The Kinetica Virtual Catalog tables contain metadata about the database's objects, relationships, & permissions.
The tables are implemented commensurate with their usage and storage requirements. As such, a variety of distribution and partitioning schemes will be used across the tables. These tables will be automatically updated to reflect changes in the database structure and processing state.
The information returned when querying the virtual catalogs is automatically filtered by the permissions of the querying user. For instance, regular users will only see the tables & views to which they have access when querying a virtual catalog table that lists all of the tables in the database, while system administrators will see all tables & views.
For queries that can be run against the catalog tables to return useful information about the structure and processing state of the database, see Useful Catalog Queries.
The Kinetica Virtual Catalog tables reside in the ki_catalog schema.
Catalog Table List
Virtual Catalog Table | Description |
ki_columns | Columns of tables & views and their respective types & statistics. |
ki_contexts | SQL-GPT context entries and their configuration. For each context, there will be one record per section--one for each table entry, one for global rules, and one for global samples. |
ki_datasource_subscriptions | Remote data subscriptions, associating data sources with their target load tables. |
ki_datasources | External data sources, their containing schemas and types. |
ki_datatypes | Supported column data types. |
ki_depend | Object dependencies for views, procedures, and result tables. |
ki_fk_constraints | Foreign keys, one record per column specified in each foreign key. |
ki_functions | Scalar, aggregate, window, and user-defined functions. |
ki_ingest_file_info | Name & date of data files loaded into the database. |
ki_kafka_lag_info | Remote Kafka subscriptions, and the index of both the most recently read & available messages per topic partition. |
ki_load_history | Record & statistics of each data load or export, subscription event, and data refresh. |
ki_obj_stat | Row & byte counts for each object in the database. |
ki_object_permissions | Privileges granted, including the grantee, privilege type, and object to which access was granted. |
ki_objects | Tables & views and their respective types & statistics. |
ki_query_active_all | Actively running SQL statements per worker rank, including DML & DDL. |
ki_query_history | History of SQL statements run within the database, including DML & DDL; will not include multi-head ingest/egress. |
ki_query_span_metrics_all | Processing metrics captured during the execution of commands on worker ranks. |
ki_query_workers | Worker ranks' status and their actively running tasks. |
ki_rag_embeddings | SQL-GPT context definitions and their associated embeddings, one record for each sample or table definition. |
ki_role_members | Users & roles and their granted roles, one record per user/role or role/role pair. |
ki_schemas | Schemas, containing all database objects. |
ki_tiered_objects | Tiered objects and their size within those tiers. Tip To retrieve the tiering information for a particular object, the object must be queried by fully-qualified name using the pseudo-column outer_object. |
ki_users_and_roles | Users & user roles. |
Catalog Column List
Each record in ki_columns represents a single column in a table or view for all tables & views in the database, including those in virtual catalog tables.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with this column, database-wide. |
schema_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the schema containing this column's table. See ki_schemas. |
schema_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the schema containing this column's table. |
table_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the table containing this column. See ki_objects. |
table_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the table containing this column. |
column_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of this column. |
column_position | INTEGER | Position of this column in its table, using a 0-based index. |
column_type_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the data type of this column. See ki_datatypes. |
column_size | BIGINT | Bytes used by each value in this column. |
is_nullable | INTEGER | Whether this column can be set to null. |
is_shard_key | INTEGER | Whether this column is a shard key or part of a composite shard key. |
is_primary_key | INTEGER | Whether this column is a primary key or part of a composite primary key. |
is_dist_encoded | INTEGER | Whether this column is dictionary-encoded. |
default_value | VARCHAR(256) | Not used. |
default_value_expr | VARCHAR(256) | The default value expression applied to this column. See Data Replacement for options. |
properties | VARCHAR(256) | Space-separated list of all column properties applied to this column. |
comments | VARCHAR(256) | User comments associated with this column. |
Each record in ki_contexts represents a top-level object within a SQL-GPT context. Objects can be one of the following:
- Table Definition - Rules, samples & comments that apply to the use of the given table specifically
- Rules Definition - Rules that apply globally when using the context
- Samples Definition - Samples that apply globally when using the context
Column Name | Column Type | Description | ||||||||
oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with this SQL-GPT context object. | ||||||||
context_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the SQL-GPT context containing this context object. | ||||||||
schema_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the schema containing the parent SQL-GPT context. See ki_schemas. | ||||||||
schema_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the schema containing the parent SQL-GPT context. | ||||||||
object_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of this SQL-GPT context object, denoting the type of context object it is.
| ||||||||
object_description | VARCHAR | The COMMENT associated with the table, if context object is a table definition. | ||||||||
object_rules | VARCHAR[] | The RULES associated with the table, if context object is a table definition; or the global rules associated with the overall context, if a rules definition. | ||||||||
object_comments | JSON | The COMMENTS associated with the table, if context object is a table definition--essentially, the column definitions for the table. | ||||||||
object_samples | JSON | The SAMPLES associated with the table, if context object is a table definition; or the global samples associated with the overall context, if a samples definition. | ||||||||
is_temp_context | BOOLEAN | Whether this context is temporary and will be removed when either its time-to-live expires or the database is restarted, whichever comes first. | ||||||||
ttl | INTEGER | Time-to-live, in seconds, for this context; if this context is not used for the associated TTL time span, it will be automatically removed. |
Each record in ki_datasource_subscriptions represents a subscription a single target table has through a single data source.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
datasource_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the data source used by this subscription. See ki_datasources. |
table_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the table to which subscribed data is written. See ki_objects. |
status | VARCHAR(16) | Current status of the subscription through the data source. |
jobid | BIGINT | System job ID associated with the data source. |
info | VARCHAR | JSON block of detail about the data source. |
Each record in ki_datasources represents a single data source.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
datasource_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with this data source. |
datasource_schema | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the schema containing this data source. |
datasource_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of this data source. |
datasource_kind | VARCHAR(8) | Provider associated with this data source. |
Each record in ki_datatypes represents a standard data type into which a supported data type can be translated. Not all supported data types will have a unique 1-to-1 mapping with the standard set, and not all data types listed in this table will have supported analogs in Kinetica.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with this data type. |
name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the data type. |
schema_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the schema containing this data type. See ki_schemas. |
creator | VARCHAR(256) | Not used. |
kind | VARCHAR(1) | Category of this data type; always B for Base type. |
size | INTEGER | Size, in bytes, of this data type; -1 indicates variable length. Note that fixed-width (charN) string columns will list their actual data type size in ki_columns. |
is_varying | INTEGER | Whether the data type is variable length. |
prec | INTEGER | Not used. |
scale | INTEGER | Not used. |
pg_typename | VARCHAR(32) | Name of the equivalent PostgreSQL type. |
sql_typename | VARCHAR(32) | Name of the equivalent ANSI SQL type. |
Each record in ki_depend represents a dependent relationship between a "source" object and an object that depends on it; for example, a view will depend on all of the tables & views referenced in its corresponding query.
Column Name | Column Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||
src_obj_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the source object depended on. | ||||||||||||||||
src_obj_kind | VARCHAR(1) | Type of the source object depended on.
| ||||||||||||||||
dep_obj_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the dependent object. | ||||||||||||||||
dep_obj_kind | VARCHAR(1) | Type of the dependent object.
| ||||||||||||||||
mv_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the associated materialized view (for materialized view components). | ||||||||||||||||
dep_kind | VARCHAR(1) | Not used. |
Each record in ki_fk_constraints represents a constrained column from either a primary key or foreign key relationship. For example, a table with a single primary key column will have one record in this table, while a composite foreign key linking two columns of one table to two columns of another will have two records in this table--one for each source-to-target column relation.
Column Name | Column Type | Description | ||||||
schema_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the schema containing this constrained table. See ki_schemas. | ||||||
schema_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the schema containing this constrained table. | ||||||
table_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the table containing this constraint. See ki_objects. | ||||||
table_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the table containing this constraint. | ||||||
parent_schema_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the schema containing the foreign table referenced by this constraint (for foreign key constraints). See ki_schemas. | ||||||
parent_schema_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the schema containing the foreign table referenced by this constraint (for foreign key constraints). | ||||||
parent_table_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the foreign table referenced by this constraint (for foreign key constraints). See ki_objects. | ||||||
parent_table_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the foreign table referenced by this constraint (for foreign key constraints). | ||||||
constraint_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of this constraint, if a foreign key constraint. | ||||||
unique_constraint_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of this primary key constraint, or the primary key referenced by this foreign key, auto-generated by the system. | ||||||
created_by | VARCHAR(256) | Username of user who created the constraint. | ||||||
creation_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of constraint creation. | ||||||
last_alter_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the most recent constraint update (initially, time of creation). | ||||||
is_enforced | INTEGER | Whether the constraint is enforced.
| ||||||
fk_column_count | INTEGER | Number of columns in the associated key (for foreign key constraints). | ||||||
fk_column_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of this constrained column referencing the primary key column of the foreign table (for foreign key constraints). | ||||||
fk_column_pos | INTEGER | 0-based index of the position of this constrained column among all columns in the foreign table referenced by this constraint (for foreign key constraints). | ||||||
pk_column_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of this constrained primary key column. For primary key constraints, this will be the name of this constrained column; for foreign key constraints, this will be the name of column in the foreign table referenced by this constrained column. | ||||||
pk_column_pos | INTEGER | 0-based index of the position of this primary key column among all columns in the constrained table. For primary key constraints, this will be the index of this column among all columns in the constrained table; for foreign key constraints, this will be the index of this column among all columns in the foreign table referenced by the constraint. | ||||||
fk_column_positions | INTEGER[] | 0-based indexes of all foreign key columns associated with this column constraint among all columns in the constrained table (for foreign key constraints). | ||||||
pk_column_positions | INTEGER[] | 0-based indexes of all primary key columns associated with this column constraint among all columns in the constrained table. For primary key constraints, this will be the list of column indexes among all columns in the constrained table; for foreign key constraints, this will be the list of column indexes among all columns in the foreign table referenced by the constraint. | ||||||
fk_def | VARCHAR(256) | Definition of the foreign key constraint (for foreign key constraints). | ||||||
pk_def | VARCHAR(256) | Definition of the primary key constraint. For primary key constraints, this will be the definition of the primary key on the constrained table; for foreign key constraints, this will be the definition of the primary key on the foreign table referenced by the constraint. | ||||||
comments | VARCHAR(256) | Not used. |
Each record in ki_functions represents a native scalar or aggregate function, a UDF/UDTF, or a SQL procedure.
Column Name | Column Type | Description | ||||||||||||
oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with this function. | ||||||||||||
schema_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the schema containing this function. See ki_schemas. | ||||||||||||
schema_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the schema containing this function. Native functions and UDFs are located in the pg_catalog schema, while SQL procedures are located in the schema specified by the user during creation. | ||||||||||||
name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of this function. | ||||||||||||
lang | VARCHAR(256) | Language in which this SQL procedure was written (for SQL procedures; always SQL). | ||||||||||||
variadic | INTEGER | Not used. | ||||||||||||
kind | VARCHAR(256) | Function type.
| ||||||||||||
volatile | VARCHAR(256) | Not used. | ||||||||||||
nargs | INTEGER | Number of parameters accepted by this function. | ||||||||||||
default_arg_count | INTEGER | Number of parameters accepted by this function with default values. | ||||||||||||
return_type_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the data type of this function's return value. See ki_datatypes. | ||||||||||||
arg_type_oid | BIGINT[] | Unique identifiers associated with the data types of this function's parameters. See ki_datatypes. | ||||||||||||
arg_types | VARCHAR[] | Names of the data types of this function's parameters. See ki_datatypes. | ||||||||||||
arg_names | VARCHAR | Not used. | ||||||||||||
creation_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of function creation. | ||||||||||||
last_alter_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the most recent function update (initially, time of creation). | ||||||||||||
created_by | VARCHAR(256) | Username of user who created this function. | ||||||||||||
properties | VARCHAR(256) | Not used. | ||||||||||||
info | VARCHAR(256) | Not used. |
Each record in ki_ingest_file_info represents the import from a single data file into the database or the export into a single data file from the database.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
file_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the data file imported from or exported into. |
jobid | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the system job responsible for processing the import/export request. |
start_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of import/export start. |
file_short_name | VARCHAR(64) | Name of data file. |
file_full_name | VARCHAR | Full path of data file. |
Each record in ki_kafka_lag_info represents a partition of a subscription a single target table has through a single Kafka data source and the indexes of the most recently read message and most recently available messages on that partition.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
datasource_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the Kafka data source used by this subscription. See ki_datasources. |
table_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the table to which subscribed data is written. See ki_objects. |
schema_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the schema containing the subscribed table. |
table_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the subscribed table. |
partition_id | INTEGER | ID of this Kafka partition, from which messages are being read. |
highest_offset | BIGINT | Index of the most recently available message on the Kafka partition. |
last_committed_offset | BIGINT | Index of the most recently read message from the Kafka partition. |
Each record in ki_load_history represents a process that was invoked during either the import into or export from the database. Multiple processes may be invoked for a single data processing task.
Column Name | Column Type | Description | ||||||||
table_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the table into which loaded data is inserted. See ki_objects. | ||||||||
datasource_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the data source or data sink used for this load (for loads that make use of either). See ki_datasources for loads that use a data source. | ||||||||
user_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the user who initiated the load. | ||||||||
jobid | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the system job responsible for the load. | ||||||||
rank_num | INTEGER | Index of the rank responsible for processing this segment of the load. | ||||||||
tom | INTEGER | Index of the TOM responsible for processing this segment of the load. | ||||||||
load_kind | VARCHAR(1) | Type of load.
| ||||||||
start_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of loading process start. | ||||||||
end_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of loading process end. | ||||||||
file_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the file imported from or exported into (for loads that make use of files). See ki_ingest_file_info. | ||||||||
line_num | BIGINT | Not used. | ||||||||
offset_val | BIGINT | Not used. | ||||||||
rows_processed | BIGINT | Number of records processed for this import/export. | ||||||||
rows_inserted | BIGINT | Number of records processed for this load that were either successfully imported into Kinetica or exported into a remote database (for imports of any kind and exports to tables). | ||||||||
rows_skipped | BIGINT | Number of records processed for this import that were skipped due to errors in the data (for imports). | ||||||||
event_message | VARCHAR | System messages relevant to the load process, including:
| ||||||||
num_errors | BIGINT | Number of errors encountered during processing. | ||||||||
additional_info | VARCHAR | Extra information about the load, depending on load type.
Each record in ki_obj_stat represents a single table or view in the database and its associated sizing statistics, including those in virtual catalog tables.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with this object. |
schema_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the schema containing this object. |
object_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of this object. |
row_count | BIGINT | Number of records contained in this object. |
bytes_per_row | BIGINT | Calculated average number of bytes per record for this object. |
total_bytes | BIGINT | Total number of raw bytes used by the table; this will not account for the extra RAM occupied by the unused portion of data chunks containing this table or the blocks used on disk to store the table. |
Each record in ki_object_permissions represents the mapping of a user or role to a system-level or object-level permission they have.
Column Name | Column Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||
grantor | BIGINT | Not used. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
role_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the user or role associated with this mapping. See ki_users_and_roles. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
role_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the user or role associated with this mapping. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
permission_type | VARCHAR(256) | Type of permission grant this mapping represents. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
object_type | VARCHAR(256) | Type of object grant this mapping represents (for object-level permissions).
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
object_schema_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the schema containing the granted object associated with this mapping. See ki_schemas. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
object_schema_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the schema containing the granted object associated with this mapping. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
object_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the granted object associated with this mapping. See ki_objects. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
object_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the granted object associated with this mapping. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
rls | VARCHAR(256) | Row-level security expression granted in this mapping (for table & view object grants). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
cls | VARCHAR(256) | Column-level security list of columns granted in this mapping (for table & view object grants). |
Each record in ki_objects represents a single table, view, or SQL procedure within the database, including those in the virtual catalog tables.
Column Name | Column Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||
oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with this object. | ||||||||||||||||
object_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of this object. | ||||||||||||||||
schema_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with the schema containing this object. See ki_schemas. | ||||||||||||||||
schema_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the schema containing this object. | ||||||||||||||||
type_id | VARCHAR(128) | Unique identifier associated with this table's definition (for tables & views). | ||||||||||||||||
shard_kind | VARCHAR(1) | Distribution scheme (for regular tables, materialized external tables, and materialized views).
| ||||||||||||||||
persistence | VARCHAR(1) | Whether the object will persist after a database restart.
| ||||||||||||||||
obj_kind | VARCHAR(1) | Object type.
| ||||||||||||||||
virtual | VARCHAR(1) | Virtual object type (for virtual objects).
| ||||||||||||||||
ext_obj_kind | VARCHAR(1) | External object type (for external tables).
| ||||||||||||||||
refresh_kind | VARCHAR(1) | Refresh scheme (for refreshable objects).
| ||||||||||||||||
refresh_period | DOUBLE | Number of seconds between refreshes (for refreshable objects). | ||||||||||||||||
column_count | INTEGER | Number of columns in this table (for tables & views). | ||||||||||||||||
has_index | INTEGER | Whether this object has an index of any kind on any of its columns. | ||||||||||||||||
creation_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of object creation. | ||||||||||||||||
last_alter_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the most recent table definition update (initially, time of creation). | ||||||||||||||||
last_update_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the most recent data update (initially, time of creation). | ||||||||||||||||
last_refresh_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of last data refresh (for refreshable objects; initially, time of creation). | ||||||||||||||||
created_by | VARCHAR(256) | Username of user who created this object. | ||||||||||||||||
execute_as | VARCHAR(256) | Username of user assigned as the execution user of this object (for executable objects). | ||||||||||||||||
ttl | INTEGER | Time-to-live of this object (for objects that can expire). | ||||||||||||||||
definition | VARCHAR(256) | Query that backs this view (for views). | ||||||||||||||||
comments | VARCHAR(256) | User comments associated with this object. |
Each record in ki_query_active_all represents the portion of a given query or REST endpoint call being run on a given worker rank at the time this catalog table was queried. It returns general information about the query portion running on the given worker rank. See ki_query_workers for worker-specific details.
Column Name | Column Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
job_id | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the system job responsible for the query. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
query_id | UUID | Unique identifier of the query being run. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
user_name | VARCHAR(64) | Name of the user who initiated the query. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
resource_group | VARCHAR(64) | Name of resource group governing this query's resource management. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
source_ip | VARCHAR(64) | IP address of user who initiated the query. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
endpoint | VARCHAR(64) | REST endpoint called to initiate the request (for SQL-based requests). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
execution_status | VARCHAR(32) | Status of the query processing.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
error_message | VARCHAR | Error message associated with failed query. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
start_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of query processing start. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
query_text | VARCHAR | SQL command issued (for SQL-based requests). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
user_data | VARCHAR | Supplemental information about the request. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
sql_step_count | INTEGER | Step number in processing this SQL command (for SQL-based requests). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
refresh_id | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the materialized view refresh being performed (for materialized view refreshes). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
is_mh | BOOLEAN | Whether the job is a multi-head ingest request. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
is_perpetual | BOOLEAN | Whether the job has no fixed end time (e.g., Kafka streaming data feed).
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
is_cancellable | BOOLEAN | Whether the job can be cancelled by a user. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
is_using_timeout | BOOLEAN | Whether the job can time out or not. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
source_rank | INTEGER | Number of the rank associated with this job. |
Each record in ki_query_history represents a single query or REST endpoint call made to the database. It will include all SQL queries, but not direct calls to DML-related endpoints, like:
- /delete/records
- /insert/records
- /insert/records/fromfiles
- /insert/records/frompayload
- /insert/records/fromquery
- /insert/records/json
- /insert/records/random
- /update/records
- /update/records/byseries
Column Name | Column Type | Description | ||||||||||
job_id | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the system job responsible for the query. | ||||||||||
query_id | UUID | Unique identifier of the query. | ||||||||||
user_name | VARCHAR(64) | Name of the user who initiated the query. | ||||||||||
endpoint | VARCHAR(64) | REST endpoint called to initiate the request (for SQL-based requests). | ||||||||||
execution_status | VARCHAR(32) | Final status of the query processing.
| ||||||||||
error_message | VARCHAR | Error message associated with failed query. | ||||||||||
query_text | VARCHAR | SQL command issued (for SQL-based requests). | ||||||||||
user_data | VARCHAR | Supplemental information about the request. | ||||||||||
start_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of query processing start. | ||||||||||
stop_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of query processing stop. | ||||||||||
sql_step_count | INTEGER | Step number in processing this SQL command (for SQL-based requests). | ||||||||||
refresh_id | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the materialized view refresh performed (for materialized view refreshes). | ||||||||||
resource_group | VARCHAR(64) | Name of resource group that governed this query's resource management. | ||||||||||
source_ip | VARCHAR(64) | IP address of user who initiated the query. |
Each record in ki_query_span_metrics_all represents an independent operation that was processed on a given rank in order to fulfill a given query request, along with the statistics collected for that operation. This table will have one entry for each rank involved in processing a given operation and the statistics collected for that rank, per step of the SQL executed.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
query_id | UUID | Unique identifier of the query request. See ki_query_active_all & ki_query_history. |
span_id | UNSIGNED BIGINT | Unique identifier of the metric span for this query. |
parent_span_id | UNSIGNED BIGINT | Not used. |
operator | VARCHAR(32) | Internal name for operation performed. Many operators will roughly match the name of the REST endpoints they serve. |
sql_step | INTEGER | Step number in processing this SQL command (for SQL-based requests). |
metric_data | JSON | JSON block of collected metrics. |
start_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of operation start on the associated rank. |
stop_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of operation stop on the associated rank. |
source_rank | INTEGER | Number of the rank on which this portion of the operation was processed and metrics collected. |
Each record in ki_query_workers represents the portion of a given query or REST endpoint call being run on a given worker rank at the time this catalog table was queried. It returns worker-specific information about the query portion running on the given worker rank. See ki_query_active_all for general query processing details.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
job_id | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the system job responsible for the query. |
worker_id | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the worker job responsible for its portion of the query. |
type | VARCHAR(64) | Type of worker process handling this portion of the query. |
internal_name | VARCHAR(64) | Internal name of worker process handling this portion of the query, if present. |
task_info | VARCHAR(64) | Worker task-specific information. |
thread_pool | VARCHAR(16) | Type of thread pool being used to service this portion of the query. |
status | VARCHAR(16) | Status of the processing of this portion of the query--one of:
blockers | VARCHAR(128) | Any dependencies that may be blocking the execution of this portion of the query. |
sql_step | INTEGER | Step number in processing this SQL command (for SQL-based requests). |
final_msg_set | BOOLEAN | Whether the final status has been recorded for this portion of the query. |
running_task_count | INTEGER | Number of running tasks relating to this portion of the query. |
queued_task_count | INTEGER | Number of queued tasks relating to this portion of the query. |
pending_async_tasks | INTEGER | Number of asynchronous tasks not yet complete for this portion of the query. |
elapsed_time_ms | BIGINT | Number of milliseconds that have passed since processing began on this portion of the query. |
exception | VARCHAR(256) | Any exception thrown during processing this portion of the query. |
source_rank | INTEGER | Number of the rank on which this portion of the query is being processed. |
Each record in ki_rag_embeddings represents a table or sample definition of a SQL-GPT context and its associated embeddings.
Column Name | Column Type | Description | ||||||
obj_id | VARCHAR | Unique identifier associated with this SQL-GPT context table or sample definition. | ||||||
context_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the SQL-GPT context containing this definition. | ||||||
obj_type | VARCHAR(8) | Type of SQL-GPT context definition this is.
| ||||||
embed_text | VARCHAR | Semicolon-separated compaction of the context definition fields. | ||||||
n_tokens | INTEGER | Number of tokens used in generating the embedding for this context definition. | ||||||
embedding | VECTOR(2048) | Embedding generated for this context definition. | ||||||
embed_model | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the model used to generate the embedding. |
Each record in ki_role_members represents the mapping of a role to a user or role that is a member of that role.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
role_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the parent role associated with this mapping. See ki_users_and_roles. |
role_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the parent role associated with this mapping. |
member_oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier of the user or role that has (is a member of) the parent role. See ki_users_and_roles. |
member_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of the user or role that has (is a member of) the parent role. |
grantor_oid | BIGINT | Not used. |
admin_option | INTEGER | Whether the member user/role can grant membership to the parent role to other users/roles; effectively, whether the member user/role has system_admin or system_user_admin permission. |
Each record in ki_schemas represents a schema in the database.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with this schema. |
schema_name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of this schema. |
created_by | VARCHAR(256) | Username of user who created this schema. |
creation_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of schema creation. |
last_alter_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the most recent schema modification (initially, time of creation). |
comments | VARCHAR | User comments associated with this schema. |
Each record in ki_tiered_objects represents a column of data from a given table, located within a given rank & tier. For instance, the oid column of the ki_objects table will likely have one entry for each combination of rank and tier in the database; on a database with two worker ranks, the column will have one entry for the RAM tier and one for the PERSIST tier on each of the two ranks, for a total of four entries for that single table column of data.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
size | BIGINT | Total number of bytes used by this object in this tier. |
id | VARCHAR(256) | Unique identifier of this tiered object; for tables, containing the tiered column & table name. |
priority | INTEGER | Eviction priority for this object in this tier. |
tier | INTEGER | Name of the tier associated with this object. |
evictable | BOOLEAN | Whether this tiered object is evictable from this tier. |
locked | BOOLEAN | Whether this tiered object is being processed by the tier management system. |
pin_count | INTEGER | Number of operations currently using this tiered object. |
owner_resource_group | VARCHAR(128) | Name of resource group governing this tiered object's tier position and eviction strategy. |
source_rank | INTEGER | Number of the rank associated with this tiered object. |
outer_object | VARCHAR(256) | Not used. |
Each record in ki_users_and_roles represents either a user or role.
Column Name | Column Type | Description | ||||||||
oid | BIGINT | Unique identifier associated with this user or role. | ||||||||
name | VARCHAR(256) | Name of this user or role. | ||||||||
can_login | INTEGER | Whether this user can log in to the database.
| ||||||||
is_external | INTEGER | Whether this user is externally authenticated or not.
| ||||||||
is_superuser | INTEGER | Whether this user/role has system_admin permission.
| ||||||||
can_create_role | INTEGER | Whether this user/role can create other users/roles; effectively, whether this user/role has system_admin or system_user_admin permission.
| ||||||||
can_create_schema | INTEGER | Whether this user/role can create schemas; effectively, whether this user/role has system_admin or system_write permission.
| ||||||||
can_bypass_rls | INTEGER | Whether this user/role can bypass row-level security; effectively, whether this user/role has system_admin permission.
| ||||||||
resource_group | INTEGER | resource group assigned to this user/role. | ||||||||
comments | VARCHAR(256) | Not used. |