x, y, geom) Returns the shared portion between the x and y coordinate and the given geometry geom, i.e. the point itself.
STXY_INTERSECTS(x, y, geom) Returns 1 (true) if the x and y coordinate and geom intersect in 2-D.
STXY_TOUCHES(x, y, geom) Returns 1 (true) if the x and y coordinate and geometry geom have at least one point in common but their interiors do not intersect. If geom is a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, a 0 is returned regardless if the point and geometry touch
STXY_WITHIN(x, y, geom) Returns 1 (true) if the x and y coordinate is completely inside the geom geometry i.e., not on the boundary

Scalar Functions

Function Description
DIST(x1, y1, x2, y2) Computes the Euclidean distance (in degrees), i.e. SQRT( (x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) ).
GEODIST(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2) Computes the geographic great-circle distance (in meters) between two lat/lon points.
GEOHASH_DECODE_LATITUDE(geohash) Decodes a given geohash and returns the latitude value for the given hash string. Supports a maximum geohash character length of 16.
GEOHASH_DECODE_LONGITUDE(geohash) Decodes a given geohash and returns the longitude value for the given hash string. Supports a maximum geohash character length of 16.
GEOHASH_ENCODE(lat, lon, precision) Encodes a given coordinate pair and returns a hash string with a given precision.
ST_ADDPOINT(linestring, point, position) Adds a the given point geometry to the given linestring geometry at the specified position, which is a 0-based index.
ST_ALMOSTEQUALS(geom1, geom2, decimal) Returns 1 (true) if given geometries, geom1 and geom2, are almost spatially equal within the given amount of decimal scale. Note that geometries will still be considered equal if the decimal scale for the geometries is within a half order of magnitude of each other, e.g, if decimal is set to 2, then POINT(63.4 123.45) and POINT(63.4 123.454) are equal, but POINT(63.4 123.45) and POINT(63.4 123.459) are not equal. The geometry types must match to be considered equal.
ST_AREA(geom[, solution])

Returns the area of the given geometry geom if it is a POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON using the specified solution type. Returns 0 if the input geometry type is (MULTI)POINT or (MULTI)LINESTRING. Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - 2D Euclidean area
  • 1 - curved surface area on a sphere in square meters
  • 2 - curved surface area on a spheroid in square meters
ST_AZIMUTH(geom1, geom2) Returns the azimuth in radians defined by the segment between two POINTs, geom1 and geom2. Returns a null if the input geometry type is MULTIPOINT, (MULTI)LINESTRING, or (MULTI)POLYGON.
ST_BOUNDARY(geom) Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of a given geometry geom. Returns an empty geometry if geom is an empty geometry. Returns a null if geom is a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION
ST_BOUNDINGDIAGONAL(geom) Returns the diagonal of the given geometry's (geom) bounding box.
ST_BUFFER(geom, radius[, style[, solution]])

Returns a geometry that represents all points whose distance from the given geometry geom is less than or equal to the given distance radius. The radius units can be specified by the solution type (default is in degrees) and the radius is created in the provided style. The style options are specified as a list of blank-separated key-value pairs, e.g., 'quad_segs=8 endcap=round'. If an empty style list ('') is provided, the default settings will be used. The style parameter must be specified to provide a solution type.

Available style options:

  • quad_segs -- the number of segments used to approximate a quarter circle (default is 8)
  • endcap -- the endcap style of the buffer (default is round); options are round, flat (or butt), and square
  • join -- the join style of the buffer (default is round); options are round, mitre (or miter), and bevel
  • mitre_limit -- the mitre ratio limit expressed as a floating point number (miter_limit is also acceptable)

Available solution types:

  • 0 (default) - 2D Euclidean radius distance in degrees
  • 1 - curved surface radius distance on a sphere in meters
  • 2 - curved surface radius distance on a spheroid in meters


To create a 5-meter buffer around geom using the default styles: ST_BUFFER(geom, 5, '', 1). To create a 5-foot (converting feet to meters) buffer around geom using the following styles: ST_BUFFER(geom, 5*0.3048,'quad_segs=4 endcap=flat', 1)

ST_CENTROID(geom) Calculates the center of the given geometry geom as a POINT. For (MULTI)POINTs, the center is calculated as the average of the input coordinates. For (MULTI)LINESTRINGs, the center is calculated as the weighted length of each given LINESTRING. For (MULTI)POLYGONs, the center is calculated as the weighted area of each given POLYGON. If geom is an empty geometry, an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION is returned
ST_CLIP(geom1, geom2) Returns the geometry shared between given geometries geom1 and geom2
ST_CLOSESTPOINT(geom1, geom2[, solution])

Calculates the 2-D POINT in geom1 that is closest to geom2 using the specified solution type. If geom1 or geom2 is empty, a null is returned. Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - Euclidean; calculates the closest point using 2-D Euclidean distance
  • 1 - Haversine; calculates the closest point using sphere distance in meters
  • 2 - Vincenty; returns minimum spheroid distance in meters, more accurate than Haversine but slower performance
ST_COLLECT(geom1, geom2) Returns a MULTI* or GEOMETRYCOLLECTION comprising geom1 and geom2. If geom1 and geom2 are the same, singular geometry type, a MULTI* is returned, e.g., if geom1 and geom2 are both POINTs (empty or no), a MULTIPOINT is returned. If geom1 and geom2 are neither the same type nor singular geometries, a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION is returned.
ST_COLLECTIONEXTRACT(collection, type)

Returns only the specified type from the given geometry collection. Type is a number that maps to the following:

  • 1 = POINT
  • 3 = POLYGON
ST_COLLECTIONHOMOGENIZE(collection) Returns the simplest form of the given collection, e.g., a collection with a single POINT will be returned as POINT(x y), and a collection with multiple individual points will be returned as a MULTIPOINT.
ST_CONCAVEHULL(geom, target_percent[, allow_holes]) Returns a potentially concave geometry that encloses all geometries found in the given geom set. Use target_percent (values between 0 and 1) to determine the percent of area of a convex hull the concave hull will attempt to fill; 1 will return the same geometry as an ST_CONVEXHULL operation. Set allow_holes to 1 (true) to allow holes in the resulting geometry; default value is 0 (false). Note that allow_holes is independent of the area of target_percent.
ST_CONTAINS(geom1, geom2) Returns 1 (true) if no points of geom2 lie in the exterior of geom1 and at least one point of geom2 lies in the interior of geom1. Note that geom1 does not contain its boundary but does contain itself.
ST_CONTAINSPROPERLY(geom1, geom2) Returns 1 (true) if geom2 intersects the interior of geom1 but not the boundary (or exterior). Note that geom1 does not contain its boundary but does contain itself.
ST_CONVEXHULL(geom) Returns the minimum convex geometry that encloses all geometries in the given geom set.
ST_COORDDIM(geom) Returns the coordinate dimension of the given geom, e.g., a geometry with x, y, and z coordinates would return 3.
ST_COVEREDBY(geom1, geom2) Returns 1 (true) if no point in geom1 is outside geom2.
ST_COVERS(geom1, geom2) Returns 1 (true) if no point in geom2 is outside geom1.
ST_CROSSES(geom1, geom2) Returns 1 (true) if the given geometries, geom1 and geom2, spatially cross, meaning some but not all interior points in common. If geom1 and/or geom2 are a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, a 0 is returned regardless if the two geometries cross
ST_DIFFERENCE(geom1, geom2) Returns a geometry that represents the part of geom1 that does not intersect with geom2.
ST_DIMENSION(geom) Returns the dimension of the given geometry geom, which is less than or equal to the coordinate dimension. If geom is a single geometry, a 0 is for POINT, a 1 is for LINESTRING, and a 2 is for POLYGON. If geom is a collection, it will return the largest dimension from the collection. If geom is empty, 0 is returned.
ST_DISJOINT(geom1, geom2) Returns 1 (true) if the given geometries, geom1 and geom2, do not spatially intersect.
ST_DISTANCE(geom1, geom2[, solution])

Calculates the minimum distance between the given geometries, geom1 and geom2, using the specified solution type. Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - Euclidean; returns 2-D Euclidean distance
  • 1 - Haversine; returns minimum sphere distance in meters
  • 2 - Vincenty; returns minimum spheroid distance in meters, more accurate than Haversine but slower performance

Note: If geom1 and geom2 intersect (verify using ST_INTERSECTS), the distance will always be 0.

ST_DISTANCEPOINTS(x1, y1, x2, y2[, solution])

Calculates the minimum distance between the given points, x1, y1 and x2, y2, using the specified solution type. Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - Euclidean; returns 2-D Euclidean distance
  • 1 - Haversine; returns minimum sphere distance in meters
  • 2 - Vincenty; returns minimum spheroid distance in meters, more accurate than Haversine but slower performance
ST_DFULLYWITHIN(geom1, geom2, distance[, solution])

Returns 1 (true) if the maximum distance between geometries geom1 and geom2 is less than or equal to the specified distance of each other using the specified solution type. If geom1 or geom2 is null, 0 (false) is returned. Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - Euclidean; uses degrees to calculate distance
  • 1 - Sphere; uses meters to calculate distance
  • 2 - Spheroid; uses meters to calculate distance, more accurate than sphere but slower performance
ST_DWITHIN(geom1, geom2, distance[, solution])

Returns 1 (true) if the minimum distance between geometries geom1 and geom2 is within the specified distance of each other using the specified solution type. Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - Euclidean; uses degrees to calculate distance
  • 1 - Sphere; uses meters to calculate distance
  • 2 - Spheroid; uses meters to calculate distance, more accurate than sphere but slower performance
ST_ELLIPSE(centerx, centery, height, width)

Returns an ellipse using the following values:

  • centerx -- the x coordinate or longitude used to center the ellipse
  • centery -- the y coordinate or latitude used to center the ellipse
  • height -- the height of the ellipse (in degrees)
  • width -- the width of the ellipse (in degrees)
ST_ENDPOINT(geom) Returns the last point of the given geom as a POINT if it's a LINESTRING. If geom is not a a LINESTRING, null is returned.
ST_ENVDWITHIN(geom1, geom2, distance[, solution])

Returns 1 (true) if geom1 is within the specified distance of the bounding box of geom2 using the specified solution type. Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - Euclidean; uses degrees to calculate distance
  • 1 - Sphere; uses meters to calculate distance
ST_ENVELOPE(geom) Returns the bounding box of a given geometry geom.
ST_ENVINTERSECTS(geom1, geom2) Returns 1 (true) if the bounding box of the given geometries, geom1 and geom2, intersect.
ST_EQUALS(geom1, geom2) Returns 1 (true) if the given geometries, geom1 and geom2, are spatially equal. Note that order does not matter.
ST_EQUALSEXACT(geom1, geom2, tolerance) Returns 1 (true) if the given geometries, geom1 and geom2, are almost spatially equal within some given tolerance. If the values within the given geometries are within the tolerance value of each other, they're considered equal, e.g., if tolerance is 2, POINT(1 1) and POINT(1 3) are considered equal, but POINT(1 1) and POINT(1 3.1) are not. Note that the geometry types have to match for them to be considered equal.
ST_ERASE(geom1, geom2) Returns the result of erasing a portion of geom1 equal to the size of geom2.
ST_EXPAND(geom, units) Returns the bounding box expanded in all directions by the given units of the given geom. The expansion can also be defined for separate directions by providing separate parameters for each direction, e.g., ST_EXPAND(geom, unitsx, unitsy, unitsz, unitsm).
ST_EXPANDBYRATE(geom, rate) Returns the bounding box expanded by a given rate (a ratio of width and height) for the given geometry geom. The rate must be between 0 and 1.
ST_EXTERIORRING(geom) Returns a LINESTRING representing the exterior ring of the given POLYGON geom
ST_FORCE2D(geom) Returns the 2-dimensional version (e.g., X and Y coordinates) of geom, the provided geometry or set of geometries (e.g., via GEOMETRYCOLLECTION or WKT column name).
ST_FORCE3D(geom[, z])

Returns the 3-dimensional version (e.g., X, Y, and Z coordinates) of geom, a provided geometry or set of geometries (e.g., via GEOMETRYCOLLECTION or WKT column name), using z as the geometry's new z-value. The provided z-values can also be derived from a numeric column. If no z is provided, a 0 will be applied.


If a WKT column is provided for geom and a numeric column is provided for z, the z values will be matched to the provided geometries by row in the source table. If a singular geometry is provided for geom and a column is provided for z, three-dimensional versions of the provided geometry will be returned for each z value found in the provided z column. If columns are provided for both geom and z and nulls are present in either column, the row containing null values will be skipped in the results.

ST_GENERATEPOINTS(geom, num) Creates a MULTIPOINT containing a number num of randomly generated points within the boundary of geom.
ST_GEOHASH(geom, precision)

Returns a hash string representation of the given geometry geom with specified precision (the length of the geohash string). The longer the precision, the more precise the hash is. By default, precision is set to 20; the max for precision is 32. Returns null if geom is an empty geometry.


The value returned will not be a geohash of the exact geometry but a geohash of the centroid of the given geometry

ST_GEOMETRYN(geom, index) Returns the index geometry back from the given geom geometry. The index starts from 1 to the number of geometry in geom.
ST_GEOMETRYTYPE(geom) Returns the type of geometry from the given geom.

Returns the type ID of from geom. Type and ID mappings:

  • POINT = 0
  • POLYGON = 3
ST_GEOMFROMGEOHASH(geohash, precision) Returns a POLYGON boundary box using the given geohash with a precision set by the integer precision. If precision is specified, the function will use as many characters in the hash equal to precision to create the geometry. If no precision is specified, the full length of the geohash is used.
ST_GEOMFROMTEXT(wkt) Returns a geometry from the given Well-Known text representation wkt. Note that this function is only compatible with constants
ST_HEXGRID(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, cell_side[, limit])

Creates a MULTIPOLYGON containing a grid of hexagons between given minimum and maximum points of a bounding box. The minimum point cannot be greater than or equal to the maximum point. The size (in meters) of the individual hexagons' sides is determined by cell_side. The cell_side cannot be greater than the width or height of the bounding box. The maximum number of cells that can be produced is determined by limit, a positive integer. Supported values for limit:

  • -1 - No limit to the number of cells generated (effectively limited by system memory)
  • 0 (default) - 100 million cells
  • <n> - Custom limit of n cells

If the custom limit request specifies more cells (based on the bounding box and the cell_side) than the system limit, a null is returned.

ST_INTERIORRINGN(geom, n) Returns the n-th interior LINESTRING ring of the POLYGON geom. If geom is not a POLYGON or the given n is out of range, a null is returned. The index begins at 1
ST_INTERSECTION(geom1, geom2) Returns the shared portion between given geometries geom1 and geom2
ST_INTERSECTS(geom1, geom2) Returns 1 (true) if the given geometries, geom1 and geom2, intersect in 2-D
ST_ISCLOSED(geom) Returns 1 (true) if the given geometry's (geom) start and end points coincide
ST_ISCOLLECTION(geom) Returns 1 (true) if geom is a collection, e.g., GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, MULTIPOINT, MULTILINESTRING, etc.
ST_ISEMPTY(geom) Returns 1 (true) if geom is empty
ST_ISRING(geom) Returns 1 (true) if LINESTRING geom is both closed (per ST_ISCLOSED) and "simple" (per ST_ISSIMPLE). Returns 0 if geom is not a LINESTRING
ST_ISSIMPLE(geom) Returns 1 (true) if geom has no anomalous geometric points, e.g., self-intersection or self-tangency
ST_ISVALID(geom) Returns 1 (true) if geom (typically a [MULTI]POLYGON) is well formed. A POLYGON is valid if its rings do not cross and its boundary intersects only at POINTs (not along a line). The POLYGON must also not have dangling LINESTRINGs. A MULTIPOLYGON is valid if all of its elements are also valid and the interior rings of those elements do not intersect. Each element's boundaries may touch but only at POINTs (not along a line)
ST_LENGTH(geom[, solution])

Returns the length of the geometry if it is a LINESTRING or MULTILINESTRING. Returns 0 if another type of geometry, e.g., POINT, MULTIPOINT, etc. GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONs are also supported but the aforementioned type limitation still applies; the collection will be recursively searched for LINESTRINGs and MULTILINESTRINGs and the summation of all supported geometry types is returned (unsupported types are ignored). Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - 2D Euclidean length
  • 1 - length on a sphere in meters
  • 2 - length on a spheroid in meters
ST_LINEFROMMULTIPOINT(geom) Creates a LINESTRING from geom if it is a MULTIPOINT. Returns null if geom is not a MULTIPOINT
ST_LINEINTERPOLATEPOINT(geom, fraction) Returns a POINT that represents the specified fraction of the LINESTRING geom. If geom is either empty or not a LINESTRING, null is returned
ST_LINELOCATEPOINT(linestring, point) Returns the location of the closest point in the given linestring to the given point as a value between 0 and 1. The return value is a fraction of the total linestring length.
ST_LINEMERGE(geom) Returns a LINESTRING or MULTILINESTRING from a given geom. If geom is a MULTILINESTRING comprising LINESTRINGs with shared endpoints, a contiguous LINESTRING is returned. If geom is a LINESTRING or a MULTILINESTRING comprising LINESTRINGS without shared endpoints, geom is returned If geom is an empty (MULTI)LINESTRING or a (MULTI)POINT or (MULTI)POLYGON, an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION is returned.
ST_LINESUBSTRING(geom, start_fraction, end_fraction) Returns the fraction of a given geom LINESTRING where start_fraction and end_fraction are between 0 and 1. For example, given LINESTRING(1 1, 2 2, 3 3) a start_fraction of 0 and an end_fraction of 0.25 would yield the first quarter of the given LINESTRING, or LINESTRING(1 1, 1.5 1.5). Returns null if start_fraction is greater than end_fraction. Returns null if input geometry is (MULTI)POINT, MULTILINESTRING, or (MULTI)POLYGON. Returns null if start_fraction and/or end_fraction are less than 0 or more than 1.
ST_LONGESTLINE(geom1, geom2[, solution])

Returns the LINESTRING that represents the longest line of points between the two geometries. If multiple longest lines are found, only the first line found is returned. If geom1 or geom2 is empty, null is returned. Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - Euclidean; uses degrees to calculate the longest line
  • 1 - Sphere; uses meters to calculate the longest line
  • 2 - Spheroid; uses meters to calculate the longest line, more accurate than sphere but slower performance
ST_MAKEENVELOPE(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) Creates a rectangular POLYGON from the given min and max parameters
ST_MAKELINE(geom[, geom2])

Creates a LINESTRING from geom if it is a MULTIPOINT. If geom is a POINT, there must be at least one other POINT to construct a LINESTRING. If geom is a LINESTRING, it must have at least two points. Returns null if geom is not a POINT, MULTIPOINT, or LINESTRING


This function can be rather costly in terms of performance


Creates a POINT at the given coordinate


This function can be rather costly in terms of performance


Creates a POLYGON from geom. Inputs must be closed LINESTRINGs


This function can be rather costly in terms of performance

ST_MAKETRIANGLE2D(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) Creates a closed 2-D POLYGON with three vertices
ST_MAKETRIANGLE3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3) Creates a closed 3-D POLYGON with three vertices
ST_MAXDISTANCE(geom1, geom2[, solution])

Returns the maximum distance between the given geom1 and geom2 geometries using the specifed solution type. If geom1 or geom2 is empty, null is returned. Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - returns maximum 2-D Euclidean distance
  • 1 - Sphere; returns maximum distance in meters
  • 2 - Spheroid; returns maximum distance in meters, more accurate than sphere but slower performance
ST_MAXX(geom) Returns the maximum x coordinate of a bounding box for the given geom geometry. This function works for 2-D and 3-D geometries.
ST_MAXY(geom) Returns the maximum y coordinate of a bounding box for the given geom geometry. This function works for 2-D and 3-D geometries.
ST_MAXZ(geom) Returns the maximum z coordinate of a bounding box for the given geom geometry. This function works for 2-D and 3-D geometries.
ST_MINX(geom) Returns the minimum x coordinate of a bounding box for the given geom geometry. This function works for 2-D and 3-D geometries.
ST_MINY(geom) Returns the minimum y coordinate of a bounding box for the given geom geometry. This function works for 2-D and 3-D geometries.
ST_MINZ(geom) Returns the minimum z coordinate of a bounding box for the given geom geometry. This function works for 2-D and 3-D geometries.
ST_MULTI(geom) Returns geom as a MULTI- geometry, e.g., a POINT would return a MULTIPOINT.
ST_MULTIPLERINGBUFFERS(geom, distance, outside)

Creates multiple buffers at specified distance around the given geom geometry. Multiple distances are specified as comma-separated values in an array, e.g., [10,20,30]. Valid values for outside are:

  • FULL -- indicates that buffers will overlap or cover the given geom geometry. This is the default.
  • OUTSIDE_ONLY -- indicates that buffers will be rings around the given geom geometry.
ST_NEAR(geom1, geom2) Returns the portion of geom2 that is closest to geom1. If geom2 is a singular geometry object (e.g., POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON), geom2 will be returned. If geom2 a multi-geometry, e.g., MULTIPOINT, MULTILINESTRING, etc., the nearest singular geometry in geom2 will be returned.
ST_NORMALIZE(geom) Returns geom in its normalized (canonical) form, which may rearrange the points in lexicographical order.
ST_NPOINTS(geom) Returns the number of points (vertices) in geom.
ST_NUMGEOMETRIES(geom) If geom is a collection or MULTI- geometry, returns the number of geometries. If geom is a single geometry, returns 1.
ST_NUMINTERIORRINGS(geom) Returns the number of interior rings if geom is a POLYGON. Returns null if geom is anything else.
ST_NUMPOINTS(geom) Returns the number of points in the geom LINESTRING. Returns null if geom is not a LINESTRING.
ST_OVERLAPS(geom1, geom2) Returns 1 (true) if given geometries geom1 and geom2 share space. If geom1 and/or geom2 are a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, a 0 is returned regardless if the two geometries overlap
ST_PARTITION(geom, threshold) Returns a MULTIPOLYGON representing the given geom partitioned into a number of POLYGONs with a maximum number of vertices equal to the given threshold. Minimum value for threshold is 10; default value is 10000. If geom is not a POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON, geom is returned. If the number of vertices in geom is less than the threshold, geom is returned.
ST_PERIMETER(geom[, solution])

Returns the perimeter of the geometry if it is a POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON. Returns 0 if another type of geometry, e.g., POINT, MULTIPOINT, LINESTRING, or MULTILINESTRING. GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONs are also supported but the aforementioned type limitation still applies; the collection will be recursively searched for POLYGONs and MULTIPOLYGONs and the summation of all supported geometry types is returned (unsupported types are ignored). Solution types available:

  • 0 (default) - 2D Euclidean length
  • 1 - length on a sphere in meters
  • 2 - length on a spheroid in meters
ST_POINT(x, y) Returns a POINT with the given x and y coordinates.
ST_POINTFROMGEOHASH(geohash, precision)

Returns a POINT using the given geohash with a precision set by the integer precision. If precision is specified, the function will use as many characters in the hash equal to precision to create the geometry. If no precision is specified, the full length of the geohash is used.


The POINT returned represents the center of the bounding box of the geohash

ST_POINTGRID(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, cell_side[, limit])

Creates a MULTIPOLYGON containing a square-shaped grid of points between given minimum and maximum points of a bounding box. The minimum point cannot be greater than or equal to the maximum point. The distance between the points (in meters) is determined by cell_side. The cell_side cannot be greater than the width or height of the bounding box. The maximum number of cells that can be produced is determined by limit, a positive integer. Supported values for limit:

  • -1 - No limit to the number of cells generated (effectively limited by system memory)
  • 0 (default) - 100 million cells
  • <n> - Custom limit of n cells

If the custom limit request specifies more cells (based on the bounding box and the cell_side) than the system limit, a null is returned.

ST_POINTN(geom, n) Returns the n-th point in LINESTRING geom. Negative values are valid, but note that they are counted backwards from the end of geom. A null is returned if geom is not a LINESTRING.
ST_POINTS(geom) Returns a MULTIPOINT containing all of the coordinates of geom.
ST_PROJECT(geom, distance, azimuth) Returns a POINT projected from a start point geom along a geodesic calculated using distance and azimuth. If geom is not a POINT, null is returned.
ST_REMOVEPOINT(geom, offset) Remove a point from LINESTRING geom using offset to skip over POINTs in the LINESTRING. The offset is 0-based.
ST_REMOVEREPEATEDPOINTS(geom, tolerance) Removes points from geom if the point's vertices are greater than or equal to the tolerance of the previous point in the geometry's list. If geom is not a MULTIPOINT, MULTILINESTRING, or a MULTIPOLYGON, no points will be removed.
ST_REVERSE(geom) Return the geometry with its coordinate order reversed.
ST_SCALE(geom, x, y) Scales geom by multiplying its respective vertices by the given x and y values. This function also supports scaling geom using another geometry object, e.g., ST_SCALE('POINT(3 4)', 'POINT(5 6)') would return POINT(15 24). If specifying x and y for scale, note that the default value is 0, e.g., ST_SCALE('POINT(1 3)', 4) would return POINT(4 0).
ST_SEGMENTIZE(geom, max_segment_length[, solution])

Returns the given geom but segmentized n number of times depending on how the max_segment_length distance (in units based on the solution type) divides up the original geometry. The new geom is guaranteed to have segments that are smaller than the given max_segment_length. Note that POINTs are not able to be segmentized. Collection geometries (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, MULTILINESTRING, MULTIPOINT, etc.) can be segmentized, but only the individual parts will be segmentized, not the collection as a whole. Solution types available:

  • 0 - Euclidean; uses degrees to calculate distance
  • 1 (default) - Sphere; uses meters to calculate distance
ST_SETPOINT(geom1, position, geom2) Replace a point of LINESTRING geom1 with POINT geom2 at position (base 0). Negative values are valid, but note that they are counted backwards from the end of geom.
ST_SHAREDPATH(geom1, geom2) Returns a collection containing paths shared by geom1 and geom2.
ST_SHORTESTLINE(geom1, geom2) Returns the 2-D LINESTRING that represents the shortest line of points between the two geometries. If multiple shortest lines are found, only the first line found is returned. If geom1 or geom2 is empty, null is returned
ST_SIMPLIFY(geom, tolerance)

Returns a simplified version of the given geom using an algorithm to reduce the number of points comprising a given geometry while attempting to best retain the original shape. The given tolerance determines how much to simplify the geometry. The higher the tolerance, the more simplified the returned geometry. Some holes might be removed and some invalid polygons (e.g., self-intersecting, etc.) might be present in the returned geometry. Only (MULTI)LINESTRINGs and (MULTI)POLYGONs can be simplified, including those found within GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONs; any other geometry objects will be returned unsimplified.


The tolerance should be provided in the same units as the data. As a rule of thumb, a tolerance of 0.00001 would correspond to about one meter.


Returns a simplified version of the given geom using an algorithm to reduce the number of points comprising a given geometry while attempting to best retain the original shape. The given tolerance determines how much to simplify the geometry. The higher the tolerance, the more simplified the returned geometry. No holes will be removed and no invalid polygons (e.g., self-intersecting, etc.) will be present in the returned geometry. Only (MULTI)LINESTRINGs and (MULTI)POLYGONs can be simplified, including those found within GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONs; any other geometry objects will be returned unsimplified.


The tolerance should be provided in the same units as the data. As a rule of thumb, a tolerance of 0.00001 would correspond to about one meter.

ST_SNAP(geom1, geom2, tolerance) Snaps geom1 to geom2 within the given tolerance. If the tolerance causes geom1 to not snap, the geometries will be returned unchanged.
ST_SPLIT(geom1, geom2) Returns a collection of geometries resulting from the split between geom1 and geom2 geometries.
ST_SQUAREGRID(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, cell_side[, limit])

Creates a MULTIPOLYGON containing a grid of squares between given minimum and maximum points of a bounding box. The minimum point cannot be greater than or equal to the maximum point. The size (in meters) of the individual squares' sides is determined by cell_side. The cell_side cannot be greater than the width or height of the bounding box. The maximum number of cells that can be produced is determined by limit, a positive integer. Supported values for limit:

  • -1 - No limit to the number of cells generated (effectively limited by system memory)
  • 0 (default) - 100 million cells
  • <n> - Custom limit of n cells

If the custom limit request specifies more cells (based on the bounding box and the cell_side) than the system limit, a null is returned.

ST_STARTPOINT(geom) Returns the first point of LINESTRING geom as a POINT. Returns null if geom is not a LINESTRING.
ST_SYMDIFFERENCE(geom1, geom2) Returns a geometry that represents the portions of geom1 and geom2 geometries that do not intersect.
ST_TOUCHES(geom1, geom2) Returns 1 (true) if the given geometries, geom1 and geom2, have at least one point in common but their interiors do not intersect. If geom1 and/or geom2 are a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, a 0 is returned regardless if the two geometries touch
ST_TRANSLATE(geom, deltax, deltay[, deltaz]) Translate geom by given offsets deltax and deltay. A z-coordinate offset can be applied using deltaz.
ST_TRIANGLEGRID(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, cell_side[, limit])

Creates a MULTIPOLYGON containing a grid of triangles between given minimum and maximum points of a bounding box. The minimum point cannot be greater than or equal to the maximum point. The size (in meters) of the individual triangles' sides is determined by cell_side. The cell_side cannot be greater than the width or height of the bounding box. The maximum number of cells that can be produced is determined by limit, a positive integer. Supported values for limit:

  • -1 - No limit to the number of cells generated (effectively limited by system memory)
  • 0 (default) - 100 million cells
  • <n> - Custom limit of n cells

If the custom limit request specifies more cells (based on the bounding box and the cell_side) than the system limit, a null is returned.

ST_UNION(geom1, geom2) Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of the two given geometries, geom1 and geom2.
ST_UNIONCOLLECTION(geom) Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of a single given geometry geom.
ST_UPDATE(geom1, geom2) Returns a geometry that is geom1 geometry updated by geom2 geometry
ST_VORONOIPOLYGONS(geom, tolerance) Returns a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION containing Voronoi polygons (regions consisting of points closer to a vertex in geom than any other vertices in geom) calculated from the vertices in geom and the given tolerance. The tolerance determines the distance at which points will be considered the same. An empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION is returned if geom is an empty geometry, a single POINT, or a LINESTRING or POLYGON composed of equivalent vertices (e.g., POLYGON((0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0)), LINESTRING(0 0, 0 0)).
ST_WITHIN(geom1, geom2) Returns 1 (true) if the geom1 geometry is inside the geom2 geometry. Note that as long as at least one point is inside of geom2, geom1 is considered within geom2 even if the rest of the geom1 lies along the boundary of geom2

Returns the binary form (WKB) of a geom (WKT)


This function can only be used in queries against a single table.

ST_X(geom) Returns the X coordinate of the POINT geom; if the coordinate is not available, null is returned. geom must be a POINT.
ST_XMAX(geom) Alias for ST_MAXX()
ST_XMIN(geom) Alias for ST_MINX()
ST_Y(geom) Returns the Y coordinate of the POINT geom; if the coordinate is not available, null is returned. geom must be a POINT.
ST_YMAX(geom) Alias for ST_MAXY()
ST_YMIN(geom) Alias for ST_MINY()
ST_ZMAX(geom) Alias for ST_MAXZ()
ST_ZMIN(geom) Alias for ST_MINZ()

Aggregation Functions

Function Description
ST_COLLECT_AGGREGATE(geom) Returns a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION comprising all geometries found in the geom set. Any MULTI* geometries will be divided into separate singular geometries, e.g., MULTIPOINT((0 0), (1 1)) would be divided into POINT(0 0) and POINT(1 1) in the results; the same is true for elements of a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION found in geom, where a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION within the provided geom set will also be parsed, effectively flattening it and adding the individual geometries to the resulting GEOMETRYCOLLECTION. Any empty geometries in geom are ignored even if they are part of a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION. Any duplicate WKTs will be retained.
ST_DISSOLVE(geom) Dissolves all geometries within a given set into a single geometry. Note that the resulting single geometry can still be a group of noncontiguous geometries but represented as a single group, e.g., a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION. Best performance when used in conjunction with adjacent geometries
ST_DISSOLVEOVERLAPPING(geom) Dissolves all geometries within a given set into a single geometry. Note that the resulting single geometry can still be a group of noncontiguous geometries but represented as a single group, e.g., a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION. Best performance when used in conjunction with overlapping geometries
ST_INTERSECTION_AGGREGATE(geom) Returns a POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON comprising the shared portion between all geometries found in the geom set. Returns an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION if there is no shared portion between all geometries. Functionally equivalent to ST_INTERSECTION(ST_INTERSECTION(ST_INTERSECTION(geom1, geom2), geom3), ... geomN).
ST_LINESTRINGFROMORDEREDPOINTS(x, y, t) Returns a LINESTRING that represents a "track" of the given points (x, y) ordered by the given sort column t (e.g., a timestamp or sequence number). If any of the values in the specified columns are null, the null "point" will be left out of the resulting LINESTRING. If there's only one non-null "point" in the source table, a POINT is returned. If there are no non-null "points" in the source table, a null is returned
ST_LINESTRINGFROMORDEREDPOINTS3D(x, y, z, t) Returns a LINESTRING that represents a "track" of the given 3D points (x, y, z) ordered by the given sort column t (e.g., a timestamp or sequence number). If any of the values in the specified columns are null, the null "point" will be left out of the resulting LINESTRING. If there's only one non-null "point" in the source table, a POINT is returned. If there are no non-null "points" in the source table, a null is returned
ST_POLYGONIZE(geom) Returns a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION containing POLYGONs comprising the provided (MULTI)LINESTRING(s). (MULTI)POINT and (MULTI)POLYGON geometries are ignored when calculating the resulting GEOMETRYCOLLECTION. If a valid POLYGON cannot be constructed from the provided (MULTI)LINESTRING(s), an empty GEOMETRYCOLLECTION will be returned.

Math Functions

Function Description
ABS(expr) Calculates the absolute value of expr
ACOS(expr) Returns the inverse cosine (arccosine) of expr as a double
ACOSF(expr) Returns the inverse cosine (arccosine) of expr as a float
ACOSH(expr) Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of expr as a double
ACOSHF(expr) Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of expr as a float
ASIN(expr) Returns the inverse sine (arcsine) of expr as a double
ASINF(expr) Returns the inverse sine (arcsine) of expr as a float
ASINH(expr) Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of expr as a double
ASINHF(expr) Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of expr as a float
ATAN(expr) Returns the inverse tangent (arctangent) of expr as a double
ATANF(expr) Returns the inverse tangent (arctangent) of expr as a float
ATANH(expr) Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of expr as a double
ATANHF(expr) Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of expr as a float
ATAN2(x, y) Returns the inverse tangent (arctangent) using two arguments as a double
ATAN2F(x, y) Returns the inverse tangent (arctangent) using two arguments as a float
ATN2(x, y) Alias for ATAN2
ATN2F(x, y) Alias for ATAN2F
CBRT(expr) Returns the cube root of expr as a double
CBRTF(expr) Returns the cube root of expr as a float
CEIL(expr) Alias for CEILING
CEILING(expr) Rounds expr up to the next highest integer
COS(expr) Returns the cosine of expr as a double
COSF(expr) Returns the cosine of expr as a float
COSH(expr) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of expr as a double
COSHF(expr) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of expr as a float
COT(expr) Returns the cotangent of expr as a double
COTF(expr) Returns the cotangent of expr as a float
DEGREES(expr) Returns the conversion of expr (in radians) to degrees as a double
DEGREESF(expr) Returns the conversion of expr (in radians) to degrees as a float
DIVZ(a, b, c) Returns the quotient a / b unless b == 0, in which case it returns c
EXP(expr) Returns e to the power of expr as a double
EXPF(expr) Returns e to the power of expr as a float
FLOOR(expr) Rounds expr down to the next lowest integer
GREATER(expr_a, expr_b) Returns whichever of expr_a and expr_b has the larger value, based on typed comparison
HYPOT(x, y) Returns the hypotenuse of x and y as a double
HYPOTF(x, y) Returns the hypotenuse of x and y as a float
ISNAN(expr) Returns 1 (true) if expr is not a number by IEEE standard; otherwise, returns 0 (false)
IS_NAN(expr) Alias for ISNAN
ISINFINITY(expr) Returns 1 (true) if expr is infinity by IEEE standard; otherwise, returns 0 (false)
LDEXP(x, exp) Returns the value of x * 2exp as a double
LDEXPF(x, exp) Returns the value of x * 2exp as a float
LESSER(expr_a, expr_b) Returns whichever of expr_a and expr_b has the smaller value, based on typed comparison
LN(expr) Returns the natural logarithm of expr as a double
LNF(expr) Returns the natural logarithm of expr as a float
LOG(expr) Alias for LN
LOGF(expr) Alias for LNF
LOG10(expr) Returns the base-10 logarithm of expr as a double
LOG10F(expr) Returns the base-10 logarithm of expr as a float
MAX_CONSECUTIVE_BITS(expr) Calculates the length of the longest series of consecutive 1 bits in the integer expr
MOD(dividend, divisor) Calculates the remainder after integer division of dividend by divisor
PI() Returns the value of pi
POW(base, exponent) Alias for POWER
POWF(base, exponent) Alias for POWERF
POWER(base, exponent) Returns base raised to the power of exponent as a double
POWERF(base, exponent) Returns base raised to the power of exponent as a float
RADIANS(expr) Returns the conversion of expr (in degrees) to radians as a double
RADIANSF(expr) Returns the conversion of expr (in degrees) to radians as a float
RAND() Returns a random floating-point value.
ROUND(expr, scale)

Rounds expr to the nearest decimal number with scale decimal places when scale is a positive number; rounds to the nearest number such that the result has -(scale) zeros to the left of the decimal point when scale is negative; use scale of 0 to round to the nearest integer. Examples:

Function Call Result
ROUND(12345.678, 2) 12345.68
ROUND(12345.678, 0) 12346
ROUND(12345.678, -2) 12300

Determines whether a number is positive, negative, or zero; returns one of the following three values:

Expression Value Result
positive 1
zero 0
negative -1
SIN(expr) Returns the sine of expr as a double
SINF(expr) Returns the sine of expr as a float
SINH(expr) Returns the hyperbolic sine of expr as a double
SINHF(expr) Returns the hyperbolic sine of expr as a float
SQRT(expr) Returns the square root of expr as a double
SQRTF(expr) Returns the square root of expr as a float
TAN(expr) Returns the tangent of expr as a double
TANF(expr) Returns the tangent of expr as a float
TANH(expr) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of expr as a double
TANHF(expr) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of expr as a float
TRUNCATE(expr, scale)

Rounds expr down to the nearest decimal number with scale decimal places, following the same rules as ROUND. Examples:

Function Call Result
TRUNCATE(12345.678, 2) 12345.67
TRUNCATE(12345.678, 0) 12345
TRUNCATE(12345.678, -2) 12300

Null Functions

Some of the following null functions require parameters to be of convertible data types. Note that limited-width (charN) & unlimited-width (non-charN) string types are not convertible.

Function Description
COALESCE(expr_a, ..., expr_N) Returns the value of the first expression that is not null starting with expr_a and ending with expr_N. If all are null, then null is returned. All expressions should be of the same or convertible data type.
IFNULL(expr_a, expr_b) Returns expr_a if it is not null; otherwise, returns expr_b. Both should be of the same or convertible data type.
ISNULL(expr) Returns 1 if expr is null; otherwise, returns 0
IS_NULL(expr) Synonymous with ISNULL(expr)
NULLIF(expr_a, expr_b) Returns null if expr_a equals expr_b; otherwise, returns the value of expr_a; both expressions should be of the same or convertible data type.
NVL(expr_a, expr_b) Alias for IFNULL
NVL2(expr, value_if_not_null, value_if_null) Evaluates expr: if not null, returns value_if_not_null; if null, returns value_if_null. Both value_if_not_null & value_if_null should be of the same data type as expr or implicitly convertible.
ZEROIFNULL(expr) Replaces null values with appropriate values based on the column type (e.g., 0 if numeric column, an empty string if charN column, etc.). Also removes the nullable column property if used to calculate a derived column.

String Functions


These functions will only work with fixed-width string fields (char1 - char256).

Function Description
ASCII(expr) Returns the ASCII code for the first character in expr
CHAR(expr) The character represented by the standard ASCII code expr in the range [ 0 - 127 ]
CONCAT(expr_a, expr_b)

Performs a string concatenation of expr_a & expr_b; use nested CONCAT calls to concatenate more than two strings


The resulting field size of any CONCAT will be a charN field big enough to hold the concatenated fields, e.g., concatenating a char32 column and a char64 column will result in a char128 column. Columns of type char256 cannot be used with CONCAT.

CONCAT_TRUNCATE(expr_a, expr_b)

Returns the concatenation of expr_a and expr_b, truncated at the maximum size of expr_a. For columns, this size is explicit; for string constants, this will be the smallest charN type that can hold the expr_a string.


Function Call Result


(char8 is the minimum size required to hold the ABC123 value, so the result is truncated at 8 characters)



(char8 is the minimum size required to hold the ABCD1234 value, so no additional characters can be concatenated)

CONTAINS(match_expr, ref_expr) Returns 1 if ref_expr contains match_expr by string-literal comparison; otherwise, returns 0
DIFFERENCE(expr_a, expr_b) Returns a value between 0 and 4 that represents the difference between the sounds of expr_a and expr_b based on the SOUNDEX() value of the strings--a value of 4 is the best possible sound match
EDIT_DISTANCE(expr_a, expr_b) Returns the Levenshtein edit distance between expr_a and expr_b; the lower the the value, the more similar the two strings are
ENDS_WITH(match_expr, ref_expr) Returns 1 if ref_expr ends with match_expr by string-literal comparison; otherwise, returns 0
INITCAP(expr) Returns expr with the first letter of each word in uppercase
IPV4_PART(expr, part_num)

Returns the octet of the IP address given in expr at the position specified by part_num. Valid part_num values are constants from 1 to 4.


Function Call Result
IPV4_PART('', 1) 12
IPV4_PART('', 4) 78
IS_IPV4(expr) Returns 1 if expr is an IPV4 address; returns 0 otherwise
LCASE(expr) Converts expr to lowercase
LEFT(expr, num_chars) Returns the leftmost num_chars characters from expr
LENGTH(expr) Returns the number of characters in expr
LOCATE(match_expr, ref_expr, [start_pos]) Returns the starting position of the first match of match_expr in ref_expr, starting from position 1 or start_pos (if specified)
LOWER(expr) Alias for LCASE
LPAD(base_expr, length, pad_expr)

Left pads the given base_expr string with the pad_expr string to the given length of characters. If base_expr is longer than length, the return value is shortened to length characters. If length is larger than 256, it will be truncated to 256.


Function Call Result
LPAD('test', 9, 'pad') padpatest
LPAD('test', 3, 'pad') tes
LTRIM(expr) Removes whitespace from the left side of expr
POSITION(match_expr, ref_expr, [start_pos]) Alias for LOCATE
REPLACE(ref_expr, match_expr, repl_expr) Replaces every occurrence of match_expr in ref_expr with repl_expr

Returns expr with the order of characters reversed.


Function Call Result
REVERSE('Reverse') esreveR
REVERSE('Was it a bat I saw?') ?was I tab a ti saW
RIGHT(expr, num_chars) Returns the rightmost num_chars characters from expr
RPAD(base_expr, length, pad_expr)

Right pads the given base_expr string with the pad_expr string to the given length of characters. If base_expr is longer than length, the return value is shortened to length characters. If length is larger than 256, it will be truncated to 256.


Function Call Result
RPAD('test', 9, 'pad') testpadpa
RPAD('test', 3, 'pad') tes
RTRIM(expr) Removes whitespace from the right side of expr

Returns a soundex value from expr. Only the first word in the string will be considered in the calculation.


This is the algorithm used by most programming languages.

SPACE(n) Returns a string consisting of n space characters. The value of n can only be within the range of 0-256.
SPLIT(expr, delim, group_num)

Splits expr into groups delimited by the delim character and returns the group_num split group. If group_num is positive, groups will be counted from the beginning of expr; if negative, groups will be counted from the end of expr going backwards. Two consecutive delimiters will result in an empty string being added to the list of selectable groups. If no instances of delim exist in expr, the entire string is available at group 1 (and -1). Group 0 returns nothing.


Function Call Result
SPLIT('apple', 'p', 1) a
SPLIT('apple', 'p', 2) <empty string>
SPLIT('apple', 'p', -1) le
STARTS_WITH(match_expr, ref_expr) Returns 1 if ref_expr starts with match_expr by string-literal comparison; otherwise, returns 0
STRCMP(expr_a, expr_b)

Compares expr_a to expr_b in a lexicographical sort

Situation Result
expr_a and expr_b are the same 0
expr_a comes before expr_b, lexicographically -1
expr_a comes after expr_b, lexicographically 1
SUBSTR(expr, start_pos, num_chars) Alias for SUBSTRING
SUBSTRING(expr, start_pos, num_chars) Returns num_chars characters from the expr, starting at the 1-based start_pos
TRIM(expr) Removes whitespace from both sides of expr
UCASE(expr) Converts expr to uppercase
UPPER(expr) Alias for UCASE

User/Security Functions

Function Description
HASH(column[, seed]) Returns a non-negative integer representing an obfuscated version of column, using the given seed; default seed is 0

IS_MEMBER(role[, user])


IS_ROLEMEMBER(role[, user])

Returns whether the current user (or the given user, if specified) has been assigned the given role, either directly or indirectly:

Situation Result
Current/given user has been granted role 1
Current/given user has not been granted role 0
Role role does not exist null
MASK(expr, start, length[, char])

Masks length characters of expr, beginning at the position identified by start, with * characters (or the character specified in char):

Function Call Result
MASK('Characters', 5, 5) Char*****s
MASK('Characters', 5, 2, '#') Char##ters
OBFUSCATE(column[, seed]) Alias for HASH
SHA256(expr) Returns the hex digits of the SHA-256 hash of the given value expr as a char64 string.
USER() Returns the username of the current user

Aggregation Functions

Function Description
ATTR(expr) If MIN(expr) = MAX(expr), returns expr; otherwise *
ARG_MIN(agg_expr, ret_expr) The value of ret_expr where agg_expr is the minimum value (e.g. ARG_MIN(cost, product_id) returns the product ID of the lowest cost product)
ARG_MAX(agg_expr, ret_expr) The value of ret_expr where agg_expr is the maximum value (e.g. ARG_MAX(cost, product_id) returns the product ID of the highest cost product)
AVG(expr) Calculates the average value of expr
CORR(expr1, expr2) Calculates the correlation coefficient of expr1 and expr2
CORRELATION(expr1, expr2) Alias for CORR
CORRCOEF(expr1, expr2) Alias for CORR
COUNT(*) Returns the number of records in a table
COUNT(expr) Returns the number of non-null data values in expr
COUNT(DISTINCT expr) Returns the number of distinct non-null data values in expr
COV(expr1, expr2) Alias for COVAR_POP
COVAR(expr1, expr2) Alias for COVAR_POP
COVARIANCE(expr1, expr2) Alias for COVAR_POP
COVAR_POP(expr1, expr2) Calculates the population covariance of expr1 and expr2
COVAR_SAMP(expr1, expr2) Calculates the sample covariance of expr1 and expr2

Used primarily with ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS, to distinguish the source of null values in an aggregated result set, returns whether expr is part of the aggregation set used to calculate the values in a given result set row. Returns 0 if expr is part of the row's aggregation set, 1 if expr is not (meaning that aggregation took place across all expr values).

For example, in a ROLLUP(A) operation, there will be two potential rows with null in the result set for column A. One row will contain null values of A aggregated together, and the other will contain null, but be an aggregation over the entire table, irrespective of A values. In this case, GROUPING(A) will return 0 for the null values of A aggregated together (as well as all other grouped A values) and 1 for the row resulting from aggregating across all A values.

KURT(expr) Alias for KURTOSIS_POP
KURTOSIS_POP(expr) Calculate the population kurtosis of expr
KURTOSIS_SAMP(expr) Calculate the sample kurtosis of expr
MAX(expr) Finds the maximum value of expr
MEAN(expr) Alias for AVG
MIN(expr) Finds the minimum value of expr
SKEW(expr) Alias for SKEWNESS_POP
SKEWNESS_POP(expr) Calculate the population skew of expr
SKEWNESS_SAMP(expr) Calculate the sample skew of expr
STDDEV(expr) Alias for STDDEV_POP
STDDEV_POP(expr) Calculates the population standard deviation of the values of expr
STDDEV_SAMP(expr) Calculates the sample standard deviation of the values of expr
SUM(expr) Sums all the values of expr
VAR(expr) Alias for VAR_POP
VAR_POP(expr) Calculates the population variance of the values of expr
VAR_SAMP(expr) Calculates the sample variance of the values of expr

Grouping Functions

Function Description
ROLLUP(expr) Calculates n + 1 aggregates for n number of columns in expr
CUBE(expr) Calculates 2n aggregates for n number of columns in expr
GROUPING SETS(expr) Calculates aggregates for any given aggregates in expr, including ROLLUP() and CUBE()

Distribution Functions

Distribution functions are column expressions that affect the sharded/replicated nature of the result set of a given query. It may be necessary to force a result set to be distributed in a certain way for a subsequent operation on that result set to be performant.


Employing these functions will prevent any automatic resharding of data to allow the query to succeed. Use only when a better query plan (with respect to data distribution) is known than any the system can devise.

Function Description
KI_REPLICATE() Force a scalar result set to be replicated (query with no GROUP BY)
KI_REPLICATE_GROUP_BY(0) Force an aggregated result set to be replicated (query with GROUP BY)
KI_MATCH_COLUMN(0) Aligns the column count of queries that are part of a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT with a query whose column list has been amended with either KI_REPLICATE_GROUP_BY or KI_SHARD_KEY
KI_SHARD_KEY(<column list>)

Force the result set to be sharded on the given columns. This will override any implicitly-derived or explicitly-defined replication status the table would have had.


The column(s) listed in column list must also appear in the SELECT list; KI_SHARD_KEY merely identifies which of the selected columns should be used as the shard key.

Sharding Example

For example, a query for all employees and their total employees managed, including employees who don't manage anyone, could employ a UNION like this:

SELECT manager_id, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
GROUP BY manager_id
SELECT id, 0
FROM employee
        SELECT manager_id
        FROM employee
        WHERE manager_id IS NOT NULL

In this example, the employee table is sharded on id. Since the first part of the UNION aggregates on manager_id, the result will be replicated. The second part of the UNION does no aggregation and includes the shard key in the SELECT list; the result of this will be sharded.

Given that a limitation of UNION operations is that both parts of a UNION have to be distributed the same way, this query will fail, with the following message:

GPUdb Error: either all input tables must be replicated or all input tables
must be non-replicated

In order to work around this limitation, a distribution function can be used.

One option is to shard the first part of the UNION to match the second part:

FROM employee
GROUP BY manager_id
FROM employee
        SELECT manager_id
        FROM employee
        WHERE manager_id IS NOT NULL

Here, the distribution function KI_SHARD_KEY is used to make the selected manager_id column the new shard key for the first part of the UNION. Now, the shard key for the first part of the UNION (manager_id) aligns with the shard key for the second part (id), and the query succeeds. Note the use of KI_MATCH_COLUMN, which aligns the selected column lists on each side of the UNION. Without this matching distribution function, the UNION would appear to be merging three columns from the first part of the query into two columns in the second part and would fail.


The manager_id column must exist in the SELECT list in order for the KI_SHARD_KEY function to designate it as the shard key.

Replication Example

SQL support does not currently extend to creating replicated tables from the results of queries using CREATE TABLE...AS. For instance, the following will fail:

CREATE REPLICATED TABLE employee_replicated AS
FROM employee

...returning this error:

GPUdb Error: REPLICATED option not allowed with AS option in SQL

However, a replicated table can be created using CREATE TABLE...AS by forcing the result set to already be replicated using the KI_REPLICATE() distribution function. This will succeed in creating a replicated version of the employee table:

CREATE TABLE employee_replicated AS
FROM employee


Predicate are generally used within a SQL WHERE clause to query records. They compare the values of two or more expressions; whenever a record meets the criteria defined in a predicate clause it will be marked as eligible to be part of the query result set. If it meets all predicate clauses defined within a query, it will be returned in the result set.

A single predicate clause may use a simple predicate operator to compare the values of two expressions or a more complex predicate clause form. A compound predicate clause uses a compound predicate operator to link together multiple predicate clauses to further refine a result set.

Unlimited-width (non-charN) strings can only be used within equality-based predicates, e.g. =, IN, etc.

Predicate Operators

  • = equality
  • != or <> inequality
  • < less than
  • <= less than or equal to
  • > greater than
  • >= greater than or equal to

Predicate Clauses

In the following list of predicate clauses, ref_expr is the reference expression to apply the predicate to; note that EXISTS has no reference expression.

Predicate Clause Description
<expr_a> <pred_op> <expr_b> Matches records where expr_a relates to expr_b according to predicate operator pred_op.
<ref_expr> <pred_op> ALL (<SELECT statement>) Matches records where the reference expression ref_expr relates to all of the results of SELECT statement according to the predicate operator pred_op
<ref_expr> <pred_op> ANY (<SELECT statement>) Matches records where the reference expression ref_expr relates to any of the results of SELECT statement according to the predicate operator pred_op
<ref_expr> [NOT] BETWEEN <begin_expr> AND <end_expr> Matches records where the reference expression ref_expr is (or is NOT) between the values of begin_expr and end_expr
<ref_expr> [NOT] IN (<match_list>) Matches records where the reference expression ref_expr is (or is NOT) in the match_list list of match values. The list can either be a comma-separated list of terms/expressions or the result of a SELECT statement.
<ref_expr> IS [NOT] NULL Matches records where the reference expression ref_expr is (or is NOT) null.
<ref_expr> [NOT] LIKE <match_expr>

Matches records where reference expression ref_expr does (or does NOT) match the string value of match_expr. The match is a string literal one, with the following exceptions:

  • % matches any string of 0 or more characters
  • _ matches any single character
[NOT] EXISTS (<SELECT statement>)

Matches records where SELECT statement returns 1 or more records.


This clause has limited utility, as correlated subqueries, upon whose real value it relies, are unsupported at this time.

Compound Predicate Operators

Predicate Operator Description
<pred_a> AND <pred_b> Matches records where both pred_a & pred_b are true
<pred_a> OR <pred_b> Matches records where either pred_a or pred_b is true
NOT <pred_b> Matches records where pred is false


Non-Correlated Subqueries

These are subqueries that are self-contained, in that they can be executed independently of the surrounding query.

For example:

        SELECT AVG(sal)
        FROM employee
    ) AS avg_emp_sal
FROM employee
    l || ', ' || f as "Employee_Name"
        SELECT last_name AS l, first_name AS f
        FROM employee
SELECT last_name, first_name
FROM employee
WHERE dept_id IN
        SELECT id
        FROM department
        WHERE code = 'ENGR' OR code = 'MKTG'

Correlated Subqueries

These are subqueries that depend on the values in the surrounding query, and cannot be executed independently of the surrounding query.

For example:

FROM nyctaxi o
WHERE fare_amount =
        SELECT MAX(fare_amount)
        FROM nyctaxi i
        WHERE o.passenger_count = i.passenger_count


Correlated subqueries have the following limitations:

  • They cannot reference grouping columns in the parent query
  • They cannot reference tables beyond the immediate outer query; i.e., a table cannot be referenced in a correlated subquery that is two or more levels of nesting deeper than it is
  • They cannot contain disjunctive conditions
  • They cannot be part of an OUTER JOIN ON clause condition


Hint strings (KI_HINT) can be added as comments within queries, and affect just the query in which they appear. They will override the corresponding client & server settings (when such settings exist). For example:

CREATE TABLE taxi_trip_daily_totals AS
/* KI_HINT_GROUP_BY_PK, KI_HINT_INDEX(transaction_date) */
SELECT vendor_id, DATE(dropoff_datetime) AS transaction_date, COUNT(*) AS total_trips
FROM nyctaxi
GROUP BY vendor_id, transaction_date
Hint Description

Use an ingest batch size of n records. Default: 10,000.

Only applicable when issuing INSERT statements.

KI_HINT_CHUNK_SIZE(n) Use chunk sizes of n records per chunk within result sets. Suffixes of K & M can be used to represent thousands or millions of records; e.g., 20K, 50M.

Simplify EXPLAIN output removing unique identifiers from table names.


Potentially unsafe for use in a multiuser environment, as the table names produced will not be unique and may collide with the table names of other users who execute EXPLAIN with this hint.

KI_HINT_DICT_PROJECTION Retain the dictionary encoding attributes of source columns in a projection result set.
KI_HINT_DISTRIBUTED_OPERATIONS Reshard data when doing so would be the only way to process one or more operations in this query.
KI_HINT_DONT_COMBINE Don’t combine joins and unions for this query.
KI_HINT_GROUP_BY_FORCE_REPLICATED Make all result tables within a single query replicated; useful when meeting the input table requirements of JOIN, UNION, etc. in a query containing aggregated subqueries which generate differently-sharded result tables.

Create primary keys for all GROUP BY result sets on the grouped-upon columns/expressions within a given query; often used to create a primary key on the result of a CREATE TABLE...AS that ends in a GROUP BY, and can also make materialized views containing grouping operations more performant.


If any of the grouped-on expressions are nullable, no primary key will be applied.

KI_HINT_HAS_HEADER Assume the first line of the source CSV file has a Kinetica header row. Only used with CSV ingestion.
KI_HINT_INDEX(<column list>) Create an index on each of the comma-separated columns in the given list; often used with CREATE TABLE...AS to create an index on a persisted result set.
KI_HINT_JOBID_PREFIX(x) Tag corresponding database job names(s) with x; e.g., KI_HINT_JOBID_PREFIX(tag) will result in job names like ODBC_tag_01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef.
KI_HINT_KEEP_TEMP_TABLES Don’t erase temp tables created by this query.
KI_HINT_NO_COST_BASED_OPTIMIZATION Don't use the cost-based optimizer when calculating the query plan.
KI_HINT_NO_DICT_PROJECTION Don't retain the dictionary encoding attributes of source columns in a projection result set.
KI_HINT_NO_DISTRIBUTED_OPERATIONS Don't reshard data when doing so would be the only way to process one or more operations in this query.
KI_HINT_NO_HEADER Assume the source CSV file has no Kinetica header row. Only used with CSV ingestion.
KI_HINT_NO_JOIN_COUNT Optimize joins by not calculating intermediate set counts.
KI_HINT_NO_LATE_MATERIALIZATION Force the materialization of intermediary result sets.
KI_HINT_NO_PARALLEL_EXECUTION Execute all components of this query in series.
KI_HINT_NO_PLAN_CACHE Don't cache the query plan calculated for this query.
KI_HINT_NO_RULE_BASED_OPTIMIZATION Don't use the rule-based optimizer when calculating the query plan.
KI_HINT_NO_VALIDATE_CHANGE Don't fail an ALTER TABLE command when changing column types/sizes and the column data is too long/large. Truncate the data instead and allow the modification to succeed.
KI_HINT_PROJECT_MATERIALIZED_VIEW Force the materialization of a materialized view. Some materialized views containing JOIN clauses will be backed by a native join view. This is done to improve the performance of materialized view refreshes and reduce memory usage at the cost of reduced query performance. This hint will induce the reverse of this trade-off -- increased query performance at the cost of reduced refresh performance and increased memory usage.

Instruct the target database to treat this statement as one that should be run synchronously across all HA clusters in its ring. See High Availability Operation Handling for details.


The target database must be configured for high-availability for this to have an effect. See High Availability Configuration & Management for details.


Instruct the target database to treat this statement as one that should be run asynchronously across all HA clusters in its ring. See High Availability Operation Handling for details.


The target database must be configured for high-availability for this to have an effect. See High Availability Configuration & Management for details.

KI_HINT_TRUNCATE_STRINGS Truncate all strings being inserted into restricted-width (charN) columns to their max width. Used with any INSERT INTO statement, including CSV ingestion.
KI_HINT_UPDATE_ON_EXISTING_PK Change the record collision policy for inserting into a table with a primary key to an upsert scheme; any existing table record with a primary key that matches a record being inserted will be replaced by that new record. Without this hint, the record being inserted will be discarded. If the specified table does not have a primary key, then this hint is ignored.


Outputs the execution plan of a given SQL statement.


For the visual explain plan utility in GAdmin, see the Explain feature under SQL Tool.

The general form of the command is:


If LOGICAL is specified, the algebraic execution tree of the statement is output. Otherwise, the physical execution plan will be output.

Each supporting API endpoint call that is made in servicing the request is listed as an execution plan step in the output, along with any input or output tables associated with the call and the prior plan execution steps on which a given execution step depends.

The following options can be specified:

  • LOGICAL - outputs the algebraic execution tree of the statement
  • PHYSICAL - (default) outputs the physical execution plan with the following endpoint-level details per step:
    • ID - execution step number
    • ENDPOINT - name of native API endpoint called
    • INPUT_TABLES - input tables used by the endpoint (if any)
    • OUTPUT_TABLE - output table created by the endpoint (if any)
    • DEPENDENCIES - list of prior execution steps upon which this step depends
  • ANALYZE - same as PHYSICAL, including additional run-time details:
    • RUN_TIME - execution time of each endpoint call
    • RESULT_ROWS - number of records produced in the endpoint call
  • VERBOSE - same as PHYSICAL, including endpoint parameter details:
    • COLUMNS - columns passed to the endpoint call
    • EXPRESSIONS - expressions passed to the endpoint call
    • OPTIONS - option keys & values passed to the endpoint call
    • LAST_USE_TABLES - list of tables that will not be used by any following execution step
    • ADDITIONAL_INFO - other parameters passed to the endpoint call
  • VERBOSE ANALYZE - same as VERBOSE & ANALYZE together, including the execution plan for any joins contained within the query
  • FORMAT JSON - outputs the result in JSON format
  • FORMAT TABLE - (default) outputs the result in tabular format


Specifying ANALYZE will cause the statement to be executed in order to collect run-time statistics on the endpoint calls made.

For example, to output the execution plan for a query that aggregates the number of taxi rides between boroughs (using KI_HINT_COMPARABLE_EXPLAIN hint to simplify output):

    n_begin.ntaname AS boro_begin,
    COUNT(*) AS total_trips
    SELECT pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, n_end.ntaname AS boro_end
    FROM nyctaxi t
    JOIN nyct2010 n_end ON STXY_INTERSECTS(dropoff_longitude, dropoff_latitude, geom)
JOIN nyct2010 n_begin ON STXY_INTERSECTS(pickup_longitude, pickup_latitude, geom)

The execution plan is listed in table format, as follows:

| ID   | ENDPOINT                | INPUT_TABLES                                         | OUTPUT_TABLE   | DEPENDENCIES   |
| 0    | /create/jointable       | nyctaxi AS TableAlias_0_,nyct2010 AS TableAlias_1_   | Join_3         | -1             |
| 1    | /create/jointable       | Join_3 AS TableAlias_0_,nyct2010 AS TableAlias_1_    | Join_6         | 0              |
| 2    | /aggregate/groupby      | Join_6                                               | Aggregate_8    | 1              |
| 3    | /get/records/bycolumn   | Aggregate_8                                          |                | 2              |

If there is an error processing a query, the error can be returned in the JSON-formatted execution plan:

FROM explain_table t1
JOIN explain_table t2 ON t1.shard_column = t2.not_shard_column

The execution plan is listed in JSON format with the query error, as follows:

"PLAN": [
        "ADDITIONAL_INFO": "Not all of the non-replicated tables are equated by shard keys (TM/FPc:1975); code:1 'Error' in Job pre-process; code:1 'Error'",
        "COLUMNS": "TableAlias_0_.shard_column AS shard_column,TableAlias_0_.not_shard_column AS not_shard_column,TableAlias_1_.shard_column AS shard_column0,TableAlias_1_.not_shard_column AS not_shard_column0",
        "DEPENDENCIES": "-1",
        "ENDPOINT": "/create/jointable",
        "EXPRESSIONS": "inner join TableAlias_0_, TableAlias_1_  on   (TableAlias_0_.shard_column = TableAlias_1_.not_shard_column )  ",
        "ID": "0",
        "JSON_REQUEST": "{
            "join_table_name": "31031_Join_1_2249791e-63cb-11ea-b3aa-f4ce46bdd59a",
            "table_names": [
                "explain_table AS TableAlias_0_",
                "explain_table AS TableAlias_1_"
            "column_names": [
                "TableAlias_0_.shard_column AS shard_column",
                "TableAlias_0_.not_shard_column AS not_shard_column",
                "TableAlias_1_.shard_column AS shard_column0",
                "TableAlias_1_.not_shard_column AS not_shard_column0"
            "expressions": [
                "inner join TableAlias_0_, TableAlias_1_  on   (TableAlias_0_.shard_column = TableAlias_1_.not_shard_column )  "
            "options": {
                "collection_name": "__SQL_TEMP",
                "create_explain": "true",
                "show_filters": "true",
                "ttl": "-1"
        "LAST_USE_TABLES": "",
        "OPTIONS": "{collection_name,__SQL_TEMP} {create_explain,true} {show_filters,true} {ttl,-1}",
        "RESULT_DISTRIBUTION": "shard_column;shard_column0; / ;",
        "RESULT_ROWS": "0",
        "RUN_TIME": "0"
        "ADDITIONAL_INFO": "",
        "COLUMNS": "shard_column, not_shard_column, shard_column0, not_shard_column0",
        "DEPENDENCIES": "0",
        "ENDPOINT": "/get/records/bycolumn",
        "EXPRESSIONS": "",
        "ID": "1",
        "JSON_REQUEST": "{
            "table_name": "Join_1_04ef7d35-ec70-4431-ae7d-687802a4cece",
            "column_names": [
            "offset": 0,
            "limit": -9999,
            "encoding": "binary",
            "options": {
                "create_explain": "true",
                "show_filters": "true"
        "LAST_USE_TABLES": "Join_1_04ef7d35-ec70-4431-ae7d-687802a4cece",
        "OPTIONS": "{create_explain,true} {show_filters,true}",
        "RESULT_ROWS": "0",
        "RUN_TIME": "0"

Data Definition (DDL)

Kinetica supports the basic notion of SQL tables as containers of one or more columns of data. Tables can be created, altered, and dropped.

Table & column names must adhere to the supported naming criteria.

A column definition consists of a column type and optional column size, column properties, and nullability. Column properties are used to optimize data storage & speed.

The format of a defined column is column name, followed by column definition. A column definition is column type optionally followed by any column size limit or column properties all enclosed in parentheses, followed by an optional nullability statement:

<column name> <column type> [(<column size / property list>)] [[NOT] NULL]

This format applies to any DDL statement requiring the definition of columns, like CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE (when adding/modifying a column).

For example, the following are valid defined columns:

id INT(SHARD_KEY)                -- id is an integer and the table's shard key
name VARCHAR(64, TEXT_SEARCH)    -- name is a 64-char limited string and text-searchable
ip IPV4                          -- ip is a string in IPv4 format
cost DECIMAL(10, 2, STORE_ONLY)  -- cost is able to hold an 8.2 decimal and not held in memory

Column Types

Category Data Type Description
Number TINYINT Effective type: int8
SMALLINT Effective type: int16
INTEGER Effective type: integer
BIGINT Effective type: long
UNSIGNED BIGINT Effective type: ulong
REAL Effective type: float
DOUBLE Effective type: double
FLOAT Alias for REAL

Effective type: varies by P & S

P S Effective Type
1, 2 0 int8
3, 4 0 int16
5, 6 0 integer
7- n 0 long
1- n 1-4 decimal
5, 6 5, 6 float
7- n 5- n double
String VARCHAR Effective type: string; character limit based on configured system property
VARCHAR(N) Effective type: char1 - char256 or string, whichever is large enough to hold N characters
IPV4 Shorthand for VARCHAR(IPV4), which applies the IPV4 column property
Date/Time DATE Effective type: date
DATETIME Effective type: datetime
TIME Effective type: time
TIMESTAMP Effective type: timestamp
Binary BLOB Effective type: bytes
BYTES Alias for BLOB
Geospatial GEOMETRY Effective type: wkt

Column Properties

Property Description
DICT Applies dict data handling to a column, enabling dictionary-encoding of its values; see Dictionary Encoding for details
DISK_OPTIMIZED Applies disk-optimized data handling to a column
IPV4 Treats the associated string-based column as an IPv4 address
LZ4 Applies LZ4 compression to a column
LZ4HC Applies LZ4HC compression to a column
PRIMARY_KEY Treats the associated column as a primary key, or part of a composite primary key if other columns also have this property
SHARD_KEY Treats the associated column as a shard key, or part of a composite shard key if other columns also have this property
SNAPPY Applies Snappy compression to a column
STORE_ONLY Applies store-only data handling to a column
TEXT_SEARCH Applies text-searchability to a column
INIT_WITH_NOW For DATE, TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP column types, enables the database to replace empty strings and invalid timestamp values with NOW()


Schemas are logical containers for tables, referred to as collections, natively.

To create one:

CREATE < SCHEMA | COLLECTION > <schema name>

For example, to create a schema:



Any of the following facets of a schema can be altered:

Rename Schema

A schema can be renamed.

ALTER SCHEMA <schema name>
RENAME TO <new schema name>

For example, to rename a schema:

ALTER SCHEMA container
RENAME TO container_renamed

Set Protection Mode

A schema can be put into a protected mode, which will prevent tables & view within it from expiring. This will override the individual protection modes of this contained entities, though it will not overwrite their modes. When a schema is taken out of protected status, the contained tables & views return to their previous protection mode. A protected entity cannot have its TTL updated.

Setting PROTECTED to TRUE enables protection for a schema's tables & views, and prevents ALTER...SET TTL from being executed against it or its contained entities.

Setting PROTECTED to FALSE disables protection for a schema's tables & views, and allows subsequent ALTER...SET TTL requests to succeed.

ALTER SCHEMA <schema name>

For example, to protect a schema:

ALTER SCHEMA container


A schema can have a time-to-live (TTL) set, which is a convenience for setting all of the tables & views within that schema to a given TTL.

ALTER SCHEMA <schema name>
SET TTL <new ttl>

For example, to set a schema to expire in 10 minutes:

ALTER SCHEMA container


When removing a schema from the database, there are two options available, which control how the removal takes place. Normally, an error will be reported if the schema to drop doesn't exist; if IF EXISTS is specified, no error will be reported. Also, an error will be reported if the schema to drop contains any database objects (tables, etc.); if CASCADE is specified, the schema and all objects within it will be removed.


For example, to drop a schema, including its contained tables and views:



Creates a new table in the configured ParentSet collection, unless a schema is specified.

The basic form of the supported CREATE TABLE statement follows. See here for column definition format.

CREATE [OR REPLACE] [REPLICATED] [TEMP] TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
    <column name> <column definition>,
    <column name> <column definition>,
    [PRIMARY KEY (<column list>)],
    [SHARD KEY (<column list>)],
    [FOREIGN KEY (<column list>) REFERENCES <foreign table name>(<foreign column list>) [AS <foreign key name>],...]
[<partition clause>]
[<tier strategy clause>]
[<index clause>]
[<option clause>]
Keyword(s) Description
OR REPLACE Any existing table/view with the same name will be dropped before creating this one
REPLICATED The table will be distributed within the database as a replicated table
TEMP If the database is restarted, the table will be removed

The table & column names used must adhere to the supported naming criteria.

Table clause definitions:

For example, to create a table with various column types and properties:

CREATE TABLE various_types
    i   INTEGER NOT NULL,                         /* non-nullable integer, part of primary key (defined at end)                         */
    bi  BIGINT NOT NULL,                          /* long, part of primary key, shard key, foreign key source (defined at end)          */
    ub  UNSIGNED BIGINT,                          /* native unsigned long                                                               */
    r   REAL,                                     /* native float                                                                       */
    f   FLOAT,                                    /* native double                                                                      */
    d   DOUBLE(STORE_ONLY),                       /* native double, not in-memory                                                       */
    s   VARCHAR(STORE_ONLY, TEXT_SEARCH),         /* string, searchable, not in-memory, only limited in size by system-configured value */
    c   VARCHAR(30, DICT),                        /* char32 using dictionary-encoding of values                                         */
    p   VARCHAR(256, SNAPPY, TEXT_SEARCH),        /* char256, searchable, using Snappy compression of values                            */
    ip  IPV4,                                     /* IP address                                                                         */
    ts  TIMESTAMP,                                /* timestamp                                                                          */
    td  DATE,                                     /* simple date                                                                        */
    tt  TIME,                                     /* simple time                                                                        */
    dt  DATETIME(INIT_WITH_NOW),                  /* date/time                                                                          */
    dc1 DECIMAL,                                  /* native long                                                                        */
    dc2 DECIMAL(18,4),                            /* native decimal                                                                     */
    dc3 DECIMAL(6,5),                             /* native float                                                                       */
    dc4 DECIMAL(7, 5, STORE_ONLY),                /* double, not in-memory                                                              */
    n   NUMERIC(5, 3),                            /* native decimal, the next largest native numeric type to hold the number type       */
    wkt WKT,                                      /* geospatial column for WKT string data                                              */
    PRIMARY KEY (i, bi),                          /* primary key columns must be NOT NULL                                               */
    SHARD KEY (bi),                               /* shard key columns must be part of the primary key                                  */
    FOREIGN KEY (bi) REFERENCES lookup(id) AS fk  /* foreign key is often on the shard key                                              */
INDEX (ip)                                        /* index on IP column                                                                 */
INDEX (ts)                                        /* index on timestamp column                                                          */

Partition Clause

A table can be further segmented into partitions. The supported partition types are:

See Partitioning for details.

Range Partitioning

The general format for the range partition clause is:

CREATE TABLE <table name> ( <column list> )
PARTITION BY RANGE ( <column expression> )
        <partition name> [ MIN ( <least value> ) ] [ MAX ( <greatest value> ) ],
        <partition name> [ MIN ( <least value> ) ] [ MAX ( <greatest value> ) ]

The partition definition clause, PARTITIONS, is optional, though it is recommended to define partitions at table creation time, when feasible.


Defining (adding) partitions after data has been loaded will result in a performance penalty as the database moves existing records targeted for the new partition from the default partition into it.

For example, to create a range-partitioned table with the following criteria:

  • partitioned on the date/time of the order
  • partitions for years:
    • 2014 - 2016
    • 2017
    • 2018
    • 2019
  • records not in that range go to the default partition
CREATE TABLE customer_order_range_partition_by_year
    id           INT NOT NULL,
    customer_id  INT NOT NULL,
    total_price  DECIMAL(10,2),
    purchase_ts  TIMESTAMP NOT NULL
    order_2014_2016 MIN(2014) MAX(2017),
    order_2017                MAX(2018),
    order_2018                MAX(2019),
    order_2019                MAX(2020)
Interval Partitioning

The general format for the interval partition clause is:

CREATE TABLE <table name> ( <column list> )
PARTITION BY INTERVAL ( <column expression> )
    STARTING [AT] (<least value>) INTERVAL (<interval size>)

For example, to create an interval-partitioned table with the following criteria:

  • partitioned on the date/time of the order
  • one partition for each year from 2014 on
  • later year partitions are added as necessary
  • records prior to 2014 go to the default partition
CREATE TABLE customer_order_interval_partition_by_year
    id           INT NOT NULL,
    customer_id  INT NOT NULL,
    total_price  DECIMAL(10,2),
    purchase_ts  TIMESTAMP

To create an interval-partitioned table with the following criteria:

  • partitioned on the date/time of the order
  • one partition for each day from January 1st, 2014 on
  • later day partitions are added as necessary
  • records prior to 2014 go to the default partition
CREATE TABLE customer_order_interval_partition_by_day_timestampdiff
    id           INT NOT NULL,
    customer_id  INT NOT NULL,
    total_price  DECIMAL(10,2),
    purchase_ts  TIMESTAMP

The same interval-partitioned scheme above can be created using the timestamp column directly, with the help of the INTERVAL function (described in the Date/Time Functions section):

CREATE TABLE customer_order_interval_partition_by_day_interval
    id           INT NOT NULL,
    customer_id  INT NOT NULL,
    total_price  DECIMAL(10,2),
    purchase_ts  TIMESTAMP
    STARTING AT ('2014-01-01') INTERVAL (INTERVAL '1' DAY)

This scheme can be easily modified to create an hourly partition instead:

CREATE TABLE customer_order_interval_partition_by_hour_interval
    id           INT NOT NULL,
    customer_id  INT NOT NULL,
    total_price  DECIMAL(10,2),
    purchase_ts  TIMESTAMP
List Partitioning

The list partition clause has two forms:


The general format for the manual list partition clause is:

CREATE TABLE <table name> ( <column list> )
PARTITION BY LIST ( <column expression list> )
        <partition name> VALUES ( <value lists> ),
        <partition name> VALUES ( <value lists> )

The partition definition clause, PARTITIONS, is optional, though it is recommended to define partitions at table creation time, when feasible.


Defining (adding) partitions after data has been loaded will result in a performance penalty as the database moves existing records targeted for the new partition from the default partition into it.

For example, to create a manual list-partitioned table with the following criteria:

  • partitioned on the date/time of the order
  • partitions for years:
    • 2014 - 2016
    • 2017
    • 2018
    • 2019
  • records not in that list go to the default partition
CREATE TABLE customer_order_manual_list_partition_by_year
    id           INT NOT NULL,
    customer_id  INT NOT NULL,
    total_price  DECIMAL(10,2),
    purchase_ts  TIMESTAMP NOT NULL
    order_2014_2016 VALUES (2014, 2015, 2016),
    order_2017      VALUES (2017),
    order_2018      VALUES (2018),
    order_2019      VALUES (2019)

To create a manual list-partitioned table with a multi-column key and the following criteria:

  • partitioned on the date/time of the order
  • each partition corresponds to a unique year & month pair
  • partitions for years/months:
    • February 2016 & March 2016
    • March 2020
  • records not in that list go to the default partition
CREATE TABLE customer_order_manual_list_partition_by_year_and_month
    id           INT NOT NULL,
    customer_id  INT NOT NULL,
    total_price  DECIMAL(10,2),
    purchase_ts  TIMESTAMP NOT NULL
PARTITION BY LIST (YEAR(purchase_ts), MONTH(purchase_ts))
    order_2016_0203 VALUES ((2016, 2), (2016, 3)),
    order_2020_03   VALUES ((2020, 3))

The general format for the automatic list partition clause is:

CREATE TABLE <table name> ( <column list> )
PARTITION BY LIST ( <column expression list> )

To create an automatic list-partitioned table with the following criteria:

  • partitioned on the date/time of the order
  • one partition for each unique year & month across all orders
  • partitions are added as necessary
CREATE TABLE customer_order_automatic_list_partition_by_year_and_month
    id           INT NOT NULL,
    customer_id  INT NOT NULL,
    total_price  DECIMAL(10,2),
    purchase_ts  TIMESTAMP NOT NULL
PARTITION BY LIST (YEAR(purchase_ts), MONTH(purchase_ts))
Hash Partitioning

The general format for the hash partition clause is:

CREATE TABLE <table name> ( <column list> )
PARTITION BY HASH ( <column expressions> )
PARTITIONS <total partitions>

To create a hash-partitioned table with the following criteria:

  • partitioned on the date/time of the order
  • distributed among the fixed set of partitions, based on the hash of the year & month of the order
  • 10 partitions
CREATE TABLE customer_order_hash_partition_by_year_and_month
    id           INT NOT NULL,
    customer_id  INT NOT NULL,
    total_price  DECIMAL(10,2),
    purchase_ts  TIMESTAMP NOT NULL
PARTITION BY HASH (YEAR(purchase_ts), MONTH(purchase_ts))

Tier Strategy Clause

A table can have a tier strategy specified at creation time. If not assigned a tier strategy upon creation, a table will be assigned a default tier strategy.

The general format for the tier strategy clause is:

    <tier strategy>,
    <tier strategy>

For example, to create a customer_order table with an above-average eviction priority in the RAM Tier:

    id          INT NOT NULL,
    customer_id INT NOT NULL,
    total_price DECIMAL(10,2),
    purchase_ts TIMESTAMP,
    SHARD KEY (customer_id)
    ( ( VRAM 1, RAM 7, PERSIST 5 ) )

If not specified, the default tier strategy will be assigned:

    id          INT NOT NULL,
    customer_id INT NOT NULL,
    total_price DECIMAL(10,2),
    purchase_ts TIMESTAMP,
    SHARD KEY (customer_id)
SHOW CREATE TABLE customer_order
| CREATE TABLE "customer_order"
   "customer_id" INTEGER (shard_key) NOT NULL,
   "total_price" DECIMAL(18,4),
   "purchase_ts" TIMESTAMP
( ( VRAM 1, RAM 7, PERSIST 5 ) )
) |


The response to SHOW CREATE TABLE is a single-record result set with the DDL statement as the value in the DDL column, shown here with the column separators returned by kisql.

Index Clause

A table can have any number of indexes applied to any of its columns at creation time.

The two types of indexes supported are:

The general format for the table indexes clause is:


For example, to create a table with a column index on dept_id and a chunk skip index on id:

    id INT NOT NULL,
    dept_id INT NOT NULL,
    manager_id INT,
    first_name VARCHAR(30),
    last_name VARCHAR(30),
    sal DECIMAL,
    hire_date DATE,
    PRIMARY KEY (id, dept_id),
    SHARD KEY (dept_id)
INDEX (dept_id)

Option Clause

A subset of table options can be specified at creation time.

Option Description
CHUNK SIZE Size of the blocks of memory holding the data, when loaded; specified as the maximum number of records each block of memory should hold
TTL The time-to-live (TTL) for the table; if not set, the table will not expire

For example, to create a table with up to 1,000,000 records per chunk and that will expire in 15 minutes:

    id          INT NOT NULL,
    customer_id INT NOT NULL,
    total_price DECIMAL(10,2),
    purchase_ts TIMESTAMP,
    SHARD KEY (customer_id)


Creates a new table from the given query in the configured ParentSet collection, unless a schema is specified.

The general format is:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] [REPLICATED] [TEMP] TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name> AS
    <SELECT statement>
Keyword(s) Description
OR REPLACE Any existing table/view with the same name will be dropped before creating this one
REPLICATED The table will be distributed within the database as a replicated table
TEMP If the database is restarted, the table will be removed

The table & column names used must adhere to the supported naming criteria.

While primary keys & foreign keys are not transferred to the new table, shard keys will be, if the column(s) composing them are part of the SELECT list.

The following can be applied to the SELECT statement to affect the resulting table:

Keyword Type Description
KI_HINT_GROUP_BY_PK hint Creates a primary keys on the columns in the GROUP BY clause if the outermost SELECT statement contains a GROUP BY
KI_HINT_INDEX(column list) hint Indexes each of the columns specified in the column list
KI_SHARD_KEY(column list) pseudo-function Shards the result table with a shard key composed of all columns in the specified column list

For example, to create a replicated temporary table that is a copy of an existing table, failing if a table with the same name as the target table already exists:

    SELECT *
    FROM old_table

To create a permanent table with columns a, b, c, & d a new shard key on columns a & b, and an index on column d, replacing a table with the same name as the target table, if it exists:

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE new_sharded_table AS
    SELECT a, b, c, d, KI_SHARD_KEY(a, b) /* KI_HINT_INDEX(d) */
    FROM old_table

To copy a table with columns a, b, c, & d, preserving the primary key on a, b, & c, and the foreign key from d; a new table must be created to match the schema of the old one and then records can be copied from the old one to the new one:

CREATE TABLE new_pk_copy_table
    PRIMARY KEY (a, b, c),
    FOREIGN KEY (d) REFERENCES old_table_lookup(d)
INSERT INTO new_pk_copy_table
FROM old_table


This create/insert process is necessary, as neither primary keys nor foreign keys can be preserved through hints.

See Limitations for other restrictions.


Any of the following facets of a table can be altered:

Rename Table

A table can be renamed, following the supported naming criteria.

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
RENAME TO <new table name>

Move Table

A table can be moved from one schema to another, or to the top-level schema, ROOT.

The general form of the command is:

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
< MOVE TO | SET SCHEMA > < ROOT | other schema name >

For example, to move the sales_2017 table from the olap schema to the archive schema:

ALTER TABLE olap.sales_2017
MOVE TO archive

To move the sales_2017 table from the archive schema to the top-level schema:

ALTER TABLE archive.sales_2017

Set Access Mode

A table can have its global accessibility modified for all users in the system, independently from and further restricting any role-based access controls in place. Note that changing the access mode cannot widen access for users not already granted access; it can only narrow access for those who already have access. This setting will also trump administrative access to a table.

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>

Set Protection Mode

A table can be altered to not expire, by altering its protection mode. Note that tables don't normally expire, but can be set to expire.

Setting PROTECTED to TRUE enables protection for a table and prevents ALTER TABLE...SET TTL from being executed against it.

Setting PROTECTED to FALSE disables protection for a table and allows subsequent ALTER TABLE...SET TTL requests to succeed.

ALTER TABLE <table name>


A table's time-to-live (TTL) can be altered.

ALTER TABLE <table name>
SET TTL <new ttl>

For example, to set a TTL of 7 minutes on a table:

ALTER TABLE employee

To set a table to never expire by TTL timeout:

ALTER TABLE employee

Add Column

A column can be added, specifying a column definition.

A new column can have its values initially populated through the use of the DEFAULT keyword. These values can either be a string/numeric constant or the name of an existing column in the table from which values can be copied into the new column. This default value is only in effect for the column creation; the new column will have no default value after that.

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
ADD <column name> <column definition> [DEFAULT <string/numeric constant | column name>]


Column compression must be applied after a new column is added; see Compress Column for syntax.


To add, to the employee table, a salary column that is a non-nullable, store-only, 10-digit number field containing 2 decimal places with a default value of 0:

ALTER TABLE employee

To add, to the employee table, a category column that is a nullable, dictionary-encoded, 32-character text field:

ALTER TABLE employee
ADD category VARCHAR(32, DICT)

To add, to the employee table, a bio column that is a nullable, text-searchable, disk-optimized, unrestricted-width text field:

ALTER TABLE employee

Rename Column

An existing column can be renamed:

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
RENAME COLUMN <column current name> TO <column new name>

For example, to rename a column:

ALTER TABLE employee
RENAME COLUMN bio TO biography

Modify Column

A column can have its column definition modified, affecting column type, column size, column properties, and nullability.

If a column is modified to be non-nullable, it will be populated with default values--empty string for string fields and 0 for numeric fields.

Either of the following can be used to modify a column:

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
MODIFY [COLUMN] <column name> <column definition>
ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
ALTER COLUMN <column name> <column definition>


Column compression must be applied after an existing column is modified; see Compress Column for syntax.


To change, in the employee table, the first_name column to one that is a non-nullable, dictionary-encoded, 50-character text field:

ALTER TABLE employee

Compress Column

A column can have its data compressed in memory.

The general form to alter a column's compression setting is:

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
SET COLUMN <column name> COMPRESSION [TO] <compression type>

For example, to use LZ4 compression on a column:

ALTER TABLE employee

To use no compression on a column:

ALTER TABLE employee

Drop Column

An existing column can be removed from a table:

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
DROP COLUMN <column name>

Add Column Index

A column (attribute) index can be added to a table column in order to improve the performance of operations whose expressions contain relational operators against the column. See Limitations for restrictions.

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
ADD INDEX (<column name>)

For example, to index the employee table's department ID column:

ALTER TABLE employee
ADD INDEX (dept_id)

Drop Column Index

An existing column (attribute) index can be removed from a table:

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
DROP INDEX (<column name>)

For example, to drop the index on the employee table's department ID column:

ALTER TABLE employee
DROP INDEX (dept_id)

Add Chunk Skip Index

A chunk skip index can be added to a table column in order to improve the performance of operations containing equality-based filters against the column. See Limitations for restrictions.

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
ADD CHUNK [SKIP] INDEX (<column name>)

For example, to index the employee table's department ID column:

ALTER TABLE employee

Drop Chunk Skip Index

An existing chunk skip index can be removed from a table:

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
DROP CHUNK [SKIP] INDEX (<column name>)

For example, to drop the chunk skip index on the employee table's department ID column:

ALTER TABLE employee

Add Foreign Key

A foreign key can be added to any column or set of columns not marked as store-only in order to improve the performance of join operations between the table being altered and the table referenced in the foreign key.

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
ADD FOREIGN KEY (<column name>,...) REFERENCES <foreign table name>(<foreign column name>,...) [AS <foreign key name>]

For example, to add a foreign key on the employee table's department ID column, linking it to the department table's department ID column:

ALTER TABLE employee
ADD FOREIGN KEY (dept_id) REFERENCES department(id) AS fk_emp_dept

Drop Foreign Key

An existing foreign key can be removed from a table, either by the name (alias) given to it during creation or by its definition:

  • By name:

    ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
    DROP FOREIGN KEY <foreign key name>
  • By definition:

    ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
    DROP FOREIGN KEY (<column name>,...) REFERENCES <foreign table name>(<foreign column name>,...)

For example, to drop the foreign key on the employee table's department ID column:

  • By name:

    ALTER TABLE employee
    DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_emp_dept
  • By definition:

    ALTER TABLE employee
    DROP FOREIGN KEY (dept_id) REFERENCES department(id)

Add Partition

A partition can be added to a range-partitioned or list-partitioned table.


Defining (adding) partitions after data has been loaded will result in a performance penalty as the database moves existing records targeted for the new partition from the default partition into it.

Range Partition

The new partition can be given a minimum bound (inclusive) and a maximum bound (exclusive). If the new partition would come before an existing partition, omitting the maximum bound would cause the new partition to take on the nearest following existing partition's minimum bound as its maximum bound. If the new partition would come after an existing partition, omitting the minimum bound would cause the new partition to take on the nearest preceding partition's maximum bound as its minimum bound. If no partitions are present in the table, the new partition will have to declare both a minimum and maximum bound.

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
ADD PARTITION <partition name> [ MIN ( <least value> ) ] [ MAX ( <greatest value> ) ]

For example, to add a partition to the customer_order_range_by_year table, containing all records with a partition key less than 2020 and greater than or equal to the maximum bound of the nearest preceding partition:

ALTER TABLE customer_order_range_partition_by_year
ADD PARTITION order_2020 MAX(2021)
List Partition

The new partition can be given a list of values to match against the partition key values of incoming records.

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
ADD PARTITION <partition name> VALUES ( <value lists> )

For example, to add a partition to the customer_order_manual_list_partition_by_year table, containing all records from 2020:

ALTER TABLE customer_order_manual_list_partition_by_year
ADD PARTITION order_2020 VALUES (2020)

For example, to add a partition to the customer_order_manual_list_partition_by_year_and_month table, containing all records from February 2020 & April 2020:

ALTER TABLE customer_order_manual_list_partition_by_year_and_month
ADD PARTITION order_2020_0204 VALUES ((2020, 2), (2020, 4))

Remove Partition

An existing partition can be removed from a range-partitioned or list-partitioned table, sending all data contained within that partition back to the default partition.

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
REMOVE PARTITION <partition name>

For example, to remove a partition named order_2017 from the customer_order_range_by_year table:

ALTER TABLE customer_order_range_partition_by_year

Delete Partition

An existing partition can be dropped from a range-partitioned or list-partitioned table, deleting all data contained within it.

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
DELETE PARTITION <partition name>

For example, to drop a partition named order_2014_2016 from the customer_order_range_by_year table, deleting all data within that partition:

ALTER TABLE customer_order_range_partition_by_year
DELETE PARTITION order_2014_2016

Set Tier Strategy

A table's eviction priorities can be adjusted by setting its tier strategy.

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>
SET TIER STRATEGY (<tier strategy>)

For example, to set the customer_order table's tier strategy, to one with a below-average eviction priority in the RAM Tier:

ALTER TABLE customer_order
    ( ( VRAM 1, RAM 3, PERSIST 5 ) )

The tier strategy can also be reset to the system default strategy.

ALTER TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>

For example, to reset the customer_order table's tier strategy:

ALTER TABLE customer_order


Deletes all the records from a table:

TRUNCATE TABLE [<schema name>.]<table name>


When removing a table from the database, there are two options available, which control how the removal takes place. Normally, an error will be reported if the table to drop doesn't exist; if IF EXISTS is specified, no error will be reported.

DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] [<schema name>.]<table name>


Creates a new virtual table from the given query in the specified schema.

A view must adhere to the supported naming criteria for tables & columns.


SQL views are only able to be queried via ODBC/JDBC connection or the /execute/sql endpoint. They are, however, still visible in the GAdmin table listing and manageable through other DDL endpoints.

The general format is:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] VIEW [<schema name>.]<view name> AS
<SELECT statement>
Keyword(s) Description
OR REPLACE Any existing table/view with the same name will be dropped before creating this view

When any of a view's source tables is dropped, the view will also be dropped.


A CREATE OR REPLACE issues an implicit drop, so replacing an input table will have the same effect of dropping the view.

For example, to create a view that is a copy of an existing table, failing if a table, view, or collection with the same name as the target view already exists:

CREATE VIEW view_of_table AS
    SELECT *
    FROM table_to_view


Specifying MATERIALIZED in a CREATE VIEW statement will make the view a materialized view.

A view must adhere to the supported naming criteria for tables & columns.

The general format is:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] [TEMP] MATERIALIZED VIEW [<schema name>.]<view name>
        OFF |
        ON CHANGE |
        EVERY <number> <SECOND[S] | MINUTE[S] | HOUR[S] | DAY[S]> [STARTING AT <YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM[:SS]]>]
<SELECT statement>
Keyword(s) Description
OR REPLACE Any existing table/view with the same name will be dropped before creating this one
TEMP If the database is restarted, the table will be removed

Specifies the data refresh scheme for the view. The following schemes are available:

Constant Description
OFF (the default) Will prevent the view from being automatically refreshed, but will still allow manual refreshes of the data to be requested
ON CHANGE Will cause the view to be updated any time a record is added, modified, or deleted from the subtending tables in the view's query
EVERY Allows specification of an interval in seconds, minutes, hours, or days, with the optional specification of a starting time at which the first refresh interval will run; if no start time is specified, the default will be an interval's worth of time from the point at which the view creation was requested

The intermediary results of materialized views are cached to improve the performance of queries against them. This means that, unlike typical views, materialized views are not lightweight database entities, but rather consume memory and processing time proportional to the size of the source data and complexity of the query.

When any of the source tables of a materialized view is dropped, the view will also be dropped.


A CREATE OR REPLACE issues an implicit drop, so replacing an input table will have the same effect of dropping the view.

While primary keys & foreign keys are not transferred to the new view, shard keys will be, if the column(s) composing them are part of the SELECT list. A new shard key can be specified for the created view by using the KI_SHARD_KEY(<column list>) pseudo-function in the SELECT list.

To create a materialized view with columns a, b, c, & d and a new shard key on columns a & b, that refreshes once per half hour, replacing a view with the same name as the target view, if it exists:

CREATE OR REPLACE MATERIALIZED VIEW materialized_view_of_table
    SELECT a, b, c, d, KI_SHARD_KEY(a, b)
    FROM table_to_view


Any of the following facets of a view can be altered:

Rename View

A view can be renamed, following the supported naming criteria.

ALTER VIEW [<schema name>.]<view name>
RENAME TO <new view name>

Move View

A view can be moved from one schema to another.

The general form of the command is:

ALTER VIEW [<schema name>.]<view name>
< MOVE TO | SET SCHEMA > <new schema name>

For example, to move the sales_2017 view from the olap schema to the archive schema:

ALTER VIEW olap.sales_2017
MOVE TO archive

To move the sales_2017 view from the archive schema to the root schema:

ALTER VIEW archive.sales_2017

Set Access Mode

A view can have its global accessibility modified for all users in the system, independently from and further restricting any role-based access controls in place. Note that changing the access mode cannot widen access for users not already granted access; it can only narrow access for those who already have access. This setting will also trump administrative access to a view.

ALTER VIEW [<schema name>.]<view name>

Set Protection Mode

A view can be altered to not expire, by altering its protection mode. Note that views don't normally expire, but can be set to expire.

Setting PROTECTED to TRUE enables protection for a view and prevents ALTER VIEW...SET TTL from being executed against it.

Setting PROTECTED to FALSE disables protection for a view and allows subsequent ALTER VIEW...SET TTL requests to succeed.

ALTER view <view name>

Set Refresh Mode

The refresh mode of a materialized view can be modified.

The general form of the command is:

ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [<schema name>.]<view name>
    OFF |

The available refresh modes are:

Constant Description
OFF Will prevent the view from being automatically refreshed, but will still allow manual refreshes of the data to be requested
ON CHANGE Will cause the view to be updated any time a record is added, modified, or deleted from the subtending tables in the view's query
EVERY Allows specification of an interval in seconds, minutes, hours, or days, with the optional specification of a starting time at which the first refresh interval will run; if no start time is specified, the default will be an interval's worth of time from the point at which the view alteration was requested

For example, to alter the current sales table to refresh every 6 hours:


This would alter the view in the same way:



A view's time-to-live (TTL) can be altered.

ALTER VIEW <view name>
SET TTL <new ttl>


Refreshes the data within a materialized view:

REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW [<schema name>.]<view name>


When removing a view from the database, there are two options available, which control how the removal takes place. Normally, an error will be reported if the view to drop doesn't exist; if IF EXISTS is specified, no error will be reported.

DROP [MATERIALIZED] VIEW [IF EXISTS] [<schema name>.]<view name>


Lists the columns and column types & properties for a given table or view; or lists the contained tables and views of a given schema:

DESC[RIBE] <schema name>
DESC[RIBE] [<schema name>.]<table/view name>

For example, to describe the tables contained in the MASTER schema, into which demo data is usually downloaded:

| Set_name   |
| shipping   |
| nyctaxi    |
| stocks     |
| movies     |
| flights    |

To describe the example table created in the CREATE TABLE section:

DESC various_types
| Col_num   | Name   | Null?      | Type                                 |
| 0         | i      | NOT NULL   | INTEGER (primary_key)                |
| 1         | bi     | NOT NULL   | BIGINT (primary_key, shard_key)      |
| 2         | ub     |            | UNSIGNED BIGINT                      |
| 3         | r      |            | REAL                                 |
| 4         | f      |            | REAL                                 |
| 5         | d      |            | DOUBLE (store_only)                  |
| 6         | s      |            | VARCHAR (store_only, text_search)    |
| 7         | c      |            | VARCHAR (32, dict)                   |
| 8         | p      |            | VARCHAR (text_search, 256, snappy)   |
| 9         | ip     |            | IPV4                                 |
| 10        | ts     |            | TIMESTAMP                            |
| 11        | td     |            | DATE                                 |
| 12        | tt     |            | TIME                                 |
| 13        | dt     |            | DATETIME (init_with_now)             |
| 14        | dc1    |            | BIGINT                               |
| 15        | dc2    |            | DECIMAL(18,4)                        |
| 16        | dc3    |            | REAL                                 |
| 17        | dc4    |            | DOUBLE (store_only)                  |
| 18        | n      |            | DECIMAL(18,4)                        |
| 19        | wkt    |            | GEOMETRY                             |


Outputs the DDL statement required to reconstruct the given schema:



The response to SHOW CREATE SCHEMA is a single-record result set with the DDL statement as the value in the DDL column, shown below with the column separators returned by kisql.

For example, to output the DDL for the example schema created in the CREATE SCHEMA section:

| CREATE COLLECTION container   |


Outputs the DDL statement required to reconstruct the given table:

SHOW [CREATE TABLE] [<schema name>.]<table name>


The response to SHOW CREATE TABLE is a single-record result set with the DDL statement as the value in the DDL column, shown below with the column separators returned by kisql.

For example, to output the DDL for the example table created in the CREATE TABLE section:

SHOW CREATE TABLE various_types
| CREATE TABLE "various_types"
   "i" INTEGER (primary_key) NOT NULL,
   "bi" BIGINT (primary_key, shard_key) NOT NULL,
   "r" REAL,
   "f" REAL,
   "d" DOUBLE (store_only),
   "s" VARCHAR (store_only, text_search),
   "c" VARCHAR (32, dict),
   "p" VARCHAR (text_search, 256, snappy),
   "ip" IPV4,
   "ts" TIMESTAMP,
   "td" DATE,
   "tt" TIME,
   "dc1" BIGINT,
   "dc2" DECIMAL(18,4),
   "dc3" REAL,
   "dc4" DOUBLE (store_only),
   "n" DECIMAL(18,4),
   "wkt" GEOMETRY,
    FOREIGN KEY (bi) references lookup(id) as fk
( ( VRAM 1, RAM 5, PERSIST 5 ) )


Outputs the DDL statement required to reconstruct the given view:

SHOW [CREATE VIEW] [<schema name>.]<view name>


The response to SHOW CREATE VIEW is a single-record result set with the DDL statement as the value in the DDL column, shown below with the column separators returned by kisql.

For example, to output the DDL for the example view created in the CREATE VIEW section:

SHOW CREATE VIEW view_of_table
| CREATE VIEW "view_of_table"
 AS (
    SELECT *
    FROM table_to_view
) |

To output the DDL for the example materialized view created in the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW section:

SHOW CREATE VIEW materialized_view_of_table
| CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW "materialized_view_of_table"

    SELECT a, b, c, d, KI_SHARD_KEY(a, b)
    FROM table_to_view
) |

Data Manipulation (DML)


To insert records with literal values, use this format:

INSERT INTO [<schema name>.]<table name> [(<column list>)]
VALUES (<column value list>)[,...]

For example:

INSERT INTO employee (id, dept_id, manager_id, first_name, last_name, sal, hire_date)
    (1, 1, null, 'Anne', 'Arbor', 200000, '2000-01-01'),
    (2, 2, 1, 'Brooklyn', 'Bridges', 100000, '2000-02-01'),
    (3, 3, 1, 'Cal', 'Cutta', 100000, '2000-03-01'),
    (4, 2, 2, 'Dover', 'Della', 150000, '2000-04-01'),
    (5, 2, 2, 'Elba', 'Eisle', 50000, '2000-05-01'),
    (6, 4, 1, 'Frank', 'Furt', 12345.6789, '2000-06-01')

To insert records, using another table as the source, use this format:

INSERT INTO [<schema name>.]<table name> [(<column list>)]
<SELECT statement>

For example:

INSERT INTO employee_backup (id, dept_id, manager_id, first_name, last_name, sal)
SELECT id, dept_id, manager_id, first_name, last_name, sal
FROM employee
WHERE hire_date >= '2000-01-01'


When specifying a column list, any non-nullable fields not included in the list will be given default values--empty string for strings, and 0 for numerics. The fields in the column list and the fields selected must align.

To upsert records, inserting new records and updating existing ones (as denoted by primary key), use the KI_HINT_UPDATE_ON_EXISTING_PK hint. If the target table has no primary key, this hint will be ignored.

For example:

FROM employee
WHERE hire_date >= '2000-01-01'


By default, any record being inserted that matches the primary key of an existing record in the target table will be discarded, and the existing record will remain unchanged. The KI_HINT_UPDATE_ON_EXISTING_PK hint overrides this behavior, favoring the source records over the target ones.


If Multi-Head Ingest has been enabled on the database server, INSERT operations will automatically leverage it, when applicable.


Updates can set columns to specified constant values or expressions. The general format is:

UPDATE [<schema name>.]<table name>
    <column 1> = <expression 1>,
    <column n> = <expression n>
[WHERE <expression list>]

For example, to update employee with ID 5 to have a new manager, with ID 3, and to have a 10% salary increase:

UPDATE employee
    sal = sal * 1.10,
    manager_id = 3
WHERE id = 5

Subqueries can also be used in the expression list. To update all the bottom earners in each department with a 5% salary increase:

UPDATE employee b
SET sal = sal * 1.05
WHERE sal =
        SELECT MIN(sal)
        FROM employee l
        WHERE b.dept_id = l.dept_id


Deletes records from a table; the general format is:

FROM [<schema name>.]<table name>
[WHERE <expression list>]

For example, to delete employee with ID 6:

FROM employee
WHERE id = 6

Subqueries can also be used in the expression list. To delete all the most recent hires in each department:

FROM employee b
WHERE hire_date =
        SELECT MAX(hire_date)
        FROM employee l
        WHERE b.dept_id = l.dept_id

Loading Data from Files

Kinetica supports loading of text-based delimited data files via SQL. There are two supported paths:

Loading Client-Side Files

Kinetica can load data from text-based data files into existing tables using a standard INSERT INTO...SELECT statement.

When reading data from a file, Kinetica assumes the following format, able to be overridden using command options:

  • If there is a header row, it is either:

    • a simple list of comma-delimited column names:

    • the Kinetica standard format:

  • The data fields are comma-delimited

  • Strings are optionally enclosed in double-quotes; double-quotes must be used when the data contains commas; two consecutive double-quotes are used as an escape code for double-quoted string data containing double-quotes; e.g.:

    "This string contains a "" quote mark and a "","" double-quoted comma."

    This would be loaded into a single string column in Kinetica as:

    This string contains a " quote mark and a "," double-quoted comma.

Data can be inserted into a table from a file with the following syntax:

INSERT INTO [<schema name>.]<table name> [( <column list> )]
SELECT <field list>
FROM FILE."<file name | file name expression>"
[ <option list> ]
Parameters Description
<schema name> Name of the schema containing the table into which data will be inserted
<table name> Name of the table into which data will be inserted
<column list> Optional list of target table columns into which data will be inserted; if not specified, all target table columns will be assumed. Whether specified or implied, this list needs to match the fields specified in <field list> in number, order, & type.
<field list> List of the source data file field names from which data will be extracted; use * to extract all columns (this wildcard must be used when a source file has no header which defines field names). This list needs to match all the target table columns (or those specified in the <column list> option) in number, order, & type.
<file name | file name expression> Name of the source data file or set of source data files from which records will be extracted; wildcards (*) can be used to specify a group of files
<option list> Optional list of whitespace-separated processing options


The following options can be specified when loading data from files. When reading from multiple files (using wildcards when specifying the file names), options specific to the source file will be applied to each file being read.

Option Description

Use an ingest batch size of n records.

The default batch size is 10,000.


Treat lines in the source file that begin with string as comments and skip.

The default comment marker is #.


Use char as the source file field delimiter.

The default delimiter is ,, unless the source file has one of these extensions:

  • .psv - will cause | to be the delimiter
  • .tsv - will cause the tab character to be the delimiter

See Option Characters for allowed characters.


Use char as the source file data escape character. The escape character preceding any other character, in the source data, will be converted into that other character, except in the following special cases:

Source Data String Representation when Loaded into the Database
<char>a ASCII bell
<char>b ASCII backspace
<char>f ASCII form feed
<char>n ASCII line feed
<char>r ASCII carriage return
<char>t ASCII horizontal tab
<char>v ASCII vertical tab

For instance, if the escape character is \, a \t encountered in the data will be converted to a tab character when stored in the database.

The escape character can be used to escape the quoting character, and will be treated as an escape character whether it is within a quoted field value or not.

There is no default escape character. See Option Characters for allowed characters.

HEADER=<Y|N> Declare that the source file has or does not have a header. If not given, that determination will be intuited.

Truncate the target table before loading data.

The default is to not truncate the target table.


Limit the total number of records inserted into the target table to n. If reading from multiple source files, this count is assessed across all files being read. For example, if n is 15 and the three files being read have 10 records each, all of the records from the 1st file and the first 5 records from the 2nd file will be loaded. The remaining records in the 2nd file and all of the records from the 3rd file will be skipped.

The default is no limit.


Treat string as the indicator of a null source field value.

The default is \N.

ON_ERROR=< Permissive | Skip | Abort >

When an error is encountered loading a record, handle it using one of the following modes:

Mode Description
Permissive If an error is encountered parsing a source record, attempt to insert as much of the valid fields from the record as possible.
Skip If an error is encountered parsing a source record, skip the record.
Abort If an error is encountered parsing a source record, stop the data load process

The default mode is Skip.


Use char as the source file data quoting character, for enclosing field values. Usually used to wrap field values that contain embedded delimiter characters, though any field may be enclosed in quote characters (for clarity, for instance). The quote character must appear as the first and last character of a field value in order to be interpreted as quoting the value. Within a quoted value, embedded quote characters may be escaped by preceding them with another quote character or the escape character specified by ESCAPE, if given.

The default is the " (double-quote) character. See Option Characters for allowed characters.


Skip the first n source file data lines read, not including header and comment lines. If reading from multiple source files, this count is assessed across all files being read. For example, if n is 15 and the first two files read have 10 records each, the first record to be loaded (not skipped) will be the 6th record of the 2nd file.

The default is to skip no records.

Option Characters

For DELIMITER, ESCAPE, & QUOTE, any single character can be used, or any one of the following escaped characters:

Char Description
'' Single quote
\\ Backslash
\a ASCII bell
\b ASCII backspace
\f ASCII form feed
\t ASCII horizontal tab
\v ASCII vertical tab


Single File

To load a CSV file of product data located at /tmp/data/products.csv into a table named product:

FROM FILE."/tmp/data/products.csv"
Multiple Files

To load all files whose names begin with products and end in a csv extension, located under /tmp/data, into a table named product:

FROM FILE."/tmp/data/products*csv"
Column/Field Names

To load specific fields from a product data file located at /tmp/data/products.csv into specific target table columns:

INSERT INTO product (id, stock, category, name)
SELECT ID, Stock, Category, Name
FROM FILE."/tmp/data/products.csv"


When specifying source data file field names, it is not required that target table column names also be specified, or vice versa. The only requirement is that the set of source data file fields selected align with the target table columns into which data will be inserted.


To load data from a product data file with the following options:

  • file located at /tmp/data/products.csv
  • only records 4 through 10 will be loaded
  • any error will cause the insert to fail
  • the target table will be truncated before loading
  • records will be inserted into the table in groups of 2
FROM FILE."/tmp/data/products.csv"

To load data from a product data file with the following options:

  • file located at /tmp/data/products.ssv
  • the file has a header
  • the field delimiter is a semicolon
  • data requiring quotes will have single quotes as the quoting character
  • the escape character is the backtick
  • the data file represents null values as <null>
  • data file comments are on lines starting with --
FROM FILE."/tmp/data/products.ssv"



Blank Lines

  • A blank line in a source data file will be treated as a valid record and will be inserted into the target table as a record with all null fields. If blank lines should not be considered as data, they should be prefixed with the comment marker in order to be skipped by the loading process.


  • While GAdmin does support SQL file ingestion, it is recommended to use server-side loading instead. Upon receiving this client-side load command, GAdmin will spawn a JDBC client on its host that will need to reference files accessible to the gpudb user located on that host (usually, the head node of the Kinetica cluster).

/execute/sql endpoint

  • While SQL file ingestion is available to ODBC/JDBC clients and via GAdmin; it is not supported within the /execute/sql endpoint, either as a REST call directly or as an API call (like the Python API's execute_sql() function).

Loading Server-Side Files

Kinetica can load data from text-based data files, located on the Kinetica cluster itself, into existing tables using a LOAD INTO... statement.

Data can be loaded with the following syntax:

<COPY | LOAD> [DATA] INTO [<schema name>.]<table name>
FROM FILE PATHS <file paths>
[<format clause>]
[<load options clause>]
[<table properties clause>]
Parameters Description
DATA Optional keyword for compatibility
<schema name> Name of the schema containing the table into which data will be loaded
<table name> Name of the table into which data will be loaded
<file paths>

Comma-separated list of single-quoted server-side file paths from which data will be loaded; wildcards (*) can be used to specify a group of files.

The files must all be accessible to the gpudb user and reside on the path (or relative to the path) specified by the external files directory in the Kinetica configuration file.

For example, if external_files_directory is set to /opt/gpudb/data, the following <file paths> specifications will have the corresponding outcomes:

File Path Outcome
/opt/gpudb/data/products.csv File /opt/gpudb/data/products.csv loaded into database
archive/products.csv File /opt/gpudb/data/archive/products.csv loaded into database
archive/*.csv All files under /opt/gpudb/data/archive with a csv extension loaded into database
/opt/gpudb/products.csv Error, as absolute path /opt/gpudb does not contain external files directory /opt/gpudb/data as part of the path
<format clause> Optional clause specifying the source file format and options
<load options clause> Optional clause specifying load options, which modify the way in which the data is processed. This can be used to initiate a dry run load.
<table properties clause> Optional comma-separated list of table options relating to loading data into the target

Format Clause

The type of the source data file(s) can be specified, as well as a set of format options, depending on the format selected. Supported file types include delimited text files (CSV, TSV, PSV, etc.)

The general format for the format clause is:

FORMAT <[DELIMITED] TEXT [(<delimited text options>)]>
Parameters Description
DELIMITED Optional keyword for clarity in specifying delimited text type

Optional clause specifying a comma-separated list of delimited text options to apply to the source file(s). For example:

QUOTE = '"'
Delimited Text Options

The following options can be specified when loading data from delimited text files. When reading from multiple files (using wildcards when specifying the file names), options specific to the source file will be applied to each file being read.

Option Description
COMMENT = '<string>'

Treat lines in the source file(s) that begin with string as comments and skip.

The default comment marker is #.

COLUMN FORMATS = '<string>'

Use the given type-specific formatting for the given column when parsing source data being loaded into that column. This should be a map of column names to format specifications, where each format specification is map of column type to data format, all formatted as a JSON string.

Supported column types include:

Column Type Source Data Format Codes

Apply the given date format to the given column.


Valid formats must contain one of each code

Format codes include:

Code Description
%Y 4-digit year
%m 2-digit month, where January is 01
%d 2-digit day of the month, where the 1st of each month is 01

Apply the given time format to the given column.


Valid formats must contain hours, minutes, & one of the seconds codes.

Format codes include:

Code Description
%H 24-based hour, where 12:00 AM is 00 and 7:00 PM is 19
%M 2-digit minute of the hour
%S 2-digit second of the minute

2-digit second of the minute plus an N-digit fractional component, separated by a dot


fractional seconds will be truncated after the milliseconds place


Apply the given date/time format to the given column.


Valid formats must contain a date & time format, as detailed above.

For example, to make the YYYY.MM.DD format for loading source data into date column d and HH:MM:SS format for loading source data into time column t:

    "d": {"date": "%Y.%m.%d"},
    "t": {"time": "%H:%M:%S"}

Use the given formats for source data being loaded into target table columns with the corresponding column types. This should be a map of target column type to source format for data being loaded into columns of that type, formatted as a JSON string.

Supported column properties and source data formats are the same as those listed in the description of the COLUMN FORMATS option.

For example, to make the default format for loading source data dates in the form YYYY.MM.DD and times in the form HH:MM:SS:

    "date": "%Y.%m.%d",
    "time": "%H:%M:%S",
    "datetime": "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S"
DELIMITER = '<char>'

Use char as the source file field delimiter.

The default delimiter is a comma, unless a source file has one of these extensions:

  • .psv - will cause | to be the delimiter
  • .tsv - will cause the tab character to be the delimiter

See Delimited Text Option Characters for allowed characters.

ESCAPE = '<char>'

Use char as the source file data escape character. The escape character preceding any other character, in the source data, will be converted into that other character, except in the following special cases:

Source Data String Representation when Loaded into the Database
<char>a ASCII bell
<char>b ASCII backspace
<char>f ASCII form feed
<char>n ASCII line feed
<char>r ASCII carriage return
<char>t ASCII horizontal tab
<char>v ASCII vertical tab

For instance, if the escape character is \, a \t encountered in the data will be converted to a tab character when stored in the database.

The escape character can be used to escape the quoting character, and will be treated as an escape character whether it is within a quoted field value or not.

There is no default escape character. See Delimited Text Option Characters for allowed characters.

FIELDS MAPPED BY < POSITION(<col#s>) | NAME(<field_names>) >

Choose a comma-separated list of fields from the source file(s) to load, specifying fields by either position or name. If loading by name, the source file field names must match the target table column names exactly.


When specifying source data file fields, the set of source data file fields must align, in type & number, with the target table columns into which data will be loaded.


Use char as the source file header field name/property delimiter, when the source file header contains both names and properties. This is largely specific to the Kinetica export to delimited text feature, which will, within each field's header, contain the field name and any associated properties, delimited by the pipe | character.

An example Kinetica header in a CSV file:


The default is the | (pipe) character. See Delimited Text Option Characters for allowed characters.


The DELIMITER character will still be used to separate field name/property sets from each other in the header row

INCLUDES HEADER = <TRUE|FALSE> Declare that the source file(s) will or will not have a header. If not given, that determination will be intuited.
NULL = '<string>'

Treat string as the indicator of a null source field value.

The default is the empty string.

QUOTE = '<char>'

Use char as the source file data quoting character, for enclosing field values. Usually used to wrap field values that contain embedded delimiter characters, though any field may be enclosed in quote characters (for clarity, for instance). The quote character must appear as the first and last character of a field value in order to be interpreted as quoting the value. Within a quoted value, embedded quote characters may be escaped by preceding them with another quote character or the escape character specified by ESCAPE, if given.

The default is the " (double-quote) character. See Delimited Text Option Characters for allowed characters.

Delimited Text Option Characters

For DELIMITER, HEADER DELIMITER, ESCAPE, & QUOTE, any single character can be used, or any one of the following escaped characters:

Char Description
'' Single quote
\a ASCII bell
\b ASCII backspace
\f ASCII form feed
\t ASCII horizontal tab
\v ASCII vertical tab

Load Options Clause

A comma-separated list of options for modifying the way data is loaded (or not loaded) into the target table can be specified.

The general format for the load options clause is:

WITH OPTIONS (<load options>)

Available load options include:

Option Description

Use an ingest batch size of n records.

The default batch size is 10,000.


Use one of the following distribution schemes to load server files. The default mode is HEAD.

Mode Description
HEAD The head node loads all data. All files must be available to the head node.
DISTRIBUTED LOCAL Each worker node loads all files that are available to it. This option works best when each worker loads files from its own file system.
DISTRIBUTED SHARED The worker nodes coordinate loading a set of files available to all of them.

When an error is encountered loading a record, handle it using one of the following modes. The default mode is PERMISSIVE.

Mode Description
PERMISSIVE If an error is encountered parsing a source record, attempt to insert as many of the valid fields from the record as possible.
SKIP If an error is encountered parsing a source record, skip the record.
ABORT If an error is encountered parsing a source record, stop the data load process.
DRY RUN = <TRUE|FALSE> Run the load in dry run mode. If true, no data will be inserted, but the file will be read with the applied ON ERROR mode and the number of valid records that would normally be inserted is returned.

Table Properties Clause

A comma-separated list of options for creating the target table, if it doesn't exist and if the source data file has Kinetica headers, can be specified.

Kinetica headers contain column type information, which are used in creating the target table if it doesn't exist. An example Kinetica header:


The general format for the table properties clause is:

USING TABLE PROPERTIES (<table properties>)

Available table properties include:

Option Description
CHUNK SIZE Size of the blocks of memory holding the data, when loaded; specified as the maximum number of records each block of memory should hold
TTL The time-to-live (TTL) for the table; if not set, the table will not expire


Single File

To load a CSV file of product data located at data/products.csv, relative to the configured external files directory, into a table named product:

FROM FILE PATHS 'data/products.csv'
Single File - No Header

To load a headerless CSV file of product data located at data/products.nh.csv, relative to the configured external files directory, into a table named product:

FROM FILE PATHS 'data/products.nh.csv'
Multiple Files

To load all files whose names begin with products and end in a csv extension, located at data/products*csv, relative to the configured external files directory, into a table named product:

FROM FILE PATHS 'data/products*csv'

When loading files from multiple paths, specify a comma-delimited list of those file paths. To load one file located at data/products.csv and one file located at data/, relative to the configured external files directory, into a table named product:

FROM FILE PATHS 'data/products.csv', 'data/'


Multiple paths and wildcards specifying multiple files on those paths can be used together.

Column/Field Names

To load specific fields from a product data file, with the following conditions:

  • data file located at data/products.title-case.csv, relative to the configured external files directory
  • data file contains a header with fields named ID, Category, Name, Description, & Stock
  • target table named product_name_stock
  • target columns named id, name, & stock
  • only load fields ID, Name, & Stock into columns id, name, & stock
  • skip records that fail to load successfully
LOAD DATA INTO product_name_stock
FROM FILE PATHS 'data/products.title-case.csv'


When specifying source data file field names, the set of source data file fields selected must align, in type & number, with the target table columns into which data will be loaded.

Delimited Text Options

To load data from a product data file with the following options:

  • file located at data/products.ssv, relative to the configured external files directory
  • the file has a header
  • the field delimiter is a semicolon
  • data requiring quotes will have single quotes as the quoting character
  • the escape character is the backtick
  • the data file represents null values as <null>
  • data file comments are on lines starting with --
  • when parse errors are encountered, as much of the record's data as possible will be loaded into the target table
FROM FILE PATHS 'data/products.ssv'
	COMMENT = '--',
	ESCAPE = '`',
	NULL = '<null>',
	QUOTE = ''''
Create Table w/ Kinetica Headers

A CSV file with Kinetica headers can be used to create the target table if it doesn't exist.

To load such a file of product data with the following conditions:

  • data file located at data/, relative to the configured external files directory
  • data file contains a Kinetica header
  • target table named product_create_on_load
  • target table will be created if it doesn't exist
  • target table will have a chunk size of 1,000,000 records, if it is created by this load command
LOAD DATA INTO examples.product_create_on_load
Dry Run

To perform a dry run of a load of a CSV file of product data located at data/products.csv, relative to the configured external files directory, into a table named product:

FROM FILE PATHS 'data/products.csv'


The dry run will return the number of records that would have been loaded, but not actually insert any records into the target table.

SQL Procedures

Kinetica provides support for basic SQL procedures, as an executable batch of SQL statements. A procedure can be executed by two means:

  • on-demand - procedure is called directly by a user
  • scheduled execution - procedure is configured, upon creation, to execute at a user-specified interval


Even if a procedure is configured for scheduled execution, it can still be executed directly by a user in on-demand fashion.

After the first run, the execution plan for all statements in the procedure will be created and cached to improve performance on future executions.

If there is an error executing any statement in the procedure, the procedure will stop immediately and report the error. If the procedure is invoked via scheduled execution, an alert will be sent to the alert monitor, as there is no interactive session through which the error could be reported to a user. Any database modifications prior to the error will not be rolled back.


If any of the database objects referenced in the procedure are dropped or modified, the procedure will be dropped as well. This does not include any objects created by the procedure that are later referenced by it.

The ability to manage & execute procedures is available through SQL, using the following commands:

For procedure execute permission management, see:

Supported Statements

The following statement types are allowed within a SQL procedure:

  • INSERT (inserting from data file not supported)


Permissions for managing procedures follow those for creating tables; e.g., if a user has the ability to create a table in a given schema, that user will also be able to create & drop procedures there.

Executing a procedure requires either the implicit execute permission that is granted to the creator of a procedure, or explicit execute permission, which can be granted to or revoked from any user or role, irrespective of whether the target user or role has the appropriate access to the database objects referenced within the SQL procedure.

Execute permission on a procedure also allows the grantee to see the contents of the procedure.


SQL procedures can be created with the following syntax:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE [<schema name>.]<procedure name> [()]
    <SQL statements>
Parameters Description
<schema name> Name of the schema in which this procedure will be created
<procedure name> Name to give to the created procedure; must adhere to the supported naming criteria for tables, and cannot be named the same as any existing table or view
<SQL statements> Semicolon-separated list of supported SQL statements. If the final statement in the procedure is an output-generating statement (SQL query, SHOW command, etc.), the output of that statement alone will be returned to the user; all other statements that generate output will be ignored.
OR REPLACE Drop any existing procedure with the same name before creating this one
LANGUAGE Optional language specification for the procedure. Only SQL is supported at this time.
<number> Length of time, in the given number of units, between scheduled executions of the procedure. Fractional values are accepted.

For example, to create a sqlp procedure:

	FROM sqlp_table_ref;

	FROM sqlp_table_tmp;

To create a sqlp_weekly procedure that executes once per week:

	FROM sqlp_table_ref;

	FROM sqlp_table_tmp;
STARTING AT '2019-01-01 00:00:00'


SQL procedures can be executed on-demand with the following syntax:

EXEC[UTE] [PROCEDURE] [<schema_name>.]<procedure name> [()]

If the final statement in the procedure is an output-generating statement (SQL query, SHOW command, etc.), the output of that statement alone will be returned to the user; all other statements that generate output will be ignored.

If there is an error executing any statement in the procedure, the procedure will stop immediately and report the error. Any database modifications prior to the error will not be rolled back.

For example, to execute the sqlp procedure:



When removing a SQL procedure from the database, there are two options available, which control how the removal takes place. Normally, an error will be reported if the table to drop doesn't exist; if IF EXISTS is specified, no error will be reported.

DROP PROCEDURE [IF EXISTS] [<schema_name>.]<procedure name>

For example, to drop the sqlp procedure:



The content of a SQL procedure can be displayed with the following syntax:

SHOW PROCEDURE [<schema_name>.]<procedure name>

For example, to show the contents of the sqlp_weekly procedure:

SHOW PROCEDURE sqlp_weekly


Kinetica provides basic table-level role-based access control for users. It also allows global read/write and administrative access to be granted. For details about Kinetica security, see Security Concepts.


A limited set of user/role information can be extracted via function calls. See User/Security Functions for details.

Security features accessible via SQL include:

User Management

The ability to manage user accounts is available through SQL, using the following commands:

See Users for details about user accounts within Kinetica.


Users can be added to the system and assigned permissions either directly or via roles.

Optionally, the user can be associated with a resource group.

To add a user to the system, use this format:

CREATE USER <user name>
[ < [WITH] PASSWORD [=] | IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] > '<user password>' ]
[ [WITH] RESOURCE GROUP [=] <group name> ]


The password needs to be single-quoted and must not contain single quotes.

For example, two of the ways to create a new internal user with the user ID of jsmith and a password of secret are:


To create an internal user with the user ID of jsmith, a password of secret, and assigning the memory_over_execution resource group:

WITH RESOURCE GROUP memory_over_execution

To create a user with an existing external LDAP user, the user name should match the LDAP user name and be prepended with the @ symbol; no password is supplied, as the user will be externally authenticated:

CREATE USER "@jsmith"


Any of the following facets of a user can be altered, either individually or as a group:

To alter an existing user, use this format:

ALTER USER <user name>
    [ PASSWORD [=] '<user password>' ]
    [ RESOURCE GROUP [=] <group name | DEFAULT> ]


The password needs to be single-quoted and must not contain single quotes.

For example, to alter a user with the user ID of jsmith, assigning a password of new_secret, and the memory_over_execution resource group:

    PASSWORD = 'new_secret'
    RESOURCE GROUP memory_over_execution

To unassign the memory_over_execution resource_group from the jsmith user:



Any user, other than the default users, can be removed from the system. Note that any database objects created by a user will remain when the user is removed.

To remove a user from the system, use this format:

DROP USER <user name>

For example, to drop an internal user jsmith:

DROP USER jsmith

To drop an external LDAP user jsmith:

DROP USER "@jsmith"


To list the permissions, roles, and assigned resource groups for one or more users:

SHOW SECURITY FOR <user name>,...

For example, to show the permissions, roles, and resource group for user jsmith:


Role Management

The ability to manage roles is available through SQL, using the following commands:

See Roles for details about roles within Kinetica.


A new role can be created as a container for permissions or other roles, though both of those must be granted to the role after its creation.

Optionally, the role can be associated with a resource group.

To create a new role, use this format:

CREATE ROLE <role name>
[ [WITH] RESOURCE GROUP [=] <group name> ]

For example, to create an analyst role:


To create an executive role, assigning it the execution_over_memory resource group:

CREATE ROLE executive
WITH RESOURCE GROUP execution_over_memory


A role can have its associated resource group modified.

To modify a role's resource group assignment, use this format:

ALTER ROLE <role name>

For example, to assign the memory_over_execution resource group to the analyst role:

ALTER ROLE analyst
SET RESOURCE GROUP memory_over_execution

To unassign the resource group from the analyst role:

ALTER ROLE analyst


Dropping a role will remove the associated permissions & roles granted through the role to all users with the role. Users & roles granted the same permissions either directly or via other roles will retain those permissions.

Any role, other than the default roles, can be removed from the system.

To drop an existing role, use this format:

DROP ROLE <role name>

For example, to drop the analyst role:

DROP ROLE analyst


To list the permissions, roles, and assigned resource groups for one or more roles:

SHOW SECURITY FOR <role name>,...

To show the permissions, roles, and resource group for the analyst role:


Privilege Management

The ability to manage user & role privileges is available through SQL, using the following commands:

See Users for details about user accounts within Kinetica.


Roles can be granted directly to users or other roles.

To grant a role:

GRANT <role name> TO <user name | role name>

For example, to grant a role allowing access to analyst tables to the analyst role, and then grant that analyst role to user jsmith:

GRANT analyst_table_access TO analyst
GRANT analyst TO jsmith


System-level permissions can be granted directly to users or roles.

To grant a system-level permission or a user-administration permission:

GRANT SYSTEM < ADMIN | READ | WRITE > TO <user name | role name>

GRANT USER ADMIN TO <user name | role name>

For example, to grant system administrator permission to jsmith:


To grant read access to all tables to the auditor role:


For example, to grant user administrator permission to jsmith:


GRANT Table Permission

Table-level permissions, which can be applied to schemas, tables, and views, can be granted directly to users or roles.

Row-level security can be invoked for SELECT privilege by specifying a WHERE clause expression.

Column-level security can be invoked for SELECT privilege by specifying a list of accessible columns and/or column security functions.

To grant a table-level permission:

    ON [TABLE] <schema name | [<schema name>.]<table/view name>> [<column list>]
    TO <user name | role name>
    [WHERE <expression>]
Parameters Description
PRIVILEGES Optional keyword for SQL-92 compatibility
TABLE Optional keyword for SQL-92 compatibility
<schema name> Either the name of the schema to which access is being granted or the name of the schema containing the table to which access is being granted
<table/view name> The name of the table to which access is being granted
<column list> Optional comma-separated list of specific table columns and/or column security functions applied to columns on which to grant access; see Column-Level Security for details
WHERE <expression> Optional filter expression on the table to which access is being granted, determining to which rows of the target table the grantee will be given access; see Row-Level Security for details

Wildcards (*) can replace either the schema name, table/view name, or both, to specify all database objects within a given domain:

Wildcard Form Selected Objects
* All schemas
SCHEMA_NAME.* All tables/views under the schema named SCHEMA_NAME
*.TABLE_NAME All tables/views named TABLE_NAME, irrespective of schema
*.* All tables/views under all schemas


The ALL permission corresponds to the native table_admin permission, which gives full read/write access as well as the additional permission to ALTER and DROP the table.


For example, to grant full access on the network_config table to jsmith:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE network_config TO jsmith

To grant SELECT access on the network_config_history table to the analyst role:

GRANT SELECT ON archive.network_config_history TO analyst

To grant SELECT access on all schemas to the auditor role:


To grant SELECT access on all tables within the archive schema to the analyst role:

GRANT SELECT ON archive.* TO analyst

To grant full access on all schemas and tables to the dbadmin role:

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO dbadmin
Row-Level Security Examples

To grant SELECT access on an rx_order table for all orders placed since the year 2002:

	TO zanalyst
	WHERE order_ts >= '2002-01-01'

To grant SELECT access on an rx_order table for only orders belonging to the current user:

	TO rx_user
	WHERE name = USER()
Column-Level Security Examples

To grant SELECT access on the following columns of an rx_order table:

  • obfuscated version of the orderer's social security number
  • name of the perscription ordered
  • order date/time
GRANT SELECT ON rx_order(HASH(ssn), rx_name, order_ts) TO zanalyst

To grant SELECT access on the following columns of an rx_order table:

  • masked version of the orderer's social security number (last 4 digits)
  • name of the orderer
  • name of the perscription ordered
  • order date/time
GRANT SELECT ON rx_order(MASK(ssn, 1, 6), name, rx_name, order_ts) TO rx_user

GRANT Procedure Permission

Procedure-level permissions, which allow execution of SQL procedures, can be granted directly to users or roles.

To grant the permission to execute a SQL procedure:

GRANT EXECUTE PROCEDURE ON <procedure name> TO <user name | role name>

For example, to grant execute on the sqlp_weekly procedure to jsmith:



Roles can be revoked from users or other roles.

To revoke a role:

REVOKE <role name> FROM <user name | role name>

For example, to revoke a role allowing access to analyst tables from the analyst role:

REVOKE analyst_table_access FROM analyst

To revoke the analyst role from user jsmith:

REVOKE analyst FROM jsmith


System-level permissions can be revoked from users or roles.

To revoke a system-level permission or a user-administration permission:

REVOKE SYSTEM < ADMIN | READ | WRITE > FROM <user name | role name>

REVOKE USER ADMIN FROM <user name | role name>

For example, to revoke system administrator permission from jsmith:


To revoke write access to all tables from the auditor role:


For example, to revoke user administrator permission from jsmith:


REVOKE Table Permission

Table-level permissions, which can be applied to schemas, tables, and views, can be revoked from users or roles.

Row-level security can be revoked for SELECT privilege only by revoking SELECT privilege from the entire table.


Access to individual rows cannot be revoked; instead, full SELECT access should be revoked, followed by a grant of access to the appropriate rows.

Column-level security can be revoked for SELECT privilege by specifying a list of columns for which access will be revoked, regardless of any security functions that may have been applied to the column when granting access (HASH, MASK).

To revoke a table-level permission:

    ON [TABLE] <schema name | [<schema name>.]<table/view name>> [<column list>]
    FROM <user name | role name>
Parameters Description
PRIVILEGES Optional keyword for SQL-92 compatibility
TABLE Optional keyword for SQL-92 compatibility
<schema name> Either the name of the schema to which access is being revoked or the name of the schema containing the table to which access is being revoked
<table/view name> The name of the table to which access is being revoked
<column list> Optional comma-separated list of specific table columns to which access is being revoked; see Column-Level Security for details

Wildcards (*) can replace either the schema name, table/view name, or both, to specify all database objects within a given domain:

Wildcard Form Selected Objects
* All schemas
SCHEMA_NAME.* All tables/views under the schema named SCHEMA_NAME
*.TABLE_NAME All tables/views named TABLE_NAME, irrespective of schema
*.* All tables/views under all schemas


The ALL permission corresponds to the native table_admin permission, which gives full read/write access as well as the additional permission to ALTER and DROP the table.


For example, to revoke full access on the network_config table from jsmith:


To revoke DELETE access on the network_config_history table from the analyst role:

REVOKE DELETE ON archive.network_config_history FROM analyst

To revoke DELETE access on all schemas from the auditor role:


To revoke UPDATE access on all tables within the archive schema from the analyst role:

REVOKE UPDATE ON archive.* FROM analyst

To revoke full access on all schemas and tables from the dbadmin role:

REVOKE ALL ON *.* FROM dbadmin
Row-Level Security Examples

To revoke SELECT access on an rx_order table for all orders placed since the year 2002 (as was granted in the row-level grant example), revoke all SELECT access:

REVOKE SELECT ON rx_order FROM zanalyst
Column-Level Security Examples

To revoke SELECT access on the following columns of an rx_order table:

  • orderer's social security number
REVOKE SELECT ON rx_order(ssn) FROM zanalyst

To revoke SELECT access on the following columns of an rx_order table:

  • masked version of the orderer's social security number (last 4 digits)
  • name of the perscription ordered
REVOKE SELECT ON rx_order(ssn, rx_name) FROM rx_user

REVOKE Procedure Permission

Permissions relating to SQL procedures can be revoked from users or roles.

To grant the permission to execute a SQL procedure:

REVOKE EXECUTE PROCEDURE ON <procedure name> FROM <user name | role name>

For example, to revoke execute on the sqlp_weekly procedure from jsmith:



To list the permissions, roles, and assigned resource groups for one or more users and/or roles (or all users and roles in the system):

SHOW SECURITY [FOR <user name | role name>,...]

For example, to show the permissions, roles, and resource group for user jsmith:


To show the permissions, roles, and resource group for the analyst role:


To show the permissions, roles, and resource groups for the anonymous user and the public role:

SHOW SECURITY FOR anonymous, public

To show all users & roles:


Impersonation (Execute As...)

When logged into the database as one user, SQL commands can be run as a second user (that user can be impersonated). To do this, first log in to the database as an administrator, then switch to the second user, and finally, run the command. Afterwards, the original user can be reverted back to in order to execute commands as that administrator again; alternatively, an option can be specified to prevent switching back to the original user.

The ability to impersonate other users is available through SQL, using the following commands:


Only a user with administrator privilege can impersonate another user, and only an administrator with a Kinetica database account. Any users who are mapped to Kinetica as administrators via external authentication will need to ensure that a corresponding Kinetica administrator account has been created for impersonation to succeed.

Additionally, impersonation is only supported via ODBC/JDBC.


Switching to another user can be done using the following syntax:

EXEC[UTE] AS USER = '<user name>' [WITH NO REVERT]

The WITH NO REVERT option prevents the impersonated user from switching back to the original user. This is useful in several cases, including:

  • An administrator needs to run a script as a user with specific permissions, but doesn't want the script to be able to revert back to administrator privileges during its execution.
  • An application server connects to the database with its own credentials, but issues commands to the database on behalf of an application user. Again, there is a need to prevent the application user from reverting back to the application server's database account and using those privileges to execute commands.

To demonstrate the uses of EXECUTE AS USER, the following commands can be issued upon logging into the database as an administrator.

First, verify the current user is admin:

| whoami   |
| admin    |

Then, switch to a user auser and verify the session is now executing commands as that user:

| whoami   |
| auser    |

Accessing a database object that auser has permission for results in a successful outcome:

FROM auser_can_access
|   id |
|    1 |

Accessing an object that auser doesn't have permission for results in an error:

FROM auser_cant_access
[GPUdb]executeSql: Error: 'SqlPlanExecutor: Access denied for query object(s):Access denied (S/SDc:246); code:1 'Error' in Job process'

To switch back to the original user and verify the current identity, use the REVERT command:

| whoami   |
| admin    |

Now, switch to auser using the WITH NO REVERT option:

| whoami   |
| auser    |

Attempts to switch back to the administrator user will fail:

GeneralException: May not revert user after WITH NO REVERT

Verify the session is still executing commands as the auser user:

| whoami   |
| auser    |


After using EXECUTE AS or SET USER to switch to another user, the original user can be switched back to using the following command:


See the EXECUTE AS example for an example usage of REVERT.


The SET USER (or SETUSER) command is simply an alias for the EXECUTE AS and REVERT commands.

The following commands are equivalent for switching to another user:

SET USER <user name>
EXECUTE AS USER = '<user name>'


There is no ability to prevent reversion to the original user when using the SET USER command. To prevent reversion, see EXECUTE AS.

The following commands are equivalent for switching back to the original user:


Resource Management

Kinetica provides a SQL interface for managing resource groups, which can be used to limit memory and thread usage, and execution priority for a user or group of users.

The ability to manage resource groups is available through SQL, using the following commands:

See Security for details on assigning resource groups to users and roles.


Resource groups require only a name to be created, all limits are optional. Resource group names are case-sensitive and must contain only letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot begin with a digit. A resource group must also not be named the same as an existing resource group, including the default resource groups: kinetica_system_resource_group & kinetica_default_resource_group.

To create a new resource group, use this format:

CREATE RESOURCE GROUP <resource group name>
[ RANK <FIRST | LAST | BEFORE <group name> | AFTER <group name>> ]
        <tier name> USING (<tier property name>=<tier property value>[,...]),
        <tier name> USING (<tier property name>=<tier property value>[,...])
[ WITH OPTIONS (<resource property name>=<resource property value>[,...]) ]

For example, to create a simple unlimited resource group with default settings:


To create a memory_over_execution resource group, with high tier capacity limits, but low execution options:

CREATE RESOURCE GROUP memory_over_execution
    VRAM USING (max_memory=10737418240),
    RAM USING (max_memory=107374182400)

To create a execution_over_memory resource group, with lower tier capacity limits, but higher execution options, as compared to the memory_over_execution group:

CREATE RESOURCE GROUP execution_over_memory
RANK BEFORE memory_over_execution
    VRAM USING (max_memory=1073741824),
    RAM USING (max_memory=10737418240)


The execution_over_memory group is given a higher rank than the memory_over_execution group, so a user with no direct resource group assignment who is assigned these two resource groups (via separate roles) will effectively be assigned to the execution_over_memory group.


Any of the following facets of a resource group can be altered, either individually or as a group:

  • Rank
  • Tier limits
  • Execution options

To alter an existing resource group, use this format:

ALTER RESOURCE GROUP <resource group name>
[ RANK <FIRST | LAST | BEFORE <group name> | AFTER <group name>> ]
        <tier name> USING (<tier property name>=<tier property value>[,...]),
        <tier name> USING (<tier property name>=<tier property value>[,...])
[ WITH OPTIONS (<resource property name>=<resource property value>[,...]) ]

For example, to alter an existing memory_and_execution resource group, moving it to the highest ranking, while assigning new limits for the RAM tier and max_cpu_concurrency & max_scheduling_priority options, but leaving other existing settings untouched:

ALTER RESOURCE GROUP memory_and_execution
    RAM USING (max_memory=214748364800)


An existing user-defined resource group can be removed from the system, which will also dissociate the group from any users or roles to which it was assigned.

To remove a resource group, use the following format:

DROP RESOURCE GROUP <resource group name>

For example, to remove the unlimited resource group:



The configuration of any resource group can be shown, in tabular form. The configuration for all resource groups in the system can also be shown with a single command.

To show the configurations of resource groups, use the following format:

SHOW RESOURCE GROUP <resource group name | ALL>

For example, to show the configuration of the memory_and_execution resource group:

SHOW RESOURCE GROUP memory_and_execution

To show the configuration of all resource groups:


System Properties

Kinetica provides a SQL interface for managing system properties, which control everything from GPUs, hostnames, storage, graph server, and more.

The ability to manage system properties is available through SQL, using the following commands:


Only a small subset of the system properties can be altered at runtime. See the /alter/system/properties endpoint documentation for the full list. Only users with the system_admin permission can issue this command.

To alter a system property, use this format:

ALTER SYSTEM SET PROPERTIES ('<property key>' = '<property value>'[,...])

For example, to increase the request timeout and the maximum /get/records size:

    'request_timeout' = '25', 
    'max_get_records_size' = '25000'


All system properties can be shown by any user.



Kinetica has some limitations for any columns marked as store-only and string columns lacking a charN attribute.

Unlimited-Width Strings

String columns with no charN attribute are stored in whole on disk and in hashed form in memory. Because the strings are only available for processing as hashes, only equality-based operations can be applied to them.

Partially Applicable Operations

  • Scalar Column Functions
    • Null Functions (except ZEROIFNULL )
    • Conditional Functions (equality-based)
  • Aggregate Column Functions
    • COUNT
  • WHERE (predicate condition must be equality-based)
  • JOIN (join condition must be equality-based)

Inapplicable Operations

  • Subqueries requiring a temporary view to be created

Store-Only Columns

Columns marked store-only are only stored on disk, not in memory. Because they are not available for processing, only data extraction operations can be applied to them.

Inapplicable Operations

  • Scalar or Aggregate Column Functions
  • Subqueries requiring a temporary view to be created
  • JOIN

Correlated Subqueries

Correlated subqueries have the following limitations:

  • They cannot reference grouping columns in the parent query
  • They cannot reference tables beyond the immediate outer query; i.e., a table cannot be referenced in a correlated subquery that is two or more levels of nesting deeper than it is
  • They cannot contain disjunctive conditions
  • They cannot be part of an OUTER JOIN ON clause condition

Not Yet Supported SQL

  • Windowing Features
    • Frame Exclusion (EXCLUDE)
  • Ranking Functions
  • Writing CSV files

Reserved Words

For a list of the reserved words within Kinetica see SQL Reserved Word List.