Create a job which will run asynchronously. The response returns a job ID, which can be used to query the status and result of the job. The status and the result of the job upon completion can be requested by Get Asynchronous Job Result.
Input Parameter Description
Name | Type | Description | ||||
endpoint | string | Indicates which endpoint to execute, e.g. '/alter/table'. | ||||
request_encoding | string | The encoding of the request payload for the job. The default value is binary. The supported values are:
| ||||
data | bytes | Binary-encoded payload for the job to be run asynchronously. The payload must contain the relevant input parameters for the endpoint indicated in input parameter endpoint. Please see the documentation for the appropriate endpoint to see what values must (or can) be specified. If this parameter is used, then input parameter request_encoding must be binary or snappy. | ||||
data_str | string | JSON-encoded payload for the job to be run asynchronously. The payload must contain the relevant input parameters for the endpoint indicated in input parameter endpoint. Please see the documentation for the appropriate endpoint to see what values must (or can) be specified. If this parameter is used, then input parameter request_encoding must be json. | ||||
options | map of string to strings | Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).
Output Parameter Description
Name | Type | Description | ||||||
job_id | long | An identifier for the job created by this call. | ||||||
info | map of string to strings | Additional information. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).