
Geospatial Operations

Kinetica has several geospatial-specific operations, as listed below.


Name Description
Filter by Geometry Creates a view by applying a geometry filter against a spatial column (e.g., column with WKT annotations) in a given table
Filter by Series Creates a view containing all records from the source table that are part of the given track
Filter Geometry by Area Creates a view by filtering a dataset for geospatial geometry objects intersecting a 2-D polygon
Filter Geometry by Box Creates a view by filtering a dataset for geospatial geometry objects intersecting a rectangle's boundary
Filter Geometry by Radius Creates a view by filtering a dataset for geospatial geometry objects intersecting a circle's boundary

Retrieving Track Data

Name Description
Get Records by Series Retrieves complete series/track records


Name Description
Aggregate Convex Hull Calculates and returns the smallest set containing the convex hull for the values in the given table
Aggregate Min/Max Geometry Calculates the minimum and maximum x- and y- coordinates of a geospatial geometry column in a dataset