Filter Geometry by Radius

Calculates which geospatial geometry objects from a table intersect a circle with the given radius and center point (i.e. circular NAI). The operation is synchronous, meaning that a response will not be returned until all the objects are fully available. The response payload provides the count of the resulting set. A new resultant set (view) which satisfies the input circular NAI restriction specification is also created if a input parameter view_name is passed in as part of the request.

Input Parameter Description

table_namestringName of the table on which the filter by radius operation will be performed, in [schema_name.]table_name format, using standard name resolution rules. Must be an existing table.
view_namestringIf provided, then this will be the name of the view containing the results, in [schema_name.]view_name format, using standard name resolution rules and meeting table naming criteria. Must not be an already existing table or view. The default value is ''.
column_namestringName of the geospatial geometry column to be filtered.
x_centerdoubleValue of the longitude of the center. Must be within [-180.0, 180.0]. The minimum allowed value is -180. The maximum allowed value is 180.
y_centerdoubleValue of the latitude of the center. Must be within [-90.0, 90.0]. The minimum allowed value is -90. The maximum allowed value is 90.
radiusdoubleThe radius of the circle within which the search will be performed. Must be a non-zero positive value. It is in meters; so, for example, a value of '42000' means 42 km. The minimum allowed value is 0. The maximum allowed value is MAX_INT.
optionsmap of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys)Parameter Description

If true, a unique temporary table name will be generated in the sys_temp schema and used in place of input parameter view_name. This is always allowed even if the caller does not have permission to create tables. The generated name is returned in qualified_view_name. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
collection_name[DEPRECATED--please specify the containing schema for the view as part of input parameter view_name and use Create Schema to create the schema if non-existent] Name of a schema for the newly created view. If the schema provided is non-existent, it will be automatically created.

Output Parameter Description

countlongThe number of records passing the radius filter.
infomap of string to strings

Additional information. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Possible Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
qualified_view_nameThe fully qualified name of the view (i.e. including the schema)