
Show Proc Status

Shows the statuses of running or completed proc instances. Results are grouped by run ID (as returned from Execute Proc) and data segment ID (each invocation of the proc command on a data segment is assigned a data segment ID).

Input Parameter Description

Name Type Description
run_id string The run ID of a specific proc instance for which the status will be returned. If a proc with a matching run ID is not found, the response will be empty. If not specified, the statuses of all executed proc instances will be returned. The default value is ''.
options map of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys) Parameter Description

If set to true, if a proc instance has completed (either successfully or unsuccessfully) then its status will be cleared and no longer returned in subsequent calls. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
run_tag If input parameter run_id is specified, return the status for a proc instance that has a matching run ID and a matching run tag that was provided to Execute Proc. If input parameter run_id is not specified, return statuses for all proc instances where a matching run tag was provided to Execute Proc. The default value is ''.

Output Parameter Description

Name Type Description
proc_names map of string to strings The proc names corresponding to the returned run IDs.
params map of string to maps of string to strings The string params passed to Execute Proc for the returned run IDs.
bin_params map of string to maps of string to bytes The binary params passed to Execute Proc for the returned run IDs.
input_table_names map of string to arrays of strings The input table names passed to Execute Proc for the returned run IDs.
input_column_names map of string to maps of string to arrays of strings The input column names passed to Execute Proc for the returned run IDs, supplemented with the column names for input tables not included in the input column name map.
output_table_names map of string to arrays of strings The output table names passed to Execute Proc for the returned run IDs.
options map of string to maps of string to strings The optional parameters passed to Execute Proc for the returned run IDs.
overall_statuses map of string to strings

Overall statuses for the returned run IDs. Note that these are rollups and individual statuses may differ between data segments for the same run ID; see output parameter statuses and output parameter messages for statuses from individual data segments.

Possible Values Description
running The proc instance is currently running.
complete The proc instance completed with no errors.
killed The proc instance was killed before completion.
error The proc instance failed with an error.
statuses map of string to maps of string to strings

Statuses for the returned run IDs, grouped by data segment ID.

Possible Values Description
map of string to strings
Possible Values Description
running The proc instance is currently running.
complete The proc instance completed with no errors.
killed The proc instance was killed before completion.
error The proc instance failed with an error.
messages map of string to maps of string to strings Messages containing additional status information for the returned run IDs, grouped by data segment ID.
results map of string to maps of string to maps of string to strings String results for the returned run IDs, grouped by data segment ID.
bin_results map of string to maps of string to maps of string to bytes Binary results for the returned run IDs, grouped by data segment ID.
timings map of string to maps of string to maps of string to longs Timing information for the returned run IDs, grouped by data segment ID.
info map of string to strings Additional information.