Event Codes

When adding an Event Alert, there are many event codes to choose from. You can search through the available events in the event alert creation window using one of the event codes below or using keywords from a description of the desired event, e.g., shutdown, standby, etc. The events are organized by Kinetica component.

Cluster Operations

Event CodeSeverityDescription / Log Message
01.120501.20INFOCluster system mode set to standby
The system mode has been set to: <standby>, current status: <status>
01.120502.20INFOCluster system mode set to run
The system mode has been set to: <run>, current status: <status>
01.120503.20INFOCluster system mode set to shutdown
The system mode has been set to: <shutdown>, current status: <status>
01.180501.20INFOCluster system status is stopped
The system status has changed to: <stopped>, current mode: <mode>
01.180502.20INFOCluster system status is starting
The system status has changed to: <starting>, current mode: <mode>
01.180503.20INFOCluster system status is running
The system status has changed to: <running>, current mode: <mode>
01.180504.40ERRORCluster system status is limited and not able to process requests
The system status is limited and cannot process requests, please see database logs for further details.
01.180505.20INFOCluster system status is shutdown
The system status has changed to: <shutdown>, current mode: <mode>


Event CodeSeverityDescription / Log Message
06.180503.20INFOHttpd server status changed to starting
The httpd server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, httpd_status:<starting>
06.180504.20INFOHttpd server status changed to running
The httpd server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, httpd_status:<running>
06.180505.20INFOHttpd server status changed to stopping
The httpd server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, httpd_status:<stopping>
06.180506.20INFOHttpd server status changed to stopped
The httpd server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, httpd_status:<stopped>
06.180507.40ERRORHttpd server has terminated
The httpd server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, httpd_status:<terminated>

High Availability (HA)

Event CodeSeverityDescription / Log Message
05.080300.50FATALHA configuration error
AMQP client hostname cannot be empty.
05.081600.40ERRORHA initialization failed
Failed to initialize the HA client - cannot create queues.
05.081600.50FATALHA client initialization failed
Failed to initialize the HA client - cannot create connections.

Host Manager

Event CodeSeverityDescription / Log Message
02.041500.10DEBUGHost-manager debug communication
02.120501.20INFOHost-manager mode changed to standby
The host-manager mode has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<standby>, host_status:<host_status>
02.120502.20INFOHost-manager mode changed to run
The host-manager mode has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<run>, host_status:<host_status>
02.120503.20INFOHost-manager mode changed to shutdown
The host-manager mode has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<shutdown>, host_status:<host_status>
02.180502.20INFOHost-manager status changed to post
The host-manager status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<post>
02.180503.20INFOHost-manager status changed to parsed configuration
The host-manager status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<parsed_conf>
02.180504.20INFOHost-manager status changed to enumerated hardware
The host-manager status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<enum_hardware>
02.180505.20INFOHost-manager status changed to ready
The host-manager status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<ready>
02.180506.20INFOHost-manager status changed to establishing cluster
The host-manager status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<establishing_cluster>
02.180507.20INFOHost-manager status changed to validating cluster
The host-manager status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<validating_cluster>
02.180508.20INFOHost-manager status changed to starting systems
The host-manager status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<starting_systems>
02.180509.20INFOHost-manager status changed to started systems
The host-manager status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<started_systems>
02.180510.40ERRORHost-manager is not responding
The host-manager is not responding on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<not_responding>, network_ips:<network_ips>
02.180511.20INFOHost-manager status changed to running
The host-manager status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<running>
02.180512.20INFOHost-manager status changed to stopping systems
The host-manager status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<stopping_systems>
02.180513.20INFOHost-manager status changed to shutting down
The host-manager status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<shutting_down>
02.180514.20INFOHost-manager status changed to shutdown
The host-manager status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, host_status:<shutdown>

Machine Learning (ML)

Event CodeSeverityDescription / Log Message
08.180503.20INFOML server status changed to starting
The ML server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, ml_status:<starting>
08.180504.20INFOML server status changed to running
The ML server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, ml_status:<running>
08.180505.20INFOML server status changed to stopping
The ML server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, ml_status:<stopping>
08.180506.20INFOML server status changed to stoped
The ML server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, ml_status:<stopped>
08.180507.40ERRORML server has terminated
The ML server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, ml_status:<terminated>


Event CodeSeverityDescription / Log Message
07.180503.20INFOMonitoring status server status changed to starting
The monitoring stats server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, stats_status:<starting>
07.180504.20INFOMonitoring status server status changed to running
The monitoring stats server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, stats_status:<running>
07.180505.20INFOMonitoring status server status changed to stopping
The monitoring stats server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, stats_status:<stopping>
07.180506.20INFOMonitoring status server status changed to stopped
The monitoring stats server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, stats_status:<stopped>
07.180507.40ERRORMonitoring status server has terminated
The monitoring stats server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, stats_status:<terminated>

Rank Operations

Event CodeSeverityDescription / Log Message
03.010500.20INFOAdding host to cluster
Alter-cluster configuration action: <add_host>, host: <address>
03.010501.20INFOAlter host configuration
Alter-cluster configuration action: <alter_host>, host: <address>
03.010502.20INFORemoved host from cluster
Alter-cluster configuration action: <remove_host>, host: <address>
03.020501.20INFOAdded rank to cluster
The cluster operation: <adding_ranks> has status: <cluster_operation_status>
03.020502.20INFORebalancing data in cluster
The cluster operation: <rebalancing> has status: <cluster_operation_status>
03.020503.20INFORemoving rank and rebalancing data
The cluster operation: <rebalancing_for_removing_ranks> has status: <cluster_operation_status>
03.020504.20INFORemoving rank from cluster
The cluster operation: <removing_ranks> has status: <cluster_operation_status>
03.020505.20INFOChanging the number of ranks in cluster
The cluster operation: <resizing_cluster> has status: <cluster_operation_status>
03.020506.20INFOCluster set to backup mode
The cluster operation: <backing_up> has status: <cluster_operation_status>
03.020507.20INFOMigrating component
The cluster operation: <migrating> has status: <cluster_operation_status>
03.020508.50FATALIrrecoverable error (restart required)
The database cluster had an irrecoverable error and must be restarted. Message: <cluster_operation_status>
03.030000.20INFOConfiguration file loaded successfully
Configuration file: '<gpudb_conf_filename>' has been successfully loaded.
03.030300.40ERRORConfiguration parameter is invalid
<details about parameter>
03.032200.40ERRORConfiguration file missing
Configuration file: '<gpudb_conf_filename>' is missing.
03.032400.40ERRORConfiguration file parse error
Unable to parse configuration file: '<gpudb_conf_filename>', msg:<error_msg>
03.033400.40ERRORConfiguration file write error
Configuration file: '<gpudb_conf_filename>' is not writable.
03.060200.30WARNGPU allocation failure
GPU allocation limit exceeded when requesting additional: <failure_size> bytes, using CPU fallback allocator.
03.060700.40ERRORGPU device error
<details about GPU error>
03.090800.25UERRJob failed
Request failed with JobId:<jobid> to: <request_uri>. <error_message>
03.090800.40ERRORJob failed since the system is limited
Unable to process request with JobId:<jobid> to: <request_uri>, system is in a limited state. <error_message>
03.090900.25UERRJob processing exception
Unable to process credentials for user: <cred_username>, endpoint: <request_uri>, what:<error_msg>
03.091400.25UERRUser impersonation denied for request
External user <remote_user> does not have permission to impersonate for endpoint: <request_uri>
03.091700.25UERRInvalid credentials for request
Invalid credentials for endpoint: <request_uri>, user: <cred_username>
03.091900.20INFOJob canceled
Request canceled with JobId:<jobid> to: <uri>. <error_message>
03.092000.30WARNHTTP request limit reached
HTTP request server has reached max number of concurrent and queued connections and is refusing connections. <http_server_info>
03.092600.20INFORank is not accepting jobs
Rank is not accepting jobs, rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<rank_status>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.092700.20INFORank is accepting jobs
Rank is accepting jobs, rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<rank_status>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.093100.30WARNJob times out
Job timed out, received: <time>, job_id:<job_id>, endpoint_name:<endpoint_name>, client_ip:<client_ip>, read_table_names:<read_table_names>, write_table_names:<write_table_names>, user_data:<user_data>
03.093200.25UERRRequest unauthorized
Invalid or missing credentials for endpoint: <request_uri> <details>
03.100800.50FATALLicensed for only a single host
License error: <Kinetica Trial Edition limited to a single host> <details>
03.100801.50FATALLicense key GPU limit exceeded
License error: <GPU limit exceeded> <details>
03.100802.50FATALLicense key is for different hardware
License error: <Licensed for different hardware> <details>
03.100803.50FATALLicense key is for a different machine
License error: <Licensed for a different machine> <details>
03.100804.50FATALLicense key memory limit exceeded
License error: <Cluster memory limit exceeded> <details>
03.100805.50FATALLicense key has expired
License error: <Expired> <details>
03.100806.50FATALLicense key is invalid
License error: <Invalid> <details>
03.100807.50FATALLicense key is missing
License error: <Missing> <details>
03.100808.50FATALLicence key is not authorized
License error: <Unauthorized> <details>
03.110501.20INFOMigration to new host required for component
Migration <migration_id> status change, <details>
03.110502.20INFOMigration of component attempting failover to another host
Migration <migration_id> status change, <details>
03.110503.20INFOMigrating component to new host
Migration <migration_id> status change, <details>
03.110504.20INFOMigrated component to new host successfully
Migration <migration_id> status change, <details>
03.110805.40ERRORMigration of component to new host failed
Migration <migration_id> failed, <details>
03.120501.20INFORank mode changed to removed
The rank mode has been set for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<removed>, rank_status:<rank_status>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.120502.20INFORank mode changed to stop
The rank mode has been set for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<stop>, rank_status:<rank_status>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.120503.20INFORank mode changed to adding
The rank mode has been set for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<adding>, rank_status:<rank_status>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.120504.20INFORank mode changed to run
The rank mode has been set for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<run>, rank_status:<rank_status>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.140501.20INFOBlocking unsharded ingest before removing rank
Removing rank: <rank> on host: <hostname>, status: <block_unsharded_ingest>
03.140502.20INFOBlocking jobs before removing rank
Removing rank: <rank> on host: <hostname>, status: <block_jobs>
03.140503.20INFOCleared persist of removed rank
Removing rank: <rank> on host: <hostname>, status: <persist_cleared>
03.150804.40ERRORTable rebuild error
Unable to rebuild table: '<table_name>', what: <error_msg>
03.151504.20INFOTable rebuild successful
Rebuild successful for table: '<table_name>'
03.152504.30WARNTable marked for rebuild
Persist inconsistencies found, table marked for rebuild: '<table_name>'
03.152704.20INFOTable rebuilding
Rebuilding table: '<table_name>'
03.162001.30WARNResource group has reached vram limit
Resource group: '<name>' memory limit reached, requested:<amount>, used:<usage>, limit:<limit>
03.162002.30WARNResource group has reached ram limit
Resource group: '<name>' memory limit reached, requested:<amount>, used:<usage>, limit:<limit>
03.162003.30WARNResource group has reached disk cache limit
Resource group: '<name>' memory limit reached, requested:<amount>, used:<usage>, limit:<limit>
03.162004.30WARNResource group has reached persist limit
Resource group: '<name>' memory limit reached, requested:<amount>, used:<usage>, limit:<limit>
03.162005.30WARNResource group has reached cold store limit
Resource group: '<name>' memory limit reached, requested:<amount>, used:<usage>, limit:<limit>
03.171500.20INFOSQL request
03.171500.25UERRSQL request
<error message for sql_request>
03.180502.20INFORank status changed to start
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<start>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180503.20INFORank status changed to post
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<post>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180504.20INFORank status changed to parsed configuration
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<parsed_conf>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180505.20INFORank status changed to enumerated hardware
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<enum_hardware>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180507.20INFORank status changed to starting systems
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<starting_systems>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180508.20INFORank status changed to started systems
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<started_systems>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180509.20INFORank status changed to loading data
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<loading_data>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180510.20INFORank status changed to loaded data
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<loaded_data>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180511.20INFORank status changed to updating shards
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<updating_shards>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180512.20INFORank status changed to updated shards
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<updated_shards>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180513.20INFORank status changed to syncing
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<syncing>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180514.20INFORank status changed to added rank ready
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<added_rank_ready>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180515.20INFORank status changed to updating views
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<updating_views>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180516.20INFORank status changed to updated views
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<updated_views>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180517.20INFORank status changed to running
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<running>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180518.40ERRORRank status changed to limited and is unable process requests
Rank: <rank> on host: <hostname> is <rank_status>
03.180519.20INFORank status changed to stopped jobs
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<stopped_jobs>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180520.40ERRORRank status changed to not responding
Rank: <rank> on host: <hostname> is <rank_status>
03.180521.20INFORank status changed to shutting down
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<shutting_down>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180522.20INFORank status changed to shutdown
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<shutdown>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname>
03.180523.40ERRORRank status changed to terminated
Rank: <rank> on host: <hostname> is <rank_status>
03.190900.40ERRORTable monitor error
Unable to prepare and send change notification for table <table_name>. <error_msg>
03.211301.30WARNHigh-water mark eviction cycle in vram tier
High-water mark limit reached in tier: <vram>, beginning eviction cycle. current size:<current_size>, high:<high_watermark_size> low:<low_watermark_size>
03.211302.30WARNHigh-water mark eviction cycle in ram tier
High-water mark limit reached in tier: <ram>, beginning eviction cycle. current size:<current_size>, high:<high_watermark_size> low:<low_watermark_size>
03.211303.30WARNHigh-water mark eviction cycle in disk cache tier
High-water mark limit reached in tier: <disk>, beginning eviction cycle. current size:<current_size>, high:<high_watermark_size> low:<low_watermark_size>
03.211304.30WARNHigh-water mark eviction cycle in persist tier
High-water mark limit reached in tier: <persist>, beginning eviction cycle. current size:<current_size>, high:<high_watermark_size> low:<low_watermark_size>
03.212004.40ERRORPerist tier is full
Requested amount exceeds tier capacity, Need: <bytes_needed>, TotalRequested: <bytes_requested>, Avail: <bytes_available>
03.212504.40ERRORPersist file read error
Unable to load table data file: '<name>'


Event CodeSeverityDescription / Log Message
09.180503.20INFOReveal server status changed to starting
The reveal server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, reveal_status:<starting>
09.180504.20INFOReveal server status changed to running
The reveal server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, reveal_status:<running>
09.180505.20INFOReveal server status changed to stopping
The reveal server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, reveal_status:<stopping>
09.180506.20INFOReveal server status changed to stopped
The reveal server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, reveal_status:<stopped>
09.180507.40ERRORReveal server has terminated
The reveal server status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, reveal_status:<terminated>

SQL Query Planner

Event CodeSeverityDescription / Log Message
10.180503.20INFOSQL query planner server status changed to starting
The SQL query planner status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, query_planner_status:<starting>
10.180504.20INFOSQL query planner server status changed to running
The SQL query planner status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, query_planner_status:<running>
10.180505.20INFOSQL query planner server status changed to stopping
The SQL query planner status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, query_planner_status:<stopping>
10.180506.20INFOSQL query planner server status changed to stopped
The SQL query planner status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, query_planner_status:<stopped>
10.180507.40ERRORSQL query planner server has terminated
The SQL query planner status has changed on hostname:<hostname>, host_mode:<host_mode>, query_planner_status:<terminated>