ANSI Virtual Catalog


The ANSI Virtual Catalog tables represent Kinetica's implementation of the Schemata section of the ISO/IEC 9075 (SQL:2003) database specification. This section defines the metadata tables that exist under the INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema. These tables contain information about the database's objects, relationships, & permissions.

Most of the metadata tables are implemented as logical views of the Kinetica Virtual Catalog tables, while some are logical views of other ANSI Virtual Catalog logical views. As such, they will be updated automatically to reflect changes in the database structure and processing state.

The information returned when querying the virtual catalogs is automatically filtered by the permissions of the querying user. For instance, regular users will only see the tables & views to which they have access when querying a virtual catalog table that lists all of the tables in the database, while system administrators will see all tables & views.

Catalog View List

The ANSI Virtual Catalog tables reside in the information_schema schema.

Virtual Catalog TableDescription

Users & roles. This is only a simple list, one record per unique user or role--it is not a list of mappings of roles to users and roles to roles.

Column NameDescription
ROLE_NAMEName of user or role
IS_GRANTABLETRUE for roles and FALSE for users
CHARACTER_SETSContains a single record with the supported character set, UTF-8.
COLUMNSColumns of tables & views and their respective types & statistics.
CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGEColumns with constraints and their containing schemas.
CONTEXT_RULESRules sections of SQL-GPT contexts.
CONTEXT_SAMPLESSamples sections of SQL-GPT contexts.
CONTEXT_TABLE_COLUMNSColumns of tables associated with SQL-GPT contexts.
CONTEXT_TABLESTables associated with SQL-GPT contexts.
CONTEXTSSQL-GPT contexts and their configuration.
DATABASESContains a single record with the database name and owner.
ENABLED_ROLESUsers & roles.
FIELDSColumns of tables & views and their respective types & statistics, also containing the object type of the containing table/view.
FUNCTIONSScalar, aggregate, window, and user-defined functions.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA_CATALOG_NAMEContains a single record with the catalog name, kinetica.
KEY_COLUMN_USAGEPrimary & foreign keys and their associated columns.
KI_CATALOG_VERSIONContains a single record with the virtual catalog schema version.
KI_LOAD_HISTORYRecord & statistics of each data load or export, subscription event, and data refresh.
KI_QUERY_ACTIVEActively running SQL statements, including DML & DDL.
KI_QUERY_HISTORYHistory of SQL statements run within the database, including DML & DDL; will not include multi-head ingest/egress.
KI_QUERY_SPAN_METRICSProcessing metrics of SQL statements run within the database, including DML & DDL; will not include multi-head ingest/egress.
KI_QUERY_SPAN_METRICS_BY_SQL_STEPProcessing metrics of SQL statements run within the database, aggregated on each execution phase of a given query/command.
KI_QUERY_WORKERSWorker ranks' status and their actively running tasks.
OBJECT_PRIVILEGESPrivileges granted, including the grantee, privilege type, and object to which access was granted.
REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTSForeign keys and their referenced unique constraints.
SCHEMATASchemas, containing all database objects.
TABLE_CONSTRAINTSPrimary & foreign keys and their respective types & statistics.
TABLE_PRIVILEGESPrivileges granted on tables & views.
TABLESTables & views and their respective types & statistics.
VIEWSViews and their respective definitions & statistics.