Create Resource Group

Creates a new resource group to facilitate resource management.

Input Parameter Description

namestringName of the group to be created. Must contain only letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot begin with a digit. Must not match existing resource group name.
tier_attributesmap of string to maps of string to strings

Optional map containing tier names and their respective attribute group limits. The only valid attribute limit that can be set is max_memory (in bytes) for the VRAM & RAM tiers. For instance, to set max VRAM capacity to 1GB and max RAM capacity to 10GB, use: {'VRAM':{'max_memory':'1000000000'}, 'RAM':{'max_memory':'10000000000'}}. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
max_memoryMaximum amount of memory usable in the given tier at one time for this group.

Indicates the relative ranking among existing resource groups where this new resource group will be placed.

Supported ValuesDescription
firstMake this resource group the new first one in the ordering
lastMake this resource group the new last one in the ordering
beforePlace this resource group before the one specified by input parameter adjoining_resource_group in the ordering
afterPlace this resource group after the one specified by input parameter adjoining_resource_group in the ordering
adjoining_resource_groupstringIf input parameter ranking is before or after, this field indicates the resource group before or after which the current group will be placed; otherwise, leave blank. The default value is ''.
optionsmap of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
max_cpu_concurrencyMaximum number of simultaneous threads that will be used to execute a request, per rank, for this group. The minimum allowed value is 4.
max_dataMaximum amount of data, per rank, in bytes, that can be used by all database objects within this group. Set to -1 to indicate no upper limit. The minimum allowed value is -1.
max_scheduling_priorityMaximum priority of a scheduled task for this group. The minimum allowed value is 1. The maximum allowed value is 100.
max_tier_priorityMaximum priority of a tiered object for this group. The minimum allowed value is 1. The maximum allowed value is 10.

Output Parameter Description

namestringValue of input parameter name.
infomap of string to stringsAdditional information.