
Kinetica Blackbox Software Development Kit (SDK) Guide

The Kinetica Blackbox SDK assists users in creating blackbox models to wrap existing code/functionality and make it deployable within the Kinetica system. The Active Analytics Workbench (AAW) currently can only import blackbox models that have been containerized and implement the BlackBox SDK. Users provide the Python module scripts, modify some SDK files, and the SDK will build a Docker Container from the files and publish it to a given Docker Registry (private or public).

For help with containerizing models, the Kinetica Blackbox Wizard is available via the Model + Analytics portion of the AAW User Interface (UI).


Download and Configuration

Download the Blackbox SDK from GitHub and select a version that is compatible with the current database version. The SDK version should be less than or equal to the current version of the database that the blackbox model will be running against. For example, if Kinetica is at version, the SDK tag version should be less than or equal to

  1. Clone the project and change directory into the folder:

    git clone
    cd container-kml-blackbox-sdk
  2. Get a list of tags, which correspond to Blackbox SDK versions, for the repository:

    git tag -l
  3. Checkout the desired tagged version of the repository:

    git checkout tags/<tag_name>


    The latest version compatible is preferred.


The repository contains all the files needed to build and publish a blackbox model Docker container compatible with AAW. The important files and their function:


It's highly recommended the sdk/* and files are not modified!

Filename Description
sdk/ Python script called from the Docker container entrypoint script. Contains the code necessary for the module(s) to interface with the script.
sdk/ Python script called from Contains the code necessary for the blackbox module(s) to interface with the database.
Dockerfile File containing all the instructions for Docker to build the model image properly. Python script containing model code. The default code is a template for you to reuse and/or replace. Entrypoint for the Docker container; this script will be run initially when AAW pulls the container for execution. Utility script for building and publishing the model to a Docker Hub or Docker Registry.
requirements.txt Text file that stores the required python libraries for the model. Default libraries (gpudb, zmq, requests) must be left intact.

To setup the repository for publishing your model:

  1. Update with the desired model code. The model can contain as many methods as desired or call as many other modules as desired, but the default method must take a dictionary in (inMap) and return a dictionary (outMap):

    import math
    def predict_taxi_fare(inMap=None):
      # method code ...
      # Calculate fare amount from trip distance
      fare_amount = (dist * 3.9)
      outMap = {'fare_amount': fare_amount}
      return outMap
  2. Optionally, update the name of If the module name is updated, it will need to be referenced appropriately when deploying the model via the AAW UI or the AAW REST API. See Usage for more information.

  3. Open the Dockerfile in an editor and include any required installations that are not easily installable with pip:

    RUN apt-get install -y git wget
  4. Add all module files:

    ADD <module> ./


    By default, the Dockerfile includes a reference to This reference must be updated if the file name was changed earlier.

  5. Open requirements.txt in an editor and include any additional required python libraries, e.g.,



    The default gpudb, zmq, and requests packages inside requirements.txt must be left in the file.

  6. Open in a text editor and update the repository, image, and tag for both the build and push statements:

    docker build -f Dockerfile -t <repo-name>/<image-name>:<tag-name> .
    docker push <repo-name>/<image-name>:<tag-name>


    The Docker repository will be created if it doesn't exist.


Publishing the Model

  1. Login into your Docker Hub or Docker Registry:

    # Docker Hub
    docker login
    # Docker Registry
    docker login <hostname>:<port>
  2. Run the script to build a Docker image of the model and publish it to the provided Docker Hub or Docker Registry:


Importing the Model

After publishing the model, it can be imported into AAW using two methods:


If using the REST API, a model is defined using JSON. The cURL command line tool can be used to send a JSON string or file to AAW. To import a blackbox model into AAW using cURL and the REST API:

  1. Define the model. Kinetica recommends placing the model definition inside a local JSON file.

  2. Post the JSON to the /model/blackbox/instance/create endpoint of the AAW REST API:

    # Using a JSON file
    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @<model_file>.json http://<kinetica-host>:9187/kml/model/blackbox/instance/create
    # Using a JSON string
    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"model_inst_name": "<model_name>", ... }' http://<kinetica-host>:9187/kml/model/blackbox/instance/create

To aid in creating the necessary JSON, use the following endpoint and schema:

Endpoint name: /model/blackbox/instance/create

Input parameters:

Name Type Description
model_inst_name string Name of the model.
model_inst_desc string Optional description of the model.
problem_type string Problem type for the model. Always BLACKBOX.
model_type string Type for the model. Always BLACKBOX.
input_record_type array of map(s) of strings to strings

An array containing a map for each input column. Requires two keys:

Name Type Description
col_name string Name for the input column.
col_type string Type for the input column.


There will need to be as many maps (containing both name and type) as there are columns in the inMap variable inside the default blackbox module.

model_config map of strings to various

A map containing model configuration information.

Name Type Description
db_user string Username for database authentication.
db_pass string Password for database authentication.
blackbox_module string Module name for the blackbox model.
blackbox_function string Function name inside the blackbox module.
container string Docker URI for the container, e.g., <repo_name>/<image_name>:<tag_name>
output_record_type string

An array containing a map for each output column. Similar to input_record_type, requires two keys:

  • col_name -- a string value representing the name of the output column
  • col_type -- a string value representing the type of the output column


There will need to be as many maps in output_record_type as there are columns in the outMap variable inside the default blackbox module.

Example JSON:

The final JSON string should look similar to this:

  "model_inst_name": "Taxi Fare Predictor",
  "model_inst_desc": "Blackbox model for on-demand deployments",
  "problem_type": "BLACKBOX",
  "model_type": "BLACKBOX",
  "input_record_type": [
      "col_name": "pickup_longitude",
      "col_type": "float"
      "col_name": "pickup_latitude",
      "col_type": "float"
      "col_name": "dropoff_longitude",
      "col_type": "float"
      "col_name": "dropoff_latitude",
      "col_type": "float"
  "model_config": {
    "db_user": "",
    "db_pass": "",
    "blackbox_module": "bb_module_default",
    "blackbox_function": "predict_taxi_fare",
    "container": "kinetica/kinetica-blackbox-quickstart:latest",
    "output_record_type": [
        "col_name": "fare_amount",
        "col_type": "double"

AAW User Interface (UI)

The AAW UI offers a simpler WYSIWYG-style approach to importing a blackbox model. To import a blackbox model into the UI:

  1. Navigate to the AAW UI (http://<aaw-host>:8070)
  2. Click Models + Analytics.
  3. Click + Add Model ‣ New Blackbox.
  4. Under Create a Blackbox Model Manually, click Create.
  5. Provide a Model Name and optional Model Description.
  6. Input the Docker URI for the container, e.g., <repo_name>/<image_name>:<tag_name>
  7. Input the Module Name and Module Function.
  8. For Input Columns:
    1. Click Add Input Column to create input columns.
    2. Provide a Column name and Type.
  9. For Output Columns:
    1. Click Add Output Column to create output columns.
    2. Provide a Column name and Type.
  10. Click Create.

Example UI:

The final UI inputs should look similar to this:



Upgrading the SDK is as simple as pulling in the base Blackbox SDK repository into a local fork and pushing the upgraded files to a remote repository.

  1. Change into the directory containing the Blackbox SDK fork and checkout the master branch:

    cd ~/<repo-name> && git checkout master
  2. Ensure all changes are checked-in and the master branch is clean:

    git status
  3. Backup the entire local repository:

    git archive --format=tar -o ../<repo-name>.master_$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%T").tar HEAD
  4. Pull the desired branch from the base Blackbox SDK repository into your local fork:

    git pull release/<version>
  5. Resolve conflicts and stage the appropriate changes.


    Make special note of any files to be added because they may contain release artifacts and repositories from the base Blackbox SDK repository.

  6. Publish the upgraded model and verify the release log looks correct:

    ./ && cat docker_release.log
  7. Commit the merge and post-publishing artifacts:

    git commit -m "Upgrading models to <version> SDK and publishing."
  8. Review the changes and push them up:

    git push
  9. Optionally, remove the backup:

    rm -rf ../<repo-name>.master*.tar