Workbench UI

The Kinetica Workbench provides a rich user interface for accessing data.


Workbench Landing Page

Workbench consists of two panes:

  • left pane - contains Workbench Explorer
  • right pane - contains content associated primarily with top-level menu items

The top-level menu items are as follows:

  • Home
  • Explore
  • Import
  • Jobs
  • Manage
    • Workbench - opens a dialog to change various settings within Workbench
  • Running - the current status of the system
  • wb_icon_help - displays the database version number as well as links to various help sources
  • <Profile> (displays username)
    • Usage - ends the current session with Workbench
    • Logout - ends the current session with Workbench

The left & right panes act independently from each other, allowing for the exploration of data across domains (tables, workbooks, files, etc.) from any part of the application (Home, Import, etc.).