Filter by Series

Filters objects matching all points of the given track (works only on track type data). It allows users to specify a particular track to find all other points in the table that fall within specified ranges (spatial and temporal) of all points of the given track. Additionally, the user can specify another track to see if the two intersect (or go close to each other within the specified ranges). The user also has the flexibility of using different metrics for the spatial distance calculation: Euclidean (flat geometry) or Great Circle (spherical geometry to approximate the Earth's surface distances). The filtered points are stored in a newly created result set. The return value of the function is the number of points in the resultant set (view).

This operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available.

Input Parameter Description

table_namestringName of the table on which the filter by track operation will be performed, in [schema_name.]table_name format, using standard name resolution rules. Must be a currently existing table with a track present.
view_namestringIf provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results, in [schema_name.]view_name format, using standard name resolution rules and meeting table naming criteria. Must not be an already existing table or view. The default value is ''.
track_idstringThe ID of the track which will act as the filtering points. Must be an existing track within the given table.
target_track_idsarray of stringsUp to one track ID to intersect with the "filter" track. If any provided, it must be an valid track ID within the given set.
optionsmap of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys)Parameter Description

If true, a unique temporary table name will be generated in the sys_temp schema and used in place of input parameter view_name. This is always allowed even if the caller does not have permission to create tables. The generated name is returned in qualified_view_name. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
collection_name[DEPRECATED--please specify the containing schema for the view as part of input parameter view_name and use Create Schema to create the schema if non-existent] Name of a schema for the newly created view. If the schema is non-existent, it will be automatically created.
spatial_radiusA positive number passed as a string representing the radius of the search area centered around each track point's geospatial coordinates. The value is interpreted in meters. Required parameter. The minimum allowed value is 0.
time_radiusA positive number passed as a string representing the maximum allowable time difference between the timestamps of a filtered object and the given track's points. The value is interpreted in seconds. Required parameter. The minimum allowed value is 0.

A string representing the coordinate system to use for the spatial search criteria. Acceptable values are 'euclidean' and 'great_circle'. Optional parameter; default is 'euclidean'. The supported values are:

  • euclidean
  • great_circle

Output Parameter Description

countlongThe number of records passing the series filter.
infomap of string to strings

Additional information. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Possible Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
qualified_view_nameThe fully qualified name of the view (i.e. including the schema)