Has Permission

Checks if the specified user has the specified permission on the specified object.

Input Parameter Description

principalstringName of the user for which the permission is being checked. Must be an existing user. If blank, will use the current user. The default value is ''.
objectstringName of object to check for the requested permission. It is recommended to use a fully-qualified name when possible.

The type of object being checked

Supported ValuesDescription
datasinkData Sink
datasourceData Source
directoryKiFS File Directory
graphA Graph object
procUDF Procedure
sql_procSQL Procedure
systemSystem-level access
tableDatabase Table
table_monitorTable monitor

Permission to check for.

Supported ValuesDescription
adminFull read/write and administrative access on the object.
connectConnect access on the given data source or data sink.
createAbility to create new objects of this type.
deleteDelete rows from tables.
executeAbility to Execute the Procedure object.
insertInsert access to tables.
readAbility to read, list and use the object.
updateUpdate access to the table.
user_adminAccess to administer users and roles that do not have system_admin permission.
writeAccess to write, change and delete objects.
optionsmap of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys)Parameter Description

If false will return an error if the provided input parameter object does not exist or is blank. If true then it will return false for output parameter has_permission. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

Output Parameter Description

principalstringValue of input parameter principal
objectstringFully-qualified value of input parameter object
object_typestringValue of input parameter object_type
permissionstringValue of input parameter permission

Indicates whether the specified user has the specified permission on the specified target.

Possible ValuesDescription
trueUser has the effective queried permission
falseUser does not have the queried permission
filtersmap of string to stringsMap of column/filters that have been granted.
infomap of string to stringsAdditional information.