
The Manage page allows users to install new clusters, add existing clusters, review KAgent logs and jobs, manage cluster high availability rings, and more. The Manage page has two main views depending on whether there is a cluster in KAgent or not. If no clusters have been added to KAgent yet, the Welcome page will appear by default allowing you to quickly jump into adding a cluster. If there are clusters in KAgent, the Clusters page will appear by default.

  • Click Rings to view KAgent rings
  • Click Jobs to view KAgent jobs.
  • Click Logs to view KAgent logs.
  • Click Console to open the KAgent console log.

Add Cluster

The Add Cluster interface allows users to install a new cluster or add an existing cluster; this page will only appear if this instance of KAgent is not currently managing any Kinetica clusters. For full details on installing a cluster using KAgent, visit Kinetica Installation with KAgent. For more information about adding an existing cluster, see Adding a Cluster to KAgent.



The Clusters page is the home page for the KAgent management UI and displays all existing clusters. This page is only accessible if a cluster has been previously added to or installed with KAgent.

  • Click + Cluster to begin adding a cluster. See Add Cluster for more information.
  • Click Clone to begin cloning an existing cluster. See Clone for more information.
  • Click Refresh to refresh the cluster list.
  • Click the headnode icon in the Nodes column to open a browser tab to the head node's Admin Application (GAdmin -- http://<host>:8080)
  • Click Apps to open a small menu containing links to the Kinetica-related applications available on this cluster; e.g., GAdmin or Reveal
  • Click Manage next to a cluster to open the management options for the cluster.
  • Click Logging to open a window where you can enable additional SQL Analyzer logging for the cluster.
  • Click Logs to open the Gather Logs modal, which will assist in KAgent log gathering, KAgent package verification, and a process backtracing for the gpudb service of the selected cluster. Select the desired options and click Gather Logs to initiate the process; a download link will be presented once processing is complete.
  • Click X to remove the cluster from KAgent. This will not uninstall Kinetica or any other services.


Clone provides the ability to clone a cluster's authentication settings, users, and/or data to another cluster. To clone a cluster:

  1. From the Clusters page, click Clone.

  2. Select a Source Cluster from the drop-down menu.

  3. Select a Target Cluster from the drop-down menu.

  4. Select the Clone Options:

    • Authentication: the source cluster's authentication settings (LDAP, Kerberos, etc.) will be cloned to the target cluster
    • Users: the source cluster's users and permissions setup will be cloned to the target cluster
    • Data: the source cluster's data will be cloned to the target cluster
    • Graph: the source cluster's persisted graphs will be cloned to the target cluster
  5. Click Clone.


    Cloning a cluster should be performed during downtime as cloning a cluster while modifying any of the related data can lead to inconsistencies between the two clusters.



Users can manage cluster nodes, security, backups, and more from a particular cluster's management interface. Click Refresh to refresh the management page.


Nodes is divided into three tabs: List, Switchover, Failover Configuration.

  • List -- Provides a summary of the nodes and services enabled in the cluster. Click Remove Node to remove a node from the cluster. Click Add Spare to bring additional nodes into the cluster.
  • Switchover -- No longer used
  • Failover Configuration -- No longer used


Detail provides basic information about the cluster, including ring (HA), SSL, license, and more.



Security provides the ability to adjust the existing security configuration for the cluster.

To update the security configuration:

  1. Select an SSL Update Mode:

    • Cert/key setup not required -- no SSL certificate/key creation/upload required and no updates to security configuration settings
    • User-provided cert/key per node -- user must upload an SSL certificate and key and optionally a public hostname for each node; Kinetica copies the cert/key pair to /opt/gpudb/certs, enables HTTPD, and configures HTTPD to use HTTPS
    • Generate self-signed cert/key per node -- KAgent generates a self-signed certificate and key for each node and places it in /opt/gpudb/certs, enables HTTPD, and configures HTTPD to use HTTPS
  2. Click Update SSL. This will override any existing configuration.

  3. Select an Authentication type and fill the fields as necessary:

    • None -- no authentication or authorization
    • LDAP -- configures Kinetica to authenticate via LDAP; requires authentication to connect to the database, enables authorization, enables external authentication, automatically creates users in the database for LDAP users, and automatically grants roles in the database to LDAP users
    • Active Directory -- configures Kinetica to authenticate via Microsoft Active Directory; requires authentication to connect to the database, enables authorization, enables external authentication, automatically creates users in the database for Active Directory users, and automatically grants roles in the database to Active Directory users
    • Kerberos -- configures Kinetica to authenticate via Kerberos; requires authentication to connect to the database, enables authorization, enables external authentication, automatically creates users in the database for Kerberos users, and automatically grants roles in the database to Kerberos users


    For more information on security configurations and settings as well as how to manually configure Kinetica for a secure setup, see Security Configuration

  4. Click Update. This will override any existing configuration.



Backups provides the ability to schedule backups of your entire database. In this section, the system can also be restored from a previous snapshot. Consult Backing Up/Restoring Kinetica for information on backing up Kinetica using KAgent from the command line.



To schedule a backup in the future:

  1. Provide a Backup Path. This directory should be accessible on all nodes and to the gpudb user.

  2. Select the Hour, Day, or Month tab.

  3. Select one of the options:

    • For backups every hour | day | month
    • For backups every <n> hour(s) | day(s) | month(s) starting with hour | day | month <n>
    • For backups during specific hour(s) of the day | day(s) of the week | month(s) of the year
  4. Optionally, select as many tables to backup as desired in the Table List.


    Only the records in the tables selected will be available upon restoring from backup. All other tables that existed at the time of backup will be restored but they will have no records.

  5. Click Update.

To clear an existing scheduled backup:

  1. Click Clear.

To backup immediately:

  1. Click Backup Now.

  2. Optionally, provide a Backup Path. This directory should be accessible on all nodes and to the gpudb user. If no directory is provided, /opt/backups will be used.


    If this path provided differs from the path for the scheduled backups, users will not be able to restore from this backup via KAgent.

  3. Optionally, select as many tables to backup as desired in the Table List.


    Only the records in the tables selected will be available upon restoring from backup. All other tables that existed at the time of backup will be restored but they will have no records.

  4. Click Backup Now.


By default, Snapshots displays all backups in the set backup path directory.

  • Provide a backup directory path to View Backup Path and click Refresh to display any backups located in the given path.
  • Click Restore and confirm to restore the database from a snapshot.


Config allows users to edit the external_files_directory config parameter. This parameter is used for setting the directory that stores the files upon which external tables are based and restricts the path of files accessed via /insert/records/fromfiles and the SQL LOAD INTO command.

To update the directory:

  1. Adjust the directory in the external_files_directory field as necessary.


    The provided directory must exist prior to the update.

  2. Click Update.

  3. Confirm the cluster restart by clicking Yes. The cluster will restart and the setting will be updated.


Admin provides the ability to start, stop, or restart any of the Kinetica-managed services. KAgent must first check for the installed services across the cluster, then each service can be managed. Click Refresh to refresh the list of system services. The Admin tab also provides access to the Clone utility.



Clone provides the ability to clone a cluster's authentication settings, users, and/or data to another cluster. To clone a cluster:

  1. Select a Target Cluster from the drop-down menu.

  2. Select the Clone Options:

    • Authentication: the source cluster's authentication settings (LDAP, Kerberos, etc.) will be cloned to the target cluster
    • Users: the source cluster's users and permissions setup will be cloned to the target cluster
    • Data: the source cluster's data will be cloned to the target cluster
  3. Click Clone Cluster.


    Cloning a cluster should be performed during downtime as cloning a cluster while modifying any of the related data can lead to inconsistencies between the two clusters.



The Rings page allows users to add and configure high availability (HA) rings and create immediate ring backups.

  • Click + Ring to create a ring.
  • Click Refresh to refresh the list of rings.
  • Click Upgrade to proceed with a ring upgrade.
  • Click Clusters to display the Clusters page.
  • Click Enable HA to enable ring resiliency for the desired ring.
  • Click Config HA (once ring resiliency is enabled) to configure the most important high availability (HA) settings. See High Availability Configuration & Management for more information.
  • Click Backup to initiate a backup operation immediately; similar to the Backup Now functionality in Backups.
  • Click Logs to open the Gather Logs modal, which will assist in KAgent log gathering, KAgent package verification, and a process backtracing for the gpudb service of the selected cluster. Select the desired options and click Gather Logs to initiate the process; a download link will be presented once processing is complete.
  • Click X to delete the ring.

For more information on enabling and configuring HA rings, see High Availability Configuration & Management.



The Jobs page displays all historical and currently active KAgent jobs.

  • Click Refresh to refresh the list of jobs.
  • Click a job's Name to open a status window for the job.
  • Click Cancel to cancel a running job.
  • Click Clear Log to clear the log for this job.


The Logs page hosts the logs for each KAgent command and result during the verification and installation processes as well as any later interactions with KAgent. Click Refresh to refresh the log.



The Console window hosts a running log of KAgent's activity while it interacts with the local/provisioned instances to install or upgrade Kinetica and its components, create backups, and more. Click Show Details to display detailed information about each interaction.
