Insert Records from Payload

Reads from the given text-based or binary payload and inserts the data into a new or existing table. The table will be created if it doesn't already exist.

Returns once all records are processed.

Input Parameter Description

table_namestringName of the table into which the data will be inserted, in [schema_name.]table_name format, using standard name resolution rules. If the table does not exist, the table will be created using either an existing type_id or the type inferred from the payload, and the new table name will have to meet standard table naming criteria.
data_textstringRecords formatted as delimited text
data_bytesbytesRecords formatted as binary data
modify_columnsmap of string to maps of string to stringsNot implemented yet. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).
create_table_optionsmap of string to strings

Options used when creating the target table. Includes type to use. The other options match those in Create Table . The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
type_idID of a currently registered type. The default value is ''.

If true, prevents an error from occurring if the table already exists and is of the given type. If a table with the same ID but a different type exists, it is still an error. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

Affects the distribution scheme for the table's data. If true and the given type has no explicit shard key defined, the table will be replicated. If false, the table will be sharded according to the shard key specified in the given type_id, or randomly sharded, if no shard key is specified. Note that a type containing a shard key cannot be used to create a replicated table. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
foreign_keysSemicolon-separated list of foreign keys, of the format '(source_column_name [, ...]) references target_table_name(primary_key_column_name [, ...]) [as foreign_key_name]'.
foreign_shard_keyForeign shard key of the format 'source_column references shard_by_column from target_table(primary_key_column)'.

Partitioning scheme to use.

Supported ValuesDescription
RANGEUse range partitioning.
INTERVALUse interval partitioning.
LISTUse list partitioning.
HASHUse hash partitioning.
SERIESUse series partitioning.
partition_keysComma-separated list of partition keys, which are the columns or column expressions by which records will be assigned to partitions defined by partition_definitions.
partition_definitionsComma-separated list of partition definitions, whose format depends on the choice of partition_type. See range partitioning, interval partitioning, list partitioning, hash partitioning, or series partitioning for example formats.

If true, a new partition will be created for values which don't fall into an existing partition. Currently only supported for list partitions. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
ttlSets the TTL of the table specified in input parameter table_name.
chunk_sizeIndicates the number of records per chunk to be used for this table.
chunk_column_max_memoryIndicates the target maximum data size for each column in a chunk to be used for this table.
chunk_max_memoryIndicates the target maximum data size for all columns in a chunk to be used for this table.

Indicates whether the table is a memory-only table. A result table cannot contain columns with text_search data-handling, and it will not be retained if the server is restarted. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
strategy_definitionThe tier strategy for the table and its columns.
optionsmap of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys)Parameter Description
avro_header_bytesOptional number of bytes to skip when reading an avro record.
avro_num_recordsOptional number of avro records, if data includes only records.
avro_schemaOptional string representing avro schema, for insert records in avro format, that does not include is schema.

When user provides 'avro_schema', avro data is assumed to be schemaless, unless specified. Default is 'true' when given avro_schema. Igonred when avro_schema is not given. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
bad_record_table_nameOptional name of a table to which records that were rejected are written. The bad-record-table has the following columns: line_number (long), line_rejected (string), error_message (string).
bad_record_table_limitA positive integer indicating the maximum number of records that can be written to the bad-record-table. Default value is 10000
bad_record_table_limit_per_inputFor subscriptions: A positive integer indicating the maximum number of records that can be written to the bad-record-table per file/payload. Default value will be 'bad_record_table_limit' and total size of the table per rank is limited to 'bad_record_table_limit'
batch_sizeInternal tuning parameter--number of records per batch when inserting data.
column_formatsFor each target column specified, applies the column-property-bound format to the source data loaded into that column. Each column format will contain a mapping of one or more of its column properties to an appropriate format for each property. Currently supported column properties include date, time, & datetime. The parameter value must be formatted as a JSON string of maps of column names to maps of column properties to their corresponding column formats, e.g., '{ "order_date" : { "date" : "%Y.%m.%d" }, "order_time" : { "time" : "%H:%M:%S" } }'. See default_column_formats for valid format syntax.
columns_to_loadSpecifies a comma-delimited list of columns from the source data to load. If more than one file is being loaded, this list applies to all files. Column numbers can be specified discretely or as a range. For example, a value of '5,7,1..3' will insert values from the fifth column in the source data into the first column in the target table, from the seventh column in the source data into the second column in the target table, and from the first through third columns in the source data into the third through fifth columns in the target table. If the source data contains a header, column names matching the file header names may be provided instead of column numbers. If the target table doesn't exist, the table will be created with the columns in this order. If the target table does exist with columns in a different order than the source data, this list can be used to match the order of the target table. For example, a value of 'C, B, A' will create a three column table with column C, followed by column B, followed by column A; or will insert those fields in that order into a table created with columns in that order. If the target table exists, the column names must match the source data field names for a name-mapping to be successful. Mutually exclusive with columns_to_skip.
columns_to_skipSpecifies a comma-delimited list of columns from the source data to skip. Mutually exclusive with columns_to_load.

Optional: payload compression type The default value is auto.

Supported ValuesDescription
autoDefault. Auto detect compression type
gzipgzip file compression.
bzip2bzip2 file compression.
default_column_formatsSpecifies the default format to be applied to source data loaded into columns with the corresponding column property. Currently supported column properties include date, time, & datetime. This default column-property-bound format can be overridden by specifying a column property & format for a given target column in column_formats. For each specified annotation, the format will apply to all columns with that annotation unless a custom column_formats for that annotation is specified. The parameter value must be formatted as a JSON string that is a map of column properties to their respective column formats, e.g., '{ "date" : "%Y.%m.%d", "time" : "%H:%M:%S" }'. Column formats are specified as a string of control characters and plain text. The supported control characters are 'Y', 'm', 'd', 'H', 'M', 'S', and 's', which follow the Linux 'strptime()' specification, as well as 's', which specifies seconds and fractional seconds (though the fractional component will be truncated past milliseconds). Formats for the 'date' annotation must include the 'Y', 'm', and 'd' control characters. Formats for the 'time' annotation must include the 'H', 'M', and either 'S' or 's' (but not both) control characters. Formats for the 'datetime' annotation meet both the 'date' and 'time' control character requirements. For example, '{"datetime" : "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" }' would be used to interpret text as "05/04/2000 12:12:11"

Specifies how errors should be handled upon insertion. The default value is abort.

Supported ValuesDescription
permissiveRecords with missing columns are populated with nulls if possible; otherwise, the malformed records are skipped.
ignore_bad_recordsMalformed records are skipped.
abortStops current insertion and aborts entire operation when an error is encountered. Primary key collisions are considered abortable errors in this mode.

Specifies the type of the file(s) whose records will be inserted. The default value is delimited_text.

Supported ValuesDescription
avroAvro file format
delimited_textDelimited text file format; e.g., CSV, TSV, PSV, etc.
gdbEsri/GDB file format
jsonJson file format
parquetApache Parquet file format
shapefileShapeFile file format

Specifies how to handle nested columns. The default value is false.

Supported ValuesDescription
trueBreak up nested columns to multiple columns
falseTreat nested columns as json columns instead of flattening
gdal_configuration_optionsComma separated list of gdal conf options, for the specific requets: key=value. The default value is ''.

Specifies the record collision error-suppression policy for inserting into a table with a primary key, only used when not in upsert mode (upsert mode is disabled when update_on_existing_pk is false). If set to true, any record being inserted that is rejected for having primary key values that match those of an existing table record will be ignored with no error generated. If false, the rejection of any record for having primary key values matching an existing record will result in an error being reported, as determined by error_handling. If the specified table does not have a primary key or if upsert mode is in effect (update_on_existing_pk is true), then this option has no effect. The default value is false.

Supported ValuesDescription
trueIgnore new records whose primary key values collide with those of existing records
falseTreat as errors any new records whose primary key values collide with those of existing records

Whether to do a full load, dry run, or perform a type inference on the source data. The default value is full.

Supported ValuesDescription
fullRun a type inference on the source data (if needed) and ingest
dry_runDoes not load data, but walks through the source data and determines the number of valid records, taking into account the current mode of error_handling.
type_inference_onlyInfer the type of the source data and return, without ingesting any data. The inferred type is returned in the response.
layerOptional: geo files layer(s) name(s): comma separated. The default value is ''.

Scheme for distributing the extraction and loading of data from the source data file(s). This option applies only when loading files that are local to the database The default value is head.

Supported ValuesDescription
headThe head node loads all data. All files must be available to the head node.
distributed_sharedThe head node coordinates loading data by worker processes across all nodes from shared files available to all workers. NOTE: Instead of existing on a shared source, the files can be duplicated on a source local to each host to improve performance, though the files must appear as the same data set from the perspective of all hosts performing the load.
distributed_localA single worker process on each node loads all files that are available to it. This option works best when each worker loads files from its own file system, to maximize performance. In order to avoid data duplication, either each worker performing the load needs to have visibility to a set of files unique to it (no file is visible to more than one node) or the target table needs to have a primary key (which will allow the worker to automatically deduplicate data). NOTE: If the target table doesn't exist, the table structure will be determined by the head node. If the head node has no files local to it, it will be unable to determine the structure and the request will fail. If the head node is configured to have no worker processes, no data strictly accessible to the head node will be loaded.
local_time_offsetFor Avro local timestamp columns
max_records_to_loadLimit the number of records to load in this request: If this number is larger than a batch_size, then the number of records loaded will be limited to the next whole number of batch_size (per working thread). The default value is ''.
num_tasks_per_rankOptional: number of tasks for reading file per rank. Default will be external_file_reader_num_tasks
poll_intervalIf true, the number of seconds between attempts to load external files into the table. If zero, polling will be continuous as long as data is found. If no data is found, the interval will steadily increase to a maximum of 60 seconds.
primary_keysOptional: comma separated list of column names, to set as primary keys, when not specified in the type. The default value is ''.
shard_keysOptional: comma separated list of column names, to set as primary keys, when not specified in the type. The default value is ''.
skip_linesSkip number of lines from begining of file.

Continuously poll the data source to check for new data and load it into the table. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

Optional: table_insert_mode. When inserting records from multiple files: if table_per_file then insert from each file into a new table. Currently supported only for shapefiles. The default value is single. The supported values are:

  • single
  • table_per_file
text_comment_stringSpecifies the character string that should be interpreted as a comment line prefix in the source data. All lines in the data starting with the provided string are ignored. For delimited_text file_type only. The default value is '#'.
text_delimiterSpecifies the character delimiting field values in the source data and field names in the header (if present). For delimited_text file_type only. The default value is ','.
text_escape_characterSpecifies the character that is used to escape other characters in the source data. An 'a', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', or 'v' preceded by an escape character will be interpreted as the ASCII bell, backspace, form feed, line feed, carriage return, horizontal tab, & vertical tab, respectively. For example, the escape character followed by an 'n' will be interpreted as a newline within a field value. The escape character can also be used to escape the quoting character, and will be treated as an escape character whether it is within a quoted field value or not. For delimited_text file_type only.

Indicates whether the source data contains a header row. For delimited_text file_type only. The default value is true. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
text_header_property_delimiterSpecifies the delimiter for column properties in the header row (if present). Cannot be set to same value as text_delimiter. For delimited_text file_type only. The default value is '|'.
text_null_stringSpecifies the character string that should be interpreted as a null value in the source data. For delimited_text file_type only. The default value is '\N'.
text_quote_characterSpecifies the character that should be interpreted as a field value quoting character in the source data. The character must appear at beginning and end of field value to take effect. Delimiters within quoted fields are treated as literals and not delimiters. Within a quoted field, two consecutive quote characters will be interpreted as a single literal quote character, effectively escaping it. To not have a quote character, specify an empty string. For delimited_text file_type only. The default value is '"'.
text_search_columnsAdd 'text_search' property to internally inferenced string columns. Comma seperated list of column names or '*' for all columns. To add text_search property only to string columns of minimum size, set also the option 'text_search_min_column_length'
text_search_min_column_lengthSet minimum column size. Used only when 'text_search_columns' has a value.

If set to true, truncate string values that are longer than the column's type size. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

If set to true, truncates the table specified by input parameter table_name prior to loading the file(s). The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

optimize type inference for: The default value is accuracy.

Supported ValuesDescription
accuracyScans data to get exactly-typed & sized columns for all data scanned.
speedScans data and picks the widest possible column types so that 'all' values will fit with minimum data scanned

Specifies the record collision policy for inserting into a table with a primary key. If set to true, any existing table record with primary key values that match those of a record being inserted will be replaced by that new record (the new data will be "upserted"). If set to false, any existing table record with primary key values that match those of a record being inserted will remain unchanged, while the new record will be rejected and the error handled as determined by ignore_existing_pk & error_handling. If the specified table does not have a primary key, then this option has no effect. The default value is false.

Supported ValuesDescription
trueUpsert new records when primary keys match existing records
falseReject new records when primary keys match existing records

Output Parameter Description

table_namestringValue of input parameter table_name.
type_idstringID of the currently registered table structure type for the target table
type_definitionstringA JSON string describing the columns of the target table
type_labelstringThe user-defined description associated with the target table's structure
type_propertiesmap of string to arrays of stringsA mapping of each target table column name to an array of column properties associated with that column
count_insertedlongNumber of records inserted into the target table.
count_skippedlongNumber of records skipped, when not running in abort error handling mode.
count_updatedlong[Not yet implemented] Number of records updated within the target table.
infomap of string to stringsAdditional information.