
Query Graph - Social (No External Dataset)

The following is a complete example, using the Python API, of querying social relationship data via the /query/graph endpoint. For more information on Network Graphs & Solvers, see Network Graphs & Solvers Concepts.


The prerequisites for running the query graph example are listed below:

Python API Installation

The native Kinetica Python API is accessible through the following means:

  • For development on the Kinetica server:
  • For development not on the Kinetica server:

Kinetica RPM

In default Kinetica installations, the native Python API is located in the /opt/gpudb/api/python directory. The /opt/gpudb/bin/gpudb_python wrapper script is provided, which sets the execution environment appropriately.

Test the installation:

/opt/gpudb/bin/gpudb_python /opt/gpudb/api/python/examples/


When developing on the Kinetica server, use /opt/gpudb/bin/gpudb_python to run Python programs and /opt/gpudb/bin/gpudb_pip to install dependent libraries.


  1. In the desired directory, run the following but be sure to replace <kinetica-version> with the name of the installed Kinetica version, e.g., v7.0:

    git clone -b release/<kinetica-version> --single-branch
  2. Change directory into the newly downloaded repository:

    cd kinetica-api-python
  3. In the root directory of the unzipped repository, install the Kinetica API:

    sudo python install
  4. Test the installation (Python 2.7 (or greater) is necessary for running the API example):

    python examples/


The Python package manager, pip, is required to install the API from PyPI.

  1. Install the API:

    pip install gpudb --upgrade
  2. Test the installation:

    python -c "import gpudb;print('Import Successful')"

    If Import Successful is displayed, the API has been installed as is ready for use.

Script Detail

This example is going to demonstrate querying a social network of relationships between friends and family for:

  • people directly or indirectly known to a given person who are interested in chess but not known through family
  • people directly known to a given gender
  • people who are of a given gender or interested in chess
  • people directly or indirectly known to a given gender who are interested in chess

The graph queried in the examples below looks like this:



Several constants are defined at the beginning of the script:

  • HOST / PORT -- host and port values for the database
  • OPTION_NO_ERROR -- reference to a /clear/table option for ease of use and repeatability
  • TABLE_P / TABLE_K -- the names for the tables into which the datasets generated in this file are loaded. These datasets will serve as the basis for the social relationships graph. TABLE_P is a record of a person's name, age, and interest; TABLE_K defines the relationships between the people
  • GRAPH_S -- the social relationships graph
  • TABLE_Q1 / TABLE_Q2 / TABLE_Q3 / TABLE_Q4 -- the resulting adjacency tables from the four query examples performed in the script
  • TABLE_Q1_TARGETS / TABLE_Q2_TARGETS / TABLE_Q3_TARGETS / TABLE_Q4_TARGETS-- the table storing the targets from the first query

HOST = ""
PORT = "9191"

OPTION_NO_ERROR = {"no_error_if_not_exists": "true"}

TABLE_P = "people"
TABLE_K = "knows"

GRAPH_S = "social_relationships"
TABLE_Q1 = GRAPH_S + "_queried_jane_to_chess"
TABLE_Q2 = GRAPH_S + "_queried_males"
TABLE_Q3 = GRAPH_S + "_queried_females_or_chess"
TABLE_Q4 = GRAPH_S + "_queried_females_to_chess"
TABLE_Q1_TARGETS = TABLE_Q1 + "_targets"
TABLE_Q2_TARGETS = TABLE_Q2 + "_targets"
TABLE_Q3_TARGETS = TABLE_Q3 + "_targets"
TABLE_Q4_TARGETS = TABLE_Q4 + "_targets"

Table Setup

As mentioned previously, there are two tables used in the graph creation step. The first of these tables is the people table. The type for this table is first defined:

p_columns = [
    ["name", "string", "char16"],
    ["age", "int"],
    ["interest", "string", "char16"],
    ["gender", "string", "char8"]

Next, the people table is created using the GPUdbTable interface:

table_p_obj = gpudb.GPUdbTable(

Finally, the people records are defined and inserted:

p_records = [
  ["Susan", 22, "dance", "female"],
  ["Bill", 60, "golf", "male"],
  ["Alex", 34, "chess", "male"],
  ["Jane", 40, "business", "female"],
  ["Tom", 29, "chess", "male"]

The second table is the knows table. The type for this table is first defined:

k_columns = [
    ["name1", "string", "char16"],
    ["name2", "string", "char16"],
    ["since", "long"],
    ["relation", "string", "char32"]

Next, the knows table is created using the GPUdbTable interface:

table_k_obj = gpudb.GPUdbTable(

Finally, the knows records are defined and inserted:

k_records = [
  ["Jane", "Bill", 2010, "friend"],
  ["Bill", "Susan", 1990, "friend"],
  ["Bill", "Alex", 2001, "family"],
  ["Alex", "Tom", 2001, "friend"],
  ["Susan", "Alex", 2002, "friend"]

Graph Creation

One graph is used for the query graph example: social_relationships, a graph based on the people and knows datasets.

The social_relationships graph is created with the following characteristics:

  • It is not directed because relationships between people are inherently bi-directional

  • The people in this graph are represented using nodes detailed in the people table: the person's (NODE_NAME), their main interest (NODE_LABEL), and gender (NODE_LABEL).

  • The relationships in this graph are represented using edges detailed in the knows table: two names to define the relationship (EDGE_NODE1_NAME / EDGE_NODE2_NAME) and the relationship definition (EDGE_LABEL).

  • It has no weights because this example doesn't favor some relationships over others

  • It has no inherent restrictions for any of the nodes or edges in the graph


    Restrictions will be introduced on a per-query basis later.

  • It will be replaced with this instance of the graph if a graph of the same name exists (recreate)

print("Creating {}".format(GRAPH_S))
create_s_graph_response = kinetica.create_graph(
    nodes = [
      TABLE_P + ".name AS NODE_NAME",
      TABLE_P + ".interest AS NODE_LABEL",
      TABLE_P + ".name AS NODE_NAME",
      TABLE_P + ".gender AS NODE_LABEL"
    edges = [
      TABLE_K + ".name1 AS EDGE_NODE1_NAME",
      TABLE_K + ".name2 AS EDGE_NODE2_NAME",
      TABLE_K + ".relation AS EDGE_LABEL"
    weights = [],
    restrictions = [],
        "recreate": "true"

Querying the Graph

Example 1

To find people interested in chess who are connected to a given person, in this case Jane, in some way (but not through family), we define the graph query in the following way:

  • Pass two query identifiers to queries:
    • One using Jane as the name (QUERY_NODE_NAME) of the node from which to begin searching
    • Pass a blank string ("") to separate the first query combination from the second
    • The other using chess as the label of the target nodes to find (QUERY_TARGET_NODE_LABEL)
  • Use the following restrictions:
    • Pass 'family' as the label (RESTRICTIONS_EDGE_LABEL) of the edge in the restriction combination
    • Pass a 0 as an "off" value (RESTRICTIONS_ONOFFCOMPARED) for the edge to set it as restricted
  • Place the results in social_relationships_queried_jane_chess adjacency table
  • Query for nodes within 4 "hops" (rings) of Jane
  • Use the options:
    • Output the targets found to the social_relationships_queried_jane_chess_targets table
query1_s_graph_response = kinetica.query_graph(
    queries = [
      "{'Jane'} AS QUERY_NODE_NAME",
      "{'chess'} AS QUERY_TARGET_NODE_LABEL"
    restrictions = [
      "{'family'} AS RESTRICTIONS_EDGE_LABEL",
      "target_nodes_table": TABLE_Q1_TARGETS

The results are retrieved from the social_relationships_queried_jane_chess adjacency table. The results show two people connected to Jane that are interested in chess, Alex and Tom. The path to each is listed (represented by PATH_ID) and the hops to get there (represented by RING_ID). Note that the PATH_ID and RING_ID data were only available because the QUERY_TARGET_NODE_LABEL query identifier was used in the query:

|         2 |         1 | Jane               | Bill               |               1 |
|         2 |         2 | Bill               | Susan              |               2 |
|         2 |         3 | Susan              | Alex               |               5 |
|         3 |         1 | Jane               | Bill               |               1 |
|         3 |         2 | Bill               | Susan              |               2 |
|         3 |         3 | Susan              | Alex               |               5 |
|         3 |         4 | Alex               | Tom                |               4 |

The targets are retrieved from the social_relationships_queried_jane_chess_targets table, which shows the RING_ID, the query sources, and the targets' names, Alex and Tom. The RING_ID represents the hops required to get from the source to the target.

|         3 | Jane                     | Alex                     |
|         4 | Jane                     | Tom                      |

Example 2

To find people directly connected to a given gender, in this case male, we define the graph query in the following way:

  • Pass a single query to queries using male as the label (QUERY_NODE_LABEL) of the node from which to begin searching
  • Place the results in social_relationships_queried_males adjacency table
  • Use a rings value of 1 to only retrieve immediate connections to males
  • Use the options:
    • Output the targets found to the social_relationships_queried_male_targets table
query2_s_graph_response = kinetica.query_graph(
      "{'male'} AS QUERY_NODE_LABEL"
      "target_nodes_table": TABLE_Q2_TARGETS

The results are retrieved from the social_relationships_queried_male adjacency table. The results show each node within one "hop" of a male node:

| Jane               | Bill               |               1 |
| Bill               | Susan              |               2 |
| Bill               | Alex               |               3 |
| Alex               | Tom                |               4 |
| Bill               | Alex               |               3 |
| Alex               | Tom                |               4 |
| Susan              | Alex               |               5 |

The targets are retrieved from the social_relationships_queried_males_targets target nodes table. The results show the name for all nodes that are connected to the male nodes within one "hop". Duplicate names indicate that person is within one "hop" of more than one male:

| Alex                     |
| Susan                    |
| Jane                     |
| Alex                     |
| Susan                    |
| Tom                      |
| Bill                     |

Example 3

To find people who are of a given gender, in this case female, or are interested in chess, we define the graph query in the following way:

  • Pass a single query to queries using female and chess as the label (QUERY_NODE_LABEL) of the node for which to search
  • Place the results in social_relationships_queried_females_or_chess adjacency table
  • Use a rings value of 0 to only retrieve the nodes that satisfy the query labels
  • Use the options:
    • Output the targets found to the social_relationships_queried_females_or_chess_targets table
query3_s_graph_response = kinetica.query_graph(
      "{'female', 'chess'} AS QUERY_NODE_LABEL",
      "target_nodes_table": TABLE_Q3_TARGETS

There are no results in the social_relationships_queried_females_or_chess because the rings value was set to 0, meaning there will be no adjacencies.

The targets are retrieved from the social_relationships_queried_females_or_chess_targets target nodes table. The results show the name for the nodes that are female or interested in chess:

| Alex                     |
| Tom                      |
| Jane                     |
| Susan                    |

Example 4

To find people directly or indirectly known to a given gender who are interested in chess, we define the graph query in the following way:

  • Pass two query identifiers to queries:
    • One using female as the label (QUERY_NODE_LABEL) of the node from which to begin searching
    • Pass a blank string ("") to separate the first query combination from the second
    • The other using chess as the label of the target nodes to find (QUERY_TARGET_NODE_LABEL)
  • Place the results in social_relationships_queried_females_to_chess adjacency table
  • Use a rings value of 2 to find nodes within two "hops" of the female nodes
  • Use the options:
    • Output the targets found to the social_relationships_queried_females_to_chess_targets table
query4_s_graph_response = kinetica.query_graph(
        "{'female'} AS QUERY_NODE_LABEL",
        "{'chess'} AS QUERY_TARGET_NODE_LABEL"
      "target_nodes_table": TABLE_Q4_TARGETS

The results are retrieved from the social_relationships_queried_females_to_chess adjacency table. The results show two females, Susan and Jane, connected (within two "hops") to two people that are interested in chess, Alex and Tom. The path to each is listed (represented by PATH_ID) and the hops to get there (represented by RING_ID). Note that the PATH_ID and RING_ID data were only available because the QUERY_TARGET_NODE_LABEL query identifier was used in the query:

|         3 |         1 | Jane               | Bill               |               1 |
|         3 |         2 | Bill               | Alex               |               3 |
|         2 |         1 | Susan              | Alex               |               5 |
|         3 |         1 | Susan              | Alex               |               5 |
|         3 |         2 | Alex               | Tom                |               4 |

The targets are retrieved from the social_relationships_queried_females_to_chess target nodes table. The results show the name for the nodes that are interested in chess and the "hops" required to get there:

|         2 | Jane                     | Alex                     |
|         1 | Susan                    | Alex                     |
|         2 | Susan                    | Tom                      |

Download & Run

Included below is a complete example containing all the above requests, the data files, and output.

To run the complete sample, switch to the directory in which the is located, then do the following:

  • If on the Kinetica host:

  • If running after using PyPI or GitHub to install the Python API:
