PostgreSQL Virtual Catalog


The PostgreSQL Virtual Catalog tables represent Kinetica's implementation of the PostgreSQL system catalog tables found in the pg_catalog schema. These These tables contain information about the database's objects, relationships, & permissions.

Most of the metadata tables are implemented as logical views of the Kinetica Virtual Catalog tables, while some are logical views of other PostgreSQL Virtual Catalog logical views. As such, they will be updated automatically to reflect changes in the database structure and processing state.

The information returned when querying the virtual catalogs is automatically filtered by the permissions of the querying user. For instance, regular users will only see the tables & views to which they have access when querying a virtual catalog table that lists all of the tables in the database, while system administrators will see all tables & views.

Catalog View List

The PostgreSQL Virtual Catalog tables reside in the pg_catalog schema.

Virtual Catalog TableDescription
geometry_columnsColumns of tables & views that have a GEOMETRY data type.
pg_attrdefColumns that have default values.
pg_attributeColumns of tables & views and their respective types & statistics.
pg_auth_membersUsers & roles and their granted roles, one record per user/role or role/role pair.
pg_authidUsers & roles and their respective attributes.
pg_classTables & views and their respective types and column counts.
pg_constraintPrimary & foreign keys.
pg_databaseContains a single record with the database name and information.
pg_default_aclContains a single record with the default table ACL for the public role.
pg_descriptionComments for tables & views.
pg_indexIndexes and their respective configurations.
pg_languageContains a single record with the supported procedure language, SQL.
pg_matviewsMaterialized views and their backing SQL, if created using SQL.
pg_namespaceSchemas, containing all database objects.
pg_procScalar, aggregate, window, and user-defined functions.
pg_rolesUsers & roles and their respective attributes.
pg_stat_all_tablesRow & byte counts for each object in the database.
pg_statsColumns of tables & views and their respective types.
pg_tablesTables & views.
pg_timezone_abbrevsContains a single record with the supported UTC timezone and its GMT offset.
pg_timezone_namesContains a single record with the supported UTC timezone name, abbreviation, and its GMT offset.
pg_typeSupported PostgreSQL column data types mapped to Kinetica types.
pg_userUsers and their respective attributes, from pg_authid.
pg_viewsLogical views and their backing queries.