
URL: https://<aws.fqdn>/<aws.cluster.name>/gpudb-0/show/environment

Shows information about a specified user-defined function (UDF) environment or all environments. Returns detailed information about existing environments.

Input Parameter Description

Name Type Description
environment_name string Name of the environment on which to retrieve information. The name must refer to a currently existing environment. If '*' or an empty value is specified, information about all environments will be returned. The default value is ''.
options map of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys) Parameter Description

If true and if the environment specified in input parameter environment_name does not exist, no error is returned. If false and if the environment specified in input parameter environment_name does not exist, then an error is returned. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

Output Parameter Description

The GPUdb server embeds the endpoint response inside a standard response structure which contains status information and the actual response to the query. Here is a description of the various fields of the wrapper:

Name Type Description
status String 'OK' or 'ERROR'
message String Empty if success or an error message
data_type String 'show_environment_response' or 'none' in case of an error
data String Empty string
data_str JSON or String

This embedded JSON represents the result of the /show/environment endpoint:

Name Type Description
environment_names array of strings A list of all credential names.
packages array of arrays of strings Information about the installed packages in the respective environments in output parameter environment_names.
info map of string to strings Additional information.

Empty string in case of an error.