Query Graph

Employs a topological query on a network graph generated a-priori by Create Graph and returns a list of adjacent edge(s) or node(s), also known as an adjacency list, depending on what's been provided to the endpoint; providing edges will return nodes and providing nodes will return edges.

To determine the node(s) or edge(s) adjacent to a value from a given column, provide a list of values to input parameter queries. This field can be populated with column values from any table as long as the type is supported by the given identifier. See Query Identifiers for more information.

To return the adjacency list in the response, leave input parameter adjacency_table empty.

IMPORTANT: It's highly recommended that you review the Network Graphs & Solvers concepts documentation, the Graph REST Tutorial, and/or some /match/graph examples before using this endpoint.

Input Parameter Description

Name Type Description
graph_name string Name of the graph resource to query.
queries array of strings Nodes or edges to be queried specified using query identifiers. Identifiers can be used with existing column names, e.g., 'table.column AS QUERY_NODE_ID', raw values, e.g., '{0, 2} AS QUERY_NODE_ID', or expressions, e.g., 'ST_MAKEPOINT(table.x, table.y) AS QUERY_NODE_WKTPOINT'. Multiple values can be provided as long as the same identifier is used for all values. If using raw values in an identifier combination, the number of values specified must match across the combination.
restrictions array of strings Additional restrictions to apply to the nodes/edges of an existing graph. Restrictions must be specified using identifiers; identifiers are grouped as combinations. Identifiers can be used with existing column names, e.g., 'table.column AS RESTRICTIONS_EDGE_ID', expressions, e.g., 'column/2 AS RESTRICTIONS_VALUECOMPARED', or raw values, e.g., '{0, 0, 0, 1} AS RESTRICTIONS_ONOFFCOMPARED'. If using raw values in an identifier combination, the number of values specified must match across the combination. The default value is an empty array ( [] ).
adjacency_table string Name of the table to store the resulting adjacencies, in [schema_name.]table_name format, using standard name resolution rules and meeting table naming criteria. If left blank, the query results are instead returned in the response. If the 'QUERY_TARGET_NODE_LABEL' query identifier is used in input parameter queries, then two additional columns will be available: 'PATH_ID' and 'RING_ID'. See Using Labels for more information. The default value is ''.
rings int Sets the number of rings around the node to query for adjacency, with '1' being the edges directly attached to the queried node. Also known as number of hops. For example, if it is set to '2', the edge(s) directly attached to the queried node(s) will be returned; in addition, the edge(s) attached to the node(s) attached to the initial ring of edge(s) surrounding the queried node(s) will be returned. If the value is set to '0', any nodes that meet the criteria in input parameter queries and input parameter restrictions will be returned. This parameter is only applicable when querying nodes. The default value is 1.
options map of string to strings

Additional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys) Parameter Description

If set to true, all inbound edges and outbound edges relative to the node will be returned. If set to false, only outbound edges relative to the node will be returned. This parameter is only applicable if the queried graph input parameter graph_name is directed and when querying nodes. Consult Directed Graphs for more details. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
limit When specified (>0), limits the number of query results. The size of the nodes table will be limited by the limit value. The default value is '0'.

If true then concatenated wkt line segments will be added as the WKT column of the adjacency table. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

If set to true, the result of the query has entities that satisfy all of the target labels, instead of any. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
server_id Indicates which graph server(s) to send the request to. Default is to send to the server, amongst those containing the corresponding graph, that has the most computational bandwidth.
output_charn_length When specified (>0 and <=256), limits the number of char length on the output tables for string based nodes. The default length is 64. The default value is '64'.

Output Parameter Description

Name Type Description
result boolean Indicates a successful query.
adjacency_list_int_array array of longs The adjacency entity integer ID: either edge IDs per node requested (if using QUERY_EDGE_ID or QUERY_NODE1_ID and QUERY_NODE2_ID in the input) or two node IDs per edge requested (if using QUERY_NODE_ID in the input).
adjacency_list_string_array array of strings The adjacency entity string ID: either edge IDs per node requested (if using QUERY_EDGE_NAME or QUERY_NODE1_NAME and QUERY_NODE2_NAME in the input) or two node IDs per edge requested (if using QUERY_NODE_NAME in the input).
adjacency_list_wkt_array array of strings The adjacency entity WKTPOINT or WKTLINE ID: either edge IDs per node requested (if using QUERY_EDGE_WKTLINE or QUERY_NODE1_WKTPOINT and QUERY_NODE2_WKTPOINT in the input) or two node IDs per edge requested (if using QUERY_NODE_WKTPOINT in the input).
info map of string to strings Additional information.