
Kill Proc

Kills a running proc instance.

Input Parameter Description

Name Type Description
run_id string The run ID of a running proc instance. If a proc with a matching run ID is not found or the proc instance has already completed, no procs will be killed. If not specified, all running proc instances will be killed. The default value is ''.
options map of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys) Parameter Description
run_tag If input parameter run_id is specified, kill the proc instance that has a matching run ID and a matching run tag that was provided to Execute Proc. If input parameter run_id is not specified, kill the proc instance(s) where a matching run tag was provided to Execute Proc. The default value is ''.

Output Parameter Description

Name Type Description
run_ids array of strings List of run IDs of proc instances that were killed.
info map of string to strings Additional information.