Get Asynchronous Job Result

Get the status and result of asynchronously running job. See the Create Asynchronous Job for starting an asynchronous job. Some fields of the response are filled only after the submitted job has finished execution.

Input Parameter Description

job_idlongA unique identifier for the job whose status and result is to be fetched.
optionsmap of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
job_tagJob tag returned in call to create the job

Output Parameter Description

endpointstringThe endpoint which is being executed asynchronously. E.g. '/alter/table'.

Status of the submitted job.

Possible ValuesDescription
RUNNINGThe job is currently executing.
DONEThe job execution has successfully completed and the response is included in the output parameter job_response or output parameter job_response_str field
ERRORThe job was attempted, but an error was encountered. The output parameter status_map contains the details of the error in error_message
CANCELLEDJob cancellation was requested while the execution was in progress.
runningbooleanTrue if the end point is still executing.
progressintApproximate percentage of the job completed.
successfulbooleanTrue if the job execution completed and no errors were encountered.

The encoding of the job result (contained in output parameter job_response or output parameter job_response_str.

Possible ValuesDescription
binaryThe job result is binary-encoded. It is contained in output parameter job_response.
jsonThe job result is json-encoded. It is contained in output parameter job_response_str.
job_responsebytesThe binary-encoded response of the job. This field is populated only when the job has completed and output parameter response_encoding is binary
job_response_strstringThe json-encoded response of the job. This field is populated only when the job has completed and output parameter response_encoding is json
status_mapmap of string to strings

Map of various status strings for the executed job.

Possible Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
error_messageExplains what error occurred while running the job asynchronously. This entry only exists when the job status is ERROR.
infomap of string to stringsAdditional information.