

Feature Name Description
Add Ranks Add new ranks to the Kinetica cluster
Aggregate Convex Hull Calculate and return the convex hull for a dataset
Aggregate Group By Calculate unique combinations of values for the given columns in a given dataset
Aggregate Histogram Perform a histogram calculation given a table, column, and interval function
Aggregate K-means Run the k-means algorithm on a dataset
Aggregate Min/Max Calculate the min and max values of a column in a dataset
Aggregate Min/Max Geometry Calculate the min and max x- and y- coordinates of a geospatial geometry column in a dataset
Aggregate Statistics Calculate statistics of a dataset
Aggregate Statistics by Range Divide a dataset into bins and calculate statistics of the values
Aggregate Unique Find unique values in a column
Alter Job Alter a job
Alter Resource Group Alter an existing resource group
Alter Role Alter a Role
Alter System Properties Alter system configuration
Alter Table Modify various properties of a table, view, or collection
Alter Table Columns Modify various properties of multiple columns in a table (multiple alter/table requests for columns)
Alter Table Metadata Alter metadata for tables
Alter Tier Alter an existing tier
Alter User Alter a user
Append Records Append records from a source table to a target table based on the field map
Clear Statistics Clears statistics for column(s) in a table.
Clear Table Delete a table
Clear Table Monitor Deactivate a table monitor
Clear Trigger Delete a trigger
Collect Statistics Collect statistics on a column.
Create Asynchronous Job Create a new job to be executed asynchronously
Create External User Create a new external user
Create Graph Create a new graph network.
Create Internal User Create a new internal user
Create Join Table Create a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN
Create Materialized View Begin the creation a materialized view
Create Proc Create a proc
Create Projection Create a projection of an existing table
Create Resource Group Create a new resource group
Create Role Create a new role
Create Table Create a new table or collection
Create Table Monitor Create a table monitor that will watch for and queue any records added
Create Trigger by Area Create a table trigger for new records falling within a 2-D boundary
Create Trigger by Range Create a table trigger for new records falling within a 1-D range
Create Type Create a table record type (schema)
Create Union Create a table that is the merge of one or more tables
Delete Graph Deletes a graph.
Delete Proc Delete a proc
Delete Records Delete matching records from a dataset
Delete Resource Group Deletes a resource group
Delete Role Delete an existing role
Delete User Delete an existing user
Execute Proc Execute a proc
Execute SQL Execute a SQL statement (query, DML, or DDL)
Filter Filter a dataset for records matching an expression
Filter Geometry by Area Filter a dataset for geospatial geometry objects intersecting a 2-D polygon
Filter Geometry by Box Filter a dataset for geospatial geometry objects intersecting a rectangle's boundary
Filter Geometry by Radius Filter a dataset for geospatial geometry objects intersecting a circle's boundary
Filter by Area Filter a dataset for records falling within a 2-D polygon's boundary
Filter by Box Filter a dataset for records within a rectangle's boundary
Filter by Geometry Filter a dataset for records in relation to a given WKT geometry's boundary
Filter by List Filter a dataset for records with specific column values
Filter by Radius Filter a dataset for records within a circle's boundary
Filter by Range Filter a dataset for records within a 1-D range
Filter by Series Filter a dataset for records within a track's space/time boundary
Filter by String Filter a dataset for records with matching column text values
Filter by Table Filter a dataset for records with column values matching another table's column values
Filter by Value Filter a dataset for records matching a specific value
Get Asynchronous Job Result Get the status and result of asynchronously running job
Get Records Retrieve records from a table with optional filtering and sorting
Get Records by Column Retrieve the values of the given columns within a specified range.
Get Records by Series Retrieve the complete series/track records from partial track information
Get Records from Collection Retrieve records from a collection, optionally returning the record IDs
Grant Proc Permission Grant a proc-level permission to a user or role
Grant Role Grant membership in a role to a user or role
Grant System Permission Grant a system-level permission to a user or role
Grant Table Permission Grant a table-level permission to a user or role
Has Proc Check for existence of specified proc
Has Table Check for the existence of specified table
Has Type Check for the existence of specified type
Insert Records From File(s) Insert records from file(s) to the specified table
Insert Records Random Generate random records and insert into specified table
Insert Records Request Add records to specified table
Insert Symbol Add rendering symbol or icon to the database
Kill Proc Kill a running proc instance
Lock Table Set read or write locks on a table
Match Graph Match sample points to a graph.
Merge Records Merge records from multiple source tables to a new result table
Modify Graph Update an existing graph network.
Query Graph Queries an existing graph.
Rebalance Data Rebalance data across all cluster nodes
Remove Ranks Remove one or more ranks from the GPUdb cluster
Revoke Proc Permission Revoke a proc-level permission from a user or role
Revoke Role Revoke membership in a role from a user or role
Revoke System Permission Revoke a system-level permission from a user or role
Revoke Table Permission Revoke a table-level permission from a user or role
Show Alerts Show a list of generated alerts.
Show Cluster Operations Show cluster operations (add/remove ranks or rebalance) status
Show Graphs Info about graphs.
Show Jobs Show the current jobs in GPUdb
Show Proc Show information about a proc.
Show Proc Status Show the statuses of running or completed proc instances.
Show Resource Group Shows information relating to resource groups
Show Resource Statistics Show statistics for tier and resource groups
Show SQL Procedure Show information about a SQL Procedure.
Show Security Show security information relating to users and/or roles.
Show Shards Show the mapping of the shards to the ranks
Show System Properties Show the server configuration and version information
Show System Status Show server configuration and health status
Show System Timing Show the last 100 requests, the request timing, and internal job id
Show Table Show information about a table, view, or collection, or all top-level tables, views, and collections.
Show Table Metadata Show metadata for the specified table
Show Table Statistics Show collected statistics for the specified table
Show Tables by Type Show table names of specified type
Show Triggers Show information for specified or all triggers
Show Types Show information for specified types
Shut System Down Stop the database server application
Solve Graph Solves an existing graph.
Take System Offline Take the system offline
Unpivot Table Rotate column values into rows values.
Update Records Perform predicate-based updates to table data
Update Records by Series Update a view to include all series/track information for contained series/track
Vector Tile Service VTS capability
Verify Database Verify database is in a consistent state
Visualize Image Chart Draw a chart from specified tables and return it as an image.
Visualize Isochrone Draw isolines for travel results.
Web Map Service WMS capability