
This documentation is for a prior release of Kinetica. For the latest documentation, click here.

Filter by Radius

Calculates which objects from a table lie within a circle with the given radius and center point (i.e. circular NAI). The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input circular NAI restriction specification is also created if a input parameter view_name is passed in as part of the request.

For track data, all track points that lie within the circle plus one point on either side of the circle (if the track goes beyond the circle) will be included in the result.

Input Parameter Description

table_namestringName of the table on which the filter by radius operation will be performed, in [schema_name.]table_name format, using standard name resolution rules. Must be an existing table.
view_namestringIf provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results, in [schema_name.]view_name format, using standard name resolution rules and meeting table naming criteria. Must not be an already existing table or view. The default value is ''.
x_column_namestringName of the column to be used for the x-coordinate (the longitude) of the center.
x_centerdoubleValue of the longitude of the center. Must be within [-180.0, 180.0]. The minimum allowed value is -180. The maximum allowed value is 180.
y_column_namestringName of the column to be used for the y-coordinate-the latitude-of the center.
y_centerdoubleValue of the latitude of the center. Must be within [-90.0, 90.0]. The minimum allowed value is -90. The maximum allowed value is 90.
radiusdoubleThe radius of the circle within which the search will be performed. Must be a non-zero positive value. It is in meters; so, for example, a value of '42000' means 42 km. The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT.
optionsmap of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys)Parameter Description

If true, a unique temporary table name will be generated in the sys_temp schema and used in place of input parameter view_name. This is always allowed even if the caller does not have permission to create tables. The generated name is returned in qualified_view_name. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
collection_name[DEPRECATED--please specify the containing schema for the view as part of input parameter view_name and use Create Schema to create the schema if non-existent] Name of a schema which is to contain the newly created view. If the schema is non-existent, it will be automatically created.

Output Parameter Description

countlongThe number of records passing the radius filter.
infomap of string to strings

Additional information. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Possible Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
qualified_view_nameThe fully qualified name of the view (i.e. including the schema)