
This documentation is for a prior release of Kinetica. For the latest documentation, click here.

Insert Records to table in external database

Exports records from source table to the specified target table in an external database

Input Parameter Description

table_namestringName of the table from which the data will be exported to remote database, in [schema_name.]table_name format, using standard name resolution rules.
remote_querystringParameterized insert query to export gpudb table data into remote database. The default value is ''.
optionsmap of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
batch_sizeBatch size, which determines how many rows to export per round trip. The default value is '200000'.
datasink_nameName of an existing external data sink to which table name specified in input parameter table_name will be exported
jdbc_session_init_statementExecutes the statement per each jdbc session before doing actual load. The default value is ''.
jdbc_connection_init_statementExecutes the statement once before doing actual load. The default value is ''.
remote_tableName of the target table to which source table is exported. When this option is specified remote_query cannot be specified. The default value is ''.

Wraps parametrized variables with st_geomfromtext or st_geomfromwkb based on source column type The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

Uses $n style syntax when generating insert query for remote_table option The default value is true. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

Output Parameter Description

table_namestringValue of input parameter table_name.
count_insertedlongNumber of records inserted into the target table.
count_skippedlongNumber of records skipped.
count_updatedlong[Not yet implemented] Number of records updated within the target table.
infomap of string to stringsAdditional information.