03.010500.20 | INFO | Adding host to cluster |
Alter-cluster configuration action: <add_host>, host: <address> |
03.010501.20 | INFO | Alter host configuration |
Alter-cluster configuration action: <alter_host>, host: <address> |
03.010502.20 | INFO | Removed host from cluster |
Alter-cluster configuration action: <remove_host>, host: <address> |
03.020501.20 | INFO | Added rank to cluster |
The cluster operation: <adding_ranks> has status: <cluster_operation_status> |
03.020502.20 | INFO | Rebalancing data in cluster |
The cluster operation: <rebalancing> has status: <cluster_operation_status> |
03.020503.20 | INFO | Removing rank and rebalancing data |
The cluster operation: <rebalancing_for_removing_ranks> has status: <cluster_operation_status> |
03.020504.20 | INFO | Removing rank from cluster |
The cluster operation: <removing_ranks> has status: <cluster_operation_status> |
03.020505.20 | INFO | Changing the number of ranks in cluster |
The cluster operation: <resizing_cluster> has status: <cluster_operation_status> |
03.020506.20 | INFO | Cluster set to backup mode |
The cluster operation: <backing_up> has status: <cluster_operation_status> |
03.020507.20 | INFO | Migrating component |
The cluster operation: <migrating> has status: <cluster_operation_status> |
03.020508.50 | FATAL | Irrecoverable error (restart required) |
The database cluster had an irrecoverable error and must be restarted. Message: <cluster_operation_status> |
03.030000.20 | INFO | Configuration file loaded successfully |
Configuration file: '<gpudb_conf_filename>' has been successfully loaded. |
03.030300.40 | ERROR | Configuration parameter is invalid |
<details about parameter> |
03.032200.40 | ERROR | Configuration file missing |
Configuration file: '<gpudb_conf_filename>' is missing. |
03.032400.40 | ERROR | Configuration file parse error |
Unable to parse configuration file: '<gpudb_conf_filename>', msg:<error_msg> |
03.033400.40 | ERROR | Configuration file write error |
Configuration file: '<gpudb_conf_filename>' is not writable. |
03.050800.40 | ERROR | UDF initialization failed |
Function Environments initialization failed, will be disabled (error: <message>) |
03.051600.40 | ERROR | KiFS is not active |
KiFS not active |
03.052500.40 | ERROR | Error running startup proc |
Error decoding execute_proc_request for proc '<first>' to run at startup: <error_msg> |
03.060200.30 | WARN | GPU allocation failure |
GPU allocation limit exceeded when requesting additional: <failure_size> bytes, using CPU fallback allocator. |
03.060700.40 | ERROR | GPU device error |
<details about GPU error> |
03.090800.25 | UERR | Job failed |
Request failed with JobId:<jobid> to: <request_uri>. <error_message> |
03.090800.40 | ERROR | Job failed since the system is limited |
Unable to process request with JobId:<jobid> to: <request_uri>, system is in a limited state. <error_message> |
03.090900.25 | UERR | Job processing exception |
Unable to process credentials for user: <cred_username>, endpoint: <request_uri>, what:<error_msg> |
03.091400.25 | UERR | User impersonation denied for request |
External user <remote_user> does not have permission to impersonate for endpoint: <request_uri> |
03.091700.25 | UERR | Invalid credentials for request |
Invalid credentials for endpoint: <request_uri>, user: <cred_username> |
03.091900.20 | INFO | Job canceled |
Request canceled with JobId:<jobid> to: <uri>. <error_message> |
03.092000.30 | WARN | HTTP request limit reached |
HTTP request server has reached max number of concurrent and queued connections and is refusing connections. <http_server_info> |
03.092600.20 | INFO | Rank is not accepting jobs |
Rank is not accepting jobs, rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<rank_status>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.092700.20 | INFO | Rank is accepting jobs |
Rank is accepting jobs, rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<rank_status>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.093100.30 | WARN | Job times out |
Job timed out, received: <time>, job_id:<job_id>, endpoint_name:<endpoint_name>, client_ip:<client_ip>, read_table_names:<read_table_names>, write_table_names:<write_table_names>, user_data:<user_data> |
03.093200.25 | UERR | Request unauthorized |
Invalid or missing credentials for endpoint: <request_uri> <details> |
03.093500.25 | UERR | User is deactivated |
User not activated for endpoint: <request_uri>, remote user: <remote_user> |
03.100800.50 | FATAL | Licensed for only a single host |
License error: <Kinetica Trial Edition limited to a single host> <details> |
03.100801.50 | FATAL | License key GPU limit exceeded |
License error: <GPU limit exceeded> <details> |
03.100802.50 | FATAL | License key is for different hardware |
License error: <Licensed for different hardware> <details> |
03.100803.50 | FATAL | License key is for a different machine |
License error: <Licensed for a different machine> <details> |
03.100804.50 | FATAL | License key memory limit exceeded |
License error: <Cluster memory limit exceeded> <details> |
03.100805.50 | FATAL | License key has expired |
License error: <Expired> <details> |
03.100806.50 | FATAL | License key is invalid |
License error: <Invalid> <details> |
03.100807.50 | FATAL | License key is missing |
License error: <Missing> <details> |
03.100808.50 | FATAL | Licence key is not authorized |
License error: <Unauthorized> <details> |
03.110501.20 | INFO | Migration to new host required for component |
Migration <migration_id> status change, <details> |
03.110502.20 | INFO | Migration of component attempting failover to another host |
Migration <migration_id> status change, <details> |
03.110503.20 | INFO | Migrating component to new host |
Migration <migration_id> status change, <details> |
03.110504.20 | INFO | Migrated component to new host successfully |
Migration <migration_id> status change, <details> |
03.110805.40 | ERROR | Migration of component to new host failed |
Migration <migration_id> failed, <details> |
03.120501.20 | INFO | Rank mode changed to removed |
The rank mode has been set for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<removed>, rank_status:<rank_status>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.120502.20 | INFO | Rank mode changed to stop |
The rank mode has been set for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<stop>, rank_status:<rank_status>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.120503.20 | INFO | Rank mode changed to adding |
The rank mode has been set for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<adding>, rank_status:<rank_status>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.120504.20 | INFO | Rank mode changed to run |
The rank mode has been set for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<run>, rank_status:<rank_status>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.140501.20 | INFO | Blocking unsharded ingest before removing rank |
Removing rank: <rank> on host: <hostname>, status: <block_jobs> |
03.140502.20 | INFO | Cleared persist of removed rank |
Removing rank: <rank> on host: <hostname>, status: <persist_cleared> |
03.162001.30 | WARN | Resource group has reached vram limit |
Resource group: '<name>' memory limit reached, requested:<amount>, used:<usage>, limit:<limit> |
03.162002.30 | WARN | Resource group has reached ram limit |
Resource group: '<name>' memory limit reached, requested:<amount>, used:<usage>, limit:<limit> |
03.162003.30 | WARN | Resource group has reached disk cache limit |
Resource group: '<name>' memory limit reached, requested:<amount>, used:<usage>, limit:<limit> |
03.162004.30 | WARN | Resource group has reached persist limit |
Resource group: '<name>' memory limit reached, requested:<amount>, used:<usage>, limit:<limit> |
03.162005.30 | WARN | Resource group has reached cold store limit |
Resource group: '<name>' memory limit reached, requested:<amount>, used:<usage>, limit:<limit> |
03.171500.20 | INFO | SQL request |
<sql_request> |
03.180502.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to start |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<start>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180503.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to post |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<post>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180504.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to parsed configuration |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<parsed_conf>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180505.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to enumerated hardware |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<enum_hardware>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180507.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to starting systems |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<starting_systems>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180508.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to started systems |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<started_systems>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180509.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to loading data |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<loading_data>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180510.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to loaded data |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<loaded_data>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180511.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to updating shards |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<updating_shards>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180512.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to updated shards |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<updated_shards>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180513.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to syncing |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<syncing>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180514.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to added rank ready |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<added_rank_ready>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180515.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to updating views |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<updating_views>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180516.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to updated views |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<updated_views>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180517.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to running |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<running>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180518.40 | ERROR | Rank status changed to limited and is unable process requests |
Rank: <rank> on host: <hostname> is <rank_status> |
03.180519.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to stopped jobs |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<stopped_jobs>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180520.40 | ERROR | Rank status changed to not responding |
Rank: <rank> on host: <hostname> is <rank_status> |
03.180521.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to shutting down |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<shutting_down>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180522.20 | INFO | Rank status changed to shutdown |
The rank status has been updated for rank:<rank>, rank_mode:<rank_mode>, rank_status:<shutdown>, start_count:<start_count>, hostname:<hostname> |
03.180522.40 | ERROR | Rank status changed to shutdown due to error |
Rank: <rank> on host: <hostname> is <rank_status> |
03.180523.40 | ERROR | Rank status changed to terminated |
Rank: <rank> on host: <hostname> is <rank_status> |
03.190900.40 | ERROR | Table monitor error |
Unable to prepare and send change notification for table <table_name>. <error_msg> |
03.211301.30 | WARN | High-water mark eviction cycle in vram tier |
High-water mark limit reached in tier: <vram>, beginning eviction cycle. current size:<current_size>, high:<high_watermark_size> low:<low_watermark_size> |
03.211302.30 | WARN | High-water mark eviction cycle in ram tier |
High-water mark limit reached in tier: <ram>, beginning eviction cycle. current size:<current_size>, high:<high_watermark_size> low:<low_watermark_size> |
03.211303.30 | WARN | High-water mark eviction cycle in disk cache tier |
High-water mark limit reached in tier: <disk>, beginning eviction cycle. current size:<current_size>, high:<high_watermark_size> low:<low_watermark_size> |
03.211304.30 | WARN | High-water mark eviction cycle in persist tier |
High-water mark limit reached in tier: <persist>, beginning eviction cycle. current size:<current_size>, high:<high_watermark_size> low:<low_watermark_size> |
03.211305.30 | WARN | High-water mark eviction cycle in cold storage tier |
High-water mark limit reached in tier: <cold>, beginning eviction cycle. current size:<current_size>, high:<high_watermark_size> low:<low_watermark_size> |
03.212004.30 | WARN | Persist tier is full |
Requested amount exceeds tier capacity, Need: <bytes_needed>, TotalRequested: <bytes_requested>, Avail: <bytes_available> |
03.212504.40 | ERROR | Persist file read error |
Unable to load table data file: '<name>' |
03.230800.40 | ERROR | Unable to upgrade table data to current version |
Error upgrading table <table_name> <reason> |