
Show Table

Retrieves detailed information about a table, view, or collection, specified in input parameter table_name. If the supplied input parameter table_name is a collection, the call can return information about either the collection itself or the tables and views it contains. If input parameter table_name is empty, information about all collections and top-level tables and views can be returned.

If the option get_sizes is set to true, then the number of records in each table is returned (in output parameter sizes and output parameter full_sizes), along with the total number of objects across all requested tables (in output parameter total_size and output parameter total_full_size).

For a collection, setting the show_children option to false returns only information about the collection itself; setting show_children to true returns a list of tables and views contained in the collection, along with their corresponding detail.

To retrieve a list of every table, view, and collection in the database, set input parameter table_name to '*' and show_children to true.

Input Parameter Description

Name Type Description
table_name string Name of the table for which to retrieve the information. If blank, then information about all collections and top-level tables and views is returned.
options map of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys) Parameter Description

If true then the table sizes will wait for read lock before returning. The default value is true. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

If true then the number of records in each table, along with a cumulative count, will be returned; blank, otherwise. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

If input parameter table_name is a collection, then true will return information about the children of the collection, and false will return information about the collection itself. If input parameter table_name is a table or view, show_children must be false. If input parameter table_name is empty, then show_children must be true. The default value is true. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

If false will return an error if the provided input parameter table_name does not exist. If true then it will return an empty result. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

If true then column info (memory usage, etc) will be returned. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

Output Parameter Description

Name Type Description
table_name string Value of input parameter table_name.
table_names array of strings If input parameter table_name is a table or view, then the single element of the array is input parameter table_name. If input parameter table_name is a collection and show_children is set to true, then this array is populated with the names of all tables and views contained by the given collection; if show_children is false then this array will only include the collection name itself. If input parameter table_name is an empty string, then the array contains the names of all collections and top-level tables.
table_descriptions array of arrays of strings

List of descriptions for the respective tables in output parameter table_names. Possible values are:

  • VIEW
  • JOIN
type_ids array of strings Type ids of the respective tables in output parameter table_names.
type_schemas array of strings Type schemas of the respective tables in output parameter table_names.
type_labels array of strings Type labels of the respective tables in output parameter table_names.
properties array of maps of string to arrays of strings Property maps of the respective tables in output parameter table_names.
additional_info array of maps of string to strings

Additional information about the respective tables in output parameter table_names.

Possible List Entries Description
map of string to strings

The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Possible Parameters (keys) Parameter Description

Method by which this table was created. Possible values are:

  • create_table
  • create_projection
  • create_union
request_avro_json The JSON representation of request creating this table. The default value is ''.

Indicates whether the respective table is protected or not. Possible values are:

  • true
  • false
record_bytes The number of in-memory bytes per record which is the sum of the byte sizes of all columns with property 'data'.
collection_names The names of the collections this table is part of. Only set if table is part of a collection
table_ttl The value of the time-to-live setting. Not present for collections.
remaining_table_ttl The remaining time-to-live, in minutes, before the respective table expires (-1 if it will never expire). Not present for collections.
foreign_keys Semicolon-separated list of foreign keys, of the format 'source_column references target_table(primary_key_column)'. Not present for collections. The default value is ''.
foreign_shard_key Foreign shard key description of the format: 'fk_foreign_key references pk_column_name from pk_table_name(pk_primary_key)'. Not present for collections. The default value is ''.

Partitioning scheme used for this table The default value is NONE.

Possible Values Description
RANGE Using range partitioning
INTERVAL Using interval partitioning
LIST Using manual list partitioning
NONE Using no partitioning
partition_keys Comma-separated list of partition keys. The default value is ''.
partition_definitions Comma-separated list of partition definitions, whose format depends on the partition_type. See partitioning documentation for details. The default value is ''.
is_automatic_partition True if partitions will be created for LIST VALUES which don't fall into existing partitions. The default value is ''.
attribute_indexes Semicolon-separated list of columns that have indexes. Not present for collections. The default value is ''.
compressed_columns Semicolon-separated list of compressed columns with the corresponding compression type for each; e.g.: {first_name,snappy};{last_name,lz4hc}. Not present for collections. The default value is ''.
column_info JSON-encoded string representing a map of column name to information including memory usage if if the get_column_info option is true. The default value is ''.

Returns the global access mode (i.e. lock status) for the table.

Possible Values Description
no_access No read/write operations are allowed on this table.
read_only Only read operations are allowed on this table.
write_only Only write operations are allowed on this table.
read_write All read/write operations are allowed on this table.
view_table_name For materialized view the name of the view this member table is part of - if same as the table_name then this is the root of the view. The default value is ''.
is_view_persisted True if the view named view_table_name is persisted - reported for each view member. Means method of recreating this member is saved - not the members data. The default value is ''.
is_dirty True if some input table of the materialized view that affects this member table has been modified since the last refresh. The default value is ''.
refresh_method For materialized view current refresh_method - one of manual, periodic, on_change. The default value is ''.
refresh_start_time For materialized view with periodic refresh_method the current intial datetime string that periodic refreshes began. The default value is ''.
refresh_period For materialized view with periodic refresh_method the current refresh period in seconds. The default value is ''.
last_refresh_time For materialized view the a datatime string indicating the last time the view was refreshed. The default value is ''.
next_refresh_time For materialized view with periodic refresh_method a datetime string indicating the next time the view is to be refreshed. The default value is ''.
user_chunk_size User-specified number of records per chunk, if provided at table creation time. The default value is ''.
alternate_shard_keys Semicolon-separated list of shard keys that were equated in joins (applicable for join tables). The default value is ''.
sizes array of longs If get_sizes is true, an array containing the number of records of each corresponding table in output parameter table_names. Otherwise, an empty array.
full_sizes array of longs If get_sizes is true, an array containing the number of records of each corresponding table in output parameter table_names (same values as output parameter sizes). Otherwise, an empty array.
join_sizes array of doubles If get_sizes is true, an array containing the number of unfiltered records in the cross product of the sub-tables of each corresponding join-table in output parameter table_names. For simple tables, this number will be the same as output parameter sizes. For join-tables, this value gives the number of joined-table rows that must be processed by any aggregate functions operating on the table. Otherwise, (if get_sizes is false), an empty array.
total_size long If get_sizes is true, the sum of the elements of output parameter sizes. Otherwise, -1.
total_full_size long If get_sizes is true, the sum of the elements of output parameter full_sizes (same value as output parameter total_size). Otherwise, -1.
info map of string to strings Additional information.