
Show Cluster Operations

Requests the detailed status of the current operation (by default) or a prior cluster operation specified by input parameter history_index. Returns details on the requested cluster operation.

The response will also indicate how many cluster operations are stored in the history.

Input Parameter Description

Name Type Description
history_index int Indicates which cluster operation to retrieve. Use 0 for the most recent. The default value is 0.
options map of string to strings Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Output Parameter Description

Name Type Description
history_index int The index of this cluster operation in the reverse-chronologically sorted list of operations, where 0 is the most recent operation.
history_size int Number of cluster operations executed to date.
in_progress boolean

Whether this cluster operation is currently in progress or not. Possible values are:

  • true
  • false
start_time string The start time of the cluster operation.
end_time string The end time of the cluster operation, if completed.
endpoint string The endpoint that initiated the cluster operation.
endpoint_schema string The schema for the original request.
overall_status string

Overall success status of the operation.

Possible Values Description
OK The operation was successful, or, if still in progress, the operation is successful so far.
ERROR An error occurred executing the operation.
user_stopped boolean

Whether a user stopped this operation at any point while in progress. Possible values are:

  • true
  • false
percent_complete int Percent complete of this entire operation.
dry_run boolean

Whether this operation was a dry run. Possible values are:

  • true
  • false
messages array of strings Updates and error messages if any.
add_ranks boolean

Whether adding ranks is (or was) part of this operation. Possible values are:

  • true
  • false
add_ranks_status string

If this was a rank-adding operation, the add-specific status of the operation. Possible values are:

ranks_being_added array of ints The rank numbers of the ranks currently being added, or the rank numbers that were added if the operation is complete.
rank_hosts array of strings The host IP addresses of the ranks being added, in the same order as the output parameter ranks_being_added list.
add_ranks_percent_complete int Current percent complete of the add ranks operation.
remove_ranks boolean

Whether removing ranks is (or was) part of this operation. Possible values are:

  • true
  • false
remove_ranks_status string

If this was a rank-removing operation, the removal-specific status of the operation. Possible values are:

ranks_being_removed array of ints The ranks being removed, or that have been removed if the operation is completed.
remove_ranks_percent_complete int Current percent complete of the remove ranks operation.
rebalance boolean

Whether data and/or shard rebalancing is (or was) part of this operation. Possible values are:

  • true
  • false
rebalance_unsharded_data boolean

Whether rebalancing of unsharded data is (or was) part of this operation. Possible values are:

  • true
  • false
rebalance_unsharded_data_status string

If this was an operation that included rebalancing unsharded data, the rebalancing-specific status of the operation. Possible values are:

unsharded_rebalance_percent_complete int Percentage of unsharded tables that completed rebalancing, out of all unsharded tables to rebalance.
rebalance_sharded_data boolean

Whether rebalancing of sharded data is (or was) part of this operation. Possible values are:

  • true
  • false
shard_array_version long Version of the shard array that is (or was) being rebalanced to. Each change to the shard array results in the version number incrementing.
rebalance_sharded_data_status string

If this was an operation that included rebalancing sharded data, the rebalancing-specific status of the operation. Possible values are:

num_shards_changing int Number of shards that will change as part of rebalance.
sharded_rebalance_percent_complete int Percentage of shard keys, and their associated data if applicable, that have completed rebalancing.
info map of string to strings Additional information.