Show Resource Group

Returns information about the internal sub-components (tiered objects) which use resources of the system. The request can either return results from actively used objects (default) or it can be used to query the status of the objects of a given list of tables. Returns detailed information about the requested resource objects.

Input Parameter Description

optionsmap of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
tiersComma-separated list of tiers to query, leave blank for all tiers.
expressionAn expression to filter the returned objects. Expression is limited to the following operators: =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,+,-,*,AND,OR,LIKE. For details see Expressions. To use a more complex expression, query the ki_catalog.ki_tiered_objects table directly.

Single column to be sorted by as well as the sort direction, e.g., 'size asc'. The supported values are:

  • size
  • id
  • priority
  • tier
  • evictable
  • owner_resource_group
limitAn integer indicating the maximum number of results to be returned, per rank, or (-1) to indicate that the maximum number of results allowed by the server should be returned. The number of records returned will never exceed the server's own limit, defined by the max_get_records_size parameter in the server configuration. The default value is '100'.
table_namesComma-separated list of tables to restrict the results to. Use '*' to show all tables.

Output Parameter Description

rank_objectsmap of string to stringsTier usage across ranks. Layout is: response.rank_usage[rank_number][resource_group_name] = group_usage (as stringified json)
infomap of string to stringsAdditional information.