
Feature NameDescription
Admin Repair TableManually repair a corrupted table
Administration: Add HostAdds a host to the cluster.
Administration: Add RanksAdd new ranks to the Kinetica cluster
Administration: Alter HostAlter properties on a host currently in the cluster
Administration: Alter JobAlter a job
Administration: Begin BackupPrepares the system for a backup operation
Administration: End BackupEnd system backup mode
Administration: HA refreshRestarts HA to handle breaking conf changes
Administration: RebalanceRebalance data and/or shards across all nodes in a cluster
Administration: Remove HostRemoves a host from the cluster.
Administration: Remove RanksRemove rank(s) from the Kinetica cluster
Administration: Show AlertsShow a list of generated alerts.
Administration: Show Cluster OperationsShow cluster operations (add/remove ranks or rebalance) status
Administration: Show JobsShow the current jobs in GPUdb
Administration: Show ShardsShow the mapping of the shards to the ranks
Administration: Switch Over ProcessManually switch over one or more processes to another host
Administration: System OfflineTake the system offline
Administration: System ShutdownStop the database server application
Administration: Verify DatabaseVerify database is in a consistent state
Aggregate Convex HullCalculate and return the convex hull for a dataset
Aggregate Group ByCalculate unique combinations of values for the given columns in a given dataset
Aggregate HistogramPerform a histogram calculation given a table, column, and interval function
Aggregate K-meansRun the k-means algorithm on a dataset
Aggregate Min/MaxCalculate the min and max values of a column in a dataset
Aggregate Min/Max GeometryCalculate the min and max x- and y- coordinates of a geospatial geometry column in a dataset
Aggregate StatisticsCalculate statistics of a dataset
Aggregate Statistics by RangeDivide a dataset into bins and calculate statistics of the values
Aggregate UniqueFind unique values in a column
Alter BackupAlter a database backup
Alter CredentialAlter an existing credential
Alter Data SinkAlter an existing data sink
Alter Data SourceAlter an existing data source
Alter DirectoryAlter an existing directory in KiFS
Alter Resource GroupAlter an existing resource group
Alter RoleAlter a Role
Alter SchemaAlter a SQL-style schema.
Alter System PropertiesAlter system configuration
Alter TableModify various properties of a table or view
Alter Table ColumnsModify various properties of multiple columns in a table (multiple alter/table requests for columns)
Alter Table MetadataAlter metadata for tables
Alter Table MonitorAlter an existing table monitor
Alter TierAlter an existing tier
Alter UDF environmentAlter an existing UDF environment
Alter UserAlter a user
Alter VideoAlter a video.
Alter WalAlters table wal settings
Append RecordsAppend records from a source table to a target table based on the field map
Clear StatisticsClears statistics for column(s) in a table.
Clear TableDelete a table
Clear Table MonitorDeactivate a table monitor
Clear TriggerDelete a trigger
Collect StatisticsCollect statistics on a column.
Create Asynchronous JobCreate a new job to be executed asynchronously
Create BackupCreate a database backup
Create CredentialCreate a new credential.
Create Data SinkCreate a data sink
Create Data SourceCreate a data source
Create DirectoryCreate a directory in KiFS
Create External TableCreate a new external table
Create External UserCreate a new external user
Create GraphCreate a new graph network.
Create Internal UserCreate a new internal user
Create Join TableCreate a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN
Create Materialized ViewBegin the creation a materialized view
Create ProcCreate a proc
Create ProjectionCreate a projection of an existing table
Create Resource GroupCreate a new resource group
Create RoleCreate a new role
Create SchemaCreate a SQL-style schema.
Create TableCreate a new table
Create Table MonitorCreate a table monitor that will watch for and queue any records added
Create Trigger by AreaCreate a table trigger for new records falling within a 2-D boundary
Create Trigger by RangeCreate a table trigger for new records falling within a 1-D range
Create TypeCreate a table record type
Create UDF EnvironmentCreate a UDF environment
Create UnionCreate a table that is the merge of one or more tables
Create VideoCreate a video.
Delete DirectoryDelete a directory from KiFS
Delete FilesDelete one or more files from KiFS
Delete GraphDeletes a graph.
Delete ProcDelete a proc
Delete RecordsDelete matching records from a dataset
Delete Resource GroupDeletes a resource group
Delete RoleDelete an existing role
Delete UserDelete an existing user
Download FilesDownload one or more files from KiFS
Drop CredentialDrop an existing credential
Drop Data SinkDrop an existing data sink
Drop Data SourceDrop an existing data source
Drop SchemaDrop an existing SQL-style schema.
Drop UDF EnvironmentDrop an existing UDF environment
Execute ProcExecute a proc
Execute SQLExecute a SQL statement (query, DML, or DDL)
Export Query MetricsExport query metrics to a given destination.
Export records from tableExport records from table
FilterFilter a dataset for records matching an expression
Filter Geometry by AreaFilter a dataset for geospatial geometry objects intersecting a 2-D polygon
Filter Geometry by BoxFilter a dataset for geospatial geometry objects intersecting a rectangle's boundary
Filter Geometry by RadiusFilter a dataset for geospatial geometry objects intersecting a circle's boundary
Filter by AreaFilter a dataset for records falling within a 2-D polygon's boundary
Filter by BoxFilter a dataset for records within a rectangle's boundary
Filter by GeometryFilter a dataset for records in relation to a given WKT geometry's boundary
Filter by ListFilter a dataset for records with specific column values
Filter by RadiusFilter a dataset for records within a circle's boundary
Filter by RangeFilter a dataset for records within a 1-D range
Filter by SeriesFilter a dataset for records within a track's space/time boundary
Filter by StringFilter a dataset for records with matching column text values
Filter by TableFilter a dataset for records with column values matching another table's column values
Filter by ValueFilter a dataset for records matching a specific value
Get Asynchronous Job ResultGet the status and result of asynchronously running job
Get JSON RecordsGet records in JSON format
Get RecordsRetrieve records from a table with optional filtering and sorting
Get Records by ColumnRetrieve the values of the given columns within a specified range.
Get Records by SeriesRetrieve the complete series/track records from partial track information
Get Records from Collection[DEPRECATED] Retrieve records from a collection, optionally returning the record IDs
Grant Credential PermissionGrant a credential-level permission to a user or role
Grant Data Source PermissionGrant a data source permission to a user or role
Grant Directory PermissionGrant a KiFS directory-level permission to a user or role
Grant PermissionGrant user or role the specified permission on the specified object
Grant Proc PermissionGrant a proc-level permission to a user or role
Grant RoleGrant membership in a role to a user or role
Grant System PermissionGrant a system-level permission to a user or role
Grant Table PermissionGrant a table-level permission to a user or role
Has PermissionCheck if user has specified permission on the specified object
Has ProcCheck for existence of specified proc
Has RoleCheck if user has specified role
Has SchemaCheck for the existence of specified schema
Has TableCheck for the existence of specified table
Has TypeCheck for the existence of specified type
Insert JSON RecordsInsert records in JSON format
Insert RecordsAdd records to specified table
Insert Records RandomGenerate random records and insert into specified table
Insert Records from File(s)Insert records from one or more files into the specified target table
Insert Records from PayloadInsert records from a text-based or binary payload into the specified target table
Insert Records from external databaseInsert records from external database from a given query into the specified target table
Insert Records to table in external databaseExports records from source table to the specified target table in an external database
Insert SymbolAdd rendering symbol or icon to the database
Kill ProcKill a running proc instance
Lock TableSet read or write locks on a table
Match GraphMatch sample points to a graph.
Merge RecordsMerge records from multiple source tables to a new result table
Modify GraphUpdate an existing graph network.
Query GraphQueries an existing graph.
Repartition GraphRebalance existing partitioned graph network.
Restore BackupRestores a backup
Revoke Credential PermissionRevoke a credential-level permission from a user or role
Revoke Data Source PermissionRevoke a data source permission from a user or role
Revoke Directory PermissionRevoke a KiFS directory-level permission from a user or role
Revoke PermissionRevoke from user or role the specified permission on the specified object
Revoke Proc PermissionRevoke a proc-level permission from a user or role
Revoke RoleRevoke membership in a role from a user or role
Revoke System PermissionRevoke a system-level permission from a user or role
Revoke Table PermissionRevoke a table-level permission from a user or role
Show BackupShow information about a backup.
Show CredentialShow information about a credential.
Show Data SinkShow information about a data sinks.
Show Data SourceShow information about a data source.
Show DirectoriesShow information about directories in KiFS
Show EnvironmentShow information about a environment.
Show FilesShow information about files in KiFS
Show GraphsInfo about graphs.
Show ProcShow information about a proc.
Show Proc StatusShow the statuses of running or completed proc instances.
Show Resource GroupShows information relating to resource objects
Show Resource StatisticsShow statistics for tier and resource groups
Show SQL ProcedureShow information about a SQL Procedure.
Show SchemaShow information about a single SQL-style schema or all schemas.
Show SecurityShow security information relating to users and/or roles.
Show System PropertiesShow the server configuration and version information
Show System StatusShow server configuration and health status
Show System TimingShow the last 100 requests, the request timing, and internal job id
Show TableShow information about tables, views, or schemas.
Show Table MetadataShow metadata for the specified table
Show Table MonitorsShow information about table monitors
Show Table StatisticsShow collected statistics for the specified table
Show Tables by TypeShow table names of specified type
Show TriggersShow information for specified or all triggers
Show TypesShow information for specified types
Show VideoRetrieve information about rendered videos.
Show WalShows information relating to table wal entries
Solve GraphSolves an existing graph.
Unpivot TableRotate column values into rows values.
Update RecordsPerform predicate-based updates to table data
Update Records by SeriesUpdate a view to include all series/track information for contained series/track
Upload FilesUpload one or more files to KiFS
Upload Files From URLUpload one or more files to KiFS from a URL list
Vector Tile ServiceVTS capability
Visualize Image ChartDraw a chart from specified tables and return it as an image.
Visualize IsochroneDraw isolines for travel results.
Web Map ServiceWMS capability