Show Table Monitors

Show table monitors and their properties. Table monitors are created using Create Table Monitor. Returns detailed information about existing table monitors.

Input Parameter Description

Name Type Description
monitor_ids array of strings List of monitors to be shown. An empty list or a single entry with an empty string returns all table monitors.
options map of string to strings Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Output Parameter Description

Name Type Description
monitor_ids array of strings List of monitor IDs.
table_names array of strings List of source tables being monitored for the respective output parameter monitor_ids.
events array of strings List of notification events for the respective output parameter monitor_ids.
increasing_columns array of strings List of columns used on the respective tables in output parameter table_names that will increase for new records.
filter_expressions array of strings List of filter expressions used on the respective tables in output parameter table_names to limit records for notifications.
refresh_method array of strings List of refresh methods used on the respective tables in output parameter table_names.
refresh_period array of strings List of refresh periods used on the respective tables in output parameter table_names.
refresh_start_time array of strings List of refresh start times used on the respective tables in output parameter table_names.
datasink_names array of strings List of datasink names for the respective output parameter monitor_ids if one is defined.
additional_info array of maps of string to strings

Additional information about the respective monitors in output parameter monitor_ids.

Possible List Entries Description
map of string to strings

The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Possible Parameters (keys) Parameter Description
monitor_type Notification type for the respective output parameter monitor_ids and output parameter table_names. The default value is ''.
type_schema Notification type schemas for the respective output parameter monitor_ids and output parameter table_names. The default value is ''.
materialized_view_for_change_detector Materialized view that implements the change detector
materialized_view_for_filter Materialized views created for the output parameter filter_expressions. The default value is ''.
references Reference count on the respective output parameter monitor_ids. The default value is ''.
datasink_json Datasink info in JSON format for the respective output parameter monitor_ids if one is defined. The default value is ''.
info map of string to strings Additional information.