
URL: http://<db.host>:<db.port>/alter/environment

Alters an existing environment which can be referenced by a user-defined function (UDF).

Input Parameter Description

Name Type Description
environment_name string Name of the environment to be altered.
action string

Modification operation to be applied

Supported Values Description
install_package Install a python package from PyPI, an external data source or KiFS
install_requirements Install packages from a requirements file
uninstall_package Uninstall a python package.
uninstall_requirements Uninstall packages from a requirements file
reset Uninstalls all packages in the environment and resets it to the original state at time of creation
rebuild Recreates the environment and re-installs all packages, upgrades the packages if necessary based on dependencies
value string The value of the modification, depending on input parameter action. For example, if input parameter action is install_package, this would be the python package name. If input parameter action is install_requirements, this would be the path of a requirements file from which to install packages. If an external data source is specified in datasource_name, this can be the path to a wheel file or source archive. Alternatively, if installing from a file (wheel or source archive), the value may be a reference to a file in KiFS.
options map of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys) Parameter Description
datasource_name Name of an existing external data source from which packages specified in input parameter value can be loaded

Output Parameter Description

The GPUdb server embeds the endpoint response inside a standard response structure which contains status information and the actual response to the query. Here is a description of the various fields of the wrapper:

Name Type Description
status String 'OK' or 'ERROR'
message String Empty if success or an error message
data_type String 'alter_environment_response' or 'none' in case of an error
data String Empty string
data_str JSON or String

This embedded JSON represents the result of the /alter/environment endpoint:

Name Type Description
environment_name string Value of input parameter environment_name.
info map of string to strings Additional information.

Empty string in case of an error.