Filtered Views

A filtered view is a queryable filter of a table or another view. A filtered view can be created by filtering an existing table or view using the /filter endpoint.

Filtered views can be updated to insert the missing data points for a series from the underlying table using /update/records/byseries.

Given the need to minimize memory usage, filtered views are given a default time-to-live, after which they will expire and be removed from memory. Each access of the filtered view causes the remaining time-to-live to be reset. Thus, a filtered view accessed more frequently than its time-to-live will effectively remain in memory indefinitely.

A filtered view name must adhere to the standard naming criteria. Each filtered view exists within a schema and follows the standard name resolution rules for tables.

Creating a Filtered View

To create a filtered view, the /filter endpoint requires three parameters:

  1. the name of the data set to create the filtered view from
  2. the name of the filtered view to create
  3. an expression used to filter the source data set


In Python, given the nyctaxi demo table, a filtered view can be created for all taxi rides from the YCAB vendor via:

    table_name = "demo.nyctaxi",
    view_name = "example.nyctaxi_ycab",
    expression = "vendor_id = 'YCAB'"

The resulting filtered view can then be further filtered for expensive single-passenger rides:

    table_name = "example.nyctaxi_ycab",
    view_name = "example.nyctaxi_ycab_single_expensive",
    expression = "passenger_count = 1 and total_amount > 150"

Limitations and Cautions

  • When a record contained in a filtered view is modified by an update of the underlying data set, the record is removed from the filtered view regardless of whether the update impacted the record's qualifications for membership in the filtered view.
  • When a table or view is dropped, all of the filtered views created from it are also automatically cleared.
  • Records accessible through a filtered view cannot be added, edited, or deleted through that same view.
  • A filtered view is transient, by default, and will expire after the default TTL setting.
  • A filtered view is not persisted, and will not survive a database restart.

Memory Implications

A filtered view has a relatively lower memory footprint compared to a join view or a memory-only table, such as a projection or union. Read more about memory-only tables and their relative memory implications on Memory-Only Tables.