Show Data Sink

Shows information about a specified data sink or all data sinks.

Input Parameter Description

namestringName of the data sink for which to retrieve information. The name must refer to a currently existing data sink. If '*' is specified, information about all data sinks will be returned.
optionsmap of string to stringsOptional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Output Parameter Description

datasink_namesarray of stringsThe data sink names.
destination_typesarray of stringsThe destination type of the data sinks named in output parameter datasink_names.
additional_infoarray of maps of string to strings

Additional information about the respective data sinks in output parameter datasink_names.

Possible List EntriesDescription
map of string to strings

The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Possible Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
destinationDestination for the output data in 'destination_type://path[:port]' format
kafka_topic_nameKafka topic if the data sink type is a Kafka broker
user_nameName of the remote system user
infomap of string to stringsAdditional information.