
URL: https://<aws.fqdn>/<aws.cluster.name>/gpudb-0/modify/graph

Update an existing graph network using given nodes, edges, weights, restrictions, and options.

IMPORTANT: It's highly recommended that you review the Network Graphs & Solvers concepts documentation, and Graph REST Tutorial before using this endpoint.

Input Parameter Description

Name Type Description
graph_name string Name of the graph resource to modify.
nodes array of strings Nodes with which to update existing input parameter nodes in graph specified by input parameter graph_name. Review Nodes for more information. Nodes must be specified using identifiers; identifiers are grouped as combinations. Identifiers can be used with existing column names, e.g., 'table.column AS NODE_ID', expressions, e.g., 'ST_MAKEPOINT(column1, column2) AS NODE_WKTPOINT', or raw values, e.g., '{9, 10, 11} AS NODE_ID'. If using raw values in an identifier combination, the number of values specified must match across the combination. Identifier combination(s) do not have to match the method used to create the graph, e.g., if column names were specified to create the graph, expressions or raw values could also be used to modify the graph.
edges array of strings Edges with which to update existing input parameter edges in graph specified by input parameter graph_name. Review Edges for more information. Edges must be specified using identifiers; identifiers are grouped as combinations. Identifiers can be used with existing column names, e.g., 'table.column AS EDGE_ID', expressions, e.g., 'SUBSTR(column, 1, 6) AS EDGE_NODE1_NAME', or raw values, e.g., "{'family', 'coworker'} AS EDGE_LABEL". If using raw values in an identifier combination, the number of values specified must match across the combination. Identifier combination(s) do not have to match the method used to create the graph, e.g., if column names were specified to create the graph, expressions or raw values could also be used to modify the graph.
weights array of strings Weights with which to update existing input parameter weights in graph specified by input parameter graph_name. Review Weights for more information. Weights must be specified using identifiers; identifiers are grouped as combinations. Identifiers can be used with existing column names, e.g., 'table.column AS WEIGHTS_EDGE_ID', expressions, e.g., 'ST_LENGTH(wkt) AS WEIGHTS_VALUESPECIFIED', or raw values, e.g., '{4, 15} AS WEIGHTS_VALUESPECIFIED'. If using raw values in an identifier combination, the number of values specified must match across the combination. Identifier combination(s) do not have to match the method used to create the graph, e.g., if column names were specified to create the graph, expressions or raw values could also be used to modify the graph.
restrictions array of strings Restrictions with which to update existing input parameter restrictions in graph specified by input parameter graph_name. Review Restrictions for more information. Restrictions must be specified using identifiers; identifiers are grouped as combinations. Identifiers can be used with existing column names, e.g., 'table.column AS RESTRICTIONS_EDGE_ID', expressions, e.g., 'column/2 AS RESTRICTIONS_VALUECOMPARED', or raw values, e.g., '{0, 0, 0, 1} AS RESTRICTIONS_ONOFFCOMPARED'. If using raw values in an identifier combination, the number of values specified must match across the combination. Identifier combination(s) do not have to match the method used to create the graph, e.g., if column names were specified to create the graph, expressions or raw values could also be used to modify the graph.
options map of string to strings

Optional parameters. The default value is an empty map ( {} ).

Supported Parameters (keys) Parameter Description
restriction_threshold_value Value-based restriction comparison. Any node or edge with a RESTRICTIONS_VALUECOMPARED value greater than the restriction_threshold_value will not be included in the graph.

If set to true, returns the graph topology in the response as arrays. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

If set to true, adds a 'EDGE_WKTLINE' column identifier to the specified graph_table so the graph can be viewed via WMS; for social and non-geospatial graphs, the 'EDGE_WKTLINE' column identifier will be populated with spatial coordinates derived from a flattening layout algorithm so the graph can still be viewed. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

If set to true, the graph will be saved in the persist directory (see the config reference for more information). If set to false, the graph will be removed when the graph server is shutdown. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

Adds a table monitor to every table used in the creation of the graph; this table monitor will trigger the graph to update dynamically upon inserts to the source table(s). Note that upon database restart, if save_persist is also set to true, the graph will be fully reconstructed and the table monitors will be reattached. For more details on table monitors, see /create/tablemonitor. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
graph_table If specified, the created graph is also created as a table with the given name, in [schema_name.]table_name format, using standard name resolution rules and meeting table naming criteria. This table will have the following identifier columns: 'EDGE_ID', 'EDGE_NODE1_ID', 'EDGE_NODE2_ID'. If left blank, no table is created. The default value is ''.

When RESTRICTIONS on labeled entities requested, if set to true this will NOT delete the entity but only the label associated with the entity. Otherwise (default), it'll delete the label AND the entity. The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false

Adds dummy 'pillowed' edges around intersection nodes where there are more than three edges so that additional weight penalties can be imposed by the solve endpoints. (increases the total number of edges). The default value is false. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
turn_angle Value in degrees modifies the thresholds for attributing right, left, sharp turns, and intersections. It is the vertical deviation angle from the incoming edge to the intersection node. The larger the value, the larger the threshold for sharp turns and intersections; the smaller the value, the larger the threshold for right and left turns; 0 < turn_angle < 90. The default value is '60'.

Use an range tree structure to accelerate and improve the accuracy of snapping, especially to edges. The default value is true. The supported values are:

  • true
  • false
label_delimiter If provided the label string will be split according to this delimiter and each sub-string will be applied as a separate label onto the specified edge. The default value is ''.

Output Parameter Description

The GPUdb server embeds the endpoint response inside a standard response structure which contains status information and the actual response to the query. Here is a description of the various fields of the wrapper:

Name Type Description
status String 'OK' or 'ERROR'
message String Empty if success or an error message
data_type String 'modify_graph_response' or 'none' in case of an error
data String Empty string
data_str JSON or String

This embedded JSON represents the result of the /modify/graph endpoint:

Name Type Description
result boolean Indicates a successful modification on all servers.
num_nodes long Total number of nodes in the graph.
num_edges long Total number of edges in the graph.
edges_ids array of longs Edges given as pairs of node indices. Only populated if export_create_results is set to true.
info map of string to strings Additional information.

Empty string in case of an error.